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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I don't see how any republican if they continue to be so obstructionist racks up credentials for 2020

The only way Ryan builds a good resume is if the obstruction like there has been under Obama comes to an end, and Congress actually starts doing stuff again.
I don't see how any republican if they continue to be so obstructionist racks up credentials for 2020

The only way Ryan builds a good resume is if the obstruction like there has been under Obama comes to an end, and Congress actually starts doing stuff again.

But in that case, Hillary will have a strong record of policy to fall back on for 2020, strengthening her re-election.

Ryan is kind of stuck. Be a successful Speaker and get stuff passed, you make Hillary look good. Do nothing and obstruct everything, you ruin your chances for being elected.


But in that case, Hillary will have a strong record of policy to fall back on for 2020, strengthening her re-election.

Ryan is kind of stuck. Be a successful Speaker and get stuff passed, you make Hillary look good. Do nothing and obstruct everything, you ruin your chances for being elected.
Pretty sure this is why he didn't want that job lol
But in that case, Hillary will have a strong record of policy to fall back on for 2020, strengthening her re-election.

Ryan is kind of stuck. Be a successful Speaker and get stuff passed, you make Hillary look good. Do nothing and obstruct everything, you ruin your chances for being elected.

Unless they lose the House. Which isn't very likely I know... but I wonder if a part of him is secretly hoping it happens.

User 406

Looking ahead, how much do you guys think the GOP will re-evaluate themselves if they lose this election? 3-4 terms of Democrats has to got to get them to change. Will they move on social issues? Economic issues?


Looking forward to 2020:

-Ted Nugent or some other neofascist will certainly be in the race and do very well.

Nugent would also have the advantage of being able to publicly shit his pants to avoid debates he doesn't want to do.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. The hardest of hardcore Bernie supporters are turning into Gamergate as they convert away from hard Left positions. And that should terrify people. The misogyny, the harassment on Twitter, the promotion of non-media sources (Brietbart, conspiracy blogs, etc) as 100% certified fact, the "it's about this other thing, we swear!", the blatant denial of reality in the face of indisputable evidence, all of it. If a few thousand people extremely dedicated to their vision of women in video games could cause the international media incident they did, imagine a subreddit with hundreds of thousands of people on board fighting for a Presidential candidate.

I wouldn't worry about this too much, this isn't really "conversion" going on. These people were like that already, they just happened to support Bernie for a while.
But in that case, Hillary will have a strong record of policy to fall back on for 2020, strengthening her re-election.

Ryan is kind of stuck. Be a successful Speaker and get stuff passed, you make Hillary look good. Do nothing and obstruct everything, you ruin your chances for being elected.

His best bet would to be to do his job and run in 2024
On Clinton, Boehner’s reviews were more mixed. Early in the talk, the speaker impersonated Clinton, saying “Oh I’m a woman, vote for me,” to a negative crowd reaction. Later, he added that he had known Clinton for 25 years and finds her to be very accomplished and smart.

Boehner also speculated about surprises that could come closer to the Democratic National Convention if Hillary Clinton’s emails became a larger scandal.

“Don’t be shocked … if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen,” Boehner said.
They're really going forward with this woman card stuff I see. Sad.
Why even bother now?

You have to be kidding. You are upset about shills making comments here yet this whole site has been devoted to killing all intelligent discussion. All the articles are pro-Bernie and anti-Clinton and it has been this way for months. The only reason Breitbart was being upvoted was because Sanders supporters want to believe any nonsense against Clinton they can find, even if it is right wing lies. That site was never put up until this election...so to say you want to intelligently talk about information regardless of site is a lie.

This subreddit has been pushing an agenda for the last 6 months. To talk about shills in here is a complete joke because you guys have been shills (unpaid, I would hope) for the Sanders campaign. Allowing multiple articles of the same pro-Sanders messages to be ok and then becoming super mods when it was anything positive about Clinton.

This sub is a disaster for intelligent conversation and it is 100% your fault. To think that suddenly just recently this place has become bad shows how you all should be removed and replaced with more neutral minded people who encourage supporting political discussion rather than a pro-Sanders page.

