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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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He supported infrastructure spending

Well, I was more or less joking about that, but Hamilton's plan for consolidating the debt did result in the first speculative boom based on that revolutionary debt. The common soldiers got screwed while the wealthy, including congressmen and government officials, were able to amass some impressive wealth.

Jefferson called this rank corruption, and I can imagine Sanders doing the same.
also, grade school english classes are losing their ability to teach about punctuation because you keep using so many fucking unnecessary commas
Holy shit, is Daniel B actually Lark Voorhies?!

from Lisa Turtle's book said:


New in Trump tweets:

"@metalmom888: @Theresa_Cali If the GOP screws Trump, his millions will walk from the GOP never to return! They better think long and hard"

"@AnnCoulter: GOP is trying to steal nomination from the winner (Trump) not block an insurgent catching up 2 frontrunner (Sanders)."

"@becker_berta: @vivhall3 @Reince Millions more will burn their Republican registration if GOP continues to subvert the will of the people."

Delicious. I love the threat to burn the GOP down.


Word. For most of the election, I didn't even see Trump as a real candidate. When other people spoke out against him, I didn't even really bother because I thought talking about him was a waste of my breath, as I thought he had no shot at the presidency.

The fact that he made it this far has genuinely upset me and made me realize just how easily manipulated the American people are. Just go on TV and talk shit about the other candidates and win millions of votes? Really, America? How can you not see that he's a master manipulator?

Maybe I've just reached a point in my life where I've become extraordinarily jaded, but part of the reason that Trump is so boring to me is that the hatred he profits off of is in no way to me a revelation. The benefit of being black in this country, I guess. I take joy in the embarrassment of the Republican Party, but I have no interest in the man himself. He's a weak, hateful man. End of.

People are legitimately shocked, and in large numbers. Honestly, that's the most surprising thing to me.
I think the disconnect is more about our different political systems than anything. Germany has a parlimentary/coalition government sort of thing right? Well, in that sort of system Bernie might actually have a chance to get some of his policy proposals passed, but as President of the United States? No chance in hell.

He is promising everything and the kitchen sink, completely unrealistic proposals considering he is going to definitely have a republican house and likely have a republican senate. Moreover, he has done absolutely nothing to try to tilt that balance towards the democrats or even tried to build up a solid support of other democrats to help push his agenda.

He is absolutely all talk and he has no idea and no plan at all to turn that talk into actual change. I think he is going to be a completely ineffectual president because of his pie in the sky ideas as well as an ideological temperment that will likely prevent him from doing the bargaining and compromising to get actual legislation passed.

Yeah, I like Sanders a lot, but it's become abundantly clear in the last few months that the man simply does not have the policy expertise nor the temperament to be an effective President. Those who have called him the Ted Cruz of the left have gone much too far, because Bernie does seem to be a genuinely nice guy who cares a lot about the underprivileged and the downtrodden, but when you combine the totally fudged economics of his plans, his lack of foreign policy knowledge in the most global era in human history thus far, his tendency to either minimize or go WAY too far on the subject of race ("white people don't know what it's like to be poor"), the fact that he has spent most of his political career championing "good" causes while minimizing time spent in the muck of governance because of Vermont's ideological weirdness, he is basically the opposite of what you need in a POTUS right now. That he is right about the general trend of the country in the last 30 years - namely, the total rigging of the political system in favor of the moneyed classes and the institutions of which they are in control - does not ameliorate his many flaws as a candidate. When you combine that with the fact that the GOP is going to be RUTHLESS with him if he is the candidate, Bernie is just a bad choice all around.


Maybe I've just reached a point in my life where I've become extraordinarily jaded, but part of the reason that Trump is so boring to me is that the hatred he profits off of is in no way to me a revelation. The benefit of being black in this country, I guess. I take joy in the embarrassment of the Republican Party, but I have no interest in the man himself. He's a weak, hateful man. End of.

People are legitimately shocked, and in large numbers. Honestly, that's the most surprising thing to me.

I'm not shocked at the racism. I'm shocked that the racism is so open. I'm young, and not black, so I'm used to seeing racism being implied and not stated outright. I had no idea that a candidate so openly racist would be so successful. I'm glad that the GOP is being humiliated by this guy. I've been saying for months, "You reap what you sow". They finally see the monster they have created.

