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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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So Clinton raises millions for downticket Dems whilst Sanders uses 300 000$ of his "I gave up getting a hair cut to donate to Sanders" funded campaign to take a family day trip to the Vatican....

But it's Clinton who is out of touch and using money in obscene/corrupt ways.
So Clinton raises millions for downticket Dems whilst Sanders uses 300 000$ of his "I gave up getting a hair cut to donate to Sanders" funded campaign to take a family day trip to the Vatican....

But it's Clinton who is out of touch and using money in obscene/corrupt ways.

FWIW it's probably closer to $110,000 than $300,000, but even $1 was too much.

He could've gotten the same kind of audience with Francis last year during the papal visit to the US - he's a damn Senator.

Instead he sat around on his hands until an Opportunity* (that his campaign team begged an academic conference for) presented itself.

*Romney-esque attempt to pander. Remember the "European tour" in 2012 where he somehow managed to piss off at least the Brits?

**Speaking of Romney.
FWIW it's probably closer to $110,000 than $300,000, but even $1 was too much.

He could've gotten the same kind of audience with Francis last year during the papal visit to the US. Instead he sat around on his hands until an Opportunity* (that his campaign team begged an academic conference for) presented itself.

*Romney-esque attempt to pander

Ahhh that's not as bad only 4074 people gave up 27$ haircuts so that Sanders could take his family on a day trip vacation to the Vatican and get that 22000$ per minute meeting with the Pope.
So he actually meet Francis?

In literally the same capacity that I once met Joe Biden: he shook his hand.

Like saying you met Obama at an 08 campaign rally when really all you did was shake his hand and maybe get a picture taken, except even in that case it doesn't entail you literally waiting outside his house.
So he actually meet Francis? Hahaha

Bernie always wins!

Poor haters.

Except in delegate votes, total number of states and popular vote....

But hey a 10000$ handshake is so the common man experience.

Also met the Pope sounds more like found out his schedule and waited outside his door to meet him like a fan might for a band.

Why were Bernie supporters really protesting the George Clooney fundraiser yesterday? A lot of that money goes to down ticket candidates, not just Hillary's campaign. And for the Sanders campaign to try and counter that with a call to fundraise...for Bernie's own campaign. I'm honestly flabbergasted at the logic here.

Do they really believe a revolution can be triggered by the election of just one man?

They really don't believe that the wealthy have a moral mandate to contribute more than the $27 that may be within the means of the average person?

Do they honestly believe that we live in a cartoon world, and that every large donation is tainted with the expectation of future backroom deals?

As someone who's done a lot of work with local charity organizations here in PA, and knows how important it is for a lot of these groups to fund raise from ANYONE willing to give...I'm frankly quite disgusted right now. Yeah, elections aren't charities, but the only hope this country has for moving towards a truly progressive future is to get more Democrats in office. And Bernie Sanders is goading his supporters into pissing all over that effort.

Wow Bernie supporters are a disgrace
Eh, not like the Democrats need it in New York unless he's living in a swing district.

That being said you should always vote. I've probably missed a few local elections (school board and shit) but I've voted in every federal/state election since 2010. Also voted in the special election for mayor in 2011, of course that was mostly because my dad was a candidate.

Republicans do get elected in blue states.

Like my lovely governor Chris Christie *sigh*



When you're drunk and ActBlue has all of your info saved

User 406

I'm going to develop a roguelike that generates its levels using Huelen's political posts as a seed value.

The day random.org died.

You almost seem to be arguing mutual exclusivity here.

The problem we've been having is that a lot of people who are really interested in pushing towards more economic leftism have been starting to downplay social issues as a distraction or an irrelevance in an effort to convince people to focus on their prioritization of issues. It's why we keep getting people complaining about identity politics, talking about how people don't care about LBGTQ/women's issues as much as they used to, and worrying about BLM making it harder to convince working class whites where their real economic interests lie.

Naturally this gets a lot of pushback from people who have different priorities, and so you get these kinds of "if I had to pick one" comparisons. It doesn't mean we can't do both, and we certainly are doing both, it's just people laying out their priorities. I've said before it's going to be really hard to engage in class struggle when our class is divided by social and identity issues, so I fall on the side of prioritizing those as well, especially since we've had a long history of making economic progress that always manages to give far less of its benefits to minorities. And with demographics changing as they are, sustaining support for those kinds of economic gains will require intersectionality.

$8 toast? Gotta pay that $15/hr min wage somehow.

