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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Yoo, these RMoney numbers in this PPP GE poll

Clinton 48, Trump 41
Clinton 45, Cruz 42
Kasich 45, Clinton 41
Clinton 45, Romney 32
Clinton 44, Ryan 39

Sanders 48, Trump 40
Sanders 48, Cruz 41
Kasich 44, Sanders 41
Sanders 48, Romney 31
Sanders 45, Ryan 38

generic Democrat 45, generic Republican 43

Clinton 44, Trump 35, Perry 12
Sanders 43, Trump 34, Perry 12

Clinton 42, Trump 37, Deez Nuts 10
Sanders 43, Trump 37, Deez Nuts 8

Clinton favorability: 37/55 (-18)
Cruz favorability: 30/58 (-28)
Kasich favorability: 41/39 (+2)
Romney favorability: 23/65 (-42)
Sanders favorability: 41/48 (-7)
Trump favorability: 29/63 (-34)



Worst pizza ever is definitely Mellow Mushroom. Their logo accurately depicts the ridiculous crust proportions.


If you grab a slice at a catered lunch, you will not know which toppings are on it, even after taking a bite.


Primaries are too long, they should have they all in one month. Super Tuesday every week for 4 weeks. It's so boring right now......

I can't even find joy in the GOP being psychotic


Dollar slice that is sitting out in a shitty window. You order it and they throw it in a big over for a couple of minutes, and then you hit it w/ parmesan and red pepper.

Basically. Its major positive is that it tastes pretty much the same hours after you make it, with only a slight reheat necessary. It's convenient, in the same way as McDonald's.

Chicago deep dish is real food, in that you almost always have to have it made for you right before you eat it. 45 minutes wait, but it's worth it.
Yeah, same. I think I had a few other things on the checklist too. Like I said, Gitmo was on my checklist from as far back as '08, but I don't blame Obama for that. I blame congress.

Every once in a while, Obama will just casually slip in something else he's been working on and I'm like, "Wait, what? That's awesome!" His interview at SXSW was an interesting window into how go-go-go he is with making a difference in little, quiet ways.

There was a moment where the interviewer was asking him about something he'd like to see and Obama had a (potentially) substantive policy change he was already working on for it and the interviewer goes:

"So, wait, you're already trying to fix this problem?"

And the President stops, blinks and goes, "Chris, I'm trying to solve every problem."

Goddamnit, Obama. You're better than we deserve. Ok, ok. I'm done fanboying about Obama now. Promise. I think.
Obama's remarkably effective because he tends to be more concerned with doing than showboating. There was an article about how for the stimulus, his political advisers all but wanted to send everyone checks with Obama's face on them to really trumpet the fact that this dude just passed a pretty beefy tax cut, but his economics team wanted to downplay it because they wanted people to just spend the extra money to boost the economy instead of saving it or whatever.

So people thought Obama was a tax-hiking socialist the moment he came into office, even while cutting everyone's taxes. Makes me wish he would have listened to the political guys a bit more, but oh well.
So I have a question to ask about people being crushed by student loan debt. I took out about ~$35,000 to go to grad school. Granted it was all Federal Direct Loans. I just was accepted for a pay as you earn income based repayment plan that brought my monthly loan payment from $450 to $200. $200 a month isn't anywhere close to crushing me and I would be paying that regardless of my loan balance.

Is it private loans that are killing people? I known compared to some people $35,000 isn't that much, but the income based repayment plans at 10% of discretionary income seem really reasonable to me. Am I missing something?

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Just travel a little farther east to Connecticut. Pizza is better than New York here.

I was listening to an episode of Judge John Hodgman where he was talking about Connecticut pizza and at first I thought he was joking, just because I'd never heard of it, but it sounds like the real deal.


No Scrubs
I've also been consistently let down by NY pizza. It's fine but even the places that friends / co-workers recommend are only pretty good. On the other hand, the real Italian I've had in NYC is amazing.

There's a few really fantastic slices still left in the City, but the arguments over which is best always devolves into a knockdown drag-out fight. A lot of the places that do real Italian will also do the best pizza you've ever had. There's this place on the border of Long Island that is so ridiculously good that when the NY Giants order out for pizza that's where they get it from. Every year during football season they throw up a big banner bragging about it.
So I have a question to ask about people being crushed by student loan debt. I took out about ~$35,000 to go to grad school. Granted it was all Federal Direct Loans. I just was accepted for a pay as you earn income based repayment plan that brought my monthly loan payment from $450 to $200. $200 a month isn't anywhere close to crushing me and I would be paying that regardless of my loan balance.

Is it private loans that are killing people? I known compared to some people $35,000 isn't that much, but the income based repayment plans at 10% of discretionary income seem really reasonable to me. Am I missing something?

It's a combination of a lot of different factors, but the biggest is students taking out way too much in loans without a clear goal for how their degree will fit in with their professional goals and lead to a career that will allow them the income to repay the loan effectively. It's one thing if someone knows they're going to be an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer; you take out a lot in loans, but you generally start out with an excellent income. But all the people who are encouraged to get generic liberal arts degrees at private institutions and come out of school with 6 figures in debt and no real job prospects that would warrant taking out those loans to begin with? That's where you see problems. Young students aren't being educated about the realities that taking out $100,000 to get a gender studies degree that doesn't actually lead to increased earning power in the workplace might be economically insane. Couple that with jobs increasingly requiring college degrees for menial salary positions and you're effectively sending the message that without a degree, you can't compete in the marketplace of labor (which isn't always true).

