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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.

So are you arguing that the most important metric is the number of donors, not the number of people who've actually voted for someone?
Former NJ Governor Christie Todd Whitman (R) said she'd vote for Clinton. Do we move to a new question now? This feels like the worst text-based game ever.


Starting to look more likely that there won't be a debate before the 19th. Not good for Sanders who wants to get as much media attention as he can and a debate would be free coverage. But I think a debate in New York can be dangerous for Sanders. He could try for his "gotcha" attacks on Wall Street and fracking, but Hillary Clinton knows everything about everything in the state, upstate and in the city, so giving her a platform to talk about those issues directly and with knowledge would probably help her more than Sanders proclaiming himself the anti-fracking chosen one.


The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.

But all you're talking about is the results of the Democratic primaries. That's not telling me anything about Hillary as a GE candidate, which is the entire point of this exercise. Go ahead and find me a Republican who would ever entertain voting for an elite establishment DNC candidate like Hillary.

You found one! You found a measure of the will of the people that works for your argument, yay!

It's a complete joke of a measure, but go you, worrying about the poor people that can't afford donating to a campaign!
Why is it that Bernie Supporters cling to Michigan and when the reasons why the poll was off are well documented and Hillary ended up sweeping the next 5 States as predicted by polling.

you know perfectly well why.

I thought it was amusing there to turn "Michigan" (which sanders supporters love to trot out as an example why ALL polls are meaningless and bernie can still sweep everything) into a reason why the "polling!" argument was meaningless re: measuring the will of the people.
The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.

But all you're talking about is the results of the Democratic primaries. That's not telling me anything about Hillary as a GE candidate, which is the entire point of this exercise. Go ahead and find me a Republican who would ever entertain voting for an elite establishment DNC candidate like Hillary.

Christie Todd Whitman, former Republican New Jersey Governor has stated that she would over Donald Trump

Edit- Shinra beat me.
The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.

Hey genius- when a candidate has all but mathematically won the primary, there isn't a whole lot of reason to keep donating to the campaign.

Sanders is in a desperate position, Hillary would cruise to a win even if donations stopped stone dead tomorrow.


[...]The entire strategy of the sanders administration relies entirely on a democratic "revolution" that does not exist, and he's literally planning to yell and shame republicans into going along with his agenda. I prefer my candidates to have some idea of how laws actually get passed and put into play. Hillary isn't perfect, but is pragmatic enough to ground what she wants to do somewhere in the land of reality.

The revolution is the one you milquetoast "progressives" ignored during the demonstrations again the Iraq war, OWS, and BLM. It's there, but you just don't want to acknowledge it or think too hard on the underlying issues. You are 1980's Republicans. You go on and on about how you have the more realistic approach to things, despite how they tend to blow up in everybody's faces. You guys have no ideas aside from not rocking the boat too much, as if the opposition is oh so interested in working with us.
The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.

But all you're talking about is the results of the Democratic primaries. That's not telling me anything about Hillary as a GE candidate, which is the entire point of this exercise. Go ahead and find me a Republican who would ever entertain voting for an elite establishment DNC candidate like Hillary.

I disagree with "will of the people" equating who has the most contributors, but at least you found something that supports your position. I find it ironic that someone who supports Bernie would equate who gives money to who has the most support, but there we go.

As to your second point, if Bernie can't win the democratic primary it doesn't matter about the GE, because he'll never get there. As to why he's not winning the Democratic primary, he has done horribly with PoC, women, older voters and registered Democrats.

I don't think any of us are going after traditional Republicans. If you think Republicans are going to vote for the socialist from Vermont, well....good luck with that one.
The revolution is the one you milquetoast "progressives" ignored during the demonstrations again the Iraq war, OWS, and BLM.

"revolution" isn't standing in the street and yelling. "Revolution" is showing up to polls. Revolution is funding downballot candidates other than "president". "Revolution" is knowing the name of who your congressman is-

NONE OF WHICH happened after demonstrations against the Iraq War, OWS, or BLM. All of those were failures. Your revolution stayed the hell home in every midterm ever and nothing will change until that stops happening. The only successful "revolution' was accomplished by the OTHER side when the Tea Party hijacked the republican party and had establishment politicians fearing for their jobs.

no democratic protest campaign has ever been anywhere NEAR that successful.
The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.

But all you're talking about is the results of the Democratic primaries. That's not telling me anything about Hillary as a GE candidate, which is the entire point of this exercise. Go ahead and find me a Republican who would ever entertain voting for an elite establishment DNC candidate like Hillary.

So now the metric for measuring the will of the people is money. Oh the hypocrisy.


I disagree with "will of the people" equating who has the most contributors, but at least you found something that supports your position. I find it ironic that someone who supports Bernie would equate who gives money to who has the most support, but there we go.

As to your second point, if Bernie can't win the democratic primary it doesn't matter about the GE, because he'll never get there. As to why he's not winning the Democratic primary, he has done horribly with PoC, women, older voters and registered Democrats.

