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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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My gut says it's a Trump state but my brain says it's a Cruz state. We need a poll.

I think Trump wins if he can keep his nose clean until May 3rd.

Cruz is too crazy for the average Indiana republican and the Tea Party types here will prefer Trump.

Wildcard is what the Dems in Indiana do if Bernie concedes after next week.
I think Trump wins if he can keep his nose clean until May 3rd.

Cruz is too crazy for the average Indiana republican and the Tea Party types here will prefer Trump.

Wildcard is what the Dems in Indiana do if Bernie concedes after next week.

Bernie is touting the Carrier union endorsement and is running ads in Indiana. He's not gone more than likely after next week.
Okay, because of the nature of the primaries, I think most of us are highly focused on this process specifically and staking sides. But speaking more broadly, what are the most important issues for PoliGAF this election cycle? What do we actually want accomplished?

Just for me?

OK -

  1. Policing reform, the demilitarization of local police, and crime reform that protects non-violent offenders from long sentences.
  2. A move toward a program that offers low-cost or free re-training and education for displaced workers who have lost their jobs along with an extension of unemployment benefits.
  3. A move away from military intervention or even the hint of it (such as emboldening, say, the Ukraine to become a NATO power when that only incites Russia to military action in response) and toward crafting more trade deals that increase American economic power. I'm a soft power type of guy whenever I can be (or at least, that's my Civ strategy).
There are going to be a LOT of bitter, salty redditors hoping trump wins in nov so they can say "shoulda nominated sanders, he wouldve won"
These imbeciles and outlets like the young turks have done nothing but make us look stupid by proximity, they gleefully provide the hilldawgs the switch with which to beat us. What a bunch o jokahs


NASA is definitely one of those pet issues of mine. I love NASA and want all of their projects to be well funded. Despite that, I doubt I could really offer anything close to a compelling defense of that idea. In fact, I bet that were it anything else, I would be opposed to increasing funding. I just love space so much that I want it funded. It's like it's a blindspot, and I can see its a blindspot, but I just keep believing the same thing.

It generates useful science knowledge and inventions as a by-product. I'm not sure how that compares to say, the value of a dollar for disease research, but it's certainly more valuable than just "space is cool". So I'd say it's not a total blindspot, but I don't know to what extent.


NASA is definitely one of those pet issues of mine. I love NASA and want all of their projects to be well funded. Despite that, I doubt I could really offer anything close to a compelling defense of that idea. In fact, I bet that were it anything else, I would be opposed to increasing funding. I just love space so much that I want it funded. It's like it's a blindspot, and I can see its a blindspot, but I just keep believing the same thing.
I always feel like I like NASA for the wrong reasons. I love space and sci-fi, but I sucked at science during high school.




My brief thoughts on Harriet Tubman's face on the $20 bill. #HarrietTubman



How do people like Ted Cruz, he's awful, there must be so many awful people in this country.

There are many people that have been roped into self-defeating systems of social and political oppression that encourages them to be excited for things that are actually very bad for them. I'm loathe to refer to those people as awful, however since I used to be one.
There's been a lot of contention on the issue of Tubman appearing on the bill that most represents capitalism for the past months among black circles actually. There's definitely some valid points but today, I'm just elated there's going to be a black woman pushed out of ATMs all over the country.
It generates useful science knowledge and inventions as a by-product. I'm not sure how that compares to say, the value of a dollar for disease research, but it's certainly more valuable than just "space is cool". So I'd say it's not a total blindspot, but I don't know to what extent.

Yeah, I've just never felt too strongly about that argument. I've made it before, but now it just feels like a rationalization of a position I hold, rather than justification for holding it. Like, if the argument is "fund NASA because when we do cool space stuff, we get all these incidental benefits from it like cool tech" then it seems pretty easy to argue that we could fund research into cool tech without also "wasting" money and effort putting people in space.

Like I said, I love NASA and cool space stuff, I just can't justify why other than "it's cool!"


“Republicans are in kind of a bind since their best hope for stopping Donald Trump is a guy who’s the lovechild of Joe McCarthy and Dracula,” Franken said at MinnPosts's annual variety show, MinnRoast. The event took place last Friday, with video posted on Wednesday.

