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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Man is britain what happens when accelerationists get their way or does it just appear that way


There are connotations to the word try hard that don't really fit Clinton.

It generally means someone who isn't talented or successful that's sort of fronting.
She's very bad at the "projecting faux sincerity" thing. It's why the whole "JUST SAY YES" thing happened that Colbert hilariously put her on blast for.

People get mad when politicians lie, but it turns out they get even madder when they don't lie, because people usually can't handle it.
Some are saying that Trump has gotten such a significant amount of Pennsylvania unbound delegates that he can now afford to lose Indiana. CNN has Trump at 991 delegates. How many are left? I imagine Trump doesn't need much more than 50% of the remaining ones. Favorable states left for Trump. West Virginia, New Jersey, California, Oregon. Cruz states, Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota. Close: Indiana. Unknown. Washington, New Mexico
If he wins NJ, CA and WV he's in like Flynn.
So I got this during a gmail chat with a "friend"/Bernie supporter.


How hilarious.

This guy isn't american, has absolutely no idea how our system works and is just blaming the dreaded Clinton Machine/main steam media for destroying poor Bernie and his socialist utopia. I don't understand why him and others from outside the US are so wrapped up in this without even doing a tiny little bit of googling. It's really weird. If you wanna follow it and talk about it at least learn about the system. Why do black people support Hillary? Difference between caucuses/primaries? Electoral college? Why do GE polls this far from the GE mean shit? Google, motherfudger..

/rant lol


I think the compromise is that they should be *closed, but you can register right there for that party, or switch party affiliation, as you vote.

That's the best compromise to me. I don't care when people register, but if you want to vote for the nominee, welcome to the party. How does that work, anyway? Do they have tables with Dem and Rep party representatives and you have to stand in the Dem line? If you want to vote in the Dem primary badly enough that you're fine with all of your neighbors seeing you register as a Dem, welcome to the party.
I'm getting sick of people thinking money/lobbying is the root of all problems in the US.

Its not.

Lobbying fails all the time. Why do Anti-lgbt laws get passed over massive corporate and rich american being pro-lgbt? Why did the GOP turn its back on business groups with the fiscal cliff? The GOP opposes corporate americas desire to open up Iran and Cuba. Its almost as if there are other forces (racism, bigotry, cultural affiliation, sexism) that drive voters and which politicians respond to!

The left's conspiratoral notion about money and corporations tends to lead them to these false ideas, that bernie pedals that everybody agrees on things but are just tricked by evil overlords.


It's getting very hard to personally worry about overusing "sexist!" when there were so many dogwhistles (or, hell, straight up... whistles?) these past two days.

I wonder how much uglier this will turn.


So I just saw that TYT interview with that Australian guy that you guy were talking about a few days back.

Holy shit, that was embarrassing. Like legit embarrassing. I half expected that guy with glasses to just start pounding the table and yelling that the establishment can't keep getting away with this.
Have a link to the video?


remember me
Clinton Sole Presidential Hopeful to Attend Asian-American Forum, Joining Obama


"Why does Clinton feel the need to pander so much? She should only be focusing on the issues."


Beaten, plus she included the cutest panda.

Hillary Clinton is the only presidential hopeful to attend Asian American forum

Don't care if this is pandering, she tried boba at Kung Fu and now this?


'derd to.
Cameron is like everything the GOP wants their president to be but just can't get them elected.

To be fair, Cameron didn't have to go to the English equivalent of state fairs and get votes from chavs and people in 99% white English towns scared the Muslims are coming to become party leader.


So Trump doubled down on his "Hillary only has the woman card going for her" rhetoric, and then doubled down on his double down. Manafort in disarray, I presume.


They're progressive when it requires giving nothing they value up. This is a universal truth, most people, including most liberals really aren't as empathetic as they claim to be. Or their empathy has limits

Asking them to stand on the side that might threaten what they hold dear (their ability to go through life with a lot of "luck") its hard for them and they tend to revert to self-preservation.

That's why social pressure is sometimes good. It allows groups not in position to power to subvert this and give a kind of catch-22 type choice. Join us and lose you "relative" power and privilage or don't and be ostracized by the numerical majority
Good words. That's why I see them as faux-progressive. Ugh.