I don't think any of us are going after traditional Republicans. If you think Republicans are going to vote for the socialist from Vermont, well....good luck with that one.

You are equating an amount of people with an amount of money. This is very telling.


Deep into his 30th decade
*Raises hand*

I'm one of those "You live in the old Confederacy, and hence shouldn't be allowed to vote apparently" states. Remember, the revolution is only for some people. And a campaign strategy that makes me think of Animal Farm is probably not going to go well.

I posted something on facebook that said to stop saying people's votes don't count. I stopped short of saying they are acting like racist fuckwads. Maybe I should have. My sister who lives in Portland basically said if for me. I am assuming she is getting it even worse there.

My whole family seems to be down for Clinton. We are a large family, but also Hispanic, so what is that, worth 3/4s a vote?


That's the problem. We're done with nepotism. Hillary presents nothing attractive to the American public. She's way too hawkish and inconsistent to be trusted by Democrats who pay attention. She'd win, but she won't bring the people to the polls we'd need to turn things around. She simply doesn't bring in the crowds. She doesn't have the ear of people like Michelle Alexander, either. She's just the default DNC flavor of the year. People are waking up to how that has gotten us nothing.
The problem here is you make assumptions that you're the only one listening. The only one with a valid opinion. The only one who makes the right predictions. The only one who knows...everything.

But you don't. And the reason why Bernie are losing is because none of you ever bothered to lay the groundwork, to learn the system, to find the loopholes, and none of you dare to use the 'evils' more than the 'evils' can use you. Always put yourself on a pedestal above sneering at those below. But your pedestal is an island that changes nothing, because, after all, it's not the White House.

Elections are war. Preparation, strategy, allies, favorable ground, the ability to change tactics—whine all you want, but the above is what Bernie has none of. The proof of 2.5 million more votes than Bernie Sanders is the example of how Hillary's strategy succeeds where his 'bringing people to the polls' has failed. Those massive crowds, the ear of the so called people, where are they at the polls? There is a strange irony that for all of the proclamations of how Bernie and Trump have awoken the silent majorities, the one who appears to have the real silent majority is Hillary Clinton.

The North Dakota Republican convention is this weekend by the way. In other words, the party will choose a slate of 28 "unpledged" pro-Cruz delegates.
I saw that. ND Republicans went through some loophole where now they are neither a caucus nor a primary. They effectively made themselves what things were like before primaries lol


The revolution is the one you milquetoast "progressives" ignored during the demonstrations again the Iraq war, OWS, and BLM. It's there, but you just don't want to acknowledge it or think too hard on the underlying issues.

Referring to the eternal progressive revolution that is always with us just makes you sound either communist or religious.

What is this revolution? Please use concrete references to people, places, or things. Action words would also help a lot.


The revolution is the one you milquetoast "progressives" ignored during the demonstrations again the Iraq war, OWS, and BLM. It's there, but you just don't want to acknowledge it or think too hard on the underlying issues. You are 1980's Republicans. You go on and on about how you have the more realistic approach to things, despite how they tend to blow up in everybody's faces like in 2008. You guys have no ideas aside from not rocking the boat too much, as if the opposition is oh so interested in working with us.

When people call out your bullshit, resort to insults.

People posted lists of issues and divergences, consistently and accurately called out your bullshit with facts, and all you did was move goalposts and come up with a pathetic, dangerous example of the will of the people that disenfranchises the poorest of the poor.

Embarrassing. You don't get to stand on a soapbox after pulling this nonsense.
The problem here is you make assumptions that you're the only one listening. The only one with a valid opinion. The only one who makes the right predictions. The only one who knows...everything.

But you don't. And the reason why Bernie are losing is because none of you ever bothered to lay the groundwork, to learn the system, to find the loopholes, and none of you dare to use the 'evils' more than the 'evils' can use you. Always put yourself on a pedestal above sneering at those below. But your pedestal is an island that changes nothing, because, after all, it's not the White House.

Elections are war. Preparation, strategy, allies, favorable ground, the ability to change tactics—whine all you want, but the above is what Bernie has none of. The proof of 2.5 million more votes than Bernie Sanders is the example of how Hillary's strategy succeeds where his 'bringing people to the polls' has failed. Those massive crowds, the ear of the so called people, where are they at the polls? There is a strange irony that for all of the proclamations of how Bernie and Trump have awoken the silent majorities, the one who appears to have the real silent majority is Hillary Clinton.

I saw that. ND Republicans went through some loophole where now they are neither a caucus nor a primary. They effectively made themselves what things were like before primaries lol

Judging from the county level conventions in Nevada and Iowa I'd say they know the loopholes very well and are trying to pull a Ron Paul. So much for that.


Hang in there, lednerg. The second wave is almost over

It's probably worth noting BLM has actually made moves to transition into influencing policy and members running for public office. Rather than running drum circles or whatever.