We've got people here who laud Five Guys, not sure why eight dollar toast would give anyone sticker shock. :p
I don't think his donors are upset about the trip even if he used donation money to pay for it. It can be interpreted as a political stunt that can help further their interests. He met the Pope too! What a healthy headline 3 days prior a primary!

Only people who have never donated to Sanders are upset about it rbh.



I want Five Guys right now. I'm still kind hung over and grease would help. Grease helps everything.

I also managed half an hour of phone calls for Queen. So yay me.

Bae, when do you not want Five Guys? :p

What a rousing endorsement:

Sanders was staying at the same residence, because that’s where all participants in the Vatican conference he attended on Friday were spending the night. The only exceptions were Presidents Evo Morales of Bolivia and Rafael Correa of Ecuador, who stayed at their country’s embassy in Rome.

“This morning as I was leaving, Senator Sanders was there,” Francis said. “He knew I was coming out at that time, and he had the kindness to greet me.”

“When I came down, he introduced himself, I greeted him with a handshake, and nothing more,” the pope added. “It’s common courtesy, this is called common courtesy.

“If someone thinks that greeting someone is getting involved in politics,” he said, “I recommend that they find a psychiatrist.”

Doesn't the Pope know that he personally invited Bernie!? /s
God willing, if that actually happened I personally guarantee there'd be a social media hashtag full of unironic "but Hillary killed Vince Foster!"

But it wouldn't happen, because there's only one murderer in this race on either side.
I don't think much has changed at all this week.

Any gains and losses gets countered by a gain and loss elsewhere.

I just want Donald to exceed 50% on Tuesday and for Hillary to hold onto her 15 point lead over Bernie.


Oh shit. I'm a little late to this, but we finally get a glimpse of general election Trump

I'm impressed to see Trump publish something on approximately a ninth grade reading level (<3 readibility score generators, they keep my psychobabble readable) even if it is mostly a whine, but in a broader sense I don't think the pivot will be successful.

For one, his massive name recognition and saturation of the media that enabled him to get this far will make it difficult for him to change the public's perception no matter how much the dead heat horse race media praises him for improving beyond grade school level reading and policy. If Romney couldn't successfully pivot, Trump definitely can't.

Additionally, I don't even think he'll even get to the general election as the Republican nominee - I still think the Republican party will do their damnedest to steal the nomination from him. Because if Trump can beat the party machine, the establishment loses all of its perceived leverage and posture going forward. And the insurgents won't listen in 2020 when establishment people try to tell them that maybe they wouldn't get slaughtered if they put up a moderate - because Trump will just blame the establishment congresspeople who won't endorse him and will distance themselves from him to try and salvage their own elections and keep the Senate and maintain a strong hold on the House. You know he'll stay stuff like "the Republicans didn't rally around me" when he gets crushed, and that in conjunction with the establishment being seen as a paper tiger will lead to the insurgents fully cannibalizing the party.


April 19th

New York-Hillary

New York-Trump

Front-runner April 26th Sweep

Rhode Island-Hillary

Rhode Island-Trump


"I am the way, and the truth, and the litmus test. None shall come to the ideological purity except through me."
I think that the Israel debate question is going to cost Sanders some votes,

it is not a matter of what my opinion is on the Israel issue is; it is more of a matter what Jewish New Yorkers feel.

Some are Liberal, some are more Conservative. Conservative Jewish New Yorkers still vote more Democrat than Republican
Let's not sell him short....

He laughed at a gun violence question. In a Democratic Debate. In New York. He also refused to apologize to the Sandy Hook families. He also failed to substantiate his attack about Hillary being compromised by her donations.

But he still has that bird, which is nice.
Let's not sell him short....

He laughed at a gun violence question. In a Democratic Debate. In New York. He also refused to apologize to the Sandy Hook families. He also failed to substantiate his attack about Hillary being compromised by her donations.

But he still has that bird, which is nice.

and cause a larger ripple affect in Maryland


No Scrubs
Let's not sell him short....

He laughed at a gun violence question. In a Democratic Debate. In New York. He also refused to apologize to the Sandy Hook families. He also failed to substantiate his attack about Hillary being compromised by her donations.

But he still has that bird, which is nice.

That was a horrible moment for him, especially considering where he did it. Only way it could have been worse is if he did it in Chicago.
That was also legit anger from Hillary at that too. You could tell that really, really pissed her off. The Mothers of the Movement have had a big impact on her, and I'm really, really proud of her owning to her privilege without equivocation.

Learning is what I want from my President.

Oh, and dank memes, I guess?

I'll be honest, I don't know what a dank meme is.

Also: Get rekt Chelsea. (The club, not the Presidential daughter).
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