That wasn’t the end of it. He also quipped that “Cruz can be really hard to get along with, but I understand that in a couple weeks he’s planning to launch a charm offensive. He’s having a little trouble with the charm part but he’s got the offensive part down cold.“

This man needs to speak at the convention.



NASA is definitely one of those pet issues of mine. I love NASA and want all of their projects to be well funded. Despite that, I doubt I could really offer anything close to a compelling defense of that idea. In fact, I bet that were it anything else, I would be opposed to increasing funding. I just love space so much that I want it funded. It's like it's a blindspot, and I can see its a blindspot, but I just keep believing the same thing.

NASA does a great deal more than just Space anyway. People forget there are two As in the agency's acronym, and it does things not encapsulated by the acronym at all.


Yeah, this answer makes a lot of people angry, but "fog of war". On a plane, Hillary had just gotten news of something going on in Benghazi and told Chelsea it was probably a terrorist attack. But before she got to a press conference, the current intelligence was that it was a protest about that anti-muslim video circulating. So that's what she told the media. And then the next day, or maybe two days later, it became abundantly clear that it was a terrorist attack and should be treated as such. On the ground intelligence can be bad in situations like this.

I'd like to add onto this. The Republican party, the party that constantly berates others for not speaking English, continues to fail to understand the nature of connotations and the fact that words as semantic handles for categorical clusters carry with them implications that warp the perception of the object of the description. They also throw in the non-central fallacy, for good measure.

The story is that Hillary lied by saying that the Benghazi attack "wasn't terrorism!!!" because she said that the attack on Benghazi was the handiwork of people protesting an anti-Muslim video. The problem with their logic is very much evident when one considers terrorism as more than the word that Ted Cruz says after the phrase "radicial Islamic". We're going to have to slip into arguing by definition for a bit here - terrorism is defined as "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." You know, such as a group using violence to intimidate people into not publishing anti-Muslim films. It's still denotational terrorism she's describing - problem is that terrorism has a vernacular connotational meaning thanks to Ted Cruz's and others' word pairing exercises which encodes that the attack is a result of Al Queda and now ISIS. So if you just tell people that the attack was a "terrorist attack", they will think that it is a result of a major terrorist organization. However, intel at the time of her statement was suggesting that the terrorist attack was perpetrated not by orders of a major terrorist organization, but as a response to an anti-Muslim movie. If this was true, it would suggest that the region was not as unstable as indicated and that it was more of a flash in the pan terrorist attack than a sign that major terrorist organizations had a strong impact in that region and that conditions were destabilizing. So she accurately reported the intel she had at the time in a manner that she thought would get that point across, said that the attack was a protest against an anti-Muslim video, an example of a less organized group using violence or intimidation to accomplish political goals.

Basically, I think Republicans fail their own qualifications for citizenship.


Yeah, I've just never felt too strongly about that argument. I've made it before, but now it just feels like a rationalization of a position I hold, rather than justification for holding it. Like, if the argument is "fund NASA because when we do cool space stuff, we get all these incidental benefits from it like cool tech" then it seems pretty easy to argue that we could fund research into cool tech without also "wasting" money and effort putting people in space.

Like I said, I love NASA and cool space stuff, I just can't justify why other than "it's cool!"

Best argument someone can make for space stuff is that it is a long-term investment. If we develop space-faring technology enough that we can start living in space and utilizing resources from space, then the rewards for that investment will be enough to completely transform human civilization.


I'd like to add onto this. The Republican party, the party that constantly berates others for not speaking English, continues to fail to understand the nature of connotations and the fact that words as semantic handles for categorical clusters carry with them implications that warp the perception of the object of the description. They also throw in the non-central fallacy, for good measure.

