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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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If Trump somehow wins the nomination with this level of incompetence, I think even the most "centrist" journalist should admit that no one in the GOP is a functional politician.



"Bernie has won 55.8% of delegates in non-southern states so far. To win the majority of delegates he needs to win 56.4% of the remaining delegates. Don't let others discourage you. We are less than 1% away from being on right on track to win."



I'll be curious to see their "polls" that lead to Bernie winning pledged delegates by 1 after he loses by 10% or more in New York.
My favorite are the NY, PA, MD, NJ and CA numbers.
I spoke with Warren Gunnels, Sanders’s policy director, and he told me that the senator doesn’t believe there is a trade-­off to be made. Sanders believes that raising the minimum wage, spending a trillion dollars on infrastructure and offering free college will fundamentally shift the structure of our economy toward the poor and middle class. It will inspire such enthusiasm and determination that more people will work harder and invest more, and the country will easily generate the tax income to pay for it. Hence, Sanders’s plans won’t cost money; they’ll raise money.
The article is actually pretty generous in proffering that he knows this is at odds with reality empirically backed orthodoxy, and just doesn't care. I'm less certain.
The article is actually pretty generous in proffering that he knows this is at odds with reality empirically backed orthodoxy.

This is good because it creates a crisis of capital in favor the workers, making a full overthrow of capitalist society more likely.

Bernie is a true socialist.
So last night I talked to a Republican who won't vote at all.

Anyway, according to him, Obama has been the most hard line President ever. That from day one he refused to negotiate on anything and demanding "his way or the highway."

I feel like people live in an alternate universe, man. I ran through a litany of things to disprove this, to which I got pretty much no reply.

In the end, I was given a line like "Even if the GOP refused to negotiate from the get go a real leader would have lead and gone beyond that and brought them to the table."

I then asked him to name me his favorite President Leaders all time and he expectedly listed Lincoln first. So of course I told him that Lincoln, your greatest leader, couldn't bring the South to the table and it led to their secession and a brutal civil war and his assassination. So, are you saying Obama should have fought a civil war against the GOP or are you just making shit up about "leading?"

He basically threw me a "well, whatever we just don't agree." lol

It's sad how hard it to discuss with "the other side."

I'm very good at persuading the apathetic, those who think everyone is at fault, don't specifically align with a party, even if they feel Obama is a disappointment. I can reason with them and make them understand the situation. The other side? They're in a fantasy world.


So last night I talked to a Republican who won't vote at all.

Anyway, according to him, Obama has been the most hard line President ever. That from day one he refused to negotiate on anything and demanding "his way or the highway."

I feel like people live in an alternate universe, man. I ran through a litany of things to disprove this, to which I got pretty much no reply.

In the end, I was given a line like "Even if the GOP refused to negotiate from the get go a real leader would have lead and gone beyond that and brought them to the table."

I then asked him to name me his favorite President Leaders all time and he expectedly listed Lincoln first. So of course I told him that Lincoln, your greatest leader, couldn't bring the South to the table and it led to their secession and a brutal civil war and his assassination. So, are you saying Obama should have fought a civil war against the GOP or are you just making shit up about "leading?"

He basically threw me a "well, whatever we just don't agree." lol

He walked right into that one, huh? :p
Sanders greatest sin was trying to win the nomination. To some of his critics, he was cute and tolerable while he presented himself as a message candidate, but now that he resorted to the kind of tactics every single politician trying to win a position needs to (Holy Obama and Saint Clinton included) he is suddenly a vile and disgusting person that needs to be erased from the political landscape forever.

Not saying there are not TONS of rational, well put reasons to not support him, but some of the emotional vitrol he is getting atm is kind of ludicrous. Oh well, elections I guess.

This article by a privileged pundit is a most rich example of such strange anger against BS:


I believed him when he said his campaign was about something more elevated than winning.

And it’s a message that, until recently, resonated. “This campaign is not just about electing a president, it is about making a political revolution,” Sanders said after a victory in his home state of Vermont. After significant losses on Super Tuesday, he defended the decision to continue competing in the primary on similar terms. “One of the reasons I believe we are doing so well is because people know that this campaign is about more than electing a president – it is about transforming America.”

