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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I've heard good things but I wasn't that into Zombie Nation on PS3. Is this more of the same with an alien skin or is it better?
You mean Dead Nation? Yes. But this has more of a crowd control angle than DN. However if you didn't like DN, you might not like Alienation. But do check out Youtube vids and see if you like it.


IPFW Indiana Poll

Clinton 54
Sanders 41

93% of Clinton voters say they're locked in, while only 75% of Bernie backers said the same.

Slay it

More Indiana anecdotes
What's happening here, just like what happened in the DC suburbs, is that people are tired of the primary and have just settled. They don't want a brokered convention and are ready for this to be over.

I think Hillary gets a good 17-20% of the Republican vote in the fall, fueled by Kasich and non-primary voters. They will be predominantly female and suburban.
I can't shake this feeling that the people in here wanting Trump to win the nomination are going to regret it. I want nothing more this year than to be proven wrong but I have to agree with David Axelrod when he said that Hillary would have an easier time beating Cruz. I'm really hoping they steal the nomination from Trump at the convention.
I would love it if Cruz somehow stole the nomination tbh. I think it would make people hate him more and he's just a terrible person. Cruz nomination also means we get more evil Huma and Hillary videos! I'm kinda over Trump fuckery tbh. At some point, you have to act like you're actually running for president.


Not worried at all regarding Trump taking the nomination. The man is so incredibly toxic among general favorability it's almost comical. Personally the only thing that bothers me with Trump taking the nomination is even as much as I disagree with the current republican slate, I'm not fond of someone coming in and basically turning it into a fucking circus show of silly populist nonsense that comes from a man who looks to have no real footing in what he preaches.
I think Bernie supporters had the wind taken out of them due to the last two weeks of crushing defeats.

He's done, mathematically, so why bother even going to vote and waste your time, is likely going to set in as a mind set.

At least one of my friends has said just this. I've encouraged him to vote anyways, because it's important to stand up and have your support for Bernie and his platform counted... hopefully he still will... but yes, I think the wind at the sails is now a light breeze.
At least one of my friends has said just this. I've encouraged him to vote anyways, because it's important to stand up and have your support for Bernie and his platform counted... hopefully he still will... but yes, I think the wind at the sails is now a light breeze.

This is the true reverse momentum.


If Bernie supporters turn around after this election and start electing super progressive down ballot candidates or show up at midterms then I'd be perfectly okay with backing that kind of progressive movement. I don't expect it to do much other than dissolve into incredibly small groups post Bernie who stay involved, but it's nice to hope.

At the end of the day getting a young democrat charged is fine in my book even if their aims aren't aligned with mine currently. I can't knock boldfaced idealism completely. That's just being too cynical even for me
If Bernie supporters turn around after this election and start electing super progressive down ballot candidates or show up at midterms then I'd be perfectly okay with backing that kind of progressive movement. I don't expect it to do much other than dissolve into incredibly small groups post Bernie who stay involved, but it's nice to hope.
This would be the end of trade deals and American exceptionalism, globally. I am not fond of this idea.

There is no such thing as a "fair trade" deal! The entire purpose of trade is to capitalize on comparative advantage. If the disparity between prices is small then a private entity would never both investing in internationalism anyway.
You should vote regardless, if everyone wasnt so passive in the midterms, we would be much better off.

Also, can we lay off Bernie and co now. I mean there is no point in bashing on him more. Is stump speech is much more generic now, and I will applaud him going to all the states getting the messages out that he and all the dem party care about.
You mean Dead Nation? Yes. But this has more of a crowd control angle than DN. However if you didn't like DN, you might not like Alienation. But do check out Youtube vids and see if you like it.

Oops, yeah Dead Nation. I've been looking for another good local co-op game so I'll check it out and see if it strikes my fancy. Most of my gaming time is devoted to Rocket League and Dark Souls these days so I can probably wait for a sale.


This would be the end of trade deals and American exceptionalism, globally. I am not fond of this idea.

