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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Um...you guys realize he is banned from flying anything but charter, right? He would have to charter a plane of that size to go over the atlantic.

EDIT: Smallest he could do is a gulfstream, and that would be more expensive than a Delta 767 right now, lol.
But the guy wasn't even invited. So he spends a third of a million dollars of his donors' money for a random vacation with his family to the Vatican at a high cost and a high environmental impact. It's just more confusing hypocrisy from the Sanders camp.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Um...you guys realize he is banned from flying anything but charter, right? He would have to charter a plane of that size to go over the atlantic.

EDIT: Smallest he could do is a gulfstream, and that would be more expensive than a Delta 767 right now, lol.

You make the assumption the trip was needed in the first place.

Guys I am another Tyler pls stop dragging my name through the mud ☹️

I'll have to qualify all other references to 'not our Tyler' so we avoid any confusion ;)
Um...you guys realize he is banned from flying anything but charter, right? He would have to charter a plane of that size to go over the atlantic.

EDIT: Smallest he could do is a gulfstream, and that would be more expensive than a Delta 767 right now, lol.
Frankly I don't trust any politician who doesn't fly overseas in one of these babies

that invite's meaningful in context like the invite sent to me by OSU to go see Nancy Pelosi at Moritz next Friday means Pelosi herself invited me

except in my case at least we're talking about someone who's physically going to be there and not 750 miles away


From "He chartered a private jet. What a hypocrite!" to "Well he wasn't even invited!" to "Well he was technically invited but it means nothing!". Wonder what it'll shift to next.
It's ultimately just an academic conference.
He was invited by the Chancellor.
Not the conference organiser.
But the former technically supersedes the latter.
And it was basically a wrangled invitation.

But who cares it's an academic conference.

Not a papal visit.

People get invited to give plenaries and keynotes at conferences all the time. Meh.
From "He chartered a private jet. What a hypocrite!" to "Well he wasn't even invited!" to "Well he was technically invited but it means nothing!". Wonder what it'll shift to next.

i mean, the first and third things are both true irrespective of the second

and just because you receive an invite doesn't mean you're obligated to go, otherwise i'd have $500 more in my pocket from the cumulative OSU economic experiments i've skipped in the past several years (and probably several presentations actually given to academic conferences. why the FUCK haven't i been doing those)
From "He chartered a private jet. What a hypocrite!" to "Well he wasn't even invited!" to "Well he was technically invited but it means nothing!". Wonder what it'll shift to next.
Why again is he spending a third of a million of his donors' dollars on this family vacation at this particular moment in time?


FGC Waterboy
But the guy wasn't even invited. So he spends a third of a million dollars of his donors' money for a random vacation with his family to the Vatican at a high cost and a high environmental impact. It's just more confusing hypocrisy from the Sanders camp.

Um...he was invited by the Vatican, and the Vatican has confirmed it repeatedly


The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences is one of 12 academies established as part of the Vatican. But unlike pontifical councils, which put out official documents on behalf of the church, these academies aim simply to continue dialogue on church teachings on various subjects.

According to the Rev. Manuel Dorantes, a Vatican spokesman, a foundation affiliated with the academy — which is led by lay people and is at least two bureaucratic steps away from the pope — invited Mr. Sanders to speak at the conference.

Still, Miguel H. Diaz, a former United States ambassador to the Holy See, said that Mr. Sanders’s attending the conference made sense because the senator and Francis have similar goals.

“We have a pope whose focus has been very much on the globalization of human indifference, marginalized persons, the poor, the impoverished earth in terms of ecological concerns,” he said. “And finally here is a pope that has a huge appeal to the young, and again we have a senator who shares that.”


The chancellor for the pontifical academy, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, has said he invited Sanders because he was the only U.S. presidential candidate who showed deep interest in the teachings of Francis.

Yikes, you guys are going all SandersReddit on the "I only choose facts that fit my pre-existing narratives" bill here. There was confusion for a day, and then the Vatican cleared it up the next day. That's why all the "did Sanders invite himself" articles on are on the 8th, and all the "Oh, the Chancellor invited him" articles are every other one after.

You make the assumption the trip was needed in the first place.


You have the ability to speak to 20+ globally influential folks about wealth inequality and the things that matter to him. It's not the smart political thing to do probably, but if you want to try to influence national level catholic leaders to also push inequality as a key message among those who follow them due to their faith - it's a pretty big opportunity.

