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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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gotta love the attention all these other states usually dont get in a primary

Um, Inidian was huge back in 2008. It was the state that prompted Tim russet to declare Obama the nominee, and after that night it was basically over and everyone knew it. It's how Obama won it in the general - he had built up such an infrastructure in the state due to the long primary that he carried that forward into the election.

Also worth remembering that a lot of states that vote late this time round voted early last time - New York and California amongst them. The order isn't fixed. which states matter and which don't, outside the first 4, changes with each contested primary season.


I believed that when he was quiet. Then he opened his mouth last night and that thought was over
But you thought about it. Will be interesting to see how he looks in the GE once all the dust settles and the speculation starts becoming more of a reality.

I actually got even more scared last night because we saw a watered down less vulgar Trump acting dumber than ever despite a commanding 5 state sweep.


But you thought about it. Will be interesting to see how he looks in the GE once all the dust settles and the speculation starts becoming more of a reality.

I actually got even more scared last night because we saw a watered down less vulgar Trump acting dumber than ever despite a commanding 5 state sweep.

Can you explain what was "watered down" about last nights nonsensical performance?

It was textbook Trump last night, including the stupid nicknames, put downs, incoherent ramblings, dog whistling, and ended in a fog horn blast of misogyny.

That was "watered down"? Or is that your point, that he isn't softening as some have thought he would?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Diablos he said something outrageously sexist just last night. Cruz has a grind game. Trump has nothing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Does anyone know the Republican ideological demographics in primary states? It seems that despite around big chunk of Republicans not liking him, anti-trump Republicans aren't voting against him by a lot. In some states the vote is split between Kasich and Cruz, but I am not convinced that if one drops out most of that support would go to Cruz or Kasich. It seems like some Republicans aren't voting.
I mean it seems fairly obvious why: the goal is to get people to vote for a guy they don't like for the purpose of stripping the guy with the most votes of said votes to allow unelected party officials to vote for a mystery candidate. That isn't calculated to get the vote out.


I think it's totally unfair to claim that my point has been continually evolving when all I did was clarify what was already evident in my first post about this subject.

What's really sad is that I never, ever, ever said that these rules are the reason that he's losing. Ever. Yet that's what this is being turned into. In fact, I explicitly stated the opposite; that none of these hypothetical situations change reality. But apparently we can't discuss theories without me being accused of making up excuses for Bernie.

I honestly am trying my best to have a cordial discussion with you guys, but the antagonism is just too much.

It's ok, we know your hurting, watching your messiah turn out to be a false prophet, but don't worry there is a place for all in the reign of our queen
He's been leading Clinton nationally in recent polls

If those statistics were reflected in the primaries, he'd be winning. That's a fact. The question is why aren't they being reflected in the primaries? Well, firstly, he's just now closed the gap; he ha5sn't always been in the lead with Democrats. But more importantly, my guess is that the primary rules in many states are shutting out many new voters who would like to vote for Bernie Sanders.

But again, I'm not complaining, just taking about a theoretical situation here.

Bernie's real advantage is with newer voters, so even with non-white support, they ultimately need to be able to vote for him.

Personally, I don't think there's much he could have done to take Hillary's non-white support away from her. Those voters don't necessarily dislike Bernie, they just don't see a need to turn away from Hillary.

The difference here is "likely voter." it's easier to answer the phone than to go and vote.
Last night's total votes for all 5 states:
Clinton: 1,730,511
Trump: 1,333,884
Sanders: 1,257,885

Hillary is ahead of Bernie by 3,166,000 votes.


But you thought about it. Will be interesting to see how he looks in the GE once all the dust settles and the speculation starts becoming more of a reality.

I actually got even more scared last night because we saw a watered down less vulgar Trump acting dumber than ever despite a commanding 5 state sweep.
I never thought it. I believed from the start Trump would trip not because of minorities or age but because of gender. During the heat of all the primary, people talked a lot about AA vote and white vote and youth vote, but the female vote was seldom a hot topic.

Buckle in, Diablos. In Chinese there's a saying that translates literally to "death by women's hands" and you'll see it in action in November.
God damn, queenie. Impressive.
And I'm sure she appreciates you for your help in PA.
Where's Ted here? Oh.

There are more Democrats than Republicans in a lot of those states
Yes, that and there were more candidates on Republican side.
So my Facebook wall is a mix of acceptance and pledging to never ever vote for Clinton under any circumstance. It was refreshing to wake up to that instead of a fresh batch of insults to probability and statistics.


So my Facebook wall is a mix of acceptance and pledging to never ever vote for Clinton under any circumstance. It was refreshing to wake up to that instead of a fresh batch of insults to probability and statistics.

