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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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The primary schedule really killed him. I feel like he was inevitable after he canceled the Chicago rally due to chaos.

It's going to be interesting to see how it shakes out. Sam Wang gives him about a 66% chances of getting a majority of delegates before the convention and around 90ish% of getting within 50 of 1237 before the convention. Compare that with the general punditry which thinks a brokered convention is a lock and we will have one group be embarrassingly wrong.
I think that the Israel debate question is going to cost Sanders some votes,

it is not a matter of what my opinion is on the Israel issue is; it is more of a matter what Jewish New Yorkers feel.

Some are Liberal, some are more Conservative. Conservative Jewish New Yorkers still vote more Democrat than Republican

He is not going to change his values depending on the audience he is talking to. His last name is Sanders, not Clinton.


No Scrubs
He is not going to change his values depending on the audience he is talking to. His last name is Sanders, not Clinton.

You mean like when he railed on the 90's crime bill, voted for the 90's crime bill, ran on his vote for the 90's crime bill to show he was tough on crime, and then went back to being against it when it was no longer popular?
It's going to be interesting to see how it shakes out. Sam Wang gives him about a 66% chances of getting a majority of delegates before the convention and around 90ish% of getting within 50 of 1237 before the convention. Compare that with the general punditry which thinks a brokered convention is a lock and we will have one group be embarrassingly wrong.
Pay no mind to the idiots in the news. Let Trump handily devour New York, and GOP+media will go back to diablosing.


So he actually meet Francis? Hahaha

Bernie always wins!

Poor haters.
He was ambushed on his way out and felt bad, so he just shook his hand out of pity and moved on.


Top bankers, major executives of Wall Street firms, have shown no shame, no shame at all, for their bad behavior, for their illegal behavior, they have made no apologies to the public. The billions and billions of dollars of fines they have paid, for financial fraud, are just another cost of doing busines, another shortcut to unjust profits.

Some might feel that it is hopeless, to fight the economic juggernaut, that once the market economy escaped the boundaries of morality it would be impossible to bring the economy back under the dictates of morality and the common good. I am told time and time again, by the wealthy and the powerful, and the mainstream media, that so often represents their interests, that we should be practical, that we should accept the status quo, that a truly moral economy is beyond our reach.

Yet Pope Francis himself, is surely the World's greatest demonstration against such a surrender to despair and cynicism. He has opened the eyes of the World, once again, to the claims of mercy, justice, and the possibilities of a better world. He is inspiring the World to find a new global consensus, for our common home. I see that hope everyday, and that sense of possibility anong America's young people, which gives me an enormous sense of optimism. Our youth are no longer satisfied with corrupt and broken politics, and an economy of stark inequality and injustice. They are not satisfied with the destruction of our environment, by a fossil fuel industry whos greed has put short term profits ahead of climate change and the future of our planet. Our young people want to live in harmony with nature, as part of nature, not destroy nature.

The timing of Bernie's Vatican speech couldn't have been more inspired, as on the other side of the Atlantic, at Hillary's fundraiser, you would have payed $353k to sit at the head table with George Clooney, which could have possibly paid for Bernie's whole trip.

The positive press coverage alone, such as from USA Today, made the trip well worth it:

The small American community in Rome was enthusiastic about the visit. Sanders beat Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin in Italy during the March 1 Democrats Abroad primary, and a few dozen were at the Vatican to voice support for Sanders. The Twitter hashtag #RomeIsBerning was trending Friday in Italy.

“I’m so excited Bernie made this trip,” said Cindy Sanders, a 44-year-old Cincinnati native who helps run semester-abroad programs in Rome. “Pope Francis and Bernie Sanders are the two strongest voices challenging the world’s broken economic system.”

David Acker, a 23-year-old New Yorker spending time in Italy, agreed: “I already voted for Bernie in the New York primary as an absentee voter, and I’m very happy to have a reason to wear my ‘Bernie 2016’ T-shirt here in Rome.”

P.S. I'm the real-life Gordon Gekko and I support Bernie Sanders, by Asher Edelman, writing in The Guardian on Tuesday, April 12th.


Daniel B·;201140068 said:

The timing of Bernie's Vatican speech couldn't have been more inspired, as on the other side of the Atlantic, at Hillary's fundraiser, you would have payed $353k to sit at the head table with George Clooney, which could have possibly paid for Bernie's whole trip.

The positive press coverage alone, such as from USA Today, made the trip well worth it:

P.S. I'm the real-life Gordon Gekko and I support Bernie Sanders, by Asher Edelman, writing in The Guardian on Tuesday, April 12th.

And you understand the fundraiser Hillary attended would at least work towards Bernies revolution, were he to win? That money is for downticket Democrats. Gotta have them good Vatican optics though.

So she puts the work in to make his policy happen while he fucks around in Rome. Sure. Uh-huh, OK.
Okay. Tell me one position of Sanders you dislike?

All of them! I just hate Hillary!

Probably his Green Party, anti science stances. I also don't like the Wall Street boogeyman (but I understand its usefulness). Mm what else? His lack of specifics is also bothering. He also likes to resort to magical thinking sometimes.
Oh! And there was this time when he made a comment about not understanding what being an honorary feminist was, but he answered in this very "people who don't get the dynamics of gender" way, ugh I HATED him during a brief moment.

