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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I don't see how the Vatican doesn't deny it. They can't be seen butting into the middle of a nation's election, it sets all kinds of horrible precedents. Bernie should know this isn't a good thing to be doing, it's foreign policy 101.

They won't deny it if they actually met. They may comment on the circumstances but won't do any big bold statement.

It's not the first time a pope is been tricked into a kind of endorsement but not really. It's been done way way WAY worst. When pope John Paul II went to Chile and met in private with Pinochet to petition for the safety of all political prisoners. He was tricked into thinking that behind a door was the meeting room when it was in fact the main balcony to the street.

The picture of the pope in the balcony with Pinochet at his side waving to the thousands gathering outside was used as regime propaganda. He didn't left the balcony, he smiled an waived.

It's not on the same league, and it's not the same pope. But the Vatican has his own special ways and I don't think they will make any bold statement either way. Just confirm what occurred: They met while the pope was leaving.


Hey, I give the man credit for chasing his obsessive dream of meeting the Pope, but his means are extremely entertaining. Was still a complete waste of money and campaign time, though.

The guy was invited there and met the pope when he was there. Thats it. There isn't some conspiracy going on here. If I go to the Vatican and have a chance of meeting the pope hell yeah I'm going to meet him, even if its for 5 minutes and I dont practice his religion.
The guy was invited there and met the pope when he was there. Thats it. There isn't some conspiracy going on here. If I go to the Vatican and have a chance of meeting the pope hell yeah I'm going to meet him, even if its for 5 minutes and I dont practice his religion.

The Democratic US presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders brought his political revolution to the Vatican on Saturday, where he was granted a five-minute audience with Pope Francis.

Yup, total conspiracy. He following him into his house at night and ambushed him like he did Donald Trump:


Bernie is just a total meanie. Thank god Bernie meeting the Pope and speaking at the Vatican is totally meaningless, otherwise it might help him in the upcoming states that have relatively high numbers of older Catholic voters, the age group he needs to win over. Phew. Bullet dodged. Thank's aspiegamer, you've saved the Clinton Campaign a great deal of trouble.
The Democratic US presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders brought his political revolution to the Vatican on Saturday, where he was granted a five-minute audience with Pope Francis.

Yup, total conspiracy. He following him into his house at night and ambushed him like he did Donald Trump:


Bernie is just a total meanie. Thank god Bernie meeting the Pope and speaking at the Vatican is totally meaningless, otherwise it might help him in the upcoming states that have relatively high numbers of older Catholic voters, the age group he needs to win over. Phew. Bullet dodged. Thank's aspiegamer, you've saved the Clinton Campaign a great deal of trouble.
That almost sounds like : gasp : this was a giant attempt to pander to the Catholic vote. Surely not.
That almost sounds like : gasp : this was a giant attempt to pander to the Catholic vote. Surely not.

His entire Campaign panders to the Catholic vote. Half of his 1.5 hour stump speech is about the poor, the sick, the needy and the disenfranchised, the other half is about standing up to the obsession society has with wealth, the few that abuse and exploit the many and the need to stand together and help each other out. What about his message does not appeal to the Catholic vote? Why do you think he was invited to speak at the Vatican? Again, "invite", not 'buy' or 'campaign for', he was invited. Because he and the Pope have spoken and continue to speak on exactly the same issues. They simply disagree on gay marriage and abortion being a choice, issues that are becoming less important to the public, not more important.
Maybe the part about gays marrying.

I'm not really sure why the Pope, or rather this Pope, has gained this weird reverence among the left (that normally seems to abhor the influence of religion.)



This is so Trump

Law 4: Always say less than necessary

When trying to impress, the more you say the more common you look and less in control.
Be vague.
Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less.

Law 7: Let others to do the work for you, but always take credit

Use the skills of others to do the work for you, never do yourself what others can do for you.
Your efficiency will appear god-like.

Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument

You never win through argument.
The resentment last long.
It’s more powerful to agree with actions.
Demonstrate, do not explain.

Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim

One sincere move will cover over a dozen dishonest ones.
Honesty can bring down the guard of suspicious people.
Open their shield with honesty, then deceive.

Law 20: Do not commit to anyone

Fools rush to pick a side.
Do not commit to a cause but yourself
Maintain independence
Make people chase you and play people against one another

Law 25: Re-create yourself

Create an identity that commands attention and never bores
Be the master of your own image
Use large gestures and actions-your character will seem huge and you’ll gain power

Law 26: Keep your hands clean

Never appear soiled by mistakes
Use others as scapegoats to disguise your involvement

Law 27: Play on people’s need to believe to create a cultlike following

People want to believe in something
Become the focal point of this and offer them a cause, a new faith
Keep your words vague but full of promise
Emphasize enthusiasm over rationality
Give your new disciples rituals to perform and ask them to make sacrifices

Law 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless

Conceal the clever tricks
Make your success seem natural
Do not reveal how hard you work
Teach no one your tricks

Law 31: Control the opinions: get others to play with the cards you deal

The best deceptions seem to give the other person a choice
Give options so no matter their choice, you win

Law 32: Play to people’s fantasies

The truth is unpleasant, avoid it
People that manufacture romance are like oases in the desert
There’s great power in tapping into people’s fantasies

Law 33: Discover each man’s thumbscrew

Find other’s weaknesses
Its usually insecurity, uncontrollable emotions, secret pressures

Law 34: Be royal in your own fashion: act like a king to be treated like one

The way you carry yourself determines how you’re treated
Appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you
Kings respect themselves and inspire the same in others
By acting confident you make yourself destined to wear a crown

Law 37: Create compelling spectacles

Striking imagery and symbolic gestures create the auro of power and people respond
Stage spectacles for those around you and heighten your presence
Dazzle by appearance

Law 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter

Trouble can be traced to a single individual
These people will influence others
Do not negotiate but banish them
Strike at the source of the trouble

One exception:

Law 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory know when to stop

When going to far in victory, you make more enemies
Set a goal, achieve it, then stop
His entire Campaign panders to the Catholic vote. Half of his 1.5 hour stump speech is about the poor, the sick, the needy and the disenfranchised, the other half is about standing up to the obsession society has with wealth, the few that abuse and exploit the many and the need to stand together and help each other out. What about his message does not appeal to the Catholic vote?
That's not what pandering means. I'm not saying elements of his stump speech don't appeal to Catholic voters. I'm saying a trip to the Vatican to gain their support is pandering. That's totally fine. I don't have an issue with it. But to pretend this thing wasn't political is just not true. This was an attempt to make him appear to have gravitas on the world stage.

As to how Catholic voters are voting, I can't find that data. We know that Hillary is polling way, way better with Jewish voters, but I've seen nothing on how Catholic voters are breaking.

And, again, Bernie was NOT invited to the conference by the Pope.


His entire Campaign panders to the Catholic vote. Half of his 1.5 hour stump speech is about the poor, the sick, the needy and the disenfranchised, the other half is about standing up to the obsession society has with wealth, the few that abuse and exploit the many and the need to stand together and help each other out. What about his message does not appeal to the Catholic vote? Why do you think he was invited to speak at the Vatican? Again, "invite", not 'buy' or 'campaign for', he was invited. Because he and the Pope have spoken and continue to speak on exactly the same issues. They simply disagree on gay marriage and abortion being a choice, issues that are becoming less important to the public, not more important.

It was not an invite, he basically blackmailed the Vatican to invite him by speaking about those issues for decades. Than while there he was waiting behind a large potted plant stalking the pope to get a 5 minute audience. All the meanwhile hiding his birth certificate full tax returns. Lets not forget his surrogates call democrats whores and his campaign hates the South. And he also has a private jet that took him to the Vatican. What a truly despicable man
Meanwhile Clinton went with a private jet to Cali to meet some of the poorer billionaires and millionaires to show them her commitment to that demographic.