I remain firmly of the opinion that basic probability, statistics, and the most common abuses thereof should be mandatory learning, for the sake of not having so many infuriating conversations.
I remain firmly of the opinion that basic probability, statistics, and the most common abuses thereof should be mandatory learning, for the sake of not having so many infuriating conversations.

I've never had a problem with people preferring Bernie. His platform is different. He focusses on different issues. A lot of people responded to his platform. It was the refusal to see that he wasn't going to win that really annoyed me.

Just two days ago, one of the people who is now just posting anti Hillary memes, wasn't open to any reality that didn't have President Sanders. Like, couldn't consider any other reality than that.

These BernieorBust people don't get that they're now pulling for America to go bust. But that's fine. We won't need them to win. Let them act as they are now and paint themselves as the marginalized fringe view that they refuse to comprehend that they are.

I don't need them to accept that they're a fringe group when everyone else is going to see it.
Fucking Indy lol

The front page of the Indy star

Complain all you want, but this is Indiana. Basketball is a really big deal here. It would be like going to Alabama and saying you support the University of Alabama Elephants.

Basically, if you don't know the vernacular, don't fucking use it.

I'm not mad to see Ted Cruz wither and die for this in my state, but I am pretty salty that Kasich left and Cruz immediately fucks it up. These last two days have basically given the race to Trump, if he didn't already have it. Trump will REALLY have to fuck things up to have a contested convention (though, what he said about Hillary if she were a man, that could be the start...)
Complain all you want, but this is Indiana. Basketball is a really big deal here. It would be like going to Alabama and saying you support the University of Alabama Elephants.

Basically, if you don't know the vernacular, don't fucking use it.

I'm not mad to see Ted Cruz wither and die for this in my state, but I am pretty salty that Kasich left and Cruz immediately fucks it up. These last two days have basically given the race to Trump, if he didn't already have it. Trump will REALLY have to fuck things up to have a contested convention (though, what he said about Hillary if she were a man, that could be the start...)

Has anybody checked how tall a basketball hoop is lately? Someone get a tape measure and call Ted Cruz once we know.

User 406

In dark souls 2, im stuck at fighting the fume knight and the blue smelter demon, im using a plus 10 bastard sword and one swing does 2% of their life bar . Im never going to beat this game

Fume Knight requires patience and good stamina management, his moves in general are pretty easy to dodge so you can get behind him for a hit or two. When he does the big slow glowy swing, roll into it, and you've got time for a good combo. Just stick close to him and never let your stamina bar get too low to roll.

As for the blue Smelter Demon, fuck that guy. Bullshit-ass random fuck move delays. If you've got a poison option, use it, that helps whittle him down faster. I hate fighting that bastard, especially if I'm using sorceries only.

I'm really excited to get to DS2 since everyone craps on it so much. Coming to all this stuff late means I have a really different perspective and it's fun to see the ways in which that differs from the original consensus.

DS2 is great, it's just that DS1's world connectivity was From's best to date. Also, I didn't care for the added parry/riposte/backstab delays in DS2, but that's because I had so much fun in DS1 standing in a big group of enemies doing sequential insta-ripostes without getting hit like I'm some kind of kung-fu movie badass. Power stance is a lovely new addition.

Why do we hate Garland again? Like what about his extensive experience in jurisprudence that's had him considered for nomination multiple times, and his current position as basically the highest judge outside of the Supreme Court makes him a terrible pick.

"We" don't. He's a good pick. I'd just wish for a much younger nominee. But considering how Presidential electoral politics are going, I'm not terribly concerned about needing to replace him a decade or two down the line.


"We" don't. He's a good pick. I'd just wish for a much younger nominee. But considering how Presidential electoral politics are going, I'm not terribly concerned about needing to replace him a decade or two down the line.
That was my hunch a while back. Obama knows that Dems have the edge going forward, and that he'll be easily replaced by a Dem whenever appropriate. So he went for political expedience, putting up someone with a history of GOP praise and impressive credentials.

I'm fine with Garland. Seems like a solid lefty nominee. (I seem to remember Obama's other nominations being called "moderates" when they were under consideration.)


I've never had a problem with people preferring Bernie. His platform is different. He focusses on different issues. A lot of people responded to his platform. It was the refusal to see that he wasn't going to win that really annoyed me.

Just two days ago, one of the people who is now just posting anti Hillary memes, wasn't open to any reality that didn't have President Sanders. Like, couldn't consider any other reality than that.

