The problem here is you make assumptions that you're the only one listening. The only one with a valid opinion. The only one who makes the right predictions. The only one who knows...everything.
But you don't. And the reason why Bernie are losing is because none of you ever bothered to lay the groundwork, to learn the system, to find the loopholes, and none of you dare to use the 'evils' more than the 'evils' can use you. Always put yourself on a pedestal above sneering at those below. But your pedestal is an island that changes nothing, because, after all, it's not the White House.
Elections are war. Preparation, strategy, allies, favorable ground, the ability to change tacticswhine all you want, but the above is what Bernie has none of. The proof of 2.5 million more votes than Bernie Sanders is the example of how Hillary's strategy succeeds where his 'bringing people to the polls' has failed. Those massive crowds, the ear of the so called people, where are they at the polls? There is a strange irony that for all of the proclamations of how Bernie and Trump have awoken the silent majorities, the one who appears to have the real silent majority is Hillary Clinton.
I saw that. ND Republicans went through some loophole where now they are neither a caucus nor a primary. They effectively made themselves what things were like before primaries lol