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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
My Berniebro is having a bad day, so I invented a cocktail called the GOP.

It taste like crow, bitterness and regret.

But mostly regret.

It's vodka. In a glass. With ice.

Well shit, I can't stay away with posts like this.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ben Carson is leading the running mate search party for Trump? I think I just overheard that on NPR. That's hysterical.
After almost dying because of my gallbladder.....fuck the gallbladder.

The gallblader seems to exist only to become inflamed and destroy the liver and pancreas (there is a cute set of comics on this, I will try to find and link) and be annoying to study for.

My condolences.
Watching the rain of 3s in this Cavs/Hawks game is making me think Obama/Bill/Biden are gonna be goddamn near unstoppable
I haven't watched a single game this season because I know that it's gonna end the same as last year..

That baby faced badass is gonna steal our soul again..

and yet.. I'll watch the finals..
And what will this accomplish? This sounds like a very emotional response for no reason but to delight in other people being shamed.

Well, theoretically, it would result in a lot of GOP politicians losing their seats, which seems like a pretty big win to me.

Yeah, I meant the politicians that endorsed him. As a strategy, do not let people like McCain continue to run as a voice of reason when they've back people like Trump. Put a damn orange 'T' right on their shirts, Hawthorne style. In theory, they'd all lose re-election the next time it came up.

I respect the opinions of a lot of Republicans, to be honest. But not in this. I will not compromise in this. If a politician endorses Trump, I could never respect them again (barring a Robert Byrd style turn-around, I suppose).
The gallblader seems to exist only to become inflamed and destroy the liver and pancreas (there is a cute set of comics on this, I will try to find and link) and be annoying to study for.

My condolences.
My gallbladder ruptured and I ended up with septicemia. Was a big mess


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Yeah, I meant the politicians that endorsed him. As a strategy, do not let people like McCain continue to run as a voice of reason when they've back people like Trump. Put a damn orange 'T' right on their shirts, Hawthorne style. In theory, they'd all lose re-election the next time it came up.

I respect the opinions of a lot of Republicans, to be honest. But not in this. I will not compromise in this. If a politician endorses Trump, I could never respect them again (barring a Robert Byrd style turn-around, I suppose).

McCain was "OK" pre 2008. His loss to Obama is probably the proximate cause to what's going on now. But, he did not go down anywhere near honorably, he "sold his soul" so to speak, with the Palin being the soultaker. It was very difficult for him to win since Bush fucked up so badly, but he did not have to go the direction he did, and by giving into the narrative that the GOP was "not far right enough" he sent the ship flying in the wrong direction. He could have taken the path Bush intended but miserably failed to do. How much control he really had, I don't know, but I can't imagine him having so little say in the way the campaign was ran.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My sticker had a personal message from hillary in it.



Adam I just got Dead Boy!!! Woo

Having a crazy run with Epic Fetus + a million damage bonuses and flight. Hoping to cap it with a Mega Satan kill
Insert marco rubio/jeb bush joke (that really sucks and I guess the good news is now you cant get gallblader stones?)
They're what caused the rupture in part. I went to the ER with gallbladder pain four times in three weeks. They refused to do surgery because my liver enzymes were normal. Once I passed out from pain and infection they finally agreed to do an ultrasound, which they were hesitant to do because I didn't have insurance at the time. By the time they agreed I was so damn sick. Mess.
Its because Sanders economic policy would directly positively affect them, where as racial equality, and trans/women's rights don't. They are a bunch of hate nerds who don't care about anyone but themselves regardless of what they say. They just like being able to call conservatives racist/sexist without actually having to do any of the required work to be actual progressives who care about people's needs that differ from their own.

I made a thread on a Washington Post article on Clinton's support among Whites concerning racial attitudes that might be interesting to you and others here.
They're what caused the rupture in part. I went to the ER with gallbladder pain four times in three weeks. They refused to do surgery because my liver enzymes were normal. Once I passed out from pain and infection they finally agreed to do an ultrasound, which they were hesitant to do because I didn't have insurance at the time. By the time they agreed I was so damn sick. Mess.