The story is that Hillary lied by saying that the Benghazi attack "wasn't terrorism!!!" because she said that the attack on Benghazi was the handiwork of people protesting an anti-Muslim video. The problem with their logic is very much evident when one considers terrorism as more than the word that Ted Cruz says after the phrase "radicial Islamic". We're going to have to slip into arguing by definition for a bit here - terrorism is defined as "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." You know, such as a group using violence to intimidate people into not publishing anti-Muslim films. It's still denotational terrorism she's describing - problem is that terrorism has a vernacular connotational meaning thanks to Ted Cruz's and others' word pairing exercises which encodes that the attack is a result of Al Queda and now ISIS. So if you just tell people that the attack was a "terrorist attack", they will think that it is a result of a major terrorist organization. However, intel at the time of her statement was suggesting that the terrorist attack was perpetrated not by orders of a major terrorist organization, but as a response to an anti-Muslim movie. If this was true, it would suggest that the region was not as unstable as indicated and that it was more of a flash in the pan terrorist attack than a sign that major terrorist organizations had a strong impact in that region and that conditions were destabilizing. So she accurately reported the intel she had at the time in a manner that she thought would get that point across, said that the attack was a protest against an anti-Muslim video, an example of a less organized group using violence or intimidation to accomplish political goals.

Basically, I think Republicans fail their own qualifications for citizenship.

One of the things that Republicans have latched onto (Rubio talked about it a lot) is that she specifically told the families of those who died in the attack that it wasn't a terrorist attack. When asked if they were telling the truth, she replied, "well I'm not lying," implying that the families were lying. I don't know what the truth is, but expect that to get a lot of ad time during the election.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Man sometimes Twitter is so frustrating for completely different reasons. I'm in a really good conversation with a Sanders supporter about how HRC supporters aren't voting from a position of "safety", just a different evaluation of risks and needs, but when it comes time to go into why so many of us feel Sanders would be, basically, a symbolic failure, I really don't feel I can get into it properly in a series of short messages



Maybe but I think most people who did the provisional ballot thing we're likely only doing so because of all the hub bub from Sanders people so it wouldn't surprise me if the provisional ballots favour Sanders.
The provisional ballots are actually sort of tricky.

When the Board of Elections receives them, they check the information the voter put on the ballot envelope to see if they can legitimately vote in the election; if the voter can, then BoE counts the ballot.

But most people really just forget that they are registered to a different party or another party or didn't vote. So that means even if provisional ballots favor Sanders, they won't necessarily get counted because the information the voter puts on the ballot envelope doesn't match their older registration.
Man, I wish I wasn't playing ball when CNN's awful exit polling was released and some of y'all freaked the fuck out.

People, this Primary was over the day Hillary won Iowa. It's always been over. Calm down!

Anyway, it looks like Cruz is dead and now it's strictly Trump vs not Trump. I predicted he'd get around 90 and now he just needs to kill next week and it probably becomes inevitable that he at least gets really close to 1237.

Bernie will need some more big losses next week before he entertains a change in rhetoric, IMO. And I hope he does. By that time, there's no more questions. It will be definitely over.

edit: Love the Tubman over Jackson $20 call.

Fuck Andrew Jackson.

edit x2:
Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 4m4 minutes ago
Why were those initial exits off on the Dem side? NYC made up too little of the state electorate & missed the Clinton margin by ~16 points.

Like, how does this happen? I mean, really. How do you underestimate NYC in a poll???
Best argument someone can make for space stuff is that it is a long-term investment. If we develop space-faring technology enough that we can start living in space and utilizing resources from space, then the rewards for that investment will be enough to completely transform human civilization.

True. I definitely see that as the future of our species, and I welcome accelerations to that effect. That is an effective argument. Although, I'm not sure it's effective politics. Not sure if that's the word I'm looking for, but what I mean is that, while it may be true, I don't think that argument will change a lot of minds. I mean, Gingrich got mocked for mentioning moon bases, and that should just be the beginning!

But I suppose it still works. When you want to win hearts, talk about how cool space is and all the neat stuff it gets us. When you want to win minds, you shift to the long-term future of the species and the necessity of space travel. Roll that in with the aforementioned bits about NASA's wide umbrella of terrestrial research topics, and I guess that really does form a pretty competent defense of NASA funding! I mean, I'm biased in favor of reaching this conclusion, but it looks pretty good to me. Thanks guys.