But the trip gave Sanders a moment on the world stage, placing him alongside priests, bishops, academics and two South American presidents.

Sanders has been at a disadvantage during his campaign against Clinton, President Barack Obama's former secretary of state, on issues of foreign policy, but he was peppered with questions from academics and ecclesiastics in a manner that might have been afforded a head of state.

Sanders trails Clinton in the Democratic primaries, but the trip to the Vatican and his massive rally earlier this week with 27,000 people in New York City may have offered a glimpse of the senator's aim to become a progressive leader - win or lose.

The discussions gave him a chance to expand on his core campaign messages about the need to reform banking regulations, campaign finance rules, and higher education. Asked about inequality in public education, he said it was "beyond disgraceful" and cited challenging conditions in Detroit's school system.

He told the audience that rather than a world economy that looks out for the common good, "we have been left with an economy operated for the top 1 percent, who get richer and richer as the working class, the young and the poor fall further and further behind".


FGC Waterboy
Why again is he spending a third of a million of his donors' dollars on this family vacation at this particular moment in time?

Except he's not spending close to that. The 300k number has been pulled out of someone's ass. (There's a reason he's using a chartered delta 767. They're really cheap right now)
Just got called out for double fisting a whiskey and a beer by the AG of New York.

get your head out of the gutter I'm talking about a drink in both hands


Very debatable. His campaign likely wrangled an "invitation" and it certainly wasn't involving the pope.

That's true but I don't think the Sanders campaign ever implied he was meeting the Pope? Only overzealous supporters. Either way, we weren't talking about the significance (or lack thereof) of the invitation. This exchange started off with a poorly thought out accusation of hypocrisy. It only veered off so the original poster wouldn't look silly.
33K gallons of jet fuel and god knows how many $27 donations for a speech he easily could've given from the US.

It's 2016, it's the Vatican, and it's a conference where you're gonna bug the fuck back out more or less immediately anyway, surely they can telecast a 20-minute speech so you don't accidentally undercut two of your own arguments.

(That and, uh, he literally said something to that effect on The View.)
That's true but I don't think the Sanders campaign ever implied he was meeting the Pope? Only overzealous supporters. Either way, we weren't talking about the significance (or lack thereof) of the invitation. This exchange started off with a poorly thought out accusation of hypocrisy. It only veered off so the original poster wouldn't look silly.

I remember him on The View or something where one of the ladies asked "So you're meeting with the Pope!?

I mean it's ultimately still a massive waste of his campaign funds.

He flew a quarter way around the world using money from the poors to give a short speech at an academic conference.

It doesn't create a perception of gravitas. It doesn't change his lack of depth and breadth on policy or international relations. It's just wacky.

Big fat mistake.


The discussion on invites is a silly distraction.

It's a waste of campaign funds and campaign time -- particularly since Weaver said as much on air yesterday: The trip is not about the campaign. If it's not, why should it use those funds?


FGC Waterboy
Does this fever pitch in animosity mean we're getting closer to the end of this mess of a primary?

Shit, this thing's been over since like Super Tuesday at the latest.

Private plane? What about that carbon tax Bernie?

See earlier comments about "literally banned from not flying private".

The discussion on invites is a silly distraction.

It's a waste of campaign funds and campaign time -- particularly since Weaver said as much on air yesterday: The trip is not about the campaign. If it's not, why should it use those funds?

Because he would be required to per FEC rules. Even Trump's use of his personal 757 is technically coming from his campaign funds.


get some go again
33K gallons of jet fuel and god knows how many $27 donations for a speech he easily could've given from the US.

It's 2016, it's the Vatican, and it's a conference where you're gonna bug the fuck back out more or less immediately anyway, surely they can telecast a 20-minute speech so you don't accidentally undercut two of your own arguments.

(That and, uh, he literally said something to that effect on The View.)
just imagine how much top ramen those college kids donations could have bought.


Um...you guys realize he is banned from flying anything but charter, right? He would have to charter a plane of that size to go over the atlantic.

EDIT: Smallest he could do is a gulfstream, and that would be more expensive than a Delta 767 right now, lol.

Is this Secret Service rules if you're running for president?


