This is concerning, Tyler's prediction for tonight according to his latest model:
This is concerning, Tyler's prediction for tonight according to his latest model:
This I think this is the best possible route.
Is this real life? Is this what modern day politics in America has come to?
In terms of exiting the race well:
1. Scott Walker
2. Jeb
15. Cruz
16. Rubio
Agreed, though we should also be beefing up our pre-college educational system. There's no reason a salesman, for example, needs to go to college just to sell something. There's jobs that require a college degree that totally don't need one.
Free tuition should not include repeating a semester or rebooting into a different degree.
I'm okay with free tuition of tge student manages to completing it one shot
In France you have student lifers who stay and just change programs for eternity
Get fucked Ted. I'm enjoying seeing him breakdown. How does he think his homophobia and transphobia will help him win a GE. Lmao.
This like a modern day version of segregation signs.
WTF is this shit?
Morgan County will be interesting to watch on the GOP side. It has a bit of Indianapolis suburb at the corner that will probably favor Cruz, but the county and particularly the county seat, Martinsville, has a reputation for having a particularly large problem with racism even in a state that has a troubled racial history. It was a major Klan stronghold back when the Klan was very active in Indiana, it was known for incidents when high school sports teams with black players would travel there, and the city, which already has something of an insular feel, has a tendency to go into a siege mentality whenever such incidents are publicized. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Trump outperforms his benchmarks in Morgan County.
Donald Trump came down foursquare in favor of new construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank on Monday, telling that the controversial practice has to 'keep going' and 'keep moving forward.'
There are 'thousands of missiles being launched into Israel,' he said Monday. 'Who would put up with that? Who would stand for it?'
Trump said last year he would like to initially remain 'neutral' in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as president, a position that he believes would allow him a better opportunity to be seen as a peace broker.
Meanwhile he has repeatedly expressed his love for Israel and increasingly his support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his policies, all while repeatedly trashing the Barack Obama-backed Iran nuclear deal.
But in an exclusive interview with, Trump came out for the continued construction of new settlements irrespective of Israeli government policy.
They're already devalued and equivalent to a HS Diploma.
Unless he's pressured, probably not. These bills are not popular with the general electorate.I wonder if Trump will flip on his transgender opinions for the general, or if we're really looking at a situation where both of the presidential candidates are trans friendly.
I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't. The group that's voting for him are more of hardcore nationalists, most of them don't really care about social issues all that much from what I've seen. Doubling down on republican values could alienate him from a lot of moderates and independents who share those nationalistic values.I wonder if Trump will flip on his transgendered opinions for the general, or if we're really looking at a situation where both of the presidential candidates are trans friendly.
Trump does interviews with banned sites. Sad!
I like how their interpretation of a creep looks like a guy straight out of Grease.
Like tells you something about what age the people getting these ads are.
That was my very first reaction. Sitting in my chair here at work, I uttered an "ayyy!" when I first saw it.Is that the Fonz? I don't think there's any restrictions where he can go.
Please let Cruz go down in flames tonight
Yeah, same here in regards to finding it funny lol. I cycled through anger due to how personally Cruz's rhetoric disgusts me then laughter. What a whirlwind of emotions!That was my very first reaction. Sitting in my chair here at work, I uttered an "ayyy!" when I first saw it.
Wouldn't basic income encourage the majority of people to just not work at all?
Besides, I think you are incorrect in implying that many jobs exist simply because there is a societal expectation to have one. People have infinite wants and desires, and so no matter how many needs are met by technological innovations, there will always be something, somewhere, for someone to do, even if it is menial or "stupid".
Free tuition should not include repeating a semester or rebooting into a different degree.
I'm okay with free tuition of tge student manages to completing it one shot
In France you have student lifers who stay and just change programs for eternity
That was my very first reaction. Sitting in my chair here at work, I uttered an "ayyy!" when I first saw it.
The high school incidents were happening even ~10-15 years ago, IIRC. So it's fairly recent stuff.
I mean 20 years ago I would hear about towns here where African-American folks weren't welcome and if a black family moved there they'd get harassed.
There's also areas like my hometown where there was a big fight in the 1920s and the Klan lost, they kicked the Klan out of the county and passed some laws where they couldn't demonstrate in their hoods. But literally people would get beat up for being Catholic on the wrong side of town before that.