One of the things that Republicans have latched onto (Rubio talked about it a lot) is that she specifically told the families of those who died in the attack that it wasn't a terrorist attack. When asked if they were telling the truth, she replied, "well I'm not lying," implying that the families were lying. I don't know what the truth is, but expect that to get a lot of ad time during the election.

The families misunderstood and misinterpreted what she meant - they probably asked "was this a terrorist attack [in the sense that it was perpetrated by a terrorist group]" and she said something along the lines of "no, this tragedy was a lone incident in response to an anti-Islamic video". She certainly could have worded her response better to be more politically correct and avoid unintentional implications, but she is correct that she was not lying. Possibly even a tiny bit of anger slipped through the front the general public has forced her to adopt and she thinks that they were being willfully obtuse - you'd have to be pretty dumb to think that Hillary was saying that Benghazi was no big deal because she didn't want to use a word that is loaded with connotations that implied something that contradicted her intel.

This is the problem with all the word association games being played with "terrorism" - it makes a bit hard to use what was once a precise technical term to describe events when it has been boiled down to "bad things done by Al Queda". Ironically this was actually a partial miscalculation on her part, because terrorism's vernacular connotations have actually been effectively boiled down even further to "bad things done by Muslims" so I don't think her attempts to work around her perceptions of vernacular connotations would have made a difference to the media. Fools think that by not using their phoneme she thinks that the Benghazi attack was not a bad thing done by Muslims even though she clearly still said that the attack was a bad thing done by Muslims with the goal of intimidating others for political reasons.

I maintain that maybe if Republicans took their own advice and learned a bit more about English they would realize this is a non-issue and true political correctness (as opposed to people not recognizing criticism as speech) of the highest caliber... but then again it's all intentional obfuscated stupidity as usual. Doesn't mean I can't insult them for being willfully stupid, though.


Man sometimes Twitter is so frustrating for completely different reasons. I'm in a really good conversation with a Sanders supporter about how HRC supporters aren't voting from a position of "safety", just a different evaluation of risks and needs, but when it comes time to go into why so many of us feel Sanders would be, basically, a symbolic failure, I really don't feel I can get into it properly in a series of short messages


Invite them to follow you to a different format to continue the discussion if they're into it, maybe?
One of the things that Republicans have latched onto (Rubio talked about it a lot) is that she specifically told the families of those who died in the attack that it wasn't a terrorist attack. When asked if they were telling the truth, she replied, "well I'm not lying," implying that the families were lying. I don't know what the truth is, but expect that to get a lot of ad time during the election.

I expect it to play as well as Benghazi always has:

Namely people who would never vote for Clinton will get all worked up about it, and no one else will factor it into their decision of who to vote for.
By being morons.

It's honestly a fireable offense. I can rationalize making mistakes in guessing turnout of certain demographics and such, but under-representing NYC in a poll of NY by that much is inexcusable. It's pure incompetence.

How do you become a CNN Pollster and fail so hard? I don't get it...


There are many people that have been roped into self-defeating systems of social and political oppression that encourages them to be excited for things that are actually very bad for them. I'm loathe to refer to those people as awful, however since I used to be one.

I don't really mean they are awful, it's just that every time Cruz speaks he does that creepy insinuation/accusation game. Now it's the evil media saying Pennsylvania will just vote however Manhattan did, they'll fall in line like sheep but Cruz doesn't believe that *applause*. Trump complains when the people vote! Except he's complaining because Colorado decided not to bother having a primary. Trump is a fringe candidate who can't win elections across the country...except that actually applies more to Cruz than Trump. Trump can't win a majority of the delegates in the primary, how will he win in a general? ( the same line Amanda Carpenter used last night during CNN's highly esteemed panel) to which everyone brought up Cruz having even less delegates.


No Scrubs
It's honestly a fireable offense. I can rationalize making mistakes in guessing turnout of certain demographics and such, but under-representing NYC in a poll of NY by that much is inexcusable. It's pure incompetence.

