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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I'd love my boy Herman Cain to storm the convention and take the nomination. AWWWWWWWWWWWW SHUCKY DUCKY!!!!!!!!!


who thinks in a contested convention, Republicans will just pick Paul Ryan as the nominee? if they're going for a clean slate, i can't imagine anyone else besides Mitt or Gilmore.

Eh. I wouldn't put out someone who might be viable in the future as a sacrificial lamb. That's why cruz fits so well. He would be a disaster of a candidate to run seriously. So send him out now to shut him up in the future.
If Paul Ryan ran while Speaker of the House and no one got a majority of electoral votes, would he get to choose himself or would there be a conflict of interest that would prevent that?


Eh. I wouldn't put out someone who might be viable in the future as a sacrificial lamb. That's why cruz fits so well. He would be a disaster of a candidate to run seriously. So send him out now to shut him up in the future.

well he's already speaker of the house, so his viability will dead soon in a couple of years.
If Paul Ryan ran while Speaker of the House and no one got a majority of electoral votes, would he get to choose himself or would there be a conflict of interest that would prevent that?

as far as i can tell, assuming he gets >1 EV and that no one gets 270 in that situation, he could totally do that as part of the Wisconsin house delegation


If Paul Ryan ran while Speaker of the House and no one got a majority of electoral votes, would he get to choose himself or would there be a conflict of interest that would prevent that?

I don't think he would even have to "run" per se.

edit: I was wrong. The House votes on a president chosen from the top 3 vote getters. If the Republicans ran 2 people, and the Democrats one, it would certainly be one of those candidates, so one of the 2 Republican candidates would become president in all likelihood. They can't just select an arbitrary person.

A diverse crowd being 18 year olds and 19 year olds
I sold my Trump shares about a week ago at 70c because I sensed a price drop was coming. He's at 47c right now. At the same time I unloaded my Cruz No shares at 84c for a few dollars in profit. They're at 70c today, Best decisions I've made in awhile.

Free Cerium. We need the professional gambler contingent at full strength.
So, election in the House of Representatives:

1) It occurs so long as no one receives a majority (i.e. 270) of electoral votes.
2) The vote is taken by the new House of Representatives. So, in theory, the Democrats could have the power to choose, but this is quite unlikely.
3) The House chooses between the top three finishers in the Electoral College.
4) Each state receives one vote, not each Representative. If a state delegation cannot come to an agreement on a candidate (the most likely cause of this would be a delegation that's split 50/50 between Democrats and Republicans) then they would not cast a vote.
5) To win a candidate needs the votes of a majority (i.e. 26) of states. If no candidate receives a majority then the House must continue casting ballots until someone does.

The long story short is that Paul Ryan would need to finish in the top three in the Electoral College (with no one winning a majority) to be eligible to be selected, but there would be nothing preventing the House for voting for him in that case.
Pfft... I wipe my ass with 27,000 Souls.

Unless it's early in the game and then I'd be salty.

yes. just after beating the two gargoyle bosses. thought i would go back and look at a route that i didnt go down, and one lone skeleton asshole with a rapier fucks me up
Its like I spent four hours to achieve nothing

and now it looks like i got killed while alt tabbed out to make this post.. glad i didnt pay for this shit


Is that position toxic? I not that familiar with the history of it. Do all the negative projections on congress ultimately fall on the speaker?

Paul Ryan will inevitably compromise at some point with Democrats. Tea party wing will scream bloody murder, just as they did with the last speaker. Eventually he'll become a villain to aim all their discontent for why Obamacare hasn't been sliced up, and why Hillary isn't in a jail cell with Huma. I think he'd be more viable as a pick while he's still in the sort-of honeymoon stage when most of the party still likes him. And not while he's in the depressed Boehner stage.

Ryan lifts, speaks better than Trump, isn't the Zodiac killer, and already earned name recognition from 2012.

Convincing him could be hard, but who knows.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
yes. just after beating the two gargoyle bosses. thought i would go back and look at a route that i didnt go down, and one lone skeleton asshole with a rapier fucks me up
Its like I spent four hours to achieve nothing

and now it looks like i got killed while alt tabbed out to make this post.. glad i didnt pay for this shit
That's rough! What class are you playing as? I take it that it is your first time?
Pfft... I wipe my ass with 27,000 Souls.

Unless it's early in the game and then I'd be salty.

Get 20,000 souls and buy the Crest of Artorias. Then go down below the blacksmith in Undead Parish and get into Darkroot Garden. Go left, kill some shrub dudes, and use the crest at a door. Also hit a fake wall to the left of that door to reveal a bonfire.

Go into the area behind the crest door, and there are some NPCs that you can lure off a cliff that give you 7000 souls per run, or 8400 souls with the covetous silver serpent ring. Those 27,000 souls will just be a couple farming runs. Plenty of YouTube videos show the route you take to get them off the cliff.

Getting those first 20,000 will be the hardest part.

If you just beat the gargoyles, then you're headed for the depths or lower undead burg next. You should be able to rack up some souls down there.

Edit: actually you might be headed for the Moonlight Butterfly. I don't remember the order.

Which market are you on?



ooh, now Karl Rove wants to install someone new at the convention!!



User 406

lost 27000 souls in dark souls and it feels like my life is ending

Wait til you lose one worth over a million.

Now that I think about it, I've been doing nothing but deathless runs for a long time now, I don't think I've had to recover a bloodstain for ages. I just delete my character and start a new one if I die. :X
Wait til you lose one worth over a million.

