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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I guess it's worth asking anyway; is the premise that in working for a bank instead of, for example, at a steel mill that you can't be a good and/or hardworking person?

Its the same logic where the DNC is the "establishment" and have utterly failed America. Despite the fact that the Democrats are the main reason that america hasn't completely turned into a christian, fundamentalist, conservative shithole.

Once you've deemed something the source of all evil. Everything they do, and everyone the associate with are evil by proxy.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Its the same logic where the DNC is the "establishment" and have utterly failed America. Despite the fact that the Democrats are the main reason that america hasn't completely turned into a christian, fundamentalist, conservative shithole.

Once you've deemed something the source of all evil. Everything they do, and everyone the associate with are evil by proxy.

Yep, it's the same purity test bullshit the Tea Party used. Every day the vocal vehement Sanders supporters look more like the Tea Party. It's amazing, yet very sad.

The problem with purity tests, politics is about the exchange of ideas and compromise. The further we head down this path, the greater the chance of our political system collapsing.



Anyone know the context of that video clip...? Didn't know Bernie had a history of being against space program funding, unless I'm misinterpreting it.

That's weird, but it's old. He could have changed stances. He has voted against NASA's budget in the pasts though

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that a country which can borrow an infinite amount of money at 1% needs to balance its budget.

I want to smash my head into a desk every time I hear someone talk about how the federal deficit is such a pressing issue, but I don't want to give myself CTE
Kerry's reputation didn't get thrashed like Romney did but he didn't have the personality to pull off a realigning coalition. The GOP hasn't made much headway in attracting people outside of the base since 2004. The "freedom fries" simps are firmly in the Trump camp.

Bernie's cervical cancer comments make me more surprised that for all the attacks leveled at him here there hasn't been a more comprehensive analysis of the (frankly) more anti-intellectual viewpoints he's had, aspects of which surface in his campaign and reflect in his supporters from time to time.
I think Democrats didn't know how the realignment would look in 2004.

If Kerry had won 3 of - Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Iowa he would have won without even having to set foot in Ohio or Florida. But it was a little too early for that kind of movement, a lot of the attention was still on Pennsylvania/Ohio/Florida. McCain's home state status is what took AZ off the table in 08 (Obama almost certainly would have competed there against Romney or Huckabee) and his 2012 campaign played it much safer.

And really the fact that Obama won by huge margins both times kind of obscures that. He didn't need Ohio or Florida either time. Gore and Kerry staked all the marbles on those two states.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Eh, turnout is as important as pandering to the base. Something Clinton is still having a blind eye to it appears (which is why we destroyed her in 2008). Her supporters are letting their anger and elitism (ish) get in the way of trying to court Sanders voters. While this election is weird enough she may not need them - I'm surprised Sanders triggered War Clinton. You will need the Sanders supporters in non 2016 elections, and being dicks about it is not helpful, frankly. I went from 50/50 Clinton/Sanders to 20/80 Clinton/Sanders just from HillaryGAF alone. :p

Also, honestly, y'all realize that currently, this thread is about as bad as the Sanders supporters in terms of dismissiveness and insulting bullshit, right? I think I saw an "successful people support Clinton, broke people support Sanders" bullshit statement, seeing as Asian-Americans are going for Sanders in droves, and they sure as hell make more money than y'all. :p

While this isn't '08 by any stretch - I am worried that a smart GOP candidate (non 2016, obviously) could rip a seam in the tenuous alliance that is the Democratic coalition currently. Fundamentally, we all want shit to get better for those who are not doing good, (or in my case, don't want the stratification and the consequences that come from a massive wealth gap) - considering Sanders is DOA, we need to be gracious winners until December. :p The GOP is our target. Do not lose focus.

lol no
So if Bernie can't win by actually winning, it's okay to Ron Paul the house down? Awesome.

It was never his house to began with. Nor will he or the majority of his supporters be adversely affected in the short term by a Republican president.

So, why not burn the whole thing down. America would be getting with it deserves for not accepting Bernie's message. Right?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That's weird, but it's old. He could have changed stances. He has voted against NASA's budget in the pasts though

The problem with that, the stem cell research, etc votes, is he uses Hillary's past votes, many of which she changed her mind on, against her. Sanders is nowhere near as pure as he makes himself out to be.

Hillary has not been attacking Sanders much at all, so this shit flies under the radar. It would be resurrected with a vengeance in the GE, so I question tactically Hillary not going after some of these issues. Meanwhile, Sanders has the gall to ask for an apology.

If Sanders ever agrees to a debate, and he goes further down the negative road, I suspect she will have some salvo to fire back. She can't continue to take negative attacks without firing back as I think she will appear too weak.


Every once in a while I remember that GWB never would have become president if Gore had won New Hampshire, even with the Florida fiasco, and it always hits me like a ton of bricks. It seems like such a little, stupid thing that they voted that way and sealed the election. I mean you could say that of pretty much any state, but that one sticks out to me.