A Donald Trump presidency would be a worldwide embarrassment for this country. It'd be a huge symbol to the rest of the world stating "Yes, Americans are still stupid" Someone who supports Donald Trump is no friend of mine, end of story.


I try to avoid it for my own sake, but I dipped my toe in reddit/twitter salt today. Glorious.

Apparently, the DNC rigged Wyoming because how else could Bernie win by double digits and not net any delegates? Also, surrogate ballots were created by Hillary specifically to take Bernie down. Finally, literally everybody who reported on the results are in the tank with DWS. Numbers that are not good for Bernie have no place on the internet.
I hate these people. They're probably all Bernie Bros. Except this redhead who's with the douchiest douche. #bushwick

I got a tinder match though and she seems cool
I hate these people. They're probably all Bernie Bros. Except this redhead who's with the douchiest douche. #bushwick

I got a tinder match though and she seems cool

I should be your wing man. I could find someone chill for you. I'm huge with the Hill Girls. They love me at The Home. I give them TWO butter scotch puddings. And that's barely a euphemism.
Correction: the red head told me her hair is pink and her name is Carla and she has a bartender friend with a flat top who works at the karaoke bar we're going to.

/public service announcement
Yeah, I like Sanders a lot, but it's become abundantly clear in the last few months that the man simply does not have the policy expertise nor the temperament to be an effective President. Those who have called him the Ted Cruz of the left have gone much too far, because Bernie does seem to be a genuinely nice guy who cares a lot about the underprivileged and the downtrodden, but when you combine the totally fudged economics of his plans, his lack of foreign policy knowledge in the most global era in human history thus far, his tendency to either minimize or go WAY too far on the subject of race ("white people don't know what it's like to be poor"), the fact that he has spent most of his political career championing "good" causes while minimizing time spent in the muck of governance because of Vermont's ideological weirdness, he is basically the opposite of what you need in a POTUS right now. That he is right about the general trend of the country in the last 30 years - namely, the total rigging of the political system in favor of the moneyed classes and the institutions of which they are in control - does not ameliorate his many flaws as a candidate. When you combine that with the fact that the GOP is going to be RUTHLESS with him if he is the candidate, Bernie is just a bad choice all around.
You got it all wrong brahh, If we overtax the wealthy, it will harm the economy and they wont be able to stimulate job growth. The 'moneyed classes' are not the enemy, why engage in class warfare like this? Do you doubt the success of capitalism?

User 406

wtf I want McDonalds... come to California on June 7th Clinton pls feed me

WTF, I voted for Hillary in Ohio and all I got was a rush of self-superiority. Where's my fast food Hillary?!?


a hilldawg i m running out of hotpockets to put in the oven

we get "I [Ohio] Voting" stickers

It was so unspeakably lame, i can't count that. Damn state doesn't even look that much like a heart.

Ohio looks like a perfectly normal heart, raised on a perfectly normal American diet of corn syrup and fryer grease.
We ain't got no young voters so winning the support of a small percentage would be more than enough for us. Young people from here are more hyped about the US elections than our election just because of Sanders lol. He certainly generates some interest in politics among young folks regardless of lower voter turnout (btw got any good numbers for the voter turnout of young people?)

Neither does the US.

Interest means fuck all without results.

Stats are complicated. Democratic turnout is down overall. You'll see some primaries where the percentage of youth vote went up from 08 but the actual number of young voters is down.

At 17 percent so far in 2016, turnout about young voters could end up its highest in Democratic primaries since 1976, up from 14 percent in 2008, 9 percent in 2004 and 8 percent in 2000. They make up a more than one in 10 Wisconsin voters in preliminary results


Exciting right?

But wait


Ok so for ease of math let's say there's a potential electorate of 1000 people.

In 2008 the overall turnout would be 195 democratic voters. 14% of them were youth: that gives us about 27 youth voters

In 2016 the overall turnout would be 117 democratic voters. 17% of them were youth: that gives us about 20 youth voters.

So while the % is up the turnout is down ergo Sanders is not inspiring an actual increase in youth votes at all.

Which is why he's losing to Clinton despite his huge youth support.

