This can't be a real cartoon. It only has one description plastered onto something.
This can't be a real cartoon. It only has one description plastered onto something.
I don't recall anybody in this thread doing that. People were saying that Michigan and Wisconsin were unimportant because Bernie didn't and wouldn't win them by enough for them to really change the race, which ended up being the case. Not because they were "too white." The racial makeup was only really brought up to point out that these states could lean Sanders based on how he performed leading up to them.
People were saying those states were unimportant because their delegate wins were tiny and meaningless towards helping Bernie close his gap.
i wish i knew what was uninformed, bad, and wrong about wanting to tear down corporate media a few notches while supporting your primary candidate.
I seriously can't tell if this is a joke or something he actually said."People running away from Bill Cosby after all he's done to fight the problems in black culture, and there's not even any proof. Sad!"
I seriously can't tell if this is a joke or something he actually said.
Seek help!Also, considering I am a Dolphins and Seahawks fan, I am super fucking glad Harbaugh is at Michigan and not in the NFC West any more. Mock Michigan and Wisconsin CFB at your own risk.
Mock Michigan and Wisconsin CFB at your own risk.
Seek help!
The calendar year is after 1918 and Urban Meyer is my coach, ergo I can mock Michigan CFB with impunity
Literally the purpose of PoliGAF from my perspective is to provide a place where if people post uninformed one-liner posts I can point out that their position is bad and wrong.
Maybe other people get something else out of it, I dunno.
Yeah, I don't really think Bernie is like more than one standard deviation away from the mean level of racism for his age and class and whatnot. Fundamentally he just has a painful campaign positioning problem right now because he keeps losing demographics that are pretty key Democratic demographics and then has to find a narrative to explain why that's not a big deal. There is not a super good way to do that! But then go back and look at Hillary explaining that she's losing young women because they're not paying attention to how awesome she is. It's just a bad conversation to even have.
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 3h3 hours ago
Clinton's largest net delegate advantage over Sanders comes from Texas & Florida. Both are Southern but also incredibly diverse.
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 3h3 hours ago
You want states that are representative of the Democratic electorate? Ones on 3/15 (OH, FL, IL, NC, MO) are pretty good. Sanders 0 for 5.
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 3h3 hours ago
If the order of states matters, and it probably doesn't much in a 2-candidate race, Sanders was very lucky that IA and NH went first.
Joy Reid
Robbins says Sanders is winning young people, independents and "the people who do the hard work."
The hard work thing probably just means liberal working class dads and moms, working 4 jobs to stay afloat.
Working four jobs to donate to Bernie Sanders.
Michigan State CFB says hi.
I have zero fear that Bernie's campaign is somehow going to lose Dems the election this year, and unless some data emerge to contradict that, I think all the panicking is just silly Diablosing.
Some do, nothing wrong with that. I'd rather a homeless guy give me a dollar, than trump $10.
Michigan State CFB can literally fight me
FWIW, even though you're responding to pigeon and the thread writ large with that post, I felt like saying this: any posts I make about Bernie's campaign are for the sake of being about Bernie's campaign, not so much about their (almost certainly negligible) general-election impacts. After 2008, I'm never gonna wring my hands to that extent over hyperbolic Internet diehards ever again.
Sort of. I think if Sanders were winning the South and Clinton were winning the NE; there would be dismissiveness here towards the South. Look at the posts about Michigan and Wisconsin being less important because they are "too white". Folks (everyone, mind you) are playing up the importance of the states that vote for their candidate and downplaying the states that aren't voting for their candidates. That's not particularly abnormal or weird or anything out of the ordinary to be honest.
*whistle sound*
Fine, I could replace Michigan and Wisconsin with New Hampshire and dig out those posts and the point would remain the same.
Primaries make people sort of insane and dumb (Sanders with AA voters, Clinton with young female voters), basically.
Also, considering I am a Dolphins and Seahawks fan, I am super fucking glad Harbaugh is at Michigan and not in the NFC West any more. Mock Michigan and Wisconsin CFB at your own risk.
A) LOL. The missus teaches at Notre Dame (and often teaches the CFB folks) - so I have opinions on CFB, as it were. ;-). Clean your damn plate next time and let's get the Big 10 another championship so I don't want to have to spend another 4 months wanting to bitchslap all my SEC friends.
B) Yep.
EDIT: Though, she does get tickets to ND bowl games. Thankfully we didn't go to the ass whooping you laid on us this year.
Clinton has a winning coalition. She is winning and she will win in November. Easily. Sanders may poll better in head to head match ups, but when the front runner trounces the Republican front runners, that's no reason to override the voters who have voted for Clinton in greater numbers than Sanders. If Clinton was weak against Trump and Cruz fair enough... But she isn't. And demographically she matches very well in November.Bernie has a much broader base to build a winning coalition on, there is an article in AP that found how Sen. Clinton's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting Sanders.
There's a pattern emerging here
Clinton has a winning coalition. She is winning and she will win in November. Easily. Sanders may poll better in head to head match ups, but when the front runner trounces the Republican front runners, that's no reason to override the voters who have voted for Clinton in greater numbers than Sanders. If Clinton was weak against Trump and Cruz fair enough... But she isn't. And demographically she matches very well in November.
I've never question how strong Clinton would be in a General against Cruz/Trump.
Excellent piece on super delegates on Full Frontal with Sam Bee this week. I'd link it but I'm on mobile.The DNC rigged it for Hillary with those superdelegates.
Working four jobs to donate to Bernie Sanders.
