User 463088
Also, isn't the idea that the "will of the people" is those who can afford to give money the antithesis of Bernie's entire candidacy?
Montgomery Blair Sibley
Shut the fuck up, Rachel. You are embarrassing. Ugh.
Hang in there, lednerg. The second wave is almost over
Can we also add that the Governor of Alabama is so goddamn ugly I can't even imagine how he can have an affair. Can just anyone have an affair these days? Really it used to be reserved for the rich and fabulous. Now any disgusting decrepit old man with bad hair can have affairs.
Note this is different from "cheating on" someone. People on Jerry Springer "cheat on" others. But only fabulous people have "affairs."
Eh, looks like I'm sticking to Something Awful for politics. They don't get all pissy and take things personally.
I...I didn't do that. Please show me where I did that.
You'd have it a lot easier if your arguments about the process weren't factually garbage and campaign rhetoric. Just saying.Eh, looks like I'm sticking to Something Awful for politics. They don't get all pissy and take things personally.
If you're a representative sample, they do.
You'd have it a lot easier if your arguments about the process weren't factually garbage and campaign rhetoric. Just saying.
Eh, looks like I'm sticking to Something Awful for politics. They don't get all pissy and take things personally.
Eh, looks like I'm sticking to Something Awful for politics. They don't get all pissy and take things personally.
The revolution is the one you milquetoast "progressives" ignored during the demonstrations again the Iraq war, OWS, and BLM.
"Cheating on" can imply something was wrong with the person who was being cheated on to cause the person to cheat on them.
"Having an affair" people the entire onus on the person actually doing wrong
Please tell me more about us making things personal.
I believe that was said after a series of personal attacks towards me. So, yeah.
This is some bullshit.Put it this way, if you paid any attention to what social movements are gaining power in Europe you'd realize Donald Trump probably would have a much better chance of getting elected there.
Please, by all means show me these personal attacks.
Go on the internet and look it up, dick.
Go on the internet and look it up.
You're right. Europe already elected it's Trump multiple times.This is some bullshit.
Eh, looks like I'm sticking to Something Awful for politics. They don't get all pissy and take things personally.
What a convincing argument. I am truly overwhelmed by the unassailable case you have made.
EDIT: Also, an insult followed by editing it out. Classy.
Ignoring facts and constantly moving goalposts does tend to upset/annoy people, not exactly shocking news
You're right. Europe already elected it's Trump multiple times.
You are being kind of a dick, though.
I read Rosario Dawson led her crowd in chanting "Shame on you Hillary"? This is the kind of campaigning Sanders is okay with?
Because I disagree with you?
Eh, looks like I'm sticking to Something Awful for politics. They don't get all pissy and take things personally.
She came off as such an ass there. I thought she was trying to swing
Bernie's voters to her side?
Nah, it's more about the dismissive attitude via the superiority complex.
SA hasn't been as good ever since they shut down Laissez's Faire.
I'm glad I donated to Bern on Day 1. Just imagine if this was a race between Hillary and O'Mallery. ughhhh.
Some of you are approaching ban territory so I would probably cool it.
She came off as such an ass there. I thought she was trying to swing
Bernie's voters to her side?
If you're talking about Berlusconi, then you mean Italy. One European country elected its Trump and a bunch of other Eastern/Central European countries have right-wing parties at the helm.You're right. Europe already elected it's Trump multiple times.
What am I going to do, list all of Hillary's questionable qualities to the point of making her unelectable for the GE? That's not my plan. I'm in a Catch 22.
Apparently not that desperate for a debate:
I honestly wonder if they're doing this because they think there's more mileage in trying to create a narrative about Hillary refusing to debate than there is in actually debating.
If Bernie can beat Hillary Clinton in the primary, he has my support in the general election!!!
However, so would have Dennis Kucinich!!!
Well it's now backfiring, when one side can put forward the negotiations 'we offered these dates and they rejected'
And the sanders campaign only response is 'but ncaa!' looks pretty bad.
There's definitely more $$$ in it for them.I honestly wonder if they're doing this because they think there's more mileage in trying to create a narrative about Hillary refusing to debate than there is in actually debating.
This. I'd vote for pretty much whomever won the Dem primary. I will follow you to the end Lincoln Chafee!
But you have to, you know, win the fucking primary.