It's kind of fun to fall into the what if rabbit hole though. With Gore president, does 9/11 still play out the same way? Does Gore lose 2004 to a McCain in a landslide? I feel like we'd never have gotten Obama, or maybe not until 10 or 20 years later.
Kerry's reputation didn't get thrashed like Romney did but he didn't have the personality to pull off a realigning coalition. The GOP hasn't made much headway in attracting people outside of the base since 2004. The "freedom fries" simps are firmly in the Trump camp, the dudes who would troll campaign events are Cruz supporters, and Kasich represents the rump of "moderate" suburban voters that would naturally vote conservative.

Bernie's cervical cancer comments make me more surprised that for all the attacks leveled at him here there hasn't been a more comprehensive analysis of the (frankly) more anti-intellectual viewpoints he's had, aspects of which surface in his campaign and reflect in his supporters from time to time.

I think there was a real we want to not help find this stuff just in case he does win sort of thing going on.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Why are all my obnoxious Bernie friends posting that he won Nevada on FB?

AP says Clinton won 52.6% to 47.3%

He won an extra delegate via cock use bullshit, so they are lying to frame it as he now won it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Oh god I just read the last two pages. Hillary's video game "censorship" thing is the reason the internet hates her, isn't it?
Every once in a while I remember that GWB never would have become president if Gore had won New Hampshire, even with the Florida fiasco, and it always hits me like a ton of bricks. It seems like such a little, stupid thing that they voted that way and sealed the election. I mean you could say that of pretty much any state, but that one sticks out to me.

It's kind of fun to fall into the what if rabbit hole though. With Gore president, does 9/11 still play out the same way? Does Gore lose 2004 to a McCain in a landslide? I feel like we'd never have gotten Obama, or maybe not until 10 or 20 years later.

I think here are the three most likely scenarios with a Gore win

1. No 9/11, Gore narrowly defeats McCain in '04, big recession because deregulation still happens in '06 or '07, Jeb Bush wins in '08.

2. No 9/11, Internet 1.0 bubble pop is a little bigger + GOP shenanigans leads to McCain beating Gore, collapse still happens, Hillary beats McCain in '08

3. 9/11 still happens, Gore mysteriously doesn't get 90% approval ratings but we don't go to war in Iraq, McCain beats Gore in '04, and either beats the DNC candidate in '08 because of rally the flag despite economic collapse or a Howard Dean/Obama type wins in '08 because of anti-war anger.

In short, because of the sins of Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton, it's really hard for Gore to win two terms.

Oh god I just read the last two pages. Hillary's video game "censorship" thing is the reason the internet hates her, isn't it?

I've said this before. Hillary reminds dudes in their mid-20's early 30's of their Mom coming home from work in her pantsuit and yelling at them for playing Mortal Kombat or Tomb Raider all day instead of doing their homework.
Why are all my obnoxious Bernie friends posting that he won Nevada on FB?

AP says Clinton won 52.6% to 47.3%

Because in one place more Sanders people showed up to a county meeting that changes caucus votes into delegates. So technically he'll get a few more delegates out of it and so people have decided to pretend that that means he's retroactively won Nevada. He hasn't he'll still get less delegates from the State just not as less as before.

Because caucuses are fucking stupid... I mean the most democratic representation of the will of the people


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

Give me more of your money young, dumb idiots so I can spend it on Tad Devine.

Anyone who is cheering that Bernie "won" NV based on taking advantage of cock use rules has lost all legitimacy to ever complain about Super Delegates. Ever. In the history of the world.
I think Democrats didn't know how the realignment would look in 2004.

If Kerry had won 3 of - Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Iowa he would have won without even having to set foot in Ohio or Florida. But it was a little too early for that kind of movement, a lot of the attention was still on Pennsylvania/Ohio/Florida. McCain's home state status is what took AZ off the table in 08 (Obama almost certainly would have competed there against Romney or Huckabee) and his 2012 campaign played it much safer.

And really the fact that Obama won by huge margins both times kind of obscures that. He didn't need Ohio or Florida either time. Gore and Kerry staked all the marbles on those two states.

The Emerging Democratic Majority, written in 2002, more or less lays out the set of states that would form what we might call the Obama coalition, including states like Nevada, Colorado, and Virginia. It should be noted that the book missed on some states that would move towards the Republicans, particularly in the Upland South.

The reaction to the book is kind of funny, particularly because you get the impression that a lot of it comes from people who didn't actually read it. After the 2008 and 2012 elections you'd see people hailing the book as a work of genius, while after 2004 or 2014 they'd remark on how foolish it was.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Anyone who is cheering that Bernie "won" NV based on taking advantage of cock use rules has lost all legitimacy to ever complain about Super Delegates. Ever. In the history of the world.

I only use cock uses now when it makes the sentence have a dual meaning ;)
The Emerging Democratic Majority, written in 2002, more or less lays out the set of states that would form what we might call the Obama coalition, including states like Nevada, Colorado, and Virginia. It should be noted that the book missed on some states that would move towards the Republicans, particularly in the Upland South.

The reaction to the book is kind of funny, particularly because you get the impression that a lot of it comes from people who didn't actually read it. After the 2008 and 2012 elections you'd see people hailing the book as a work of genius, while after 2004 or 2014 they'd remark on how foolish it was.