Now that I think about it, I've been doing nothing but deathless runs for a long time now, I don't think I've had to recover a bloodstain for ages. I just delete my character and start a new one if I die. :X

This sounds like more of a waste of time than watching Lost.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I need to get back to the Souls games soon. I've got to toughen up before DS3 gets here. Stardew Valley has made me soft.

Does anyone here listen to the Throwing Shade podcast? They are the highlight of my week. They talk about the show as if they mostly cover issues pertaining to women and gays, but as a straight dude, I feel like they do a great job covering current events and politics in general.
Also, beer, sunsets and PoliGAF are a good mix.
Am I the only one who likes the move towards AAA blockbuster games that are far more streamlined? Also I like shooters. They're fun

I think most indie games are garbage (I don't want to play nostalgia driven SNES games on my Xbox one/ps4) and PS+ is trash.
I only ever play big name AAA games. Aint nobody got time for indie bullshit.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I only ever play big name AAA games. Aint nobody got time for indie bullshit.
I can't go back to those kinds of games. They are too expensive for what they offer. The Souls series is about as AAA as I can handle. I mostly just drink and play FTL while my lady and I watch Netflix.

Edit: It's weird how slow today is for news. Most exciting election season I've ever seen and we are just shooting the shit.

User 406

This sounds like more of a waste of time than watching Lost.

I just completed a deathless all bosses sorceries only run today, farmed a ton of crystal soul spears from Freja with ascetics. At some point I'll need to try a no-death no-bonfire run to get both illusory rings at once.

And my DS speedrun record is 1:24:17, DS2 is 1:47:06. :D
Speaking of the House of Representatives electing the president, there has been some speculation about the Republicans trying a strategy of intentionally creating an Electoral College logjam so that the House gets to choose the new president. Such speculation is unfounded since running one of their own as a third party candidate would just split the Republican vote, but such a strategy has actually been attempted before.

In 1836, the Whigs ran four different candidates for President. Each candidate was on the ballot in a different region, the hope being that each could defeat Democrat Martin Van Buren in their region and then throw the election to the House. The plan failed as Van Buren won a majority anyway.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
All bosses is the only way to speed run. I dont though because I cant resist picking things up and doing secrets. I just do SL1 and no death/no bonfire runs.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I just completed a deathless all bosses sorceries only run today, farmed a ton of crystal soul spears from Freja with ascetics. At some point I'll need to try a no-death no-bonfire run to get both illusory rings at once.

And my DS speedrun record is 1:24:17, DS2 is 1:47:06. :D
I've got platinum trophies in the import and domestic releases of Demon's Souls and have probably played Dark Souls and DS2 for a combined total of a thousand hours and for some reason I've never thought about speed running.

User 406

All bosses is the only way to speed run. I dont though because I cant resist picking things up and doing secrets. I just do SL1 and no death/no bonfire runs.

I managed to get an SL1 character through NG+ in DS1. The hardest part was dealing with NG+ Four Kings.
There is a candidate for President who is basing his entire potential legislative agenda on a bunch of 20somethings showing up on the Mall outside of Congress and protesting until they pass something. People are taking this person seriously. I just can't even get past how ridiculous that entire idea is. How do people look in the mirror every day and say "Yes, this will work. This makes sense!"


I've got platinum trophies in the import and domestic releases of Demon's Souls and have probably played Dark Souls and DS2 for a combined total of a thousand hours and for some reason I've never thought about speed running.
I got the plats for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2. Props for stacking DeS. Is this thread about to turn into a trophy e-peen thread?

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
There is a candidate for President who is basing his entire potential legislative agenda on a bunch of 20somethings showing up on the Mall outside of Congress and protesting until they pass something. People are taking this person seriously. I just can't even get past how ridiculous that entire idea is. How do people look in the mirror every day and say "Yes, this will work. This makes sense!"
I think there's just a huge disconnect there in terms of what they think a President can do on his own versus what is actually possible in the real world.

Edit:learning that PoliGAF is also Souls GAF is delightful.

Hillary is sitting around roughly nine nine and a half million votes?

What are the chances she hits or exceeds her 17.8 million showing in the 2008 contest? Two of the most population rich states are still to come.

What are your projections GAF.

I think she's around a million votes behind by the end of it. She's gonna end up getting a lot more votes than poor Bernie. I'm thinking by the end of it Bernie loses the pop primary vote by almost four millions.

Hopium faded along with Hillary's patience.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I've always wondered with SL1 pkaythroughs, what equipment do you use? I have to imagine boss fights last forever at SL1.

Nope. You just pick up the reinforced club and go to town. Wont have a problem until DLC or Four Kings.

DS2 is harder because of adaptability but pretty much everything in the main game eats blunt damage at an unbalanced rate so beating the game isnt too bad. The DLC however...
I think there's just a huge disconnect there in terms of what they think a President can do on his own versus what is actually possible in the real world.

Edit:learning that PoliGAF is also Souls GAF is delightful.

I don't know how otherwise smart friends of mine are being duped by this bullshit.

User 406

I've always wondered with SL1 pkaythroughs, what equipment do you use? I have to imagine boss fights last forever at SL1.

In DS1, a Fire/Chaos Reinforced Club is your best damage dealer for melee, since it's just inside your starting stat abilities. It's a pretty damn good weapon on its own. Along with that, you can upgrade your pyromancy glove to maximum, which can handle nearly everything in the game. The tricky part is not getting killed, which is an even tougher problem in NG+ since you've got very little HP or defense. You can't exactly tank with Havel's set at SL1.
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