It's the ridiculousness of the sub and its moderation that encourage the trolls here. Open up the echo chamber to more diverse points of view and it will improve the sub.
best response


Looking forward to 2020:

-Paul Ryan is going to be a RINO at that point so he'll get crushed.
-Nikki Haley has a shot but she's an Indian woman that took down the traitor's flag so that's going to be tough.
-Ben Sasse wants to cut Social Security benefits to pay for tax cuts for the rich which is as popular as a trash fire.
-Tom Cotton is a loser and the purest neocon and anti-poor Republican to ever exist and voters will hate him for those things. Won't get establishment backing because he likes Trump.
-Rubio with four more years of age is not going to be good looking or exciting and his policies are still not liked by Republicans and he's going to still have no accomplishments under his belt.
-Not sure Cruz comes back strong in 2020 after this embarrassing failure.
-Ted Nugent or some other neofascist will certainly be in the race and do very well.
-More religious loons looking to scam some Republican marks will be in the race almost surely.

...They're not going to be set up very well for 2020 either.

Thanks for ruining my year.

But it would be amusing to see him try to explain why he brought a 16 year girl.


Bernie supporter coworker yesterday: "So it looks like it's going to come down to Trump and... the liar (Hillary)"

Yes and Trump is such an honest guy let me tell you.

Some of these Bernie stans are really something else

User 406

My impression from talking to people is that Cruz calling a basketball hoop a "basketball ring" cost him any chance of winning.

Maybe he meant the kind of basketball ring that <insert star player from your favorite team who hasn't had a championship in a while> can't get.



Bernie supporter coworker yesterday: "So it looks like it's going to come down to Trump and... the liar (Hillary)"

Yes and Trump is such an honest guy let me tell you.

Some of these Bernie stans are really something else

at this point these people aren't liberal they are just anti Hillary


Hooray, time to concentrate on the general.
The end is near: Clinton and Sanders camps quietly signal resolution

The signs are everywhere this morning: The Clinton and Sanders camps are now signaling how the Democratic primaries might wind down without too much noise, contentiousness, disruption, and anger. Could things still get very ugly? Yes. But at this point, that’s looking less likely than the alternative.

In an interview with me, Rep. Keith Ellison, a top supporter of Bernie Sanders who is also the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, suggested the Clinton camp had some work to do in order to appeal to Sanders’s supporters. But he also carefully noted that Sanders would not do anything to imperil the party unity that will be required to defeat Donald Trump.

“Young people have a set of priorities that make them want to support Bernie Sanders,” Ellison said. “If hypothetically she wins the nomination, in order to get people to support Bernie, she’s going to have to carry the banner that Bernie carried in an overt way. She’s going to have to make it clear to people who support Bernie that she gets where he’s coming from.”

But Ellison added: “Every Bernie supporter knows that this Supreme Court issue is looming. We’ll have party unity….everybody has a responsibility to make sure there will never be a President Trump. Bernie has been around a long time….he’s not going to hand this country over to Donald Trump.”

Meanwhile, Politico reports that Sanders is increasingly focused on seeking influence over the party agenda as a way to wind things down. He’s hoping for signs of genuine commitment to priorities like debt free college and a $15 minimum wage, and to reforms to the nomination process that might maximize participation among the sort of young, unaffiliated Sanders voters who were excluded from the New York primary.

On the Clinton side, the Post reports that a top Clinton backer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, is now calling for both camps to “work together, across our party, to have a platform that represents the views of Democrats.” And:

In 2008, after the divisive primary season concluded, Feinstein opened her Washington manse to host a secret unity meeting between Obama and Clinton. She said she would reprise that role for Clinton and Sanders. “I’d be very happy to offer that,” Feinstein said.

The other day, another top Clinton backer, Senator Sherrod Brown — who has great credibility among economic progressives — also offered in an interview with me to take part in any negotiating efforts to unite the camps. He even suggested that Clinton “should work with him on the platform,” and offered some areas of common ground they could reach on financial reform (an area of real disagreement), such as how to toughen up Dodd-Frank’s requirements for big banks’ plans to wind down in a crisis.

The Clinton campaign has regularly pointed out that Sanders could also aid any unity efforts by toning down his criticism of her. And it still remains unclear whether the Clinton campaign even sees any need for substantial unity efforts in order to swing his supporters behind her. But today’s New York Times reports: “Democratic leaders are especially sensitive to his following among young people, who have voted for him by staggering margins, and whose support Mrs. Clinton may rely on against Mr. Trump in the November election.”