To me, a campaign about more than the electing a president meant pushing Clinton left, even as Sanders maintained a completely respectful tone and did everything in his power to protect her from the coming attacks in the general election. But now, as the primary stretches into mid-spring, his message is increasingly about beating Clinton – both how he can do it in the primary and how he is better positioned than she is to win in November.


Anyway, Sanders has endorsed Lucy Flores, Zephyr Teachout, and Pramila Jayapal runs for Congress and is officially asking his supporters to donate to them too.

Stepping his #downticket game up.
Him only supporting people who support him for down ticket races is honestly kind of slimier than just not supporting anyone at all. That's not how the revolution happens.

Imagine if Hillary hadn't been supporting people and then decided one day to only support a couple people who endorsed her. It would be insufferable, but Bernie is totally allowed to do it. He's allowed to change his positions and show favoritism and do things just be elected. Hillary obviously cannot, she's not allowed to because of reasons, and it's actually Bernie who has the double standard applied, not Hillary, right?
How dare a candidate not want to support candidates who don't share their values.

Bernie's biggest mistake was running in the confines of the Democratic Party. A third party Bernie ticket could've smashed the two party monopoly.
So it's 4 congressman and millions of young people. I should amend my post just up the page.

How dare a candidate not want to support candidates who don't share their values.

Bernie's biggest mistake was running in the confines of the Democratic Party. A third party Bernie ticket could've smashed the two party monopoly.

Yeah it's not like he'll need those congressmen when he's elected. He's still got those millions of young people up his sleeve.I'll rescind my amendment.
How dare a candidate not want to support candidates who don't share their values.

Bernie's biggest mistake was running in the confines of the Democratic Party. A third party Bernie ticket could've smashed the two party monopoly.
No one forced him. He's welcome to leave his committee chairs and be as Independent as he wants.
Oh, and stop taking DSCC money too.


How dare a candidate not want to support candidates who don't share their values.

Bernie's biggest mistake was running in the confines of the Democratic Party. A third party Bernie ticket could've smashed the two party monopoly.

1. Split liberal vote
2. Allow Republicans to win election
3. ???
4. Smash two party monopoly
So it's 4 congressman and millions of young people. I should amend my post just up the page.

Yeah it's not like he'll need those congressmen when he's elected. He's still got those millions of young people up his sleeve.I'll rescind my amendment.

No one forced him. He's welcome to leave his committee chairs and be as Independent as he wants.

Yes because having more Mary Landrieus, Max Baucuses and Ben Nelsons would be so much more useful.



Eh, there is some nonsense in there, but this quote:

Rather, it’s a discussion of a double-standard that I see, as a Jewish American and political writer, between the use of racism, versus anti-Semitism, in American politics.

is hard to argue with. America is hypersensitive to antisemitism, which is fine, but pinpointing racism against blacks is an uphill battle. While a presidential candidate who isn't totally supportive of Israel *without qualifiers* is seen as "not a serious candidate", you have the husband of the Democrat front runner defending his racist crime bill and dismissing BLM protesters as extremists... would Jews still support Hillary and Bill if they pulled the shit that they've pulled on us, on them? I expect that, given the alternatives, many still would, so I disagree with that part of the article at least. But the events linked in that article actually happened. And are we going to pretend that the Clintons, particularly Bill, have been unequivocally good for black Americans?


How dare a candidate not want to support candidates who don't share their values.

Bernie's biggest mistake was running in the confines of the Democratic Party. A third party Bernie ticket could've smashed the two party monopoly.

You wouldn't even know who he is if he did that.
I'm not kidding does anyone know Farley Anderson? Because that's the notoriety Sanders would have if he ran 3rd party.


Sanders greatest sin was trying to win the nomination. To some of his critics, he was cute and tolerable while he presented himself as a message candidate, but now that he resorted to the kind of tactics every single politician trying to win a position needs to (Holy Obama and Saint Clinton included) he is suddenly a vile and disgusting person that needs to be erased from the political landscape forever.

I don't think anyone has said he's a vile and disgusting person at all -- but he's a politician.