I lost a really good friend recently, when suddenly him and his friend circle started posting ugly ugly shit about pregnant women. It really shocked me, I gave them a few days to come to their senses, and on the third day someone was talking about how gender roles during pregnancy are important because of how pregnant dogs behave, and I pretty much told the whole lot to fuck off.
Jesus Christ. Really sorry to hear that. Would have said much worse if my circle said that.
They're progressive when it requires giving nothing they value up. This is a universal truth, most people, including most liberals really aren't as empathetic as they claim to be. Or their empathy has limits

Asking them to stand on the side that might threaten what they hold dear (their ability to go through life with a lot of "luck") its hard for them and they tend to revert to self-preservation.

That's why social pressure is sometimes good. It allows groups not in position to power to subvert this and give a kind of catch-22 type choice. Join us and lose you "relative" power and privilage or don't and be ostracized by the numerical majority

Gamergate was really eye opening for me. Seeing "progressives" start sharing Breitbart articles and (tacitly or overtly) condoning harassment because they sudden felt threatened by, of all things, feminists having opinions on video games really drives that point home.


They're progressive when it requires giving nothing they value up. This is a universal truth, most people, including most liberals really aren't as empathetic as they claim to be. Or their empathy has limits

Asking them to stand on the side that might threaten what they hold dear (their ability to go through life with a lot of "luck") its hard for them and they tend to revert to self-preservation.

That's why social pressure is sometimes good. It allows groups not in position to power to subvert this and give a kind of catch-22 type choice. Join us and lose you "relative" power and privilage or don't and be ostracized by the numerical majority

Well said.


lol this email I just got. They are GOING FOR IT

Trump-Republican Ryan Zinke

Montana can’t afford another 2 years of failed leadership, especially under someone who will blindly subscribe to Donald Trump’s bigotry-filled agenda.

But that’s exactly what we’ll get if Montana re-elects Ryan Zinke to Congress. Like Trump, Zinke thinks of women as less capable than men and uses fear-mongering to gain attention and get what he wants.

That’s why we need to do everything we can to make Denise Montana’s next Congresswoman.
So I got this during a gmail chat with a "friend"/Bernie supporter.

How hilarious.

This guy isn't american, has absolutely no idea how our system works and is just blaming the dreaded Clinton Machine/main steam media for destroying poor Bernie and his socialist utopia. I don't understand why him and others from outside the US are so wrapped up in this without even doing a tiny little bit of googling. It's really weird. If you wanna follow it and talk about it at least learn about the system. Why do black people support Hillary? Difference between caucuses/primaries? Electoral college? Why do GE polls this far from the GE mean shit? Google, motherfudger..

/rant lol

I've had some good experiences with talking to non-Americans about aspects of our political system that explain some of the things they complain about. And to be fair our system is incredibly convoluted and has some truly bizarre features that may have made some sense in the late 18th century but are just complaining now. I can't entirely blame them for not understanding when, frankly, most Americans don't understand it all that well.

Of course there's also the times when the response has been to ignore my explanation because the person isn't so much interested in understanding American politics as they are in maintaining a smug sense of superiority. That's no fun to deal with.
Gamergate was really eye opening for me. Seeing "progressives" start sharing Breitbart articles and (tacitly or overtly) condoning harassment because they sudden felt threatened by, of all things, feminists having opinions on video games really drives that point home.

Gamergate was probably eyeopening to gamers but it really was trayvon that opened it to me.

I never really saw how people stood on the side of maintaining their illusion of safety at the expense of others while claiming the meager support for other pro-minority things (that required nothing of them) was enough.


That would be pandering though

Imagine a 'Dark Souls' primary where if you lose a state you lose all your pledged delegates so far unless you win the next primary (then you can get them back 'You Recover').

If you lose twice in a row without recovering your delegates (souls) you loose them forever.

We can have bonfires scattered across the primary, maybe just one after super tuesday, where you can level up and save your delegates.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Imagine a 'Dark Souls' primary where if you lose a state you lose all your pledged delegates so far unless you win the next primary (then you can get them back 'You Recover').

If you lose twice in a row without recovering your delegates (souls) you loose them forever.

We can have bonfires scattered across the primary, maybe just one after super tuesday, where you can level up and save your delegates.

Does it really need to be more convoluted?


So Trump doubled down on his "Hillary only has the woman card going for her" rhetoric, and then doubled down on his double down. Manafort in disarray, I presume.

