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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I generally agree with the sentiment that Trump is toast if it gets to a second ballot. It's quite clear that Cruz's strategy is to win on the second ballot and he's executing it well (primarily by influencing delegate selection). Kasich, on the other hand, seems to have a second ballot victory as his goal but no clue how to achieve it.

Still, I think a lot of people are being too dismissive of Trump's chances of winning on the first ballot. He has a path to 1237 and can afford to fall a little short of that in pledged delegates.
Wacky Kornacki has been saying for months now: Trump's path to 1237 on 1st round is there when Pennsylvania's unbounded delegates fall in line (50 or so...big number!).

Also I dont think 2nd round is Trump's doom. Why would any delegate not want to get on the gravy train? And knowing Trump, the dude is already in the process of hooking them (and PA's 50) up with classy NY prostitutes in his trump hotel in exchange for pledge.


Yeah... no need to pay the likes of Goodman the slight bit of attention any longer. Even most Sanders supporters clearly see how awful he is at this point.


I don't really mean they are awful, it's just that every time Cruz speaks he does that creepy insinuation/accusation game. Now it's the evil media saying Pennsylvania will just vote however Manhattan did, they'll fall in line like sheep but Cruz doesn't believe that *applause*. Trump complains when the people vote! Except he's complaining because Colorado decided not to bother having a primary. Trump is a fringe candidate who can't win elections across the country...except that actually applies more to Cruz than Trump. Trump can't win a majority of the delegates in the primary, how will he win in a general? ( the same line Amanda Carpenter used last night during CNN's highly esteemed panel) to which everyone brought up Cruz having even less delegates.

Well, I certainly have no intent of defending Ted fucking Cruz, even as a mental exercise. I just wanted to provide a friendly reminder to us all that simplifying and/or objectifying normal, everyday people that are part of the opposition is a dangerous thing to do even if (maybe especially if) we are absolutely right and they are absolutely wrong. With very few exceptions, I tend to think that ideas held can be awful, positions supported can be awful, but people? People are complex, as reality resists simplicity. Denying that moves one further from reality, which is inherently dangerous for your beliefs.

You aint wrong at all about Cruz tho. That guy is the worst.
He was a Ron Paul supporter in 2012. He already knows that pain.

I have this sneaking feeling most of the "BERNIE OR BUST" people are old time Ron Paulers. It's the feeling I've been getting, especially on Reddit. A lot of the same arguments, and many who just outright admit they used to support Paul.

Which means their impact on the election isn't really worth worrying about.
Christmasland scenario where we get everything we want?

  • Ending the drug war. At the very least there should be decriminalization.
  • Criminal justice reform.
  • Preservation of LGBT rights.
  • Either tax carbon or enact cap and trade policy. Once that is in place, end most other regulations on greenhouse gases, and subsidies on renewables. Let the free market decide the right mix of fossil and renewable energy.
  • Immigration reform with a tough but fair pathway to citizenship, in addition to easier legal immigration.
  • More free trade deals.
    [*]Abolish the minimum wage and replace it with the much more poor friendly wage subsidy (such as expaning the EITC).
    [*]Start to unwind social security. It's a broken and stupid system. Let people save on their own, mandate people saving on their own if necessary.
    [*]Reform the tax code. Eliminate nearly all deductions and bring down the rates. Should end up revenue neutralish.
    [*]Work on bringing budget into a primary surplus as long as no recession happens.
  • End the first past the post voting system, which would end the two party duopoly.
  • Don't do anything stupid in foreign policy. Don't be isolationist either.
  • Allow more charter schools.

Holy smokes my good man!

I'm not sure how you would unwind SS, but beyond that, are you aware of how underfunded most people are for retirement? All we need is a bunch of incontinent old people around with no money.

I'm not sure why expanding the ETIC has to go along with the destruction of wage floors. Why not have both?

You stay away from my child tax credit and my mortgage deductions.

Would it be wise to run a surplus right now? We have massive trade deficits. We're not really seeing inflation. We need to do infrastructure spending.
Better than the 'Bernie won almost all the counties!' thing, is the 'Obama lost NY and he won, so therefore...' crap I've seen today.

Yeah. Because Bernie lost a big state, that definitely means he's totally on track. Why have I got all these whackadoodles on my facebook wall?
Lots of meltdowns on my Facebook feed last night and today. Last night someone was sharing Bernie or Bust articles, asking if anyone else was curious what a Trump presidency would be like, and suggesting he would write in Bernie in November. Another was sharing a map of last night's results and several people were commenting how troubling it was that Hillary won the state even though Bernie won most of the counties (facepalm), another expressed disbelief that Hillary won NYC (apparently unaware that she has generally won urban areas).

Obviously these are far from a representative sample of Bernie's supporters, but you can see that for some the reality of where this race is has just begun to sink in.
I worry about the dude, what will he do after the convention?
Start to unwind social security. It's a broken and stupid system. Let people save on their own, mandate people saving on their own if necessary.

SS was started because people weren't saving on their own. Some people can't save on their own. And you had a ton of elderly people unable to work, living in poverty.

Social Security isn't a "stupid" system. It works quite well and dramatically lowers the amount of elderly people in poverty.

All that needs to be fixed is raising the cap. Make it so there isn't even a cap, because having a cap is stupid.


Another 384 delegates off table a week from today. Queen will likely get 55% of them.

Nate Cohn put NY and WI into his model and it has Bernie winning IN.