Y'all put him on that above-it-all pedestal. Backlash is understandable from people who didn't believe the pedestal was warranted in the first place.
Yes because having more Mary Landrieus, Max Baucuses and Ben Nelsons would be so much more useful.

People who vote with you some of the time>>>>>>>>>>People who vote with you NONE of the time. I love how some people think that progressives can get elected all over this country


How dare a candidate not want to support candidates who don't share their values.

Bernie's biggest mistake was running in the confines of the Democratic Party. A third party Bernie ticket could've smashed the two party monopoly.

If Sanders had run as a third party candidate he'd be polling around where Nader did in 2000 and Clinton would have recently finished beating her "neck-and-neck-horserace" competitor O'Malley.


Eh, there is some nonsense in there, but this quote:

is hard to argue with. America is hypersensitive to antisemitism, which is fine, but pinpointing racism against blacks is an uphill battle. While a presidential candidate who isn't totally supportive of Israel *without qualifiers* is seen as "not a serious candidate", you have the husband of the Democrat front runner defending his racist crime bill and dismissing BLM protesters as extremists... would Jews still support Hillary and Bill if they pulled the shit that they've pulled on us, on them? I expect that, given the alternatives, many still would, so I disagree with that part of the article at least. But the events linked in that article actually happened. And are we going to pretend that the Clintons, particularly Bill, have been unequivocally good for black Americans?

He's not worse than the guy who voted for the bill, used his vote to say he is tough on crime till recently to finally claim some BS reason was why he supported the bill.
And while I'm particularly not fond of BLM type of protest in political rally, Sanders didn't fare much better with BLM either.
No one was really supportive of BLM when they started.


Yes because having more Mary Landrieus, Max Baucuses and Ben Nelsons would be so much more useful.
Good news! Low turnout among those who are now drinking the revolution kool-aid in 2010 and 2014 have made it so candidates running for the Senate and the House that are similar to Landrieu, Nelson and Baucus now have little to no chance of ever getting elected. Instead we have literal hardcore Republicans in their place, yay!
I mean, I'm curious to know what constitutes "emotional vitriol."

As opposed to that ambitious cuckolded harpy bitch conniving her slimy lizard vagina into the White House where she'll cackle at the poors while she Butchers BENGHAZI!!!. Also, look she's coughing.

Sometimes I see people point out the silliness of certain planks, frustration with what they see as a pointless campaign at this point - somewhat justifiable frustration really. On occasion people go overboard, and if they do go off the wagon they go away for a while.
How dare a candidate not want to support candidates who don't share their values.

Bernie's biggest mistake was running in the confines of the Democratic Party. A third party Bernie ticket could've smashed the two party monopoly.

A "revolution" doesn't happen by only supporting like minded individuals who pass an ideological purity test.
The only reason Bernie Sanders is relevant at all is that he chose to run as a Democrat. Running as an independent would have him competing with Jill Stein for attention.

The two party system isn't going anywhere as long as we still have the Electoral College and Congressional races are first past the post.
Good news! Low turnout among those who are now drinking the revolution kool-aid in 2010 and 2014 have made it so candidates running for the Senate and the House that are similar to Landrieu, Nelson and Baucus now have little to no chance of ever getting elected. Instead we have literal hardcore Republicans in their place, yay!

I seriously want to bash my head against the wall at the ridiculous notion that Dems can win with Bernie Jr's in very conservative parts of this country


In politics you cannot adapt everyone to think the same as you. You have to adapt to the fact that people don't.
There is nothing wrong with running a race to win. Bernie hadn't always been doing that. He left the South, but then still acted like he had a viable party to the nomination. Then he just started making stuff up so he could go on the attack. Then he acts as though he's alive all of this. All most of us want is consistency. He has not run a good campaign. He's done well, sure. But his campaign staff are a big mess.


Blue dogs are essential to the Democratic caucus in Congress, even if they don't vote for all ultra-progressive legislation, they still vote for Democratic leadership in the House (Speaker), who then sets the legislative calendar and determines what bills are voted on and is able to whip the necessary votes needed to pass.

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