Someone unironically shared a Seth Abramson article on my Facebook

I fixed your avatar;


Now it should work on the superior dark theme.
You can thank google reverse image search for making it really easy to do.
I will update this today when I get back to the city
It was not an invite, he basically blackmailed the Vatican to invite him by speaking about those issues for decades. Than while there he was waiting behind a large potted plant stalking the pope to get a 5 minute audience.
Weight of the situation aside and ignoring what surely actually happened, the mental image of that is absolutely hilarious. Combine that jump spook gif of him popping out of the chair with the pope walking past. After their conversation I'm sure Bernie grabbed the big tall pope hat and ran around like a child until security tackled him. Also something I have an awesome mental image of.

Meanwhile, half the world away, Hillary is drunk at some big party fundraiser thing and hitting on George Clooney after sending Bill to bed early. Again, hilarious to imagine. Twist! Turns out Clooney is up to no good.
Complaining about Sanders meeting the pope sounds a lot like losing. Which obviously Hillary isn't doing but jeez, the constant jeers about this here make no sense. He was at a conference in the Vatican and met the pope the only way a presidential candidate can meet the pope (quickly, no cameras, etc). Good for him.

Bernie has some of you sounding like the McCain camp. Just chill, she already won.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Complaining about Sanders meeting the pope sounds a lot like losing. Which obviously Hillary isn't doing but jeez, the constant jeers about this here make no sense. He was at a conference in the Vatican and met the pope the only way a presidential candidate can meet the pope (quickly, no cameras, etc). Good for him.

Bernie has some of you sounding like the McCain camp. Just chill, she already won.

Agreed. Hillary fans have become uptight losers!
Complaining about Sanders meeting the pope sounds a lot like losing. Which obviously Hillary isn't doing but jeez, the constant jeers about this here make no sense. He was at a conference in the Vatican and met the pope the only way a presidential candidate can meet the pope (quickly, no cameras, etc). Good for him.

Bernie has some of you sounding like the McCain camp. Just chill, she already won.

I think it's fair to criticize the trip itself, the money spent, who the money came from, and how pointless and dangerous the trip was for his campaign this late in the game. Even a Bernie supporter might raise their eyebrows a bit at what looks to be a campaign blunder.

But yea, shaking the Pope's hand isn't really much of a key point of ridicule.
Frankly, I think Bill's actually right and doesn't need to joke. I was told that I am one of the "worst people imaginable" today by MIMIC. I am pretty sure I know more about wall street in my little finger than most, and I'm pretty tired of the vitriol that gets directed at us innocent upstanding members of the community.


Also the revisionist history that makes the bailout a bad idea. Yes, it horrible that things were set up such that it was necessary, but it was necessary. The impact to ordinary people would have been even bigger without it.

Bernie's vote against it is a minus from my point of view.


Maybe the part about gays marrying.

I'm not really sure why the Pope, or rather this Pope, has gained this weird reverence among the left (that normally seems to abhor the influence of religion.)

Because he's willing to criticize capitalism. There's more to the left than social issues alone.
Frankly, I think Bill's actually right and doesn't need to joke. I was told that I am one of the "worst people imaginable" today by MIMIC. I am pretty sure I know more about wall street in my little finger than most, and I'm pretty tired of the vitriol that gets directed at us innocent upstanding members of the community.
maybe they need a joke bailout
Because he's willing to criticize capitalism. There's more to the left than social issues alone.
There are people willing to criticize capitalism that aren't old men heading
institutions that have engaged in a whole bunch of questionable practices and that still cling to outdated social views. Someone posted earlier, Benedict said similar things. No one liked Benedict.


Because he's willing to criticize capitalism. There's more to the left than social issues alone.