A Trump who was still an asshole but was able to think about the General Election could've worded it as such:

"Look, I totally understand and appreciate the appeal of a female president to an often underappreciated, undeserved and very large group of voters. The problem though is that is all she's got - she's an empty suit. Voters will a footnote but they won't get good policy. She's terrible on foreign policy (blah blah Iraq), she takes money from big interests, she supported terrible trade deals, she's a Washington insider through and through. She won't be able to get done what needs to be done. She won't be able to bring jobs back or keep us safe. That's why, you should vote for me! Make America Great Again!"

Boom. Still completely dismissive of her many accomplishments but packaged in a way that enough people, especially Republicans and right-leaning independents, could support this statement and deny any sexist intent.

Thankfully Trump is fucking stupid <3


I've had some good experiences with talking to non-Americans about aspects of our political system that explain some of the things they complain about. And to be fair our system is incredibly convoluted and has some truly bizarre features that may have made some sense in the late 18th century but are just complaining now. I can't entirely blame them for not understanding when, frankly, most Americans don't understand it all that well.

Of course there's also the times when the response has been to ignore my explanation because the person isn't so much interested in understanding American politics as they are in maintaining a smug sense of superiority. That's no fun to deal with.

I wish I had your patience.
Gamergate was probably eyeopening to gamers but it really was trayvon that opened it to me.

I never really saw how people stood on the side of maintaining their illusion of safety at the expense of others while claiming the meager support for other pro-minority things (that required nothing of them) was enough.
For me it was when my dad shouted "Fuck the African Americans, they don't decide this election" during the NY primary.
The Party Surrenders:

Throughout the Republican Party, from New Hampshire to Florida to California, many leaders, operatives, donors and activists arrived this week at the conclusion they had been hoping to thwart or at least delay: Donald Trump will be their presidential nominee.

An aura of inevitability is now forming around the controversial mogul. Trump smothered his opponents in six straight primaries in the Northeast and vacuumed up more delegates than even the most generous predictions foresaw. He is gaining high-profile ­endorsements by the day — a legendary Indiana basketball coach Wednesday, two House committee chairmen Thursday. And his ­rivals, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, are making the kind of rushed tactical moves that signal desperation.

The party is at a turning point. Republican stalwarts opposed to Trump remain fearful of the damage the unconventional and unruly billionaire might inflict on the party’s down-ballot candidates in November. But many also now see him as the all-but-certain nominee and are exhausted by the prospect of a contested July convention, according to interviews this week with more than a dozen party figures from coast to coast.

“People are realizing that he’s the likely nominee,” said Tim Pawlenty, a former Minnesota governor and onetime endorser of Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. “The hysteria has died down, and the range of emotion is from resignation to enthusiasm.”


The Republicans are embracing the fact that they are going to nominate a fascist that wanted the Central Park Five executed and hoped his two day old daughter grew massive tits and who supported China massacring protesters at Tiananmen Square.

They've had a rapist as Speaker for 8 years, they've had Newt Gingrich as Speaker, they had Dick Nixon as president, they had Barry Goldwater as a nominee, they had a fucking imbecile who started a war killing 500k people and starting ISIS over a personal feud as president, they've had the Tea Party... But I'm still shocked they're accepting the fact that they're about to be led by an open white nationalist.
Gamergate was probably eyeopening to gamers but it really was trayvon that opened it to me.

I never really saw how people stood on the side of maintaining their illusion of safety at the expense of others while claiming the meager support for other pro-minority things (that required nothing of them) was enough.

I think for me most of the bad reactions to Trayvon I saw were either from conservatives or people whose political leanings I didn't know so it didn't hit me in quite the same way. That's not to say it didn't expose some dark truths, of course.

Gamergate brought the "anti-SJW" left to my attention. It was the first time I really saw people who I knew had liberal-to-socialist leanings on a lot of issues getting swept into hatred towards women and minorities (racial, religious, sexual), even if the majority of it was coming from the alt-right.

Certainly that has caused me to look back at the reaction to that incident, and in particular Zimmerman's defenses for his actions, in a somewhat different light, but I don't know that I saw it clearly at the time.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Thanks, watching this over dinner. Hope I don't end up choking.

You gamble with your life that often?

I think for me most of the bad reactions to Trayvon I saw were either from conservatives or people whose political leanings I didn't know so it didn't hit me in quite the same way. That's not to say it didn't expose some dark truths, of course.

