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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Trump 60%
Hoop/Basket 20%
"Basketball Ring" 15%
Cruz 3%


This is just anecdotal, but I have a friend who lives in Indiana and is politically active. He said in his middle class suburban neighborhood, which is heavily Republican, there are Trump yard signs everywhere and not one Cruz sign.

Anyone for Indiana in here to confirm?

Trump did seem to beat the polls by 10% on election day in the Northeast.
Some friend on fb pondered the question of a 4-way race between Clinton, Cruz, Trump and Sanders and some of the comments were supportive of the idea because it would "give them a choice" outside of the two-party system.

I think it's really interesting that people feel their options are greatly expanded by being able to choose between 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans as opposed to just one each.

Perception is everything.

This is just anecdotal, but I have a friend who lives in Indiana and is politically active. He said in his middle class suburban neighborhood, which is heavily Republican, there are Trump yard signs everywhere and not one Cruz sign.

Anyone for Indiana in here to confirm?

Trump did seem to beat the polls by 10% on election day in the Northeast.

I've only seen one yard sign in my city (I live in Central IN) and it was a Bernie one in front of a Vape lounge.


So long as they don't just go around primarying dems and don't turn into a progressive tea party I am totally behind this.

Lachman writes: “Brand New Congress, which was launched Monday, is looking ahead to the 2018 midterm elections to ‘replace Congress all at once’ with lawmakers who agree with the Vermont independent’s policy positions…A timeline on the PAC’s website says that it plans to form local search committees to recruit organizers and candidates who are new to politics. The PAC says it will codify various progressive policies in a platform that its slate of candidates must support.”

Sounds like primarying Dems to me.

This is just anecdotal, but I have a friend who lives in Indiana and is politically active. He said in his middle class suburban neighborhood, which is heavily Republican, there are Trump yard signs everywhere and not one Cruz sign.

Anyone for Indiana in here to confirm?

Trump did seem to beat the polls by 10% on election day in the Northeast.

To add to the anecdotes, I have family in Southern Indiana and it seems like there's a lot of pro-Trump sentiment. Take with a massive grain of salt.

I'm really eager to see the breakdown of the Indiana vote by county. There's a lot to be gleaned from it.



Who is the orange man behind Cicilline and Tammy?

EDIT: nm it's Mike Michaud. Ugh, rainbows are so tacky.
Some friend on fb pondered the question of a 4-way race between Clinton, Cruz, Trump and Sanders and some of the comments were supportive of the idea because it would "give them a choice" outside of the two-party system.

I think it's really interesting that people feel their options are greatly expanded by being able to choose between 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans as opposed to just one each.

I take it these people have no understanding of how the Electoral College works.
Just as Kaisch has difficulty eating like a normal person, I struggle with spelling.

FWIW, I wasn't making fun of your spelling. The result just sounded funny and I wanted to highlight it!

OMG @ Boehner's quotes on Ted Cruz. Dying.

On a separate note, holy fuck I slipped while playing basketball yesterday and tweaked my back or something. It sucks to sit up. Not as bad as last night, but what the fuck is this getting old bullshit. I hate it. Ugggghhhh


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The announcement of Cruz picking Fiorina as his VP is just too perfect. Fiorina is one of the few people that matches Cruz's contempt for reality and is just as unlikable and ugly as he is.

This is the best team up since the Joker joined forces with Lex Luthor. Except, you know, with way less competence and being way less threatening to the safety of the planet.
I take it these people have no understanding of how the Electoral College works.
If you got rid of the electoral college and instituted nationwide instant runoff voting I would be fine. I don't think a candidate should win with like 30% of the vote and I definitely don't think we should throw it to the House of Reps in the event that someone doesn't hit the 50% threshold. Of course I also just don't support the EC but IRV would at least solve the "neither candidate gets a majority" problem.