It also remains unclear what sort of rapprochement around merged policy priorities would both appease Sanders and be acceptable to Clinton (should she decide she needs to do this). But as Ed Kilgore explains, it wouldn’t be that hard to work out some kind of solution, in which Clinton redoubles her vow to prioritize areas in which they agree (such as campaign finance and voting access reform) and firms up her commitments to broad goals in areas where they still differ (somewhat), such as the $15 minimum wage and efforts to combat climate change. Meanwhile, the party might punt the goal of nomination process reform to a “post-convention commission,” as Kilgore puts it.

And at the same time, high profile supporters of both, such as Ellison, Feinstein, and Brown, seem ready to help smooth — and sell — that process.


I'm not saying they're sexist, but there do seem to be a lot of people whose primary criteria for a candidate is any of the white men instead of Hillary...


If nothing else he seems a lot happier now than back then when he was bursting into tears in public a lot. I'm surprised he dislikes Cruz so intensely he would pick Trump over Cruz though.

Cruz looks like that dude everyone in the office hates, but too nice to tell him to his face


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL at that Boehner comment about Cruz. Classic.
The r/politics disaster is amusing: So with Bernie finally throwing in the towel, only now it's suddenly time to promote actual political discourse and civility? Come on.


Oh god, Cruz freakin' ethered by none other than freaking Boehner, haha!!! The GOP can't get anymore crazy. I swear, there needs to be an American Horror Story season set entirely in the GOP.
Wow. John Boehner called Ted Cruz Lucifer.
The Atlantic said:
“I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life,” Boehner added. He said he would not vote for Cruz in a general election, though he would vote for his fellow tangerine-tinted Republican Donald Trump.


Cruz prides himself on pissing off the 'establishment' so I doubt he minds. Still hilarious though. He's gonna lose IN and it'll be over.
Worse, I don't think Boener is in on some grand strategy-- I think they really believe that.

Yeah, people are forgetting Trump didn't bring anything new to the party - he just invigorating attitudes and beliefs that have been brewing or kept at the dinner table and made them more public.

It's certainly a theatrical show, but they are not actors.
Well yeah but it's just weird that it slipped through their fingers within four years and hasn't come close since

California is one of those states that was moving away from Republicans in the 1980s but that movement was masked by the strong overall Republican performance during the decade. It voted more Democratic than the country as a whole in 1984 and 1988, but since it still went Republican both times it was generally included in the supposed Republican Electoral College "lock" (the 1980s version of "blue wall"). 1984 should have been a warning sign to Republicans since Reagan had the home state advantage in California, but when you win 525-13 you tend not to sweat the details.

There were several states like this that started moving left in the 1980s where that movement suddenly manifested itself in the 1992 election. In addition to California, states like Illinois and Vermont also fit this pattern.

New Jersey, on the other hand, fits the pattern of suddenly slipping away from Republicans and not going back. Through 1988, the Republicans were not only winning New Jersey, but doing so by better margins than their national vote. Even in 1992 when Clinton won, it leaned slightly Republican compared to the overall electorate. By 1996 Clinton not only won but did several points better than he did nationally, and it's been out of reach for the Republicans ever since.
The r/politics disaster is amusing: So with Bernie finally throwing in the towel, only now it's suddenly time to promote actual political discourse and civility? Come on.
Like I said, its more to do with how out of hand it got. The bernie circlejerk animation from taiwan gave them the kick in the ass they long needed. They're realizing now that they have become the laughingstock of the internet.


Chad PergramVerified account
Rep. Jeff Miller..has now endorsed Trump. So the new ones today are Miller and Shuster. One source tells Fox "there are more to come.


I give them credit for actually applying their (stupid) tie condition consistently and shading in Wyoming as a tie. I was sure they'd find some excuse to still call Wyoming a Sanders win while continuing to call states like Illinois and Massachusetts ties.

EDIT: But they're shading Rhode Island as a Sanders win when it should be a tie based on their criteria and the delegate allocation given by the Green Papers.


This is why the GOP can't win PA -

Donald Trump won 57 percent of the Republican vote, with John Kasich — who won wards in Center City, University City, and Chestnut Hill and Mount Airy — finishing second. But Republicans cast only 44,000 votes citywide, compared with 340,000 votes from Democrats. Fewer than 100 Republicans voted in 21 of the city's wards; in the 50th ward, Democrats outnumbered Republicans 9,617 to 85.
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