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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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A little bit of news on the Indiana ground games:

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (March 31, 2016) - Work is well underway in Indiana to make sure Hoosiers get out to vote in the May 3 presidential primary.

Already, candidates are opening offices throughout the state in an attempt to drum up support.

The next five weeks are critical for the candidates in a presidential campaign that has proven nothing is guaranteed.

The Bernie Sanders campaign has already opened multiple offices across Indiana.

At his Indianapolis location in Broad Ripple, Political Director Carli Stevenson knows the next five weeks leading up to Indiana’s primary are critical.

“We have volunteers coming in here every day and we were so lucky that there was already this wonderful grassroots network of Bernie supporters, people who have already been self-organizing here in Indiana who’ve just been waiting for the official campaign to come,” she said.

“We are to the point now where the campaign is fully ready to invest in opening up offices statewide, hiring staff state wide,” said Peter Hanscom, the Indiana Director for the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Clinton’s campaign is canvassing and drumming up support this weekend ahead of the April 4 voter registration deadline, for the May 3 primary.

Hillary has history in Indiana. She won in her primary there against Barack Obama, in 2008.

“What happens here in the primary is actually going to directly impact who the nominee is,” said Hanscom.

Ted Cruz is making a point to push Indiana Governor Mike Pence into his corner. Pence has not formally endorsed anyone, but has said he will support the eventual republican nominee.

Cruz supporters are sending encouragement his way.

“Mike Pence’s endorsement would be very important. He’s well respected, he has a tremendous presence in Indiana, he’s been a public figure in Indiana for a long time and he’s still a young guy,” said Cruz campaign surrogate, Congressman Steve King (R – Iowa).

John Kasich and Donald Trump have not yet opened offices in Indiana.

I'm watching Bret Baeir interview Clinton on March 7th.

Hillary Clinton says she has never sent or received emails marked Classified. The emails were then retrospectively reviewed and many were then re-branded as Classified. Is this true?

I ask because Baier forgets to mention the review, and instead brings out the number of classified emails and asks her if she wants to retract her initial statement that she sent no classified material.

If my understanding of this is correct, what kind of shoddy journalism is this? Surely I'm missing something here because he wouldn't be as overt with his bias?

I work for Charter.

I choose to donate to Hillary and it'll show that Charter "contributed" to the HRC campaign.

Charter in and of itself cannot donate to Hillary, as A)That'd be illegal as fuck. and B) Even if they could, why would you, when SuperPacs allow unlimited funding and, more importantly, they buy LOBBYISTS, not necessarily politicians.

Yeah there are some problems with campaign financing but the way people in the financial sector have been villainized for donating individually to the Clinton campaign is pretty stupid. So you're saying the senator from the center of the financial sector gets a lot of money from those employees?


No Scrubs
I'm watching Bret Baeir interview Clinton on March 7th.

Hillary Clinton says she has never sent or received emails marked Classified. The emails were then retrospectively reviewed and many were then re-branded as Classified. Is this true?

I ask because Baier forgets to mention the review, and instead brings out the number of classified emails and asks her if she wants to retract her initial statement that she sent no classified material.

If my understanding of this is correct, what kind of shoddy journalism is this? Surely I'm missing something here because he wouldn't be as overt with his bias?


No, he's just a shit journalist. Gotta remember he works for FOX dude.


I'm watching Bret Baeir interview Clinton on March 7th.

Hillary Clinton says she has never sent or received emails marked Classified. The emails were then retrospectively reviewed and many were then re-branded as Classified. Is this true?

I ask because Baier forgets to mention the review, and instead brings out the number of classified emails and asks her if she wants to retract her initial statement that she sent no classified material.

If my understanding of this is correct, what kind of shoddy journalism is this? Surely I'm missing something here because he wouldn't be as overt with his bias?


Fox News(TM) Journalism. Everything is made up and the facts don't matter.
No, he's just a shit journalist. Gotta remember he works for FOX dude.

Fox News(TM) Journalism. Everything is made up and the facts don't matter.

But it just...it doesn't make sense. That's her attack against her? Why not just lambast him there and then? Why does it take her 5 minutes to answer this?

"I did not send emails that were marked classified. Do you agree? The State Dept then reviewed them and decided that some of them probably deserved to be marked as such, this is where that figure comes from. Do you also agree this to be a fact, Bret? Good. Next question"

Honestly, what is wrong with that as a response?


No Scrubs
But it just...it doesn't make sense. That's her attack against her? Why not just lambast him there and then? Why does it take her 5 minutes to answer this?

"I did not send emails that were marked classified. Do you agree? The State Dept then reviewed them and decided that some of them probably deserved to be marked as such, this is where that figure comes from. Do you also agree this to be a fact, Bret? Good. Next question"

Honestly, what is wrong with that as a response?

It's FOX News, you gotta be careful when they're out to get you 24/7.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The dream is crumbling

Again: he NEVER had Wisconsin. Cohn had the data earlier. We knew this would happen.

Besides, a contested convention with the RNC completely negating the will of their voters is easily the best outcome.