And even if I adjusted 2016 and increased the total electorate by 25% to say 1250 to account for a potential overall electorate increase (and I doubt it grew by 25%) the total number of youth voters is still about 25 which is still down in total numbers from 08.


Once again I'm asleep when the good stuff happens. Congratulations on getting the job at Apple Adam, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Unconfirmed Member
I should be your wing man. I could find someone chill for you. I'm huge with the Hill Girls. They love me at The Home. I give them TWO butter scotch puddings. And that's barely a euphemism.
SMH trying to take advantage of a vulnerable rebound when they come off a long term relationship with
their recently deceased husband of 75 years.


She lost but overperformed is the gist of it.

Well that doesn't help my Facebook feed from blowing up with sanders momentum

6 states in a row!!!!!!

Also the sites I see on my feed totally don't give a shit that sanders invited himself to the Vatican, and the pope won't even be there.
Noted. But, I'm just saying, as I'm sure I've said before, that the community thread isn't a clubhouse to whine about people in other threads.

I mean there are real people to point at and laugh. Like Jeff Weaver.
We believe any accurate read of pledged delegate counts show that Senator Sanders is closing fast on Secretary Clinton, and that neither candidate will have a pledged delegate majority of 2,383 at the conclusion of voting.
... who either can't count or continues to intentionally try and mislead people because he's shit.


Are we allowed to discuss what the sanders reddit is trying to organise? I.e. More delegate flipping at state conventions to grab delegates from Clinton?

Because frankly I still think that's one of the worse aspects of this campaign. I understand it's part and parcel of the caucus system, which is in itself utterly garbage, but I just don't get how people are happy about stealing votes. They are literally trying to overrule what the majority of voters wanted because they know better and because their cause is righteous and their cause is just.


Are we allowed to discuss what the sanders reddit is trying to organise? I.e. More delegate flipping at state conventions to grab delegates from Clinton?

Because frankly I still think that's one of the worse aspects of this campaign. I understand it's part and parcel of the caucus system, which is in itself utterly garbage, but I just don't get how people are happy about stealing votes. They are literally trying to overrule what the majority of voters wanted because they know better and because their cause is righteous and their cause is just.

I'm curious to see what happens post NYC to reddit, twitter and FB as a whole if Sanders flounders hard enough.


If it were my candidate I'd be trying to get delegates anyway possible.

Idk politics is dirty. Sorry that grandma couldn't show up to work!!

(In reality it's trash caucuses are trash and delegates should be awarded purely proportionally and locked in to the popular vote count)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I still think one of my favorite moments of college was Tammy Bruce trying to say conservatives care more about the environment because conservation and conservative share a root word. Apropos of nothing.
Didn't one of the Republican candidates use a version of this in a debate this season? I can't think who exactly.



And even though Cruz appears to have the upper hand now, delegates are all people who can change their minds, the Kasich team says. Leading up to the convention, they plan to point to poll after poll showing Kasich with the best chance of defeating the Democratic nominee in November. Kasich's popularity in Ohio and the convention's location in Cleveland could help bring home the point that he could offer Republicans a chance to play in important swing states.

The very same delegate-picking process that appears to favor Cruz right now will end up favoring Kasich, the argument goes. Even delegates leaning toward Cruz now aren't devoted to him wholeheartedly. They have grabbed hold of the idea that he can stop Trump, but they're open to Kasich, his supporters argue. Even Republicans who find Kasich too moderate on immigration, Medicaid expansion and Common Core would rather elect him than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Plus, a loss to Democrats in the presidential election could kick off a wave of losses in Congress.

Really starting to worry that Kasich will be able to pull something off at the convention. Trump and Cruz will likely be going ballistic, with Kasich emerging as the guy delegates can flock to to save face and focus on winning the GE.

It's too bad he didn't drop out earlier. His team might just be able to pull something off.

Really starting to worry that Kasich will be able to pull something off at the convention. Trump and Cruz will likely be going ballistic, with Kasich emerging as the guy delegates can flock to to save face and focus on winning the GE.

It's too bad he didn't drop out earlier. His team might just be able to pull something off.

I hope that he does as it would virtually guarantee a Trump third-party candidacy
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