Millions of Democrats are voting for a presidential candidate linked to an FBI criminal investigation. These voters either dont know theres been a year-long FBI investigation of Clintons emails, dont care, or would vote for Clinton even she faced Espionage Act indictments. Potentially our next Commander in Chief will be interviewed by the FBI soon, as will her top aides. This state of affairs would never take place in any other leading democracy, but American politics is unique.
Bernie Sanders has political momentum, grass roots support throughout the nation, and defeats Donald Trump by a wider margin than Clinton. Sanders has surged to within several points nationally of Clinton, despite being over 50 points down not long ago. In contrast, Clinton lost astronomical leads to both Obama and Sanders, and doesnt keep polling leads. Furthermore, Trump wont watch his tone about emails, and every other scandal associated with both Clintons. The pedestrian polling lead Hillary Clinton currently holds over Donald Trump isnt set in stone; Trump is already ahead of Clinton in a recent poll.
I'm still betting he waits till after the convention. His endorsement will carry more weight with the public if there are fewer people shrieking "RIIIIIIIIGGGGGED! RIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGED!" in the background.
Wonder if Obama will endorse now...
I can't tell anymore if this would be tweeted by a Republican or a Bernie stan
Wonder if Obama will endorse now...
Omg Ben Carson is running Donald "I beat China all the time" Trump's VP search team.
Um we should be forcing the issue at this point.I understand Hillary fans are feeling impatient, but if they really want party unity, they'd be best off waiting until the convention than trying to hurry Bernie out of the race with stuff like that.
Sure, the best maybe for bernie to decide to drop out on his own, but if he's not going to do that, I wouldn't try to force the issue.
Sadly yeah, June 7th. She'd need 83% of the delegates from the states between now and Cali to hit 50% +1, and that ain't happening.
Unless the remaining supers rally behind her due to Trump securing, but that'd just lead to more complaining from Sanders and fans.
I can't tell anymore if this would be tweeted by a Republican or a Bernie stan
I just can't believe this is the sequel to Obama's presidency. The leader of the Birther movement now the Republican nominee and possibly the successor to his legacy.
Obama is itching to go out on the campaign trail. You can feel it. It's gonna be great to watch him go after Trump all fall.
I hope HuffPost isn't actually paying this guy. All I can imagine is a guy sitting in a dark room, salivating as he writes these and fanfiction about Hillary going to prison.
Good lord. How many times is he going to run the same story?
Why do the Huff Post tolerate this Rand Paul supporting moon bat?
Obama going out to bat for Hillary is probably gonna see social media trying to burn him to the ground while outside of the internet he makes the real waves. It'll be curious to see how things play out online once Obama plays his hand.
Good lord. How many times is he going to run the same story?
Why do the Huff Post tolerate this Rand Paul supporting moon bat?
Obama going out to bat for Hillary is probably gonna see social media trying to burn him to the ground while outside of the internet he makes the real waves. It'll be curious to see how things play out online once Obama plays his hand.
Do NOT underestimate their abilities. They can be scary as shit. See: Gamergate.No one really gives a shit about Reddit stans
Problem is that he shouldn't be any inconvenience at all. It's entirely possible for him to stay in through CA + not be an inconvenience, but he doesn't seem interested in that. Having another debate is just another example of that. That's basically a 2-hour campaign ad for Trump at this point.Guys, calm down about Sanders. He'll be a minor inconvenience for the next two months, at worst.
No one really gives a shit about Reddit stans
Seeing a fresh round of delusion on my Facebook feed today. Bernie's totally got this and even if he doesn't win the nomination he'll run third party and get to exactly 270 electoral votes based on the retroactive momentum map.
It really is funny how people overreact to the latest result. See all the "Trump is doomed" talk after Wisconsin, or people diablosing on election night 2012 because Romney had the electoral vote lead based on winning a bunch of McCain states.
wow - Trump on the Cruz/Lee Harvey Oswald link: "I don't think anybody denied it.... You can't knock the National Enquirer." @GMA
I just can't believe this is the sequel to Obama's presidency. The leader of the Birther movement now the Republican nominee and possibly the successor to his legacy.