Also don't think it would change things much, it would likely still come down to Democrats and Republicans. Anyone who has any serious political ambition in this country has already thrown in their lot with one of the two parties, and like it or not the vast, overwhelming majority of the country is committed to their party. What might happen is people could run for Green Party, Libertarian Party, Constitution Party etc positions at lower levels and win, and build up coalitions and support gradually until someone realistically has the chops to run the country. But like why the hell should Jill Stein be president? Even if you agree with everything she says, she has no experience and no relationships in Congress. The two party system as is, for better or worse provides Republicans and Democrats with the chance to network and get that experience. You can barely get a Green onto a city council.
The debates that only feature members from one party? Yes

The primary is not about choosing between parties or 'winning the center'. That is the general election. Independents can vote for whoever they want in a general election. Primaries are part of an internal process to choose the leader of a specific party. Limiting them to people who are actually members of said party makes perfect sense and is not a blotch on Democracy

Yeah, it makes as much sense to me as letting people from Michigan vote for Florida's senate races. "If they get a say, then they might move to Florida!" Right, but I'd rather a candidate for the FL senate represent current Floridians before hypothetical new ones.

But Democrats have had the white house for 8 years and look to take it for at least another 4, so what exactly is being lost to closed primaries?

Yeah, and I don't know how you can look at the GOP races right now and say it's okay for them to be super open. (I also think Oct is insanely early). Independents are politically apathetic most of the time, and they only exist for candidates like Trump to whip up for a few months to guarantee a win in smaller elections (primaries). When Trump gets blown out in November because his base was fickle to begin with, it'll be pretty clear that trusting "go with the flow" independents was a mistake.

At least on the Dem side, proportional allocation would help though. WTA+open just leads to fringe candidates.


This guy

Ben Howe
I’m no longer just #NeverTrump. I’m now #AlwaysCruz. Fuck ANY other candidate. #NeverKasich #BurnTheGOPToTheGround
This guy

Ben Howe
I’m no longer just #NeverTrump. I’m now #AlwaysCruz. Fuck ANY other candidate. #NeverKasich #BurnTheGOPToTheGround
For all the bullshit from the bernie or bust people, I would say our side is dealing with this much better.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
This guy

Ben Howe
I’m no longer just #NeverTrump. I’m now #AlwaysCruz. Fuck ANY other candidate. #NeverKasich #BurnTheGOPToTheGround

He gets it.


Yeah, it makes as much sense to me as letting people from Michigan vote for Florida's senate races. "If they get a say, then they might move to Florida!" Right, but I'd rather a candidate for the FL senate represent current Floridians before hypothetical new ones.

Yeah, and I don't know how you can look at the GOP races right now and say it's okay for them to be super open. (I also think Oct is insanely early). Independents are politically apathetic most of the time, and they only exist for candidates like Trump to whip up for a few months to guarantee a win in smaller elections (primaries). When Trump gets blown out in November because his base was fickle to begin with, it'll be pretty clear that trusting "go with the flow" independents was a mistake.

At least on the Dem side, proportional allocation would help though. WTA+open just leads to fringe candidates.
I still can't believe that most states are WTA in the general election, especially with the GOP majorities in so many states. WTA has just made them look bad the last few cycles. I guess when you know your party is on the outs though, its your only hope.
This guy

Ben Howe
I’m no longer just #NeverTrump. I’m now #AlwaysCruz. Fuck ANY other candidate. #NeverKasich #BurnTheGOPToTheGround


Ben Howe ‏@BenHowe
I think @RepPeteKing and @SpeakerBoehner have turned me. I’m now fine with Trump winning. Because fuck the @GOP. Fuck all of you.
LOL the despiration


a scene from the 1980s TV show Spenser: For Hire keeps popping into my head these days. I tried in vain to find it on the Internet, so forgive me if my memory of it is considerably less than verbatim.