I mean in reality it probably won't amount to much, if younger democrats really are as progressive as some of this election has indicated then who knows. It might phase out with time, it might not. We'll see how it goes, I agree with that but I also am not expecting some overnight radical changes so it's not a huge worry in any immediate sense.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. The hardest of hardcore Bernie supporters are turning into Gamergate as they convert away from hard Left positions. And that should terrify people. The misogyny, the harassment on Twitter, the promotion of non-media sources (Brietbart, conspiracy blogs, etc) as 100% certified fact, the "it's about this other thing, we swear!", the blatant denial of reality in the face of indisputable evidence, all of it. If a few thousand people extremely dedicated to their vision of women in video games could cause the international media incident they did, imagine a subreddit with hundreds of thousands of people on board fighting for a Presidential candidate.

But fine, this cheers me up a bit--

Honestly, I think a lot of them (the hardest of hardcore Bernie supporters that is, not Bernie supporters in general) actually are gamergaters. My, admittedly anecdotal, observation has been that while Trump is unsurprisingly the clear number one choice of gamergaters, Bernie seems to be number two. I think the anti-establishment message is appealing to them, and if you are inclined toward left-wing politics but hate "SJWs" then you're likely to also buy into fanatical hatred of Hillary.

Now again these people are a tiny fraction of Bernie's support, but I do think they make up a significant chunk of his hardcore online support.


Fucking tired of Jane Sanders and her whining about closed primaries. "If they were open we would've won New York and Pennsylvania!" Did you win Illinois? Ohio?? Missouri? Go back to Vermont.
I mean in reality it probably won't amount to much, if younger democrats really are as progressive as some of this election has indicated then who knows. It might phase out with time, it might not. We'll see how it goes, I agree with that but I also am not expecting some overnight radical changes.
The American center moves further left with every generation. You've seen the polls: most Americans believe Wall St. objectively bad, and the fervor on both sides to look out for the little guy by shutting down trade is sizable enough to form another party in its own right were it not for the social differences.
Fucking tired of Jane Sanders and her whining about closed primaries. "If they were open we would've won New York and Pennsylvania!" Did you win Illinois? Ohio?? Missouri? Go back to Vermont.
Don't be a sore winner.


Fucking tired of Jane Sanders and her whining about closed primaries. "If they were open we would've won New York and Pennsylvania!" Did you win Illinois? Ohio?? Missouri? Go back to Vermont.

"If only people who aren't Democrats could choose the Democratic nominee." Get bent.
Fucking tired of Jane Sanders and her whining about closed primaries. "If they were open we would've won New York and Pennsylvania!" Did you win Illinois? Ohio?? Missouri? Go back to Vermont.
Has anyone did an analysis on the outcome of the race if every primary was open? I want to put this nagging myth to rest.
Fucking tired of Jane Sanders and her whining about closed primaries. "If they were open we would've won New York and Pennsylvania!" Did you win Illinois? Ohio?? Missouri? Go back to Vermont.

Clinton won 10 open primaries to Bernie's 5 (I believe). There's only 3 left. She'll win at least one of them. Even if she loses all of the remaining ones, Clinton will have won most of them, and she certainly would still have won at least 3 of the 4 she won this week if they were open instead of closed.

Yet people keep pushing this nonsense. Clinton's delegate advantage over Bernie from open primaries is better than her overall delegate advantage (because it's caucuses that favored Bernie, not open vs closed).
Every time someone on reddit goes on a rant about closed primaries or posts some idiotic closed primary rant from Bernie, I always just say "why hasn't Bernie complained about Caucuses? They're much more undemocratic than primaries" and I never get a legitimate reply on why Bernie is ignoring caucuses.

I know why he's ignoring caucuses, but I still pose the question because Bernie supporters can't admit it to themselves that Bernie doesn't really care that much about integrity of the voting system, he just wants it to be shaped so he has a better chance of winning.


No Scrubs
Has anyone did an analysis on the outcome of the race if every primary was open? I want to put this nagging myth to rest.

Every single independent voter in New York would have had to swing Bernie, if that didn't happen he still loses. There's just too many registered Dems in NY.


I'm not being a sore winner, I'm just baffled that these people can't look in the mirror to see why they've lost. Instead it's "voter disenfranchisement!" She said they knew the deadline to switch parties in NY was October? They should've been identifying voters and registering them before then! And she says Clinton is only up amongst minorities because she's the "annointed one" which shows a complete refusal to understand what issues matter most to them and why they voted the way they did. If your excuse is "if only they knew Bernie they'd vote for him" Then sorry, you deserve the L.


This is totally based on nothing

But I'm getting Rubio x Florida vibes from Indiana. Just seems like its collapsing for Cruz.