Obama is itching to go out on the campaign trail. You can feel it. It's gonna be great to watch him go after Trump all fall.
In the Morning Joe interview Trump sounded like he wanted to pick an old wiseman Congressman with 15+ years of experience. I don't think Christie or one term Marco Rubio is that guy.
“So, look, we're here. We're going to get behind the presumptive nominee. I stated the obvious in the tweet. Obviously, you still have to get to 1,237 delegates.”
I've shared it on GAF before, but my absolutely favorite facebook melt down was a far right friend of mine who was convinced Romney was going to beat Obama handily, who later in the night posted a diatribe about how Obama was winning with less than half of the popular vote, and then later on when Obama had clearly won the popular vote, posted a whole bunch of 'the world is over' stuff.
Unfortunately his reactions to Cruz pulling out were not so entertaining.
You think Ol' Reince is looking for the exit right about now?
I remember when Obama beat McCain, my dad legit cried and told my mother, "My children are going to be slaves."
He actually said that. How is so much of my family that delusional, I'll never know.
You think Ol' Reince is looking for the exit right about now?
I remember when Obama beat McCain, my dad legit cried and told my mother, "My children are going to be slaves."
He actually said that. How so much of America is that delusional, I'll never know.
Political journalists pretending that Trump can make this close are joke people. Trump is a sexist buffoon who is going to say things that anger 51% of voters every week coming up. It's going to be a bloodbath. He'll lose as bad as Goldwater did.
I remember when Obama beat McCain, my dad legit cried and told my mother, "My children are going to be slaves."
He actually said that. How is so much of my family that delusional, I'll never know.
I remember when Obama beat McCain, my dad legit cried and told my mother, "My children are going to be slaves."
He actually said that. How is so much of my family that delusional, I'll never know.
I'm glad my family is a bunch of crazy liberals. I get to look like the crazy conservative when I say I prefer Hillary's plan for higher education costs to Bernie's, let alone having to deal with absurdist hyperbole about the first black President enslaving white people. How do you even interact with someone who thinks like that?
I was upset when McCain lost in 2008 but my God I never even considered that thought. Scary family you have there dude. I'm sorry.
So is Trump going to self fund his GE campaign?
So is Trump going to self fund his GE campaign?
A top conservative blog is urging Senate Republicans to confirm President Obama's Supreme Court pick after Donald Trump's win in Indiana's GOP presidential primary.
"Now that Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee, this is not even a close call. There is absolutely no reason to drag this out any longer. [Merrick] Garland is not a great choice, but he is not a terrible one, either," Leon H. Wolf, the managing editor of the conservative website RedState, wrote Wednesday.
The comments come after Trump victory Tuesday night, forcing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) out of the GOP race and securing a spot as the presumptive nominee.
Senate Republican leadership has been adamant that Garland will not get a hearing or a vote and that the next president will fill the seat vacated by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Wolf, however, warned Wednesday that the "calculus has changed confirm Merrick Garland before it is too late."
"My main concern right now would be that Barack Obama would withdraw Garlands nomination today. The fact that Merrick Garland still exists as an option right now is a gift that should not be squandered," he wrote.
Wolf added that Republicans "must know" they will lose the White House, and likely the Senate, too, with Trump as their nominee. Senate Republicans are defending 24 seats in November, a handful in states previously carried by Obama.
Some Republicans have floated a confirmation during the lame-duck period for Garland if their party loses in November. They argue that he is more moderate than whomever Hillary Clinton would nominate if she wins the White House.
But Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) the Senate's top two Republicans have shot down a vote on Garland after the election.
We won... but at what cost?!Congrats to the winners below of our PoliGAF 2016 Republican Nomination Game.
There are those who say that I have connections to H. A. Goodman. But let me dispel the notion right now that H. A. Goodman does not know what he's doing.
I hope HuffPost isn't actually paying this guy. All I can imagine is a guy sitting in a dark room, salivating as he writes these and fanfiction about Hillary going to prison.
You think Ol' Reince is looking for the exit right about now?