Hard-bitten private detective Spenser (we never know if that’s his first or last name) is talking to a female fugitive about a bank robbery she was part of long ago in which a security guard was killed. The woman thinks it was foolish of the guard to have interfered. “Why couldn’t he just sit there? It’s not his money!”

Spenser replies (again, quoting from very fuzzy memory), “Maybe he thought that he had a duty to do it. Maybe he thought that he earned a living, put his kids through school, getting paid to do nothing but sit there for years on end. Maybe he thought that when it was time to hold up his end of the bargain when he really mattered, he had to step up because that’s what he’d been there for all along.”

Why has the memory-rusted scene been coming back to me?

Because it reminds me of what National Review is for.

Yes, yes, I get that it’s a pretty bad analogy in some respects.

We are not a security guard, nor do we sit around doing nothing. We have always been too busy standing athwart history to sit for very long. At the same time, most of the threats we’ve faced, the battles we’ve joined, the opponents we’ve picked, have been with the Left, and that’s made things easier. When you’re in the argument business, it’s not a chore to pick fights with your enemies, it’s a happy duty. And when your ideas are popular, and your principles widely held, it doesn’t take much courage to stand up for them.

But this has not been one of those moments. The conservative movement is being torn from within. It’s close to a civil war. The fault line runs straight through the heart of the Republican coalition, but not through National Review. We stand on one side of the chasm, while many of our friends have set up shop on the other. And quite a few others think they can stand with one foot on each side of an ever-widening divide.

It’s much more painful to pick fights with your friends. Our ideas become more difficult to lift when so many walk away from the effort. It’s harder to stand up for your principles when former allies are trying to tear you down.

But, simply put, this is the life we have chosen. And since I started working here almost 20 years ago, I have never been more proud of National Review than I have been in 2016. We’ve refused to go with the flow at precisely the moment so many are getting on the bandwagon. (I take clichés and beat them to death with mixed metaphors.) Yes, we’ve lost some treasured longtime friends, but we’ve gained some wonderful new ones. We can lament the losses and hope they are temporary, but none of us regret doing what we felt was right: Standing up for our principles, telling the truth as we see it, and reporting the facts as we find them.

I thought it was either Goethe or Alf who said, “Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.” But the Internet tells me it was Basil King. Well, whoever said it, he was right. And you, my friends, are the mighty forces we are counting on. Normally these Webathon beg-letters are a necessary chore. Not so at this moment. I’m eager and proud to ask for your help. We need it. The conservative movement needs it. The country needs it. Thank you.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/434605/national-review-donate-conservative-cause
Lol wasn't this supposed to be a Kasich state

What a goon

Kasich is seen positively by 34 percent and negatively by 25 percent. Kasich is also the least-known among the three Republican candidates, with 17 percent saying they had never heard of him. That indicates that his failure to get a statement in the Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet could have cost him votes.

I'm fine with both open and closed primaries. I think there are reasonable arguments for both. Caucuses need to go away. Of course the latest nausea-inducing argument for them is "they'll use voting machines to steal a primary but caucuses will ensure the votes are counted correctly and the will of the people is respected until shenanigans at the state convention."

That having been said, if you're going to run a closed primary, then the registration deadline (as well as the deadline to change party registration) needs to be reasonable. I'd say anything more than a month in advance is unreasonable, and an October deadline to change party registration for an April election is certainly unreasonable. That's before most people are even really paying attention to the race, and I don't think it hurts the party to let people make the decision later.
Wasn't Oregon part of that deal Cruz and Kasich made...?


Does this mean trump can easily still win if he misses Indiana?

Given his strong performance on Tuesday, particularly his apparent success in getting a friendly state of uncommitted delegates elected in Pennsylvania, it's looking like Indiana isn't necessary for Trump at this point, but it would provide a nice cushion.
I think we can now thoroughly discard the idea that the GOP will steal the nomination in order to give it to Ted Fucking Cruz, of all people.

It's clear now why he picked Fiorina. No one else likes him.
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