Aaron Strife
To be fair, Bernie wanted Obama to be primaried. He wasn't pure, you see. Only Bernie is pure.
To be fair, Bernie wanted Obama to be primaried. He wasn't pure, you see. Only Bernie is pure.
I told them I was voting for Hillary.
Trump now blasting Cruz for not helping Carly after her stage dive.
"He just kept talking......even I would have helped her up!"
GAF, as a voter in tomorrow's IN primary, I have SUPREME POWER in shaping the outcome of this race (or so the media would have me believe). How best to utilize my vote?
I want a dem in the White House, and I realize that Hillary is destined to get the nom. I like a lot of what Sanders has to say, and I like that he's helped to get Hilldawg talking about the issues he's been championing, but I don't like the way he's been handling his campaign for the past month or so.
On the GOP side, I mostly don't care who gets the nom (since I expect any of them to get wrecked come Nov), but I really, really don't want it to go to Cruz. Dude is human garbage.
Right now I am leaning toward voting for Bernie, but maybe I should vote for Trump to help make sure he gets things pretty much locked up? But I also sort of abhor the idea of engaging in this kind of political gamesmanship.
You do not seem to understand any of the points I addressed, like this one
The Sanders campaign isn't complaining that the DNC is spending money on Hillary.
I agree. Money-laundering is a false allegation. 'An equivalent to money laundering' would be more appropriate.
That's a contortion dependent on a limited mathematical definition. Yes 2+2 = 4 and that is equivalent to 6-2 = 4. The thing we're interested in though is not 2+2 or 6-2, it's the resulting value of four. Language operates on a larger scale and just about any layman's use of the word would implicitly invoke "having the same meaning/use", see Miriam Webster.
And even if we took your rather limited definition it still doesn't make sense. If she's doing something with the same value or effect of money laundering, then it should have the same effect as it no (it should add up to "four")? Please explain how her actions have transformed the proceeds of criminal conduct to mask their origin.
We may have equivalent value as human beings, but you wouldn't describe us as equivalent human beings because that's comparing two very different things. You would say our value is equivalent, not ourselves. Similarly, you would not describe Hillary's actions as being equivalent with the actions of money laundering. Perhaps motivation or intention, but not the actions themselves.
Ok, I see what you meant. But the underlying issue is still questionable. How is it equivalent to Money Laundering?
The process as I understand it:
Bundle Fundraising Occurs where individuals can donate the max to all candidates of a party currently running. That money in turn is transferred to the DNC who can coordinate the efforts of that money maximizing its efficiency.
The only way this would be considered laundering is Clinton is getting more than $5400 per person that donated. If so, the margin is critical, since money that goes to campaign ads and some other staff that may be considered beneficial to multiple candidates would supersede this.
My literal Bernie Brother for the first time actually said "it looks really terrible." for the Sanders campaign to be running this line at this point "because it is pretty much over at this point".
This is really crossing the line.
Trump now blasting Cruz for not helping Carly after her stage dive.
"He just kept talking......even I would have helped her up!"
Any word on if this months final Democratic debate will take place?
CNN/ORC National
Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
Bernie Sanders (D) 43%
Donald Trump (R) 49%
Ted Cruz (R) 25%
John Kasich (R) 19%
I know I've had these types of epic semantical debates in the past, but I'm getting too old for this shit.
If you'd prefer 'exploitation' as opposed to 'equivalent of money laundering', I can roll with that as well.
We good now?
Just because you're in the wrong doesn't make it an inconsequential semantic difference. If I said your posts are equivalent to perjury I think you would rightfully say, that's ridiculously hyperbolic and obviously untrue .
If I tried to say, "oh fine, I'll just say your posts are extremely pedantic, happy now?", I can't play that off like it's somehow the same thing and I haven't fundamentally changed the substance of my accusations.
CNN/ORC National
Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
Bernie Sanders (D) 43%
Donald Trump (R) 49%
Ted Cruz (R) 25%
John Kasich (R) 19%
there has been steady and pronounced movement away from bernie now for a bit. Is it "its over" or is it "bernie has shit the bed lately"
There was like one debate that had any impact on either race, and even Rubio's meltdown only had a temporary effect.Another debate isn't going to do anything for anyone at this point.
I want to know this too, as I thought the same thing.
The problem is that the money was transferred almost immediately to the DNC from the state parties, not that the DNC is spending the money. It's not like the state parties wouldn't want to keep that money to help the downticket, which is the whole point of the money going to them in the first place.