Hillary Rodham Clinton’s narrow win in the Indiana Democratic Primary can be traced to a number of factors. According to exit polls, 78 percent of voters in the Indiana Democratic Party were Caucasian and they opted for Clinton 60-40 percent compared to the 17 percent of voters who were African American who backed Obama by a margin of 89-11. Obama won young voters under the age of 40 by a margin of 59-41 while Clinton won older voters over the age of 40 by a margin of 58-42.


Will Sanders endorse Hillary after his concession I wonder...
I don't mean give some half hearted 'Yeah she's qualified for the job,' but a genuine endorsement where he at least makes an effort to lead his voters to her?

I don't see it after this past week tbh.
I could see Indiana going either way. On the one hand there are a lot of religious conservatives, especially in Southern Indiana, and I see Cruz's performance in the Milwaukee suburbs as a good sign for his prospects in the Indianapolis suburbs.

On the other hand, as much as I love my native state, it has a strong racist streak that is often overt. I mentioned in chat last night that there were sometimes incidents when my high school (which was relatively diverse by Indiana standards) would travel to other schools for sports, one of which was bad enough to get the host school probation form the state's athletic association. Trump can certainly find a receptive audience in the state.


Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 2h2 hours ago
Ok, sneak peek at our bottom line for Pennsylvania - 55% Clinton - 45% Sanders. We anticipate Sanders will beat polls by about 3%.

Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 4m4 minutes ago
Reran the numbers in Maryland and save for a couple changes in some counties, they are still the same. 66%-34% Clinton.

how do they know this? a model of there own?

delegate allocation in New York if allocated entirely on statewide vote: 143-104 Clinton
actual results: 139-108 Clinton

I expect outrage over such an affront to democracy! or something
Will Sanders endorse Hillary after his concession I wonder...
I don't mean give some half hearted 'Yeah she's qualified for the job,' but a genuine endorsement where he at least makes an effort to lead his voters to her?

I don't see it after this past week tbh.

Bernie will sufficiently endorse her and probably do his fair share of rallying his base to vote D, but I am guessing that he'll probably spend more time attacking whoever the Republican candidate is than he'll spend campaigning for Hillary. He's probably better suited for that.
Will Sanders endorse Hillary after his concession I wonder...
I don't mean give some half hearted 'Yeah she's qualified for the job,' but a genuine endorsement where he at least makes an effort to lead his voters to her?

I don't see it after this past week tbh.

Of course he will. He wants to ensure the Republicans don't win.

I don't think getting nasty these last couple of weeks and allowing his campaign to embrace the delusion was necessarily entirely his call. He's pretty bad at being snappy and spontaneous with insults and remarks and stuff.

I love me some Seth Abramson, in the same way I loved all the "this is excellent news for McCain/Romney" articles from the last two cycles. H.A. Goodman may have the best headlines, but Abramson's articles themselves are always comedy gold.

First of all, I called it when I said in chat that Abramson would use the exit polls to delegitimize Hillary's victory. After all, this is the man who unskewed the Arizona results to declare the state a win for Bernie (so long as you ignore early votes). What makes the snarky tone so hilarious is that he clearly has no clue what he's talking about, like when he acts as though the convention will be contested in any meaningful way so long as she doesn't win enough pledged delegates to secure an overall (pledged plus super) delegate majority.

I actually feel a little guilty about enjoying his articles so much, since I do think they are actively harmful in that they feed misplaced resentment. I'd like very much not to see this article being shared on my Facebook feed.
There wasn't even a place to write in a name on the ballot. The scanner wouldn't have been able to count the number of write ins of people who just scribbled on the sheet.


Bernie will sufficiently endorse her and probably do his fair share of rallying his base to vote D, but I am guessing that he'll probably spend more time attacking whoever the Republican candidate is than he'll spend campaigning for Hillary. He's probably better suited for that.

This gives me hope. You're right that an endorsement of Hillary will ring hollow with his supporters, but he might be able to sway them by reminding them that the GOP is the antithesis of everything his campaign has been about.
Awww shit

Dear Senator Sanders,

We commend you on running a spirited campaign that has energized and mobilized a new generation of voters, but we are concerned about the way you and your campaign have characterized the South.

The greatest asset we have as a party is our diversity—a diversity of cultures, religions, ethnicities,experiences, and backgrounds.

Yet over the course of this Democratic primary, you and your surrogates have sought to minimize Secretary Hillary Clinton’s victories throughout the South as a symptom of a region that, as you put it,“distorts reality.” You argue that the South is “the most conservative part” of America; implying states that traditionally vote Republican in a general election are not worth contesting in a Democratic Primary.

Southern Democrats already have to deal with Republicans refusing to expand Medicaid, deteriorating infrastructure, and the lack of adequate funding for our public schools. We need our national Democratic leaders to invest in our races and causes—to amplify our voices, not diminish them.


Hon. Jim Hodges Don Fowler
Fmr. Governor of South Carolina Fmr. DNC Chairman

Allison Tant Hon. DuBose Porter
Chair, Florida Democratic Party Chair, Georgia Democratic Party

Sen. Karen Carter Peterson Rickey Cole
Chair, Louisiana Democratic Party Chair, Mississippi Democratic Party

Jaime Harrison
Chair, South Carolina Democratic Party
I'll never understand ridiculing southern Democrats. He gained nothing and lost a lot. If he was going to ignore the South, he should have actually ignored it; not come up with rationalization as to why ignoring it was a good decision. Perhaps a good example of where being "the honest politician" wasn't the best choice.




As they say, "drag him". It's repulsive rhetoric from the same guy who once talked about how southern Democrats are frequently ignored by the party. Guess he just pretended to care about that issue for so long as he could criticize the Democratic party for something, but once he ran for president and those black Democrats down south didn't vote for him, he couldn't fly north fast enough.
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