Eh, turnout is as important as pandering to the base. Something Clinton is still having a blind eye to it appears (which is why we destroyed her in 2008). Her supporters are letting their anger and elitism (ish) get in the way of trying to court Sanders voters. While this election is weird enough she may not need them - I'm surprised Sanders triggered War Clinton. You will need the Sanders supporters in non 2016 elections, and being dicks about it is not helpful, frankly. I went from 50/50 Clinton/Sanders to 20/80 Clinton/Sanders just from HillaryGAF alone.
Also, honestly, y'all realize that currently, this thread is about as bad as the Sanders supporters in terms of dismissiveness and insulting bullshit, right? I think I saw an "successful people support Clinton, broke people support Sanders" bullshit statement, seeing as Asian-Americans are going for Sanders in droves,
and they sure as hell make more money than y'all.
While this isn't '08 by any stretch - I am worried that a smart GOP candidate (non 2016, obviously) could rip a seam in the tenuous alliance that is the Democratic coalition currently. Fundamentally, we all want shit to get better for those who are not doing good, (or in my case, don't want the stratification and the consequences that come from a massive wealth gap) - considering Sanders is DOA, we need to be gracious winners until December.

The GOP is our target. Do not lose focus.