Gamergate brought the "anti-SJW" left to my attention. It was the first time I really saw people who I knew had liberal-to-socialist leanings on a lot of issues getting swept into hatred towards women and minorities (racial, religious, sexual), even if the majority of it was coming from the alt-right.

Certainly that has caused me to look back at the reaction to that incident, and in particular Zimmerman's defenses for his actions, in a somewhat different light, but I don't know that I saw it clearly at the time.

It's sad, cause the social justice movement is not without it's faults. But so many people, especially a large segment of the "New" Atheist Movement resort to demonizing the entire group instead of battling against specific faults. This snowballs into more problems when people have legitimate criticisms and don't resort to demonizing, they get drowned out and ignored as being just another asshole.


Holy shit!

What's more democratic than try to beat the life out of someone that doesn't vote for your candidate./s

Anyways if they really want to pressure super delegates (obviously not with psychos like this one) , choosing the one superdelegate that is actually retiring this nov is not the best shot.
You have 0 leverage, no 'we are going to vote you out of office' or 'primary you'. The guy is retiring. Leave him alone.


They've had a rapist as Speaker for 8 years, they've had Newt Gingrich as Speaker, they had Dick Nixon as president, they had Barry Goldwater as a nominee, they had a fucking imbecile who started a war killing 500k people and starting ISIS over a personal feud as president, they've had the Tea Party... But I'm still shocked they're accepting the fact that they're about to be led by an open white nationalist.
The party of family values.


I appreciate the way that Hillary Clinton believes that America is grown up enough to understand that the world is made up of nuance and that she is willing to sacrifice the single syllable sound bite in order to properly articulate her policy stances and treat us like adults in the process.
Bob Knight endorsing Trump reminds me how jealous I am, as an Indiana basketball fan, that North Carolina got Dean Smith to look up to and we're saddled with Knight.
I officially think some Sanders supporters have officially gone off the deep end. Courtesy of my facebook feed.


At the time of this writing Hillary Clinton has amassed a 333 delegate lead over Senator Bernie Sanders.

The only conceivable scenario for Sanders to achieve the number of delegates required to gain the nomination is if the Super-delegates switch to Bernie Sanders.

This is extremely unlikely to happen, as Clinton has literally purchased the Super-delegates.

But there IS a way that Sanders can gain the Democratic Party nomination and the good news is that YOU are an important part of this process.

Bernie has known all along that the Democratic party was not going to allow him a fair primary, just because he traded in his Independent status for Democratic.

Sanders is what Democrats used to be, whereas Clinton is a reminder of what the party has become.

When Clinton said that Bernie was not a Democrat, she did not realize it, but she was actually paying him a compliment.

Sanders is in no way reflective of the sorry state of the Democratic party.

Sanders will either recreate the party in his image or he will crush it on his way to the Presidency.

To put it bluntly, Hillary Clinton ran an awful campaign.

She did things that highlighted her personal failings and illuminated the cracks in her ethics, that lead millions of people to believe that she would be a disastrous leader.

Her attempts to assimilate Sanders supporters back into the fold have disgusted me to a point where I feel that I can no longer support her.

Suffice it to say that I will not vote for her and the fear of Trump or Cruz will have no bearing on the issue.

I am an Independent voter.

Hillary Clinton caused me to leave the Democratic party.

I will not be returning until she is gone and I know millions of others feel the same.

They are establishment politicians and they are completely out of touch with the will of the people.

We simply MUST get Bernie Sanders to at least FILE as an Independent.

He doesn’t have to leave the Democratic party, but he HAS to let them know that this is a possibility.


The Party Surrenders:


The Republicans are embracing the fact that they are going to nominate a fascist that wanted the Central Park Five executed and hoped his two day old daughter grew massive tits and who supported China massacring protesters at Tiananmen Square.

They've had a rapist as Speaker for 8 years, they've had Newt Gingrich as Speaker, they had Dick Nixon as president, they had Barry Goldwater as a nominee, they had a fucking imbecile who started a war killing 500k people and starting ISIS over a personal feud as president, they've had the Tea Party... But I'm still shocked they're accepting the fact that they're about to be led by an open white nationalist.

The dems are going to have a fun general election season now especially if the republicans are open to supporting trump now.

Also, I hope bernie's supporters recognize that he is not going to run as an independent in this election because he wants a democrat in the white house.
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