East Lake

So I have a question to ask about people being crushed by student loan debt. I took out about ~$35,000 to go to grad school. Granted it was all Federal Direct Loans. I just was accepted for a pay as you earn income based repayment plan that brought my monthly loan payment from $450 to $200. $200 a month isn't anywhere close to crushing me and I would be paying that regardless of my loan balance.

Is it private loans that are killing people? I known compared to some people $35,000 isn't that much, but the income based repayment plans at 10% of discretionary income seem really reasonable to me. Am I missing something?
There's probably a decent amount of people more levered than you but it imo it might be more an aggregate issue than an individual one. There's some compelling evidence out there that private debt is a far larger issue than public debt.
I don't know what you heard but I don't cruise anymore. 😛

I like the Italian pizza sub from a local pizza place. Sauce, cheese, Bologna....it's an Ohio thing.
Boloney? The hell are you talking about.. I lived in redneck central Adam and even we didn't do that shit. Where are you going that puts bologna on pizza?


So I have a question to ask about people being crushed by student loan debt. I took out about ~$35,000 to go to grad school. Granted it was all Federal Direct Loans. I just was accepted for a pay as you earn income based repayment plan that brought my monthly loan payment from $450 to $200. $200 a month isn't anywhere close to crushing me and I would be paying that regardless of my loan balance.

Is it private loans that are killing people? I known compared to some people $35,000 isn't that much, but the income based repayment plans at 10% of discretionary income seem really reasonable to me. Am I missing something?
$35k is pretty typical. You've pointed out one of the problems - some don't take advantage of loan assistance programs. I've found another problem among people with higher incomes. Many people are overly debt averse and prioritize paying off low interest debt. They grossly overpay and then feel like they are struggling.

On the other hand, I knew somebody who somehow racked up like $150k at 10-15% to get a degree in game design. No advice for that guy.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Is it private loans that are killing people? I known compared to some people $35,000 isn't that much, but the income based repayment plans at 10% of discretionary income seem really reasonable to me. Am I missing something?
Sallie Mae is killing me. They won't work with me on adjusting my payments. Because my business is struggling, I make around $16,000 a year and my student loan payments are $300 a month. Combine that with rent, credit card payments and trying to set aside anything for the IRS and I pretty much have nothing left after I buy groceries. I've tried to work with them on decreasing my payment, but they won't do it. Of the people I owe money to, they are the least reasonable.


I gotta say NY pizza is a letdown. Tastes like any cheap pizza by the slice you'd find in the South. Drunk food, basically. Pizza Hut is better.

Honestly for me pizza is pizza, and while I like New York style more there are plenty of NY joints that are selling pizza as mediocre as any takeout chain I can find around here. It's fine for what it is and I don't think I've ever had pizza that made me stop and think how amazing it was in the city. Best pizza to me is the place down the street from where I grew up, although that's probably equally nostalgia alongside taste (and really fluffy crust.)

Boloney? The hell are you talking about.. I lived in redneck central Adam and even we didn't do that shit. Where are you going that puts bologna on pizza?

Once you're a grown adult only acceptable way to eat bologna is fried.

</poligaf digressions on food>

How about them Obama stats, huh?
There is not a lot of good pizza in LA. That is my contribution.

We do actually have some decent options. Michael's in Long Beach is quite good Neapolitan style.

The anti-NY pizza crowd is just like the anti-Clinton bernie people. Trying to be different for the sake of it.

Sorry, NY Pizza is great if you avoid the shitty chains. I've been there 4 times now and it's by far the best in the country that I've had. This last time I had the Alex Rosenberg at Roberta's in Brooklyn and it was one of the best I've ever had.

I've had pizza in Chicago, and it's good. The deep dish can be very good, though I wouldn't really compare it to any normal pizza. It's...its own thing.

Italy has great pizza too, of course.

Going back to LA, I think we run into the same problem as our bagels. I mean, our bagels are the 2nd best, but fucking NY water does something to them and their pizza we can't recreate. It is what it is. But you can find decent slices, it's just unlike NY you can't hop onto a Subway or walk down the street and you're generally stuck with what's around you and if you don't have anything very good nearby, then oh well.

But I've had good pizza at Italian and American restaurants from LBC to Manhattan to The SFV and in the city. They exist.

On the flip side, the Mexican food (yes even in NYC) is lol compared to ours.

edit: you don't find "slices: in LA, but you find pies. That's one thing about NYC that kills me about LA is I can't just walk somewhere and get a slice of pizza. Tacos yes, but not pizza. Argh!


Company I work for was just acquired by a company based in Finland.

Damn Socialists

Calm down, our 24% VAT is hardly socialist, public spending is getting slashed and the anti-immigration party is a big part of the government.