Fucking tired of Jane Sanders and her whining about closed primaries. "If they were open we would've won New York and Pennsylvania!" Did you win Illinois? Ohio?? Missouri? Go back to Vermont.

GA, TX, SC, AL, VA & MS were all open and he lost them all.
Predict people:

I think betting against Bernie in IN is a really good deal right now. I can't see Bernie taking it with his support crumbling this week, but Bernie NOs are still 75c.


The American center moves further left with every generation. You've seen the polls: most Americans believe Wall St. objectively bad, and the fervor on both sides to look out for the little guy by shutting down trade is sizable enough to form another party in its own right were it not for the social differences.
Don't be a sore winner.

I'm not disagreeing nor am I trying to dig at Bernie or young democrats (oh I thought the sore winner thing was directed at me and got confused, quote doesn't show there was another msg there). The general electorate opinion might shift quickly but legislation moves at the speed of molasses though. As progressive as people get over generations I don't expect to see anything radical overnight or even within the next decade or two considering the current conservative makeup of our legislative systems and the general bodies of government at local levels.


This is totally based on nothing

But I'm getting Rubio x Florida vibes from Indiana. Just seems like its collapsing for Cruz.

And constantly saying this is where you make your stand, this is the state that matters, etc etc. I hope he loses, but i dunno.
I'm not being a sore winner, I'm just baffled that these people can't look in the mirror to see why they've lost. Instead it's "voter disenfranchisement!" She said they knew the deadline to switch parties in NY was October? They should've been identifying voters and registering them before then! And she says Clinton is only up amongst minorities because she's the "annointed one" which shows a complete refusal to understand what issues matter most to them and why they voted the way they did. If your excuse is "if only they knew Bernie they'd vote for him" Then sorry, you deserve the L.
You really think it's democratic to make independents register for a party before they've even seen the debates? What happened to winning the center?
I'm not being a sore winner, I'm just baffled that these people can't look in the mirror to see why they've lost. Instead it's "voter disenfranchisement!" She said they knew the deadline to switch parties in NY was October? They should've been identifying voters and registering them before then! And she says Clinton is only up amongst minorities because she's the "annointed one" which shows a complete refusal to understand what issues matter most to them and why they voted the way they did. If your excuse is "if only they knew Bernie they'd vote for him" Then sorry, you deserve the L.
If you exclude "anointed one" from what Jane said then that would have been a good response from her. No clue why she decided to be petty.
Predict people:

I think betting against Bernie in IN is a really good deal right now. I can't see Bernie taking it with his support crumbling this week, but Bernie NOs are still 75c.
We don't really have any evidence that his support is crumbling though, do we? I think that IN is going to be a win for him.


You really think it's democratic to make independents register for a party before they've even seen the debates? What happened to winning the center?
I didn't give my opinion on the October deadline. I'm just assessing the excuses of a losing campaign. But I will say I'm not going to lose sleep because people who are clearly not members of a political party aren't able to exert their influence over it.


If you exclude "anointed one" from what Jane said then that would have been a good response from her. No clue why she decided to be petty.

We don't really have any evidence that his support is crumbling though, do we? I think that IN is going to be a win from him.

besides no single poll showing him leading the state?

Is Indiana this confidence fairy thing?
My take: There's no perfect primary system. A 100% completely open primary has issues, but obviously so does locking the whole thing away from independents.

I feel like if I said this anywhere else I'd be hung - but the current system seems to work okay in my mind: Use both strategies in a variety of permutations throughout the states and hope the negative aspects cancel each other out.
I'm not disagreeing nor am I trying to dig at Bernie or young democrats (oh I thought the sore winner thing was directed at me and got confused, quote doesn't show there was another msg there). The general electorate opinion might shift quickly but legislation moves at the speed of molasses though. As progressive as people get over generations I don't expect to see anything radical overnight or even within the next decade or two considering the current conservative makeup of our legislative systems and the general bodies of government at local levels.
It doesn't need to be radical.

Hillary came close to losing this election. Closer than anyone could have ever thought. The establishment on the right is getting eviscerated for selling out the middle class in the name of trade. You really think this doesn't boil over in 2020 after Clinton signs TPP?


Teddy Schleifer
Cruz on Kasich:

"I recognize the media is all eager to talk about an alliance. There is no alliance.



