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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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remember me
The DNC really needs to evenly space out its primaries, people are saying they don't like Mario 64 or any and all pizza. This place is going to turn into a Trump rally.

All these terrible opinions are pretty much just Adam.

Wrong on Pizza, Wrong for America.




I say the things ya'll believe in your heart but don't have the grits to say out loud. I'm the voice of the voiceless. The silent majority! We will not be silenced. Queen will protect me from your establishment attacks. You will not tread on my 1st Amendment Rights! USA! USA! USA!

Majora's Mask is trash.

I played Super Mario 64 out of order. So, by the time I played it, it wasn't a big deal. I did the same thing with Zelda. I played them in a random ass order (Twilight Princess, Windwaker, Ocarina, and then tried Majora's Mask but it's soooo bad, I hate it. :( (


Pizza is the best. New York style is the best of the best.

Nobody cares about Game of Thrones anymore.

The best 3D Mario is Galaxy 2, but Sunshine is under-appreciated. 64 is amazing.

Wind Waker is the best Zelda game.

We done here?
Bro high five.

Best plot/characters/setting of the series. The only knocks I have against it are some excessive padding and playing the harp is just weird.

I also loved the motion controls. They worked flawlessly for me. Never had a single issue at all. The Wii is my favorite console of all time. Like 90% of my favorite games were on it.
I also loved the motion controls. They worked flawlessly for me. Never had a single issue at all. The Wii is my favorite console of all time. Like 90% of my favorite games were on it.
Wii felt like the last real game console to me.

360/PS3 and this gen's consoles seem to place more emphasis on the multimedia functions, which is neat so I'm not reeeeally complaining but it's nice to just have a dedicated game box too.

Loved the Wii. Love the Wii U too but I realize why it's flopping, it's not a very good product.
Wii felt like the last real game console to me.

360/PS3 and this gen's consoles seem to place more emphasis on the multimedia functions, which is neat so I'm not reeeeally complaining but it's nice to just have a dedicated game box too.

Loved the Wii. Love the Wii U too but I realize why it's flopping, it's not a very good product.

Definitely agree. Wii was just awesome. Madworld, No More Heroes, Excitebots, Galaxy Games, Super Paper Mario? Loved it. I love my Wii U, but...mane. Has issues.
Lost is good. GOT is alright but it doesn't seem to have any point to it. It's just fantasy backstabbing for 6 seasons. I think I dropped it after season 4. Don't have time to invest in stories that aren't going anywhere.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
If we're comparing politics to video games, Sanders is definitely Peter Molyneux.
Thankfully there isn't a large contingent of Molybros out there shitting up my Facebook feed.
Lost is poo.
Fact. I still get angry when I remember all of the time my brother and I invested in that show. Every year we'd rewatch at least the last two seasons before the start of a new one, and sometimes we'd rewatch the whole thing. We were so wrapped up in the mystery of it. The final season of that show was like getting deprogramed from a cult. We finally woke up to how shitty it was, but by then we'd thrown away vast swathes of our 20s and there was no way to get that time back.
I never really got into Lost but it seemed like the kind of show where you get really invested in plot lines that either never pay off or do so in incredibly unsatisfactory ways.
Am I the only one who likes the move towards AAA blockbuster games that are far more streamlined? Also I like shooters. They're fun

I think most indie games are garbage (I don't want to play nostalgia driven SNES games on my Xbox one/ps4) and PS+ is trash.
How has no one ever come out for this before? It seems like a no-brainer.

probably because, among other things, companies like Goodwill that profit from paying their disabled employees cents an hour have been lobbying against it since forever

(I may or may not have just spent a solid hour researching this because someone on my Facebook painted an overly-rosy picture of "sheltered workshops" and clearly didn't read the goddamn Vox article)


Wii U is my only current generation console and I'm gonna be bummed if Zelda gets delayed to the next one

Should have just stuck with PC


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
probably because, among other things, companies like Goodwill that profit from paying their disabled employees cents an hour have been lobbying against it since forever

(I may or may not have just spent a solid hour researching this because someone on my Facebook painted an overly-rosy picture of "sheltered workshops" and clearly didn't read the goddamn Vox article)

What's your view on it?