These BernieorBust people don't get that they're now pulling for America to go bust. But that's fine. We won't need them to win. Let them act as they are now and paint themselves as the marginalized fringe view that they refuse to comprehend that they are.

I don't need them to accept that they're a fringe group when everyone else is going to see it.

Denial is one of the most powerful capabilities of the human mind. Self-righteousness is one of the most addictive pleasures. The two go together well.
Complain all you want, but this is Indiana. Basketball is a really big deal here. It would be like going to Alabama and saying you support the University of Alabama Elephants.

Basically, if you don't know the vernacular, don't fucking use it.

I'm not mad to see Ted Cruz wither and die for this in my state, but I am pretty salty that Kasich left and Cruz immediately fucks it up. These last two days have basically given the race to Trump, if he didn't already have it. Trump will REALLY have to fuck things up to have a contested convention (though, what he said about Hillary if she were a man, that could be the start...)
Crimson Tide.. That's their mascot.


Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 3h3 hours ago
So if you're looking at Europe and thinking that can't happen here, there's a real chance of an unpleasant reality check.

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 3h3 hours ago
And Sanderistas as a softer Syriza. What is terrifying to me is that there WILL be a recession in the next four years...

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 3h3 hours ago
Free childcare isn't the elixir.What we are seeing is the emergence of European-style politics, with Trumpkins as a softer National Front 6/

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 3h3 hours ago
The problem is, the big picture things propelling his candidacy aren't going away. Whatever afflicts the bottom half 5/?

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 3h3 hours ago
Fact is the fundamentals point to a marginal GOP advantage right now, which is enough to sink a radioactive candidate like Trump 3/

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 3h3 hours ago
None of the factors that kept Trump afloat--divided field, media dominance, critical concentration of support-- will be there in gen elex 2/

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 3h3 hours ago
At this point, I don't think we have much to worry about with Trump in gen elex 16. Real danger is 2020. 1/

Fucking Indy lol

The front page of the Indy star

I was watching this and thought I heard ring but assumed he actually said rim. Plus I was confused by the entire analogy.


I swear I was just thinking this this morning. The "only" thing preventing Trump from being a formidable GE candidate is his pathological boorishness. With all the shit he's already said, that's not a door that can't be closed now for him, but you couch all that protectionism and nationalism and anger in a marginally more filtered candidate and you have a real problem.

User 406


Ivy had a few choice words to say about that in chat last night. The analogy with Europe doesn't hold up because our demographics are so much more diverse and increasingly so. If the right continues to stick with xenophobia and racism, they aren't going to win the Presidency.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I was watching this and thought I heard ring but assumed he actually said rim. Plus I was confused by the entire analogy.


I swear I was just thinking this this morning. The "only" thing preventing Trump from being a formidable GE candidate is his pathological boorishness. With all the shit he's already said, that's not a door that can't be closed now for him, but you couch all that protectionism and nationalism and anger in a marginally more filtered candidate and you have a real problem.

So Trump isn't a formidable GE candidate because of his toxic personality? I mean, isn't that a given?


Is Ted Cruz really going to announce a vp today? I hope Trump wins Indiana, but Toronto did beat the Pacers again in a comeback,


Not only does Donald double down on his comments about Hillary playing the women's card, he also now says she's just shouting all the time and he'll have to get used to it.

Trump said that he was still "recovering" from Clinton's "shouting."
"I know a lot of people would say you can't say that about a woman, because of course a woman doesn't shout," Trump said. "The way she shouted that message was not -- that's the way she said it, and I guess I'll have to get used to a lot of that over the next four or five months."

General election Donald here we come!
Ivy had a few choice words to say about that in chat last night. The analogy with Europe doesn't hold up because our demographics are so much more diverse and increasingly so. If the right continues to stick with xenophobia and racism, they aren't going to win the Presidency.

Precisely. The Conservatives in the UK (for example) are far to the left on social issues when compared to the GOP. The GOP will have to abandon social conservatism if they want to start being competitive again in the general. They probably won't do it until it costs them a mid term. If they were going to do it based on a general, they'd have done it after Obama got reelected.

The GOP really need to go back to what they were pre cold war. Cut out all the extreme religion. Marginalize bigoted voters.

I mean, they needed to do that three years ago and refused to (and then when they won the mid terms because of gerrymandering and low turnout took that as a sign they'd done the right thing).

It will happen eventually. I just don't see it in time for 2020.
Not only does Donald double down on his comments about Hillary playing the women's card, he also now says she's just shouting all the time and he'll have to get used to it.

General election Donald here we come!
So.. Where was the map showing trump losing woman by a truck load in addition to the other demos by his current rate? Because damn.. Just damn.
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