You really think it's democratic to make independents register for a party before they've even seen the debates? What happened to winning the center?

The debates that only feature members from one party? Yes

The primary is not about choosing between parties or 'winning the center'. That is the general election. Independents can vote for whoever they want in a general election. Primaries are part of an internal process to choose the leader of a specific party. Limiting them to people who are actually members of said party makes perfect sense and is not a blotch on Democracy
Teddy SchleiferVerified account
Cruz on Kasich:

"I recognize the media is all eager to talk about an alliance. There is no alliance.


Ted Cruz next Monday: "we're currently vetting a variety of VP options."

In one month: "We're looking forward to heading home for the Texas Primary!"

By October: "I'm forming an exploratory committee for the Presidency."
California is one of those states that was moving away from Republicans in the 1980s but that movement was masked by the strong overall Republican performance during the decade. It vote more Democratic than the country as a whole in 1984 and 1988, but since it still went Republican both times it was generally included in the supposed Republican Electoral College "lock" (the 1980s version of "blue wall"). 1984 should have been a warning sign to Republicans since Reagan had the home state advantage in California, but when you win 525-13 you tend not to sweat the details.

There were several states like this that started moving left in the 1980s where that movement suddenly manifested itself in the 1992 election. In addition to California, states like Illinois and Vermont also fit this pattern.

New Jersey, on the other hand, fits the pattern of suddenly slipping away from Republicans and not going back. Through 1988, the Republicans were not only winning New Jersey, but doing so by better margins than their national vote. Even in 1992 when Clinton won, it leaned slightly Republican compared to the overall electorate. By 1996 Clinton not only won but did several points better than he did nationally, and it's been out of reach for the Republicans ever since.
New Jersey is a tale of demographics. It went from being 80 percent white in the 80s to a state where non-hispanic whites will soon be a minority.


One big advantage of Trump for the Dems is that he'll drive Hispanic turnout more than Cruz will I should think, and that will help with getting more Hispanic voters registered. Once you've got them to register and vote once, they're more likely to turn out and vote again in the future.
The debates that only feature members from one party? Yes

The primary is not about choosing between parties or 'winning the center'. That is the general election. Independents can vote for whoever they want in a general election. Primaries are part of an internal process to choose the leader of a specific party. Limiting them to people who are actually members of said party makes perfect sense and is not a blotch on Democracy

I just don't think it's really fair then that the US election system basically makes it impossible for there to be anything OTHER than two parties, but then prevents independents (who I'm pretty sure fund these primary processes as well) from having a say in what candidates are put up for the election.

Voting should be easy and straightforward for everyone (the October NY deadline should be recognized as unacceptable), and if independents have no choice realistically but to vote for a Republican or Democrat in the GE then they should have a say in who those candidates are as well.
The debates that only feature members from one party? Yes

The primary is not about choosing between parties or 'winning the center'. That is the general election. Independents can vote for whoever they want in a general election. Primaries are part of an internal process to choose the leader of a specific party. Limiting them to people who are actually members of said party makes perfect sense and is not a blotch on Democracy
What good is a primary if it just turns into an echo chamber that can't produce a center candidate? I'm sick of losing elections. Progressives can pat themselves on the back all they want but it won't do any good.
besides no single poll showing him leading the state?

Is Indiana this confidence fairy thing?
Mainly because of the demographics. Also, I was going by that one poll from last week that only had a 2 or 4 point difference...I overlooked the poll from this morning with a larger difference.


What good is a primary if it just turns into an echo chamber that can't produce a center candidate? I'm sick of losing elections. Progressives can pat themselves on the back all they want but it won't do any good.

of all years to pick to complain about an echo chamber in a primary, this is a pretty poor year
It doesn't need to be radical.

Hillary came close to losing this election. Closer than anyone could have ever thought. The establishment on the right is getting eviscerated for selling out the middle class in the name of trade. You really think this doesn't boil over in 2020 after Clinton signs TPP?

Came close?

No she didn't she's beating Sanders by almost 300 delegates. The race has been effectively over since March 15th
What good is a primary if it just turns into an echo chamber that can't produce a center candidate? I'm sick of losing elections. Progressives can pat themselves on the back all they want but it won't do any good.

I mean, I'd buy the frustration if we had just gone through a primary where we weren't able to produce a center candidate. But I think the current system clearly rejected the more radical option.
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