That absolutely sucks, ultrasounds are laughably easy for a hospital to do and this seems like an absurdly easy diagnosis to make so the healthcare field failed you. Sadly I don't see myself going into ER or internal medicine but a lot of my classmates don't seem like people who would miss this or not fight for you so hopefully it doesnt happen to the next person (hopefully hillary can work on getting to UHC fast).
My Republican Mother in law is fucking DEPRESSED. Says she has voted in every presidential election since she turned 18, but she's sitting this one out. -1 for the Republicans here in Virginia
That specific era was the best of the best SNL
na ga da it.
I think everyone put me on their ignore list.
I think kristoffer wants you guys to read this ;)
Thank God for Donald Trump.

At the coda of the Obama presidency, mere months before the tea party was supposed to shock the country and take the white house, a brazen political outsider has burst into the arena uninvited and destroyed the entire foundation of the Republican party. And like a phoenix of lore, within months it will be born anew, speciously similar to the GOP but fundamentally different. This is the death of Reagan conservatism, and the base is ringing the bell as loud as they can.

Donald Trump has exposed to everyone what many had suspected: that the success of the tea party was not because people wanted tea party conservatism, but because they were anti-establishment. Trump fits conservatism like gloves on OJ. Trans people entering bathrooms of their choice? It's whatever. Christianity? He says he's a big fan, but we know his knowledge of the bible starts and ends with Charles Heston. Balanced budget? Sounds like he has little conviction in this regard. In fact, by most measures, he really is a poor conservative.

And yet he's drawn in the base with the now infamous campaign promises only a true fascist could come up with. The truth was, the same forces that primaried Eric Cantor, rejected McCarthy for speaker, elected Ted Cruz and shut down the entire federal government in an unprecedented fiduciary putsch... elected the un-conservative. By a landslide. They don't want a smaller government; they want to control immigration. They don't want free trade; they want their jobs back. They don't want war; they just want to kick ISIS ass. Israel is negotiable; maybe Japan should have nukes; our military presence around the world is a bum deal; and Bush didn't keep up safe! This is the champion of the Republican politics.

Imagine, for a moment, that every Republican politician was 70% similar to Trump. What would life be like? Horrible, you cry! But maybe you're wrong. Sure, there's now a registry for Muslim immigrants. Yeah, we're not accepting refugees anymore. And ok, we're flat out kicking the children back across the border (a Guatamela, perdedores!). And as Ann Coulter would say, for not-Americans, things are bleak.

But now picture what we have gained. There is no constant march to war (The Syrians? Who cares?). Gay marriage is whatever. The budget gets passed, and every single day a new deal is made in congress across the aisle. Nobody touches Medicare or Social Security: those are good the way they are. Religion? Oh, yeah, we love "Two-Corinthians". And maybe Obamacare is still under attack, but by and large the frenetic race to the right is over.

If you really think Trump is bad, you forgot that there's much worse. Trump's a racist... But the Bushes lied to America. They propped Saddam up and then risked American lives to tear him down. W and Cheney abused their power in ways that would make Nixon proud. Before John Boehner, the three prior Republican speakers of the house were revolting human beings while simulatenously lording over American morality like modern Winthrops. The conservatives blamed the EPA for Flint, Michigan, and then blocked federal relief funding. The tea party shut down the entire government because they don't know how economics works and big numbers scare them.

In most respects Donald Trump is leaps and bounds better than your average elephant.

The best part of all of this is that Republicans will learn this lesson well. Pandora's box has been unlocked. No more conservative litmus tests. No more proving you're the biggest baddest budget cutter there ever was. No more pandering to religious freaks and sucking Pat Robertson's dick in the back of his biblemobile just to get evangelicals. No more getting castrated just because you tried making a deal with Democrats - deals are good! What you really need is a simple dedication to true Americans: say no to bad trade deals and corporate overlords. Be tough on immigration. Be tough on terror. That's all you need. The playbook is dead; long live the playbook.