The time of the social democrats has been over for a while now. :p
Boloney? The hell are you talking about.. I lived in redneck central Adam and even we didn't do that shit. Where are you going that puts bologna on pizza?

It's on a sub, not a pizza. It's their pizza sub. It has mozzerella, sauce, bologna, onions...um...salami? Pepperoni, I think. It's delicious. True Ohio cuisine.

So, why is Trump meeting with the RNC right now?


I'm not a well traveled person at all, but for some reason I've always heard that the best bagel argument came down to New York vs Montreal.

My general impression of Montreal is that people from Montreal truly believe there's this intense rivalry between Montreal and NYC (bagels, pastrami vs Montreal smoked meat, etc.), while New Yorkers are barely aware of Montreal. I had Montreal bagels once. It's laughable to even compare them.


It's on a sub, not a pizza. It's their pizza sub. It has mozzerella, sauce, bologna, onions...um...salami? Pepperoni, I think. It's delicious. True Ohio cuisine.

So, why is Trump meeting with the RNC right now?

Maybe he's negotiating the terms of their surrender.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
My general impression of Montreal is that people from Montreal truly believe there's this intense rivalry between Montreal and NYC (bagels, pastrami vs Montreal smoked meat, etc.), while New Yorkers are barely aware of Montreal. I had Montreal bagels once. It's laughable to even compare them.

My world knowledge is based on travel and cooking shows, so I've got nothing to back it up.
So what impact would a 45-32 result in favor of Clinton have on the electoral college if Romney was the republican nominee.
Assuming the margin held and the final result looked more like 56-43

She'd probably win AZ, MO, IN, GA, NC and NE-2 on top of Obama's 2012 performance for 396 EVs. As well as some marginal states like Montana, Alaska or the Dakotas.
Going south of Wilshire?!

My girl lives and works in Long Beach, so I'm there a bunch. I actually prefer Long Beach. For one, you're near the fucking beach which is great. Food is better. Yeah, I said it. Unless you're talking fine dining in the city, the food is much better there. Especially the Italian and Mexican. Better dive bars. Better people. The city sucks, most overrated part of LA.


My world knowledge is based on travel and cooking shows, so I've got nothing to back it up.

I'm not much better, I've just met a few people from Montreal who seem to think there's a feud happening on the level of NY - Boston sports, when everyone I've met from NYC barely cares about Montreal.


My girl lives and works in Long Beach, so I'm there a bunch. I actually prefer Long Beach. For one, you're near the fucking beach which is great. Food is better. Yeah, I said it. Unless you're talking fine dining in the city, the food is much better there. Especially the Italian and Mexican. Better dive bars. Better people. The city sucks, most overrated part of LA.

All parts of LA that aren't named Santa Monica or Culver City are awesome.
All parts of LA that aren't named Santa Monica or Culver City are awesome.

I assume you mean the city, not county. They're okay. I'd rather avoid it. It's really shitty in terms of driving.

But I don't understand why anyone would choose the city over the coastal areas. Only if you hate the beach, I guess. I love the beach. I miss being young and going multiple times a week when I could. :(
My girl lives and works in Long Beach, so I'm there a bunch. I actually prefer Long Beach. For one, you're near the fucking beach which is great. Food is better. Yeah, I said it. Unless you're talking fine dining in the city, the food is much better there. Especially the Italian and Mexican. Better dive bars. Better people. The city sucks, most overrated part of LA.
I booked my hotel at the Marriott in Long Beach. Arrived there. Changed the reservation to the one near LAX. It seemed like a seedy as fuck place. Didn't even step outside. Entire LA is one seedy ghettoville, trash everywhere, pocked by a few rich areas where hollywood billionaires live. Even the area around chinese theater is terribad. My trip to LA was such a colossal disappointment. I'd rather get tortured inside epcot center by million screaming devil children.
It's a combination of a lot of different factors, but the biggest is students taking out way too much in loans without a clear goal for how their degree will fit in with their professional goals and lead to a career that will allow them the income to repay the loan effectively. It's one thing if someone knows they're going to be an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer; you take out a lot in loans, but you generally start out with an excellent income. But all the people who are encouraged to get generic liberal arts degrees at private institutions and come out of school with 6 figures in debt and no real job prospects that would warrant taking out those loans to begin with? That's where you see problems. Young students aren't being educated about the realities that taking out $100,000 to get a gender studies degree that doesn't actually lead to increased earning power in the workplace might be economically insane. Couple that with jobs increasingly requiring college degrees for menial salary positions and you're effectively sending the message that without a degree, you can't compete in the marketplace of labor (which isn't always true).

So it's more people taking out loads of private loans to pay for those degrees then because federal loans cover nowhere near that amount for undergrad and in a PAYE repayment plan for federal loans despite what your balance is your payments could still be $0 if you aren't making enough money.


I assume you mean the city, not county. They're okay. I'd rather avoid it. It's really shitty in terms of driving.

But I don't understand why anyone would choose the city over the coastal areas. Only if you hate the beach, I guess. I love the beach. I miss being young and going multiple times a week when I could. :(

I meant the city. I love this city. I can get to the beach, but I don't need to live at the beach.


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