Maybe. Who cares? If there are actually a bunch of people who are working right now because they'd starve and be homeless, and wouldn't work if they weren't threatened with death, then it's actually morally incumbent on us to remove that threat of death. Coercion is wrong!*
But what if those jobs are necessary for society to continue to function?
I wonder if Trump will flip on his transgender opinions for the general, or if we're really looking at a situation where both of the presidential candidates are trans friendly.
Plus you know, the entire thing where bye there's no evidence of any trans person ever assaulting anyone in a toilet, and tons of evidence of non-trans people assaulting people in bathrooms every damn day.
That was my very first reaction. Sitting in my chair here at work, I uttered an "ayyy!" when I first saw it.
So do people who are all up in these bathroom bills just think trans-people are playing dress-up or something? Do they just fundamentally not understand the concept of transexuality? Also why is it always "little girls" people are worried about when the vast majority of people using these public restrooms will be grown ass women. This feels insulting from like every possible perspective..
But what if those jobs are necessary for society to continue to function?
Best timeline.
Cruz handed the nomination at contested convention.
Trump runs third party in protest.
We can keep this VD, JFK assassination, penis size, Officespace parody train going until november.
Trump as president, Jeb as VP is clearly the best timeline.
Could you even imagine what that campaign would look like? I wouldn't want them to win, but fuck me if I don't want to see that ticket in the general.
We don't actually need more people to go to college, period.
Germany is my role model.
Would make for a GOAT undercard debate.
Jeb! being the undercard. LMAO. He looked defeated before. Can you imagine what his face would look like in that scenario.
We would need Al Franken to be VP to take advantage.
Would Rand Paul take the VP spot if it was offered?
Just something I was thinking about. Rand is just a tad crazy enough to sit well with Trump. Doesn't overshadow him, but still manages to have a big mouth. His message blends well enough with Trump. He'd also be a blatant attempt to grab the reddit Bernie following. Also probably doesn't care much to hitch his wagon to Trump, since he's in a safe district.
Just me mostly thinking about who could possibly be Trump's VP, since nobody seems to want to go anywhere near him, he has no real political allies, and he has so many different view points than the majority of the party.
Would Rand Paul take the VP spot if it was offered?
Just something I was thinking about. Rand is just a tad crazy enough to sit well with Trump. Doesn't overshadow him, but still manages to have a big mouth. His message blends well enough with Trump. He'd also be a blatant attempt to grab the reddit Bernie following. Also probably doesn't care much to hitch his wagon to Trump, since he's in a safe district.
Just me mostly thinking about who could possibly be Trump's VP, since nobody seems to want to go anywhere near him, he has no real political allies, and he has so many different view points than the majority of the party.
Christie offers basically nothing to Trump besides someone else who is as loud and obnoxious as he is.Its gotta be Christie right?
I concur with the thought in principle. At least, I find it preferable that people do not walk around with a constant fear of destitution. But my point is that, by necessity, more can be done in a society that is not forced to cope with millions of people not working rather than everyone contributing in some capacity. Not even communism proposes an opt-in labor society.Maybe. Who cares? If there are actually a bunch of people who are working right now because they'd starve and be homeless, and wouldn't work if they weren't threatened with death, then it's actually morally incumbent on us to remove that threat of death. Coercion is wrong!*
I think it's bold to claim that people will do good, productive work on their own. In fact I think that needs quantifiable evidence. Decades of poor welfare policy before institutional reform under the Clinton administration does in fact prove that when given the choice to not work, a sizable portion will not. And welfare was not even enough to survive. What more if everyone is provided with a basic income suitable for all kinds of living!I think you've misread my comment. I believe that, free of the burden to work for a living, people will mostly just find stuff to do that they want to do or that fulfills them. I don't think many people will actually coast, I think people have a desire to do productive labor.
I don't believe you. I believe that people are typically required to work in order to live but I don't believe that there is a single job besides government work programs (and even then, that is a stretch) that exists entirely because people have to work, so we must find something for them to do.[/QUOTE]But there are a bunch of jobs right now that aren't productive labor in any meaningful sense. They only exist because of the capitalist requirement that people be required to work in order to live. Those should go away.