I'm motivated to be petty and find issue with whatever he does due to my dislike of how he has run his campaign.

He upset me so I will throw whatever shade I can reasonable get away with

here's a better use of energy and anger to put to use: a vote for Queen in CT. Then drag potential Queen voters to the polls.


FGC Waterboy
Is this Secret Service rules if you're running for president?

Correct. Secret Service can't secure a major public airport or a public flight. When then Senators Obama and Clinton was flying into Seattle for campaign stuff; he would land at Boeing Field because while it is technically an open airport, Boeing can lock it down (which they did). (He could also use Paine Field up in Everett, which is also a primarily Boeing controlled airport).


Shit, this thing's been over since like Super Tuesday at the latest.

See earlier comments about "literally banned from not flying private".


Because he would be required to per FEC rules. Even Trump's use of his personal 757 is technically coming from his campaign funds.

Even if the trip is not related to the campaign? One is required to use campaign funds for all travel expenses regardless of intention while campaigning? I am genuinely asking.

Edit: Ooohh, I see. Because nevertheless it involves the secret services and other imputed costs from travel while campaigning?


remember me
Literally anything he does with that money is a massive waste at this point other than giving it to the DNC or something. Let him go on vacation.

300k is like 5 minutes of air time in LA or NYC


Um...you guys realize he is banned from flying anything but charter, right? He would have to charter a plane of that size to go over the atlantic.

EDIT: Smallest he could do is a gulfstream, and that would be more expensive than a Delta 767 right now, lol.

I have been waiting for something like this. Yeah I mean, secret service has to be with him now right? He can't just move like an average person anymore, that much makes sense to me. And I could see that being expensive. Sounds like the cost of his trip is much ado about nothing.

Literally anything he does with that money is a massive waste at this point other than giving it to the DNC or something. Let him go on vacation.

300k is like 5 minutes of air time in LA or NYC

I dont really have a problem with how he spends it since people arent required to donate. As long as he isn't dishonest with his standings and chances for victory. After NY on Tuesday Ill be looking to see how his campaign reacts. As long as they dont go out and be all "Tis but a flesh wound boys! We have momentum Please send more money!" and instead opt for something a little less over the top its fine. After all, there is no doubt those people are donating to him with the intent that he spends the money to run.

So, its a free country...
Change schedule fly to Lesbos. Meet Pope. Fly to some random Scandinavian country visit public hospital. Fly to Germany. Meet empress Merkel to talk about refugees.

Trip salvaged.

Bernie Emoji Give Campaign.
Anyone else watching The Last Word right now? Crazy that candidates ignore public housing like they do. Glad Clinton finally visited today but disappointed it took so long.

Better Nate than Lever.


FGC Waterboy
Even if the trip is not related to the campaign? One is required to use campaign funds for all travel expenses regardless of intention while campaigning? I am genuinely asking.

Edit: Ooohh, I see. Because nevertheless it involves the secret services and other imputed costs from travel while campaigning?

A) Because Secret Service is coming along with him

B) Because a candidate could then spend their own personal money "going on vacation to places that would be a good place to campaign" and not have to disclose any expenditures, or, more importantly, where the money was coming from.

I have been waiting for something like this. Yeah I mean, secret service has to be with him now right? He can't just move like an average person anymore, that much makes sense to me. And I could see that being expensive. Sounds like the cost of his trip is much ado about nothing.

I suspect he was able to swing that Delta 767 for under 100k each way, under 75k each way. Especially if it was one of the older ones they are phasing out. The estimated costs per seat mile you are seeing are, from what I can gather, assuming a full plane of 220 people. Not like the 20-30 he probably has with Secret Service.
here's a better use of energy and anger to put to use: a vote for Queen in CT. Then drag potential Queen voters to the polls.

Oh I am voting. No "I voted for this person even though I want the other one to win because I'm a democrat and we do these sorts of things" stuff.

I want her to win CT so I can go on the biggest social media trolling tangent of my entire life.

I was able to get about three people to vote for Hillary, + my girlfriend, I got her registered. My mom is voting for Kasich. didn't make any ground on that front. Still have my brother and his friends to try and strongarm

Gonna wear my " I'm with Her" shirt to school this week. No fucks given. I'll get shit from the Bernie fans here, but I'll shill myself out to whoever will listen
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