Honestly, I think we still might have a couple of Southern state houses and some House seats we've lost in the past 8 years if we didn't have a President of a certain complexion. In the long run, it was worth it, because they'd be just about gone now, but I think people did underestimate how racist people still were.
Looks like someone sent out an email to delegates in Clark County telling them they didn't need to show up today if they checked in or registered as a delegate yesterday.


May have come from the same woman who "accidentally" sent Hillary's delegate information to the Bernie Sanders people.
Every once in a while I remember that GWB never would have become president if Gore had won New Hampshire, even with the Florida fiasco, and it always hits me like a ton of bricks. It seems like such a little, stupid thing that they voted that way and sealed the election. I mean you could say that of pretty much any state, but that one sticks out to me.

It's kind of fun to fall into the what if rabbit hole though. With Gore president, does 9/11 still play out the same way? Does Gore lose 2004 to a McCain in a landslide? I feel like we'd never have gotten Obama, or maybe not until 10 or 20 years later.

New Hampshire, along with Vermont, was once one of the most Republican states in the nation. Even today it's easily the most friendly towards Republicans of the New England states (Vermont, not so much) and it probably wouldn't take that large of a Republican victory nationally to tip it over to their side. When Clinton won New Hampshire in 1992, people made something of a big deal about him winning such a Republican state (see, for example, this clip from election night coverage) . To give an example of how big a deal this was, Bush won it over Dukakis by 26 points.


Sanders is nowhere near as pure as he makes himself out to be.

That's the problem with "purity" and "perfection", best to not even try chasing those things to begin with. The "fight the establishment", and "everyone I disagree with is establishment" shtick is grating on me

Oh god I just read the last two pages. Hillary's video game "censorship" thing is the reason the internet hates her, isn't it?

I admit, I was pretty peeved at her when she was working with that crappy lawyer trying to ban GTA years ago


Looks like someone sent out an email to delegates in Clark County telling them they didn't need to show up today if they checked in or registered as a delegate yesterday.


May have come from the same woman who "accidentally" sent Hillary's delegate information to the Bernie Sanders people.

Someone is investigating right?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That sounds an awful lot like actual fraud. But that's not possible!
Also sounds a lot like what Ted would do, lol.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Hillary's press secretary is definitely aware of it, as he went on Twitter a little bit ago. Ralson said that Bernie's people flooded the sites, and not just with their delegates.

Totally a Ron Paul move.

Why is it people who complain of fraud are the ones who do it?

Yes, i'm jumping to a possible conclusion, but the irony was too much to pass up

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Looks like someone sent out an email to delegates in Clark County telling them they didn't need to show up today if they checked in or registered as a delegate yesterday.


May have come from the same woman who "accidentally" sent Hillary's delegate information to the Bernie Sanders people.

what the fuuuuck
This recent news from Nevada is proof of unfaithfulness amongst our ranks. Someone has disrespected our lord Henry Kissinger.

We must repent and pray for the lost souls who have forsaken him, and our Clinton Kissinger brotherhood


Anyone who is cheering that Bernie "won" NV based on taking advantage of cock use rules has lost all legitimacy to ever complain about Super Delegates. Ever. In the history of the world.

You could take a look at the thread on /r/S4P and gauge the reaction for yourself.

Overall a lot more level-headed and a lot less obnoxious than this thread. Even the top-level comment by one of the moderators there is calling the caucus system ridiculous.

/r/S4P has actually not been so bad compared to /r/politics.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Yeah not sure I'd get up in arms about this right now.

Caucuses suck for a lot of reasons, this is one of them

Someone needs to ask Hillary after this primary is over if she would consider pushing the DNC to get rid of them, and partly help fund state's primaries.


Lol, Hillary doesn't even need to worry about this. Just save all of this as ammunition for the debate and just go full HAM on Bernie before NY if he tries to hit her. Win NY, win the nomination. She just needs to keep her head down and campaign like crazy for every votr in NY and deny Bernie ANY satisfaction from the state. She's leading and winning and can/should be acting "above the fray".
It's not really a huge deal in the grand scheme of things. Whoever sent that email should be fired, though. The Bernie people did flood some of the cock use sites, apparently, which is...you know, whatever. If you got time for that, have fun.

Technically, this is a non-binding vote anyway, and it could be fixed at the state convention if they're so inclined. Not that it's necessary.
What kind of archaic bullshit system requires people to physically show up to support a candidate AFTER the caucus has happened, at risk of losing the election?

Seriously, wtf?


What kind of archaic bullshit system requires people to physically show up to support a candidate AFTER the caucus has happened, at risk of losing the election?

Seriously, wtf?

Like I say. America's still stuck with the beta version of republican democracy because the upgrade path is hell.


It's not really a huge deal in the grand scheme of things. Whoever sent that email should be fired, though. The Bernie people did flood some of the cock use sites, apparently, which is...you know, whatever. If you got time for that, have fun.

Technically, this is a non-binding vote anyway, and it could be fixed at the state convention if they're so inclined. Not that it's necessary.
We shall see. We shall see. Yes...everything is going according to plan. Bernie, did you have anything to do with this?

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