This is hard cuz he is kind of perfect you know!


What Daniel is saying is that Bernie could have gotten rich people to pay for his trip instead of poor people

Instead Bernie is feeding off the poor

He's becoming a one percenter lol


My two beefs with Clinton are the dealth penalty and her stance towards Isreal, but that doesn't ruffle my feathers as much as it does others here in PoliGAF. I think I just don't like Bibi.
What Daniel is saying is that Bernie could have gotten rich people to pay for his trip instead of poor people

Instead Bernie is feeding off the poor

He's becoming a one percenter lol

His trip in in the best interests of his donors. He literally needs a miracle to win New York, so a desperate trip to the Vatican is kind of the best thing he could have done.


He was ambushed on his way out and felt bad, so he just shook his hand out of pity and moved on.


That's not a good look for Sanders. I know he wanted a photo op or headlines saying he was with the Pope but this shows him being opportunistic. Asking for an invite. Lying in wait for the Pope? Trying to make it look like the Pope was endorsing you. I'm glad this comment has come out to set the record straight. This is just a mess. I'm glad the Clinton fundraiser happen as well. While he tries to attack her for it any reporting on it also says a good part of the money goes to democrats running in all the states. Sanders is only giving money to what 5 people and only if they pass his purity test most likely. So even then he's not to get any play out of these stunt of his.

Does anyone else notice that Bernie constantly runs away from the places he's losing?

Runs away from them. Barely or sometimes doesn't even straight up acknowledge them when he loses. He did that for damn near all if not all of the primaries in the south. Originally I disliked how he was just putting forward lofty goals with no real world way of getting them done. However if I think back this was when I started to truly dislike him as a person.


Neo Member
April 19th

New York-Hillary

New York-Trump

Front-runner April 26th Sweep

Rhode Island-Hillary

Rhode Island-Trump
Pretty accurate for Tuesday primary. Howrever, I expect New York primary to be pretty close for the Democratic side.


Let's not sell him short....

He laughed at a gun violence question. In a Democratic Debate. In New York. He also refused to apologize to the Sandy Hook families. He also failed to substantiate his attack about Hillary being compromised by her donations.

But he still has that bird, which is nice.

I think I just said to myself "what the fuck???" when he laughed during that moment.

He was ambushed on his way out and felt bad, so he just shook his hand out of pity and moved on.


A rousing endorsement for Bernie from the pope!

Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs, who was at the meeting, said Sanders got word that the Pope wanted to meet at 6 a.m. before he left for Greece to meet with refugees.

"He wanted to greet the senator. It was wonderful," Sachs said. "They had a few minutes ... together."

My brothers and sisters on Gaf who support Hillary, please just stop. This meltdown over the meeting with the Pope is not a good look. Just accept it and move on. Chances are he'll still lose New York and Hillary is well on her way to being the nominee, just be patient and stay above narrative twisting like this. Bernie didn't ambush him, he didn't say it was an endorsement, they simply met because the pope wanted to.

That same article from wsvn (from that picture floating around) btw also says:


The invitation to Sanders to address that session raised eyebrows when it was announced and touched off allegations that the senator lobbied for the invitation.

But the chancellor for the pontifical academy, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, said he invited Sanders because he was the only U.S. presidential candidate who showed deep interest in the teachings of Francis.
I wouldn't trust Sachs' word if he said he knew how to wipe his own ass. If it's not about sustainability, he ain't any more trustworthy than a random egg on Twitter.


Daniel B·;201140068 said:
The timing of Bernie's Vatican speech couldn't have been more inspired, as on the other side of the Atlantic, at Hillary's fundraiser, you would have payed $353k to sit at the head table with George Clooney, which could have possibly paid for Bernie's whole trip.

It would be money better spent as it will help win downticket seats that will make positive progressive change possible. Bernie's trip was nothing more than optics.

Yes please stop saying that Sanders invited himself. This has been proven false over and over again

Yes, everyone please correctly state that Bernie was not invited by the Pope.



My brothers and sisters on Gaf who support Hillary, please just stop. This meltdown over the meeting with the Pope is not a good look. Just accept it and move on. Chances are he'll still lose New York and Hillary is well on her way to being the nominee, just be patient and stay above narrative twisting like this. Bernie didn't ambush him, he didn't say it was an endorsement, they simply met because the pope wanted to.

That same article from wsvn (from that picture floating around) btw also says:


Um, I think you are reading this wrong. It's not a meltdown - it's sarcastic amusement. No-one really cares if he met the pope, its just funny because it's such a stupid political move 3 days before an unbelievably important primary for his campaign.

It's *funny* to joke about Sanders hiding behind bushes and leaping out on the pope. No-one really thinks that, it's just entertaining because it doesn't matter!
Bernie didn't invite himself
Bernie was also not invited by the Pope
Bernie going to the Vatican isn't going to change anything
Bernie staying and campaigning wasn't going to change anything

This whole thing is stupid


One thing that's undeniable there's a huge opportunity cost to visiting the Vatican. I doubt the trip got Sanders many votes or changed many minds
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