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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Considering how poorly he does with women and minorities, I am not worried.

I'm not even worried either. I expect the popular vote gap between the dems and republicans to be larger in this general election than the last few general elections.There will be at least a 7% gap between the dems and republicans in the general election and maybe as high as 20%.


No Scrubs
I think for me most of the bad reactions to Trayvon I saw were either from conservatives or people whose political leanings I didn't know so it didn't hit me in quite the same way. That's not to say it didn't expose some dark truths, of course.

Gamergate brought the "anti-SJW" left to my attention. It was the first time I really saw people who I knew had liberal-to-socialist leanings on a lot of issues getting swept into hatred towards women and minorities (racial, religious, sexual), even if the majority of it was coming from the alt-right.

Certainly that has caused me to look back at the reaction to that incident, and in particular Zimmerman's defenses for his actions, in a somewhat different light, but I don't know that I saw it clearly at the time.

There's a section of the left that essentially blames the lack of progress we've made economically on the progress we've made socially. You can go back into various PoliGAF threads from earlier this year and late last year to see this sentiment from certain posters. It's not a huge group of people, but they are definitely out there.

What a lot of people don't get is that this country is essentially defined by racism and hate. It's less and less with each generation, but it's still there. This is an issue we'll have to tackle if we want to get anything else done because there's people out there who would probably like things like universal coverage, but only if it meant people with darker skin weren't covered. Remember that Social Security originally only covered white people, we had to add in everyone else later.


I officially think some Sanders supporters have officially gone off the deep end. Courtesy of my facebook feed.


To be honest the crazy ones are a very vocal minority (much like the pyscho in WA). They just happen to be concentrated in some high visibility spots on the internet.
It doesn't mean that there are more crazies on one side, it's just that crazy people do stupid things when they feel under pressure (i.e. like when they are losing), so they are more visible on the losing side.

Most Bernie supporter will vote for Hillary. And I'm sure Hillary will do her job to try to make them feel welcome.
There's a section of the left that essentially blames the lack of progress we've made economically on the progress we've made socially. You can go back into various PoliGAF threads from earlier this year and late last year to see this sentiment from certain posters. It's not a huge group of people, but they are definitely out there.

What a lot of people don't get is that this country is essentially defined by racism and hate. It's less and less with each generation, but it's still there. This is an issue we'll have to tackle if we want to get anything else done because there's people out there who would probably like things like universal coverage, but only if it meant people with darker skin weren't covered. Remember that Social Security originally only covered white people, we had to add in everyone else later.

It's sadly ironic. The conservative realignment that eventually brought Reagan to power was fueled by getting whites to oppose social programs based on the idea that they were benefitting black people.


No Scrubs
It's sadly ironic. The conservative realignment that eventually brought Reagan to power was fueled by getting whites to oppose social programs based on the idea that they were benefitting black people.

It didn't fuel it so much as recognize that this sentiment has always existed in America. All they did was bring it to the surface again.

We are, sadly, a country built on hate. While we may be built on hate, we are always trying to do better and that should give everyone hope for the future. Someday, down the line somewhere, we might finally get it right and that's a future worth fighting for.


also lol at tedcruz.com



So I just saw that TYT interview with that Australian guy that you guy were talking about a few days back.

Holy shit, that was embarrassing. Like legit embarrassing. I half expected that guy with glasses to just start pounding the table and yelling that the establishment can't keep getting away with this.

Can I get a link for this please?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I officially think some Sanders supporters have officially gone off the deep end. Courtesy of my facebook feed.


Why do people link those sources by people who don't know what they are talking about, Sanders is running out of time to run as an independent. Starting 6/27 he would start losing being on the ballot in solid dem states like IL.

His other option would be write-in, but that's not an option in South Carolina, Louisiana, Nevada, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and South Dakota.

Beyond that he would need to worry about 'Sore Loser' laws. So no, it's not going to happen at this point if he has any plans of actually winning it.

Interesting note, the filing deadlines for several states was pushed back at least a few months this election versus 2012 for independent ballot access.
I didn't even know the draft was tonight. Fuck.

MLS is all I can really pay attention to these day. Even if its the revs drawing the 50000 game in a row, at least its an actual game. Football is so hard to stay interested in. Its gone for sooo long.


So I just saw that TYT interview with that Australian guy that you guy were talking about a few days back.

Holy shit, that was embarrassing. Like legit embarrassing. I half expected that guy with glasses to just start pounding the table and yelling that the establishment can't keep getting away with this.

At work and on my mobile right now, so I can't send the link at the moment. It was uploaded about a couple days ago and is roughly 27 minutes long. You should be able to find it since the surrounding videos are much shorter

Wow, it was literally the first video that came up when I searched "tyt". Whoops.
I didn't even know the draft was tonight. Fuck.

MLS is all I can really pay attention to these day. Even if its the revs drawing the 50000 game in a row, at least its an actual game. Football is so hard to stay interested in. Its gone for sooo long.

I never really understood watching the draft (since it's mostly just talking heads filling dead air) until I lived in Ohio and it was explained to me that the draft is basically the Browns' Super Bowl.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
People are trying to source Politifact to show that Hillary is a liar and Bernie isn't... When Bernie's percentage of statements that are mostly false, false, or pants on fire is higher than Hillary's.

Should really quit bitching about OT threads, the mods have warned us about it a couple of times now.
People are trying to source Politifact to show that Hillary is a liar and Bernie isn't... When Bernie's percentage of statements that are mostly false, false, or pants on fire is higher than Hillary's.

And the number of Clinton statements overall fact checked is so much higher to boot.