The revolution is the one you milquetoast "progressives" ignored during the demonstrations again the Iraq war, OWS, and BLM. It's there, but you just don't want to acknowledge it or think too hard on the underlying issues. You are 1980's Republicans. You go on and on about how you have the more realistic approach to things, despite how they tend to blow up in everybody's faces like in 2008. You guys have no ideas aside from not rocking the boat too much, as if the opposition is oh so interested in working with us.

No achievements? How about:

-The ACA
-Serious action to tackle climate change, including a plan to allow meeting the Paris agreement
-Improved international relations with Iran and Cuba, two major traditional enemies of the United States
-Legalization of same sex marriage and removing DADT
-Implementation of Dodd-Frank
-Turning the economy around thanks to the stimulus package

No ideas? How about:

-Comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full citizenship
-Universal pre-K
-Implementing stricter gun control laws
-Closing corporate tax loopholes and providing increased support to working class families
-Cracking down on drug companies charging excessive prices, slowing the growth of out-of-pocket costs, and providing a new credit to those facing high health expenses.
-Ending mass incarceration and providing investment and support to disadvantaged communities to break the school-jail conveyor belt.
-Reforming the VA to provide better coverage and support


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well if we are being trolled, then it is nowhere near as good as my trolling and therefore I have sympathy for people less rich and fabulous.

If we are not being trolled, then I am just regular sad and confused.
It's probably worth noting BLM has actually made moves to transition into influencing policy and members running for public office. Rather than running drum circles or whatever.
What ever happened to NAACP? I saw a thing on CNN recently that said black millenials trust BLM more than NAACP.
It's probably worth noting BLM has actually made moves to transition into influencing policy and members running for public office. Rather than running drum circles or whatever.

its probably too early to say what the effect of BLM is, but if it's an example of some kind of revolution it's not being borne out in any measurable way during primaries. Establishment politicians and candidates continue to be the norm during primaries, and it's Hillary not Bernie that has the overwhelming support of black voters.

So if BLM is an example of a "revolution", then the revolution wants the establishment.


The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.

But all you're talking about is the results of the Democratic primaries. That's not telling me anything about Hillary as a GE candidate, which is the entire point of this exercise. Go ahead and find me a Republican who would ever entertain voting for an elite establishment DNC candidate like Hillary.

Ah I get it now.

You are saying that if we don't count people too poor to donate to a primary, then Bernie is the will of the people.
I don't think BLM is an example of the "revolution" which has become a stupid buzz word.

It's a political protest movement. And it's good that it's evolving to try and make meaningful gains by engaging the systems and processes of government.

Rather than coming up with elaborate ways to play Chinese whispers and not showering.


The problem for Bernie is that his entire argument of a leftist revolution is following Barack Obama. A president who has overwhelming support among democrats, is now pretty popular among the general populous (if recent approval ratings are to be believed). Not to mention his opponent in the primary is someone who worked for, supports, and actively campaigns on continuing Obama's policies.

You keep talking about the will of the people. The people aren't looking for a revolution.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009


Montgomery Blair Sibley




Shut the fuck up, Rachel. You are embarrassing. Ugh.
The "will of" metric has to do with how many individuals are donating to his campaign. HINT: it far eclipses Hillary.
Maybe it's easy for the middle class to donate but the poorest don't have the spare money! I know I don't. Maybe Hillary represents the poorest in our society.

But all you're talking about is the results of the Democratic primaries. That's not telling me anything about Hillary as a GE candidate, which is the entire point of this exercise. Go ahead and find me a Republican who would ever entertain voting for an elite establishment DNC candidate like Hillary.
Something like 30% of Americans identify as Republicans.
I don't think BLM is an example of "revolution" which has become a stupid buzz word.

Stupid or not, its a buzz word that Sanders himself has embraced and his entire policy revolves around.

It's a political protest movement. And it's good that it's evolving to try and make meaningful gains by engaging the systems and processes of government.

absolutely. but it's not an example of the kind of protest movement that will allow what sanders wants to accomplish to succeed. He needs something entirely different- and what that something is looks exactly like the Tea Party of 2010.

It doesn't exist.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can we also add that the Governor of Alabama is so goddamn ugly I can't even imagine how he can have an affair. Can just anyone have an affair these days? Really it used to be reserved for the rich and fabulous. Now any disgusting decrepit old man with bad hair can have affairs.

Note this is different from "cheating on" someone. People on Jerry Springer "cheat on" others. But only fabulous people have "affairs."


Montgomery Blair Sibley




Shut the fuck up, Rachel. You are embarrassing. Ugh.
I can usually figure out where she's going when she starts her stories with something vague and seemingly off-topic. I had no idea where she was going with the Deadman's switch. When it went back to the DC Madam thing, I stopped paying attention. Really? This is your focus?

Like, this is Breitbart level shit without the right-wing taint.
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