The other problem is that most of the money spent directly by the Hillary Victory Fund was used to the direct benefit of the Clinton campaign, either in online advertisements or campaign staffing.
These actions can be seen as exploitations of campaign finance laws and allows the Clinton campaign to circumvent campaign contribution limits.
Of course, all of this is perfectly legal, but it's a question of ethics more than anything else.
Yeah, her Huffpost average has been inching up while Bernie's has been inching down.
There was like one debate that had any impact on either race, and even Rubio's meltdown only had a temporary effect.
I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that Bernie just isn't as capable as Hillary in this area. We can talk about why that's the case, but expecting him to do more than he can is absurd and ridiculous.
Ted is shitting the bed. Amazing how he's cratering.
The @HillaryClinton campaign says its "woman card" drive raised $2.4 million from 118,000 donors, 40% of which were first-time givers.
I would say trump has a good point when you are traveling to cities in china, hong kong etc
They do have some a ton of infrastructure , airports, tunnels train systems that all look nicer than a lot of stuff in america which looks old and rundown by comparison in many ways. it's a lot to do with how many people they have and how those people can work for less though. But, its sort of strange in a way
I'd say we focus more on our home living and that is more important to me so i'd take america over what china is doing overall
it is insane how many 30 to 40 floor buildings china has going up, in thousands and thousands of cities compared to what you don't see in america though. may see 10 to 60 in some of those cities and some are 2 hours outside of the main city.
The contested convention line is just silly. It's taking advantage of people not really understanding the process and really depends on technicalities. Yes, superdelegates can change their mind if they want to right up until the vote, but Hillary is going to go in with a huge lead in pledged delegates and the superdelegates aren't going to change their mind, so it won't be contested in any meaningful sense.
The problem is that by doing this he's really hurting the party. Democrars are supposed to look competent by not being the ones to have a contested convention this year.
Watch the GOP fall in line and Democrats be the ones left with the convention chaos. If I'm a GOP strategist right now l would be very hopeful that I could get my convention to go smoothly.
Bernie is guaranteeing a contested convention.
But if he doesn't have the support of enough delegates (he doesn't) then Hillary still wins on the first ballot and it's not a contested convention in any meaningful sense.
The genie isn't going back in the bottle. They're never going to be able to power Ben Sasse through the primary when some asshole like Duncan Hunter will probably run on the "take benefits away from black people and give them to white people" platform. People know that open and loud bigotry can win them a primary and they'll exploit that now.
Actually, I'd say it was pretty critical because it was right before NH and set a really important narrative about how he's a paper-thin candidate.
Actually, I'd say it was pretty critical because it was right before NH and set a really important narrative about how he's a paper-thin candidate.
It was important, but his numbers recovered and the debate only hurt him in one state. And that's the only debate performance that had any impact on the race.
NY and the Atlantic states were the dagger that finally did him in.
It was important, but his numbers recovered and the debate only hurt him in one state. And that's the only debate performance that had any impact on the race.
I forgot about that one, though I think Cruz would have been crushed in the NE even without it."New York Values" definitely mattered I think. Cruz wouldn't have gotten bodied as much in the Northeast if he didn't insult all the northeast.
Mr. Bernie got those $27 dollar high rollers though
I think I posted this a while back.Good Economist article on trade costs:
Well researched article on mitigating the sectors negatively impacted by trade.
Fun fact I just learned: There are only two Senate seats in the country that have never been represented by a Republican or a Democratic.
Hawaii Class 3 (Schatz): Never represented by a Republican
Vermont Class 1 (Sanders): Never represented by a Democrat
It's surprising given the current political landscape, but Vermont used to be super Republican. Before Bill Clinton I believe the only Democrat to ever win Vermont was LBJ in 1964. Even Alf Landon won Vermont in 1936 (the only other state he won was Maine).
Thanks!That's some solid work.
Having lived in HK, I can tell you that the reason their trains are so good is that the MTR corporation is rich and owns tons of land, including the two biggest skyscrapers in the city and a mall on top of almost every station.
In China, trains and skyscrapers are indeed built because of central planning, which is more about the form of government than about any trade deficit or foreign aid (or whatever the hell Trump is arguing). But they do come with a catch - in lots of Chinese subways you have to go through a metal detector to even go into the trains, which is no fun.