If Sanders was the paragon of honesty and Clinton the Renegade of Lying it should have been easier for Sanders to lie less and Clinton to lie more.

It'll be fun to see people rationalize this.


The best part is that Aussie guy doesn't even like Clinton.

That never mattered, tyt has become so depressing over the last year. They absolutely sacrificed any level of objective reporting and even tried to own it by calling all serious reporting with any objectivity "false balance". They became essentially a propoganda arm of a certain demographic and it was clear way even before they started calling Bernie the winner of every dem debate and spewing right wing talking points. Then they went all the way down the rabbit hole and tied their success to his movement through wolf pac (which I actually supported), pushed shoddy math, or even repeatedly yelled about general election h2h numvers as if they mean anything 7 months out.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That never mattered, tyt has become so depressing over the last year. They absolutely sacrificed any level of objective reporting and even tried to own it by calling all serious reporting with any objectivity "false balance". They became essentially a propoganda arm of a certain demographic and it was clear way even before they started calling Bernie the winner of every dem debate and spewing right wing talking points. Then they went all the way down the rabbit hole and tied their success to his movement through wolf pac (which I actually supported), pushed shoddy math, or even repeatedly yelled about general election h2h numvers as if they mean anything 7 months out.

It's sad.
They have had good discussions in the past about issues most media would not touch.
Now, just useless.


Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 12h12 hours ago
The left has made good progress by taking 1/8th of a loaf over and over again. Cons could learn a lesson 1/2

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 11h11 hours ago
The amazing thing about the Trump campaign is it is the culmination of miscalculations by just about major actor in the GOP. No clean hands.

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 11h11 hours ago
Sean T at RCP Retweeted Michael Needham
They forge coalitions with moderates, and don't back lunatics in red versions of Delaware. YMMV.

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 11h11 hours ago
Sean T at RCP Retweeted Nathan Alexander
All well and good,but when WV-Sen opened,Ds didn't say "we demand a true lib!"Took Manchin,gives 3/4 what they want.

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 10h10 hours ago
@MikeNeedham You didn't start that fire, but I think the fire is now completely out of control.As I said,most every GOP actor is responsible

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 10h10 hours ago
@MikeNeedham But the end result is going to be that the prog ball is about to get tossed about 30 yards downfield.

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 10h10 hours ago
@MikeNeedham and with a 30-year lib majority on the Court, cons won't get anything accomplished even w House/Sen/POTUS.

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 10h10 hours ago
@MikeNeedham That's the endgame. And it's pretty much over.

Dan ‏@danieltroy 4h4 hours ago
@SeanTrende @JayCostTWS Do either of you expect any Republicans running this year run away from Trump?

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 4h4 hours ago
@danieltroy @JayCostTWS Doesn't really matter. They either get nuked by establishment Rs or nuked by Trumpkins.

Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 16m16 minutes ago
@JayCostTWS @GayPatriot FWIW, I very respectfully disagree w Jay here. The party votes for this, let it reap the whirlwind.


So I want to make a post on facebook voicing some of the issues I am having with some of bullshit I have seen on my feeds. Is there anything you guys think I should add?

It annoys me to see people claim that Obama isn't progressive/a real democrat because they feel that his presidency hasn't accomplished enough. This of course seems to ignore the ACA and appointing supreme court justices that struck down gay marriage bans nationwide and bringing the economy back when it was it was tanking. But no he hasn't done enough. I think part of this stems from the fact that many people do not understand the functions and power of the President in the US government and that Obama isn't "ideologically pure."

He can't just make laws. He has the power to veto or sign laws into effect. Laws originate in congress as bills and have to be presented and voted on in congress before they reach the president to be vetoed or signed into law. Even if he vetos that particular bill, congress can override that veto if they have 2/3 support in both sections of congress. Being a president does not give you a fucking magic wand for the president to make quick and drastic changes in laws and public policy. Obama has not been sitting in the oval office with his thumb up his ass doing nothing for the past eight years. He has been doing the best he can while dealing with a republican controlled congress.

There was also a lot of whining that Obama had compromised with the republicans and therefore was no longer a true progressive/ "ideologically pure." This might shock you but compromising and working with the opposition is what a president is supposed to do. A president is supposed to help find solutions that are mutually beneficial for all parties. This isn't a betrayal to the blessed progressive ideology, thats a president trying to get things done. You know how he might have gotten more done? If so many of the "truly progressive" people had actually given a damn about voting for senators and representatives, we would not have had to deal with constant obstructionist bullshit like all of that wasted time trying to end the ACA or the government shutdown. Its annoying to see people throw Obama under the bus when they didn't bother to fucking vote during 2014.

The 2014 midterm election is more than enough proof of this.This complete lack of understanding of presidential power and how the US government functions has been reflected in the current 2016 election as well. This focus on being "ideologically pure" will amount to shit if you if you refuse to participate in all elections because you didn't get your way in the presidential election.


Preaching to the choir here, lol

I have my criticisms of Obama on foreign policy, but he's certainly got a lot done given what he's had to work with post Tea Party. Realistically we probably couldn't have gotten a better president in this era


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
How mature am I that i'm laughing like an elementary school student at these?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Reince's mom was nicknamed Eco, so it's confusing for him.


Is Trump right now

On stage

With a group of his supporters

Each holding up a sign with a picture of a loved one or someone they know who was killed/injured by illegal immigrants?

Is that what I'm seeing right now?

In California?

...what in the ever-loving fuck...


Is Trump right now

On stage

With a group of his supporters

Each holding up a sign with a picture of a loved one or someone they know who was killed/injured by illegal immigrants?

Is that what I'm seeing right now?

In California?

...what in the ever-loving fuck...

This rally is quite surreal.
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