So hurrah to the Donald! And welcome to the new America.
admittedly it was somewhat lengthy, i skimmed it ;)


The best part of all of this is that Republicans will learn this lesson well. Pandora's box has been unlocked. No more conservative litmus tests. No more proving you're the biggest baddest budget cutter there ever was. No more pandering to religious freaks and sucking Pat Robertson's dick in the back of his biblemobile just to get evangelicals. No more getting castrated just because you tried making a deal with Democrats - deals are good! What you really need is a simple dedication to true Americans: say no to bad trade deals and corporate overlords. Be tough on immigration. Be tough on terror. That's all you need. The playbook is dead; long live the playbook.

We're gonna get a lot more Trumps in the future, aren't we?


CNN says the early favorites are Martinez, Portman and Haley.

I can't see any of them touching the VP position with a 10 foot pole.


Why do people keep calling Hilary Queen? This has actually been bugging me for months, as it's kind of un-American even in jest. Those who insist should watch Daffy Duck for President, and realize why a president is so much better than a king or a queen.


I had a thermonuclear meltdown lady night and yikes

Nerves about the wedding? Or am I misinterpreting

Why do people keep calling Hilary Queen? This has actually been bugging me for months, as it's kind of un-American even in jest. Those who insist should watch Daffy Duck for President, and realize why a president is so much better than a king or a queen.

90% of this thread is gay boys and they love queens
I read it. I just don't like nor agree with the idea that we can hand wave racist and xenophobic ideology away in the name of USA! USA! USA! If we do that, I think it says something very negative about where we are going as a country and as a people.

Trumps ideology is low risk to me as a moderately comfortable white male with all the privilege that comes along with those roles. His stance on LGBT issues is ambivalence which is the most I can hope for from the modern GOP.

I get why Trump is attractive to low information voters. But I refuse to let us go on that path. If we have to drag them kicking and screaming along the path of being decent human beings, then I'll put on my dragging hat and get to it.


Just a reminder that 08 Clinton campaign tried "well my supporters are racist and black people will come around to me when I'm the nominee" and it was as terrible an argument then as it is now.
I read it. I just don't like nor agree with the idea that we can hand wave racist and xenophobic ideology away in the name of USA! USA! USA! If we do that, I think it says something very negative about where we are going as a country and as a people.

Trumps ideology is low risk to me as a moderately comfortable white male with all the privilege that comes along with those roles. His stance on LGBT issues is ambivalence which is the most I can hope for from the modern GOP.

I get why Trump is attractive to low information voters. But I refuse to let us go on that path. If we have to drag them kicking and screaming along the path of being decent human beings, then I'll put on my dragging hat and get to it.

You can't drag humans, you can only push them (understand their motivations and appeal to them that way instead of beating them over the heads that they are bigoted assholes however correct that is).
I worked for the Obama campaign here in Virginia in 08 and 12, and while I've been pro-Hillary, she never brought the passion within me to want to help like Obama did. Today that all changed thanks to Donald Trump. +1 Hillary volunteer here in Virginia


Junior Member
The gallblader seems to exist only to become inflamed and destroy the liver and pancreas (there is a cute set of comics on this, I will try to find and link) and be annoying to study for.

My condolences.
No, it's because we are a bunch of fatties.

'Hey, let's eat bacon and burgers every day. What could go wrong?'

That's Republican tier victim blaming.
I worked for the Obama campaign here in Virginia in 08 and 12, and while I've been pro-Hillary, she never brought the passion within me to want to help like Obama did. Today that all changed thanks to Donald Trump. +1 Hillary volunteer here in Virginia
I probably would if I lived in a swing state.

Any volunteer work will be done for Angie Craig and Terri Bonoff.


I worked for the Obama campaign here in Virginia in 08 and 12, and while I've been pro-Hillary, she never brought the passion within me to want to help like Obama did. Today that all changed thanks to Donald Trump. +1 Hillary volunteer here in Virginia

I'm thinking about volunteering in GA since we might actually be a swing state this election.
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