I'll be honest, I don't know that I could have done it. Definitely not to the extent she did. The Obama people weren't smelling like roses against Clinton either, but she kicked ass at the convention. When I met her during the General, a couple of us told her we had volunteered for her during the primary. And she actually asked "I hope you're working as hard for Senator Obama as you were for me?" Not snarky. Not bitchy, legitimately grateful we worked for her. I gained like 90,000 respect points.
The way she was able to nominate him and give that speech at the convention with so much grace was just amazing to me. There was no bitterness or anything on her part (at least in public.) No way, no how, no McCain.
Her temperament is one of the things I most admire. After the shit she's been through, I would freaking be flipping off anyone who dared look at me wrong.