Y2Kev said:
More tea for you

Super Mario Rpg is amazing
Super Mario 3D world is not

Dropping truth right here. 100% agree on both.


The dream isnt crumbling. You guys are panicking too early. Trump has been near death after IA before winning NH, after losing KS and ME with a close LA finish before rebounding in MI.

He can suffer a lost next week and rebound in NY and PA, CT, DE etc

I don't normally agree with Plinko on his predictions and analysis but I do on this one.

Judicial Watch and others argue that some 30,000 other messages Mrs. Clinton sent from her secret address during her time in office, but which she has deemed private business, should also be reviewed by the government.

...Judge Sullivan even said he was inclined to order the State Department to demand all of Mrs. Clinton’s emails — including the 30,000 or so messages she said were private business, not public records, that she sent from her secret account during her time in office.

FOIA is garbage.
No need to panic over Trump losing WI. I think people are still approaching his candidacy as though the fad will fade, but I think voters are pretty baked in at this point. Trump is going to win the same states he ever had a chance of winning. His base isn't just going to wake up one day and realize they're racist idiots.


I'm watching Bret Baeir interview Clinton on March 7th.

Hillary Clinton says she has never sent or received emails marked Classified. The emails were then retrospectively reviewed and many were then re-branded as Classified. Is this true?

I ask because Baier forgets to mention the review, and instead brings out the number of classified emails and asks her if she wants to retract her initial statement that she sent no classified material.

If my understanding of this is correct, what kind of shoddy journalism is this? Surely I'm missing something here because he wouldn't be as overt with his bias?


Your timeline is 100% correct, the same thing happened to Collin Powell's emails.
I am spilling tea all over the receipts in this thread

LOST is a horrible TV show
It's one of those shows where you will like it or hate it. And I've always liked it..

Yeah, The story isn't great. but the characters for the most part were awesome. There was excellent acting. It made you care.
Uh Super Mario 3D World is amazing. Sad to see hate.

Dunno where I'd rank it among the 3D Marios though except that it's better than Sunshine. Otherwise they're all pretty even to me.
Uh Super Mario 3D World is amazing. Sad to see hate.

Dunno where I'd rank it among the 3D Marios though except that it's better than Sunshine. Otherwise they're all pretty even to me.

Super Mario 3D World is probably my favorite Mario game in a hell of a long time. I only have to clear the last level as Toad to 100% the game. Honestly, this is the 1st game I've ever 100% completed.
Why would anyone want Trump to win this thing outright? I hope he loses Wisconsin by 1 (let him sweep most of the CDs, but not get the WTA delegates) and keep that brokered convention dream alive. Let the GOP steal this thing from Trump; he'll light a cigar, use it to set fire to the curtains, and then run for the hills. He has literally no reason to stay in the RNC's good graces, so why would he ever let them do anything he doesn't like?

Come on, Kasich. Take a few states, just to really fuck this thing.

Are they worse than Lord of the Rings? Cause, that stuff is just awful too.

Ya, I said it. COME AT ME BROS.

I like the GoT books a lot, but I'm biased about LotR since I think they're terrible. Way too much random lore and world-building that just slows the plot down, and because they're older and trailblazing and all that, they have plot holes that get handwaved as allegory. Not my thing.
Why would anyone want Trump to win this thing outright? I hope he loses Wisconsin by 1 (let him sweep most of the CDs, but not get the WTA delegates) and keep that brokered convention dream alive. Let the GOP steal this thing from Trump; he'll light a cigar, use it to set fire to the curtains, and then run for the hills. He has literally no reason to stay in the RNC's good graces, so why would he ever let them do anything he doesn't like?

Come on, Kasich. Take a few states, just to really fuck this thing.

I like the GoT books a lot, but I'm biased about LotR since I think they're terrible. Way too much random lore and world-building that just slows the plot down, and because they're older and trailblazing and all that, they have plot holes that get handwaved as allegory. Not my thing.

Ya, that's me as well. I can't stand Tolkien's writing style. It's the only book I've ever literally fallen asleep while reading.

The correct order is

1) Super Mario World
2) Super Mario Galaxy 1/2
3) Super Mario 3D World
4) SMB3
5/6) Mario 64/Sunshine


The DNC really needs to evenly space out its primaries, people are saying they don't like Mario 64 or any and all pizza. This place is going to turn into a Trump rally.
The DNC really needs to evenly space out its primaries, people are saying they don't like Mario 64 or any and all pizza. This place is going to turn into a Trump rally.

Okay, look. Here's what I'm saying. Is, Super Mario 64 is a big mess. A big fat mess. And, look, I know that the Establishment has been backing it for years, okay? It's not beautiful. It's not. And, it's a yuge deal, okay? And, all I'm saying is....but also you can't play as Yoshi. Mario is low energy. Low energy in that game. No stamina. Okay? And, look, Bowser just looks like he's got blood coming out of his...whatever, and it's disgusting, okay? It's disgusting. So, we're going to make Nintendo great again. It's beautiful. That I can promise you.
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