User 463088
SNL openng with "Hillary."
I know. A big mess. I just can't imagine a democratic outcome being ignored and subverted in a western democracy.Let's see...
Their frontrunner has amassed his following by demonizing Mexicans and Muslims, and trivializing the needs and opinions of pretty much every other minority group and women. He's a national embarrassment. A walking, breathing reminder that America still has a lot to be ashamed about. But the only way the Republican Establishment can topple him is by dramatically subverting the will of the people.
I don't think there's any side here worth liking. It's all one big, glorious, embarrassing mess.
I see what you did thereI know. A big mess. I just can't imagine a democratic outcome being ignored and subverted in a western democracy.
European Social Democrats would kill for somebody like Sanders. Lately there were many articles about the crisis of Social Democratic Parties (esp in Germany) and their struggle to find somebody who mobilises young people and somebody who returns to the old social democratic values. The whole media is interested in the US elections and mainly supports Sanders. Actually, everyone I know wants Sanders to be president (all my friends, colleagues, party members). But PoliGAF seems to hate Sanders, which is ultra strange to me.
That concession speech by Bernie in June is going to be something.
European Social Democrats would kill for somebody like Sanders. Lately there were many articles about the crisis of Social Democratic Parties (esp in Germany) and their struggle to find somebody who mobilises young people and somebody who returns to the old social democratic values. The whole media is interested in the US elections and mainly supports Sanders. Actually, everyone I know wants Sanders to be president (all my friends, colleagues, party members). But PoliGAF seems to hate Sanders, which is ultra strange to me.
He hasn't mobilized them though. He's just won the support of the small percentage that already vote.
There is not some brand new never before seen level of young voters.
That's the thing no one seems to want to admit is true: youth turnout is down compared to 2008.
European Social Democrats would kill for somebody like Sanders. Lately there were many articles about the crisis of Social Democratic Parties (esp in Germany) and their struggle to find somebody who mobilises young people and somebody who returns to the old social democratic values. The whole media is interested in the US elections and mainly supports Sanders. Actually, everyone I know wants Sanders to be president (all my friends, colleagues, party members). But PoliGAF seems to hate Sanders, which is ultra strange to me.
Damn, Al Sharpton has gotten skinny.
Yeah good luck with that
Man of the people and Brooklyn "native" has to use special privileges to see popular play whereas Clinton was once again way ahead of him.
Just for the record I'm just joking around here.
I don't hate Bernie Sanders .I mean, I can't say that I like him. I don't wish him ill. I just want him to go back to Vermont and the Senate please and thank you. I can't stand the way he's acted during this campaign. He seems like a cranky man who doesn't have the temperament to run a national campaign. let alone be President.
i don't hate Hillary Clinton. I mean, I can't say that I like her. I don't wish her ill. I just want her to go back to New York and the Senate please and thank you. I can't stand the way she's acted during this campaign. She seems like a cranky woman who doesn't have the temperament to run a national campaign. let alone be President.
He hasn't mobilized them though. He's just won the support of the small percentage that already vote.
There is not some brand new never before seen level of young voters.
Bernie strikes me as more of a Jefferson guy than a Hamilton guy
There's this weird wantabee rock band in this bushwisk bar with the saddest group of groupies.
There's this weird wantabee rock band in this bushwisk bar with the saddest group of groupies.
I'm getting drunk though.
Btw Bernie is winning hipster bushwick there are paintings of him. It's kinda creepy
Who says I dont?Get drunk at home.
On a Tuesday.
At noon.
Like the rest of us.
European Social Democrats would kill for somebody like Sanders. Lately there were many articles about the crisis of Social Democratic Parties (esp in Germany) and their struggle to find somebody who mobilises young people and somebody who returns to the old social democratic values. The whole media is interested in the US elections and mainly supports Sanders. Actually, everyone I know wants Sanders to be president (all my friends, colleagues, party members). But PoliGAF seems to hate Sanders, which is ultra strange to me.
Is he going to endorse Hillary on SNL? (I'm kidding, but I do think that she has him as a break glass in case of emergency endorsement.)
For the most part, I don't really get the point of vilification to the extent that one would describe it as hatred for any of these candidates.
It seems a regular occurrence against Clinton. I've also seen it against Sanders, in my view to a lesser extent. But the latter may be more concentrated in here.
Weirdly, it isn't often directed at Trump.
He is absolutely all talk and he has no idea and no plan at all to turn that talk into actual change. I think he is going to bea completely ineffectual president because of his pie in the sky ideas as well as an ideological temperment that will likely prevent him from doing the bargaining and compromising to get actual legislation passed.
The show makes a point of emphasizing Alexander Hamilton's role in the US banking system, and making New York the capital of it, so yeah, probably (no idea how accurate this actually is).
It is. Jefferson also was a huge ideologue who preached about the common man and having a revolution after every generation. Jefferson was all about soaring rhetoric and high-minded ideals.
I havent seen the play, but the book that it is based off of basically shits all over Jefferson so I am kinda interested about what Sanders thinks of it.
I pregamed to it. I need help.You should listen to the broadway cast recording. IT IS SO GOOD. I've been addicted to it for months.
I've been considering flying out to NYC by myself just to watch it.
Donald Trump is a cartoon villain. And not a good cartoon villain. Like, one of those shitty cartoon villains. Like one of the villains from Captain Planet or something. I do my part to speak out against him irl, but after that I move on because the man is lower than dirt with no redeeming qualities. He's not even funny when you get over the shocking nature of the things he says (and that happened for me around the time Rubio left the race. "Lyin' Ted" has been about as worthwhile a foil as...well, foil). What else is there to talk about.
Bernie gets more talk in here because mot of us are Democrats (or at least seem to be), so there's a level of personal investment in how this race turn out.
Jefferson is crap and would be a tea partier. He also was a slave owning rapest
Any socialist should like Hamilton better. Central power > States rights.
I don't know why you're posting this? Never said Europe as a whole would vote for Sanders. Social Democrats don't form the majority here, conservative parties do and they don't like Sanders at all.
Actually, everyone I know wants Sanders to be president (all my friends, colleagues, party members).
He supported infrastructure spendingBut Hamilton is an evil corportist banker who was one of the originators of the conspiracy of the rich against the common man
Word. For most of the election, I didn't even see Trump as a real candidate. When other people spoke out against him, I didn't even really bother because I thought talking about him was a waste of my breath, as I thought he had no shot at the presidency.
The fact that he made it this far has genuinely upset me and made me realize just how easily manipulated the American people are. Just go on TV and talk shit about the other candidates and win millions of votes? Really, America? How can you not see that he's a master manipulator?
Put in for tickets first, the wait is insane.
Just looked at the current ticket master prices. Even rear mezzanine tickets are going for $800, when they were still in the 300 range a few months ago. Damn grammys.