Things to remember about the guy that the GOPe has settled on:
-Wants to reinstate the Gold Standard, probably leading to a massive recession.
-Wants to raise taxes on the poor and seniors to cut taxes nearly to zero for the rich.
-Wants to blow up the debt by $12T while balancing the budget.
-Wants to monitor Muslim communities
-Wants to make it impossible for raped women to get abortions
-May or may not want to nuke the Middle East
-Extremely pro war crimes
-Wanted the U.S. to default on its debt and destroy the world economy to prove a point
-Shut down the government over an attempt to prop himself up and throw all of his colleagues under the bus, pretending that he could defend Obamacare if it just had more support from the RINOs.
-Supports Auditing the Fed to undermine its independence if he doesn't destroy the economy via the Gold Standard.
-Wants to end Affirmative Action
-Loves Jesse Helms
-Believes liberals are fascists for thinking that gay people are human beings
-Loves Sisi
-Wants to build a wall across the Mexican border
-Wants to deport 11 million people
-Wants to rip up the Iran deal
-Wants to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem
-Friends with Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck is on trial for slander.
-Has foreign policy adviser who believes Obama is a Muslim.
-Friend with pastor who will probably murder several gay men soon.
-And he's just fucking crazy:
This is the guy that the GOPe had to settle on.