How do you become a CNN Pollster and fail so hard? I don't get it...

Preaching to the choir here buddy. Apparently they over sampled Buffalo as well.
It's honestly a fireable offense. I can rationalize making mistakes in guessing turnout of certain demographics and such, but under-representing NYC in a poll of NY by that much is inexcusable. It's pure incompetence.

How do you become a CNN Pollster and fail so hard? I don't get it...

I'm glad they screwed up the exit polling. Yesterday would have been no fun at all if the exit polling had been accurate.


I'm glad they screwed up the exit polling. Yesterday would have been no fun at all if the exit polling had been accurate.


That spot of false hope for Bernie supporters and the immediate Diablosing from Hillary supporters was great. Wouldn't have been nearly as fun without all that.

Though all in all, it still seemed a boring night... I blame that on Adam getting himself banned. There wasn't nearly enough yaaassing.
Okay, because of the nature of the primaries, I think most of us are highly focused on this process specifically and staking sides. But speaking more broadly, what are the most important issues for PoliGAF this election cycle? What do we actually want accomplished?

Christmasland scenario where we get everything we want?

  • Ending the drug war. At the very least there should be decriminalization.
  • Criminal justice reform.
  • Preservation of LGBT rights.
  • Either tax carbon or enact cap and trade policy. Once that is in place, end most other regulations on greenhouse gases, and subsidies on renewables. Let the free market decide the right mix of fossil and renewable energy.
  • Immigration reform with a tough but fair pathway to citizenship, in addition to easier legal immigration.
  • More free trade deals.
  • Abolish the minimum wage and replace it with the much more poor friendly wage subsidy (such as expaning the EITC).
  • Start to unwind social security. It's a broken and stupid system. Let people save on their own, mandate people saving on their own if necessary.
  • Reform the tax code. Eliminate nearly all deductions and bring down the rates. Should end up revenue neutralish.
  • Work on bringing budget into a primary surplus as long as no recession happens.
  • End the first past the post voting system, which would end the two party duopoly.
  • Don't do anything stupid in foreign policy. Don't be isolationist either.
  • Allow more charter schools.
sanders can't even throw a party right

Clinton's conciliatory words for Sanders and his supporters may have struck a chord at Sanders headquarters at the KBH beer hall in Park Slope, where a number of Clinton supporters, including, briefly, Assemblywoman JoAnne Simon, mingled with Sanders people at an event co-hosted by the Brooklyn Young Democrats (which did not endorse) and the Independent Neighborhood Democrats (which did endorse Clinton). The Sanders campaign said there was a mix-up with the bar owner, accounting for the co-mingling. But, in the spirit of Clinton's words, it was a friendly gathering between both factions.
I generally agree with the sentiment that Trump is toast if it gets to a second ballot. It's quite clear that Cruz's strategy is to win on the second ballot and he's executing it well (primarily by influencing delegate selection). Kasich, on the other hand, seems to have a second ballot victory as his goal but no clue how to achieve it.

Still, I think a lot of people are being too dismissive of Trump's chances of winning on the first ballot. He has a path to 1237 and can afford to fall a little short of that in pledged delegates.
It's honestly a fireable offense. I can rationalize making mistakes in guessing turnout of certain demographics and such, but under-representing NYC in a poll of NY by that much is inexcusable. It's pure incompetence.

How do you become a CNN Pollster and fail so hard? I don't get it...
I want to believe CNN fudged the numbers to create deadheat but it's pure incompetence. Dont attribute malice to what can be explained by stupidity etc.



No Scrubs
I generally agree with the sentiment that Trump is toast if it gets to a second ballot. It's quite clear that Cruz's strategy is to win on the second ballot and he's executing it well (primarily by influencing delegate selection). Kasich, on the other hand, seems to have a second ballot victory as his goal but no clue how to achieve it.

Still, I think a lot of people are being too dismissive of Trump's chances of winning on the first ballot. He has a path to 1237 and can afford to fall a little short of that in pledged delegates.

Kasich's plan is for beyond the second ballot. He figures Trump and Cruz will kill each other and he's gonna be the last man standing.
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