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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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This is one of the things that pissed me off the most. He didn't give the infrastructure investments in the swing states because they weren't advantageous to him. That's a huge freaking problem! Ugh. I mean, I don't think it will matter...but come on!

we have won already. Let me repeat we have won already. Adam cool it. Take a break. Enjoy work like we all are or arent. Read a few good books. Running out clock and math is basically what we are doing until June 7th. No point in getting mad at wacky bernie at this point.
Well that answers the question of whether Bernie will finally give up after New York

Guess so.

It would be a decent delegate gain for Hillary.


Like it's not a matter of margin. If she wins a state, he's losing ground he can't afford to.

And New York is the second biggest delegate prize remaining.

I meant what would he have to win remaining delegates percentage wise. 60% or something along those lines..

Why do this if he gets wrecked?


This is one of the things that pissed me off the most. He didn't give the infrastructure investments in the swing states because they weren't advantageous to him. That's a huge freaking problem! Ugh. I mean, I don't think it will matter...but come on!

It was a domain name joke ;) .va -> Vatican


we have won already. Let me repeat we have won already. Adam cool it. Take a break. Enjoy work like we all are or arent. Read a few good books. Running out clock and math is basically what we are doing until June 7th. No point in getting mad at wacky bernie at this point.

I'm fairly confident about Hillary's chances. The FBI situation is the only wildcard but there is nothing that anyone can do about it until their recommendation drops. Electorally, Clinton basically locked up the nomination on the 15th. A huge win in NY followed by another sweep on the 26th would just be so damn satisfying.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Really starting to worry that Kasich will be able to pull something off at the convention. Trump and Cruz will likely be going ballistic, with Kasich emerging as the guy delegates can flock to to save face and focus on winning the GE.

It's too bad he didn't drop out earlier. His team might just be able to pull something off.

Come on, guys.

They aren't picking Kasich. If Trump doesn't get first ballot, it's Cruz all the way.


I'm fairly confident about Hillary's chances. The FBI situation is the only wildcard but there is nothing that anyone can do about it until their recommendation drops. Electorally, Clinton basically locked up the nomination on the 15th. A huge win in NY followed by another sweep on the 26th would just be so damn satisfying.

I am confident about 4 out of 5 on the 26th with RI being the toss up. We need new RI numbers.
jeez oh man you guys a .va link was posted on this very page

Brah, I'm not smart enough to remember things like domains and shit.

And I will relax when she has 2383 delegates. Until then, I'm phone banking and doing what I can. I will not have this ripped away from me this time. I've waited 8 long freaking years. I want her to feast on his souuuuuuul.


Brah, I'm not smart enough to remember things like domains and shit.

And I will relax when she has 2383 delegates. Until then, I'm phone banking and doing what I can. I will not have this ripped away from me this time. I've waited 8 long freaking years. I want her to feast on his souuuuuuul.

But are you facebanking?


I want to be fair and say that Tad Devine has been pretty consistent with his point about superdelegates endorsements being detrimental to democracy during the campaign.

Tad Devine wrote an Op-ed in 2008 saying that super delegates shouldn't be part of the campaign. Media shouldn't be counting them until the convention. And they shouldn't try to influence the campaign by announcing their pledge before the convention because it diminishes the power of the voters.

His point was that Obama and Clinton shouldn't be fighting for super delegates DURING the campaign but for the normal voters.

So in that point he is been kind of consistent.

Where he changed is that in that same Op-ed he argued that super delegates only role is to pledge to the candidate who won the most pledged delegates.

"After listening to the voters, the superdelegates can do what the Democratic Party’s rules originally envisioned. They can ratify the results of the primaries and caucuses in all 50 states"



I always felt the ehtusiasm arguement was bullshit. Hilalry voters aren't on twitter and face book with the memes and fanfiction. THey go to the booth and do what they feel they need to do and call it a day.

Yawp. I have stopped engaging all the Bernie supporters on FB. Those that are still posting talk about independent runs or post dank Hillary memes
am I doing that right?

Meanwhile, the rest of us like my mother, extended family, and myself keep our heads down and fill in the circles. My brother was harassing my mom about who she voted for on election day. I stopped by her house on the 6th and asked who she had selected. She gave me a glance a wink and a fist bump, and that was that.

Also, in the Pennsylvania poll:

It's a closed primary. You had until March 26th to register or switch parties, If you look at the cross tabs, Hillary's ahead 55/35 among people registered as Dems. I'm not sure how this figures into shit, but I can't figure out why they broke it down the way they did. All I can think, these are independents who when pushed said they switched their registration?
Also, in the Pennsylvania poll:

It's a closed primary. You had until March 26th to register or switch parties, If you look at the cross tabs, Hillary's ahead 55/35 among people registered as Dems. I'm not sure how this figures into shit, but I can't figure out why they broke it down the way they did. All I can think, these are independents who when pushed said they switched their registration?

Self-ID independents. They're registered as Democrats but don't identify as such.

It's 57-36 in NY if you go by that metric.
Self-ID independents. They're registered as Democrats but don't identify as such.

It's 57-36 in NY if you go by that metric.

That seems weird. I don't doubt you at all, just seems weird to me. You're registered as something....so you're that thing.

That whole Penn poll just seems off. She leads women by 21, whites by 6, AA voters by 47, she's down 3 with men...but only ahead by 11? Just seems weird.
That seems weird. I don't doubt you at all, just seems weird to me. You're registered as something....so you're that thing.

That whole Penn poll just seems off. She leads women by 21, whites by 6, AA voters by 47, she's down 3 with men...but only ahead by 11? Just seems weird.
When men account for 42% of the vote, losing them counts for a lot.
I don't like you smearing the Dark Lord like that.

I have....um...feelings for Voldemort. (Not even lying about that, btw). I had a crush on the Dark Lord when I was younger. IDK. I need help.
Every day I find out something new that just has me confused.

Edit- Cummins endorsement.. I'm shocked I tell you.. Shocked.

I'm not.


That seems weird. I don't doubt you at all, just seems weird to me. You're registered as something....so you're that thing.

That whole Penn poll just seems off. She leads women by 21, whites by 6, AA voters by 47, she's down 3 with men...but only ahead by 11? Just seems weird.
I wouldn't think about it too much. It's a poll and the primary is in over 2 weeks. Take it for what it is and move on.
I can kind of understand the appeal. Guy has shitty how life and is bullied and becomes all powerful in reaction to it. But.... evil.

: sigh : I know. He's so tragic. He didn't have love. Or a nose. I could have changed him. I promise. He just needed some snuggles.

: cough :

I went weird again didn't I?
Getting caught up on the Daily Show, I just went from loving it to hating it in the space of 2 episodes. Lindsey Graham was HILARIOUS, but now they're doing this bit on the debate dates and it's just ugh :/


Getting caught up on the Daily Show, I just went from loving it to hating it in the space of 2 episodes. Lindsey Graham was HILARIOUS, but now they're doing this bit on the debate dates and it's just ugh :/
It's not what it used to be. Trevor Noah is alright but he's never going to live up to Jon Stewart.
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