Well the person that had the 'corporate Democratic whores' line was Dr. Paul Song, husband of Lisa Ling.
Whose sister was arrested in North Korea and Bill Clinton went to North Korea to negotiate for her return in 2009. Whoops.
The elephant in the room with Hiliary is ok let's just get this woman president thing out of the way. She's notorious for just following orders. If we're going to go female president, I'm talking go big or go home shit, Rosa Parks
I need to share a story with you, Aaron. It will probably anger you, but hopefully it will also inspire you to take action in support of one of the most courageous people Ive met during this campaign.
Lucy Flores was the first Latina assemblywoman in Nevada and made national news when she became one of the first elected officials to testify about an abortion she had at the age of 16.
During her 2014 campaign one D.C. pro-choice group, EMILYs List, endorsed her and added that she was an "inspiring community leader." They even kicked off a program to elect more Latinas to Congress in 2016.
But then Lucy Flores endorsed our political revolution before the Nevada caucus, and everything changed. EMILYs List decided to endorse a different person in Lucys House race this time around. So I want to support Lucy like shes supported us, because we stand together. And I am asking you to join me:
But EMILYs List does, in fact, back some candidates who have endorsed Sanders. And that includes Pramila Jayapal, a House candidate in Washington who also got a round of fundraising emails from Sanders on Monday though with a message that didnt mention EMILYs List. The group also backs Vermont gubernatorial candidate Sue Minter, another Sanders supporter.
Bernie Sanders believes the political revolution is built by calling women leaders unqualified and calling abortion a social issue. So its not surprising at all that he doesnt get what we do and has resorted to these false, disingenuous attacks, said Marcy Stech, the groups communications director. Perhaps if Sanders stuck to issues, not insults, hed realize that electing pro-Democratic women is, in fact, revolutionary. The key difference is, we dont just talk about it we know how to get it done.
The elephant in the room with Hiliary is ok let's just get this woman president thing out of the way. She's notorious for just following orders. If we're going to go female president, I'm talking go big or go home shit, Rosa Parks
Their characterization of Sanders is a tad unfair, but I guess at this point you get a smear campaign, you get a smear campaign, everyone gets a smear campaign. I'm disappointed to see Sanders' camp stoop this low, because while Bernie never had my stringent support he had my respect. You either drop out of the primary a hero or stay in long enough to become a politician, it seems.
This is the most unfortunate bit:
This round of emails should have been an uncontroversial win, a clear and simple way to show that he's listening and supporting some other candidates.
Instead he adding that unnecessary fucking slight.
Edit: Shit, I double-posted. To my defense, I was dumbfounded by the first post I replied to!
The elephant in the room with Hiliary is ok let's just get this woman president thing out of the way. She's notorious for just following orders. If we're going to go female president, I'm talking go big or go home shit, Rosa Parks
And again, it makes it seem like the Sander's Campaign have no internal fact-checkers or people to corroborate and double check things going out to the public.
It should have taken them 5 mins to figure out that Emily's List is supporting some of their candidates.
The email would've been fine without it! But instead, we had to shit on EMILY.
It's amazing that the first thing Bernie does to support down ticket candidates, their campaign somehow makes it divisive and stupid.
Also Lucy Flores's district's race is REALLY IMPORTANT to win, so can we NOT fuck this up?
The email would've been fine without it! But instead, we had to shit on EMILY.
It's amazing that the first thing Bernie does to support down ticket candidates, their campaign somehow makes it divisive and stupid.
I always thought that Lucy Flores' endorsement of Bernie Sanders was more about her congressional race than his presidential aspirations.
And on Wednesday, Sanders showed he is willing to help Flores' candidacy. She leads in many polls based on name recongition but has riased very little money.
Sanders wants to help, mentioning her 2014 EMILY's List endorsement (the group is with Susie Lee this cycle and snubbed Flores) in this small-dollar pitch (she will need a lot of these to make any kind of difference, although every little bit helps):
Maybe his fundraising team knows a bit more about fundraising than us, she might need the money desperately. At least that's what Jon Ralston is implying - despite leading in the polls it appears Lucy is struggling with the fundraising she doesn't have EMILYs list to back her up after all.
Sanders sends out fundraising pitch for Lucy Flores
Jon Ralston ‏@RalstonReports 5h5 hours ago
In hotly contested #nv04 primary, @SusieLee4NV raised $230K in 1Q, bringing her total to $1.1M total and $642K COH. $50K was her own money.
In #nv04, Reid-anointed @RubenKihuen raised $191k and has $425K COH. That means he outraised @SusieLee4NV (not counting $50K she put in).
.@lucyflores won't release her #nv04 numbers until Friday, but she won't be able to match those numbers. Can Bernie rescue her?
Maybe his fundraising team knows a bit more about fundraising than us, she might need the money desperately. At least that's what Jon Ralston is implying - despite leading in the polls it appears Lucy is struggling with the fundraising she doesn't have EMILYs list to back her up after all.
Sanders sends out fundraising pitch for Lucy Flores
Jon Ralston ‏@RalstonReports 5h5 hours ago
In hotly contested #nv04 primary, @SusieLee4NV raised $230K in 1Q, bringing her total to $1.1M total and $642K COH. $50K was her own money.
In #nv04, Reid-anointed @RubenKihuen raised $191k and has $425K COH. That means he outraised @SusieLee4NV (not counting $50K she put in).
.@lucyflores won't release her #nv04 numbers until Friday, but she won't be able to match those numbers. Can Bernie rescue her?