I'm still mostly undecided, probably leaning against it.

Edit: To elucidate a bit on it, i'd be in favor of it with certain conditions, such as incentives of some kind. Otherwise I fear businesses will hire even less leaving them more isolated.
Gamers today in general reminded me of Bernie supporters. Always demanding other give them them everything and holding companies to unrealistic standards


I'm still waiting for sequels to:

  • Gotcha Force
  • The Getaway
  • Klonoa
  • Ape Escape 3
  • Onimusha
  • iNinja
  • Dr. Muto
  • Hot Wheels: Velocity X
  • Perfect Dark Zero

*cries in corner


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm still waiting for sequels to:

  • Gotcha Force
  • The Getaway
  • Klonoa
  • Ape Escape 3
  • Onimusha
  • iNinja
  • Dr. Muto
  • Hot Wheels: Velocity X
  • Perfect Dark Zero

*cries in corner

I gave up waiting on a sequel for a certain, need not be named, series :(
What's your view on it?

I'm still mostly undecided, probably leaning against it.

Edit: To elucidate a bit on it, i'd be in favor of it with certain conditions, such as incentives of some kind. Otherwise I fear businesses will hire even less leaving them more isolated.

I'm in favor of it with two big conditions in particular:

1) tax breaks in place for the places of employment that would hire disabled workers (especially the developmentally disabled)
2) somehow strengthening Medicaid for the disabled (and, again, especially people with an IDD) - for the latter group, perhaps by mandating that states under Medicaid expansion implement a higher AGI limit for their waiver programs.

The author of that article, Ari Ne'eman, is the president of ASAN and has Asperger's himself, and they've done some pretty damn good stuff on this subject in terms of policy briefs and publications, and in terms of advising the Feds - he just spent the last 5 years on the National Council on Disability advising President Obama on issues like this.

That last thing in particular's been a major aspect of the national drive toward supported employment programs, alongside the fact that Vermont (!) has phased over to one with honestly fantastic results.
We all know that Metroid Prime 3 is the GOAT of the entire series.

Real talk, I scalped Wiis and for a living back in its height. Taught me so much about running your own business.I did that for a couple of years until the housing market and the economy crashed. Wiis have a soft spot inmy heart for that reason.

Surprised no one is talking about the madness over at the predictit markets since it's looking like Trump won't hit the 1237 number.

I sold at 75 cents a couple weeks back!
I'm in favor of it with two big conditions in particular:

1) tax breaks in place for the places of employment that would hire disabled workers (especially the developmentally disabled)
2) somehow strengthening Medicaid for the disabled (and, again, especially people with an IDD) - for the latter group, perhaps by mandating that states under Medicaid expansion implement a higher AGI limit for their waiver programs.

The author of that article is the president of ASAN and has Asperger's himself, and they've done some pretty damn good stuff on this subject in terms of policy briefs and publications.

I agree with you here. A few months ago I was at my ophthalmologist appointment. One of the women there was talking about how she and her husband would be doing so much better if they could just get minimum wage. She was telling my mom (my mom is drawn to people with disabilities. She was a special ed teacher) how she and her husband work 25 hours a week and make like $50. They were dreaming of being able to go to a hotel for their anniversary, but with the amount of money they made they couldn't afford it. My mom made them reservations for two nights at a hotel....but it ust gave us both chills. Absolutely disgusting this is going on.

Edit: I mentioned this in the thread on the issue, but when I was an ophthalmic tech I worked with low vision patients. One lady we were helping adapt to get a job through Goodwill. They were going to pay her like $.85 an hour, I think. Made me feel dirty as hell trying to help her make sure she could do the job. Now that I'm visually impaired, I have a greater appreciation for how you need to feel capable of doing a job. There is dignity in it. Luckily, I'm not so blind as to not be able to do "regular" work, but it makes you think, you know?


who thinks in a contested convention, Republicans will just pick Paul Ryan as the nominee? if they're going for a clean slate, i can't imagine anyone else besides Mitt or Gilmore.
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