Left in general but he surely wouldn't hold up to the purity test needed to be associated with Sanders. Unless Sanders thinks economic equality with fix homophobia as well as racism


There are people willing to criticize capitalism that aren't old men heading
institutions that have engaged in a whole bunch of questionable practices and that still cling to outdated social views. Someone posted earlier, Benedict said similar things. No one liked Benedict.

Frankly it's probably a PR thing. Benedict looked like Palpatine.
Also, post earlier about how women's reproductive rights and LGBT minority rights are becoming less important to the public...

Firstly, I have to assume this just political observation and not advocacy that people stop caring so much about these issues. Because if the latter. What?

Secondly, if there's some sort of public complacency then that's an issue in itself. Wrt LGBT, okay gays can marry now. There's still a bunch of shit to do. Wrt abortion, there are cases regularly before the Supreme Court trying to undo those rights. And they're constantly being eroded within states.


Cruz is too busy banning dildos and criminalizing masturbation. No time for soup

The question I have is, will Huelen vote for him if he runs against Clinton?
Clinton vs Cruz? I won't vote for either of them should that happen. 1 of them is one I would never vote for, the other is an ineligible Canadian in my eyes (and not just my eyes, others think he is ineligible as well).
Bernie is just a total meanie. Thank god Bernie meeting the Pope and speaking at the Vatican is totally meaningless, otherwise it might help him in the upcoming states that have relatively high numbers of older Catholic voters, the age group he needs to win over. Phew. Bullet dodged. Thank's aspiegamer, you've saved the Clinton Campaign a great deal of trouble.

I have a mental image of Weaver giving this speech to Devine. "...Thanks Tad, you've saved the Clinton campaign a great deal of trouble."
Bernie is just a total meanie. Thank god Bernie meeting the Pope and speaking at the Vatican is totally meaningless, otherwise it might help him in the upcoming states that have relatively high numbers of older Catholic voters, the age group he needs to win over. Phew. Bullet dodged. Thank's aspiegamer, you've saved the Clinton Campaign a great deal of trouble.

Those future states won't matter if he loses New York.

He needs to be in New York 24/7 right now, shaking hands and making friends with registered voters.


Also, post earlier about how women's reproductive rights and LGBT minority rights are becoming less important to the public...

Firstly, I have to assume this just political observation and not advocacy that people stop caring so much about these issues. Because if the latter. What?

Secondly, if there's some sort of public complacency then that's an issue in itself. Wrt LGBT, okay gays can marry now. There's still a bunch of shit to do. Wrt abortion, there are cases regularly before the Supreme Court trying to undo those rights. And they're constantly being eroded within states.
There was a friend of mine who complained a lot in the debate thread when Hillary brought up Roe v Wade during the supreme court questions. I asked him if Hillary doesn't talk about female issues, who will? He said the mention of Roe v Wade requires context, and that Hillary isn't mentioning female reproductive rights because she cares. When I mentioned it involves Supreme Court, he said Roe v Wade is not an actual issue.

Fun times ahead.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Progressives are the worst. After queen dies I am converting to a Republican. At least then I can go to the country club I want.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dont you just lie about your affiliation anyway? Like any good wall St crook
Like that curb your enthusiasm episode?

Why yes

I am a member of the NRA

The young white Christian males club

The elks


The Republican...friendship of the ring

The...anti...other society


Why am I supposed to care that Bernie met the Pope?

Nobody really does.

It's just funny that Bernie took such a detour from his campaign at such a pivotal moment, because his team thought they could turn a meeting with the Pope into something that looked an awfully lot like an endorsement without it actually being one.

And all they got was a lousy hallway chance encounter with no photographs.

LOL - it was an attempt to make Bernie look presidential and it backfired hilariously.


Clinton vs Cruz? I won't vote for either of them should that happen. 1 of them is one I would never vote for, the other is an ineligible Canadian in my eyes (and not just my eyes, others think he is ineligible as well).

Well... that's certainly an interesting primary concern with Cruz

I'd personally go for the whole carpet bombing advocacy and associating with a pastor that calls for executing gays, but w/e
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