I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
1.6 million for a wash?
535k per delegate, meaning he only needs to raise 169 million more to win at that rate.
1.6 million for a wash?
So ignoring superdelegates. Typical Bernie Math(tm)
I mean, it didn't really backfire. Bernie will net 2-3 delegates and spent $1.6 million. Hillary no longer needs margins, she just needs raw delegates. 2-3 more delegates aren't worth the money for her at this point.
Kasich should stay, so much more food to try.
John Kasich, however, pledged on Tuesday night to stay in the race until a candidate reaches 1,237 bound delegates.
If Bernie still lost after spending all that money, he would have been totally humiliated. In the end it doesn't matter because Hillary's gonna win the nomination no matter what, but this just gives him and his people more hope which isn't good for Clinton. That means more time that's gonna be wasted on the news talking about Bernie, more time for Bernie and his surrogates to criticize Hillary, and more time until his fans explode when they realize he's lost. I just want Bernie to be yesterday's news already so we can focus on crushing Trump once and for all.
Bernie wasn't going to leave anyway. He's not going to drop out. He'll still be negative when it suits him. He'll still ring whatever bells he can to bring in funds, including things like the money laundering thing. It's just what he's decided to do. Nothing would get him to stop, but he's not going to be bringing in bank anymore. I'm pretty sure he's running in the negative. There's no way he spent what he did in April, only raised $25 million and still has cash.
Not watching, is Cruz on stage saying his going to vote for the guy who called his wife ugly and said his father had a hand in killing Kennedy?
I don't think a single elected Republican will endorse Clinton because that'd be as toxic in future primaries as voting for the ACA. We'll just hear a smattering of people not voting for Trump and the bulk of the elected politicians will fall in line.
Thank god I didn't put money on Cruz staying until the end of May. I thought it was a lock he would stay in till California.
1.6 million for a wash?
What were the odds on that? Frankly i'm a bit surprised he dropped out tonight.
If Cruz is really out, then the pressure on Sanders will be, and should be, tremendous to end the Dem side and start coalescing around who everyone knows the inevitable candidate will be. I don't care if Pelosi and Reid have to lock Sanders in a room and explain in excruciating detail how Bernie will be systematically stripped of anything approaching power he has in Congress following November, it has to be done.
Hopefully Lucifer stays in his cage this time and no one gets desperate and let's him out.
If Cruz is really out, then the pressure on Sanders will be, and should be, tremendous to end the Dem side and start coalescing around who everyone knows the inevitable candidate will be. I don't care if Pelosi and Reid have to lock Sanders in a room and explain in excruciating detail how Bernie will be systematically stripped of anything approaching power he has in Congress following November, it has to be done.
Who had thought the Republican primary would be consolidated before the Democratic one?
Also, I'm of the opinion that it's time for Bernie to drop out after this.
Who had thought the Republican primary would be consolidated before the Democratic one?
Also, I'm of the opinion that it's time for Bernie to drop out after this.