Looking at the muslim policing thread, looks like clinton supporters are more islamphobic. Sanders supporters are the most moral supporters of them all!
Also sanders spoke out against the crime bill, so its not like it was pure hindsight that the bill failed (not saying hes a prophet but more pointing to the fact that people forsaw what it would cause). Its one thing to believe in something that everyone else believed would work and then it fails versus something forseeable
mostly kidding but doesn't surprise me based on demographics. Also anyone surprised that pumping a proprietary blend of organic solvents and surfactants into the ground at a pressure that causes earthquakes may poison water/people really needs to learn how compatible human life is with ingesting solvents/surfactants (hint we developed a whole enzyme just to clear the most common one and yet we still drink it)
Also sanders spoke out against the crime bill, so its not like it was pure hindsight that the bill failed (not saying hes a prophet but more pointing to the fact that people forsaw what it would cause). Its one thing to believe in something that everyone else believed would work and then it fails versus something forseeable