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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I don't expect any of the "Never Hillary" assholes to vote for anybody this November. The scant people I've met who love Bernie but say they'll never vote for Hillary tend to be politically illiterate STEM majors. I doubt most of them can even name their senators.

By the way, my fiance and I both voted for Hillary Tuesday. She was unhappy to see her lose but actually way more angry at who won our county council races.
I would have done so myself, except the GOP down ticket was much more important in my neck of the woods. So I voted for Jeb, because he was my vote the whole time.

Tom Perez is on CNN right now and goddamn is he crushing it. He needs to be the VP choice. Great attack dog, is hitting minimum wage flip flopping by Trump perfectly, and ending every answer with immigration which is awesome. He is ON. FUCKING. POINT. SON.


I agree Perez >>>>>>>>>> Kaine
So how much of an effort at registering Hispanics en masse in Texas should the Dems make this cycle? I don't think there is a scenario where Clinton beats Trump in TX, but should she start laying the groundwork for 2020 and 2024 with a concerted effort or just focus on trying to flip AZ?
As a part we should make huge efforts to register minority voters. We may not win it this time, but it's good to have contacts in each CD. Once someone is registered, we can turn them out in midterms a lot easier. Plus, we're Democrats. We want more people to register and vote.


This rollout over the past couple days reminds me of what Obama '12 hit Romney with once Romney locked up the nomination.

Smart to hit hard at this point while Trump's campaign is weakly staffed and Trump is content to rest at home and call into news shows (where he's liable to screw up yet again).
Tom Perez is on CNN right now and goddamn is he crushing it. He needs to be the VP choice. Great attack dog, is hitting minimum wage flip flopping by Trump perfectly, and ending every answer with immigration which is awesome. He is ON. FUCKING. POINT. SON.


Damn hopefully a clip of it pops up online at some point. Put me on Team Perez fosho.
I feel the same way whenever I put effort into a post. :<
I feel like 1. Mostly everyone here is a liberal so a lot of detailed posts sort of blend together because they're from that viewpoint and 2. The thread moves a lot faster because of the election and there are just sooo many posts to read.


This rollout over the past couple days reminds me of what Obama '12 hit Romney with once Romney locked up the nomination.

Smart to hit hard at this point while Trump's campaign is weakly staffed and Trump is content to rest at home and call into news shows (where he's liable to screw up yet again).

Yeah, I think all of the Clinton SuperPACS are going to start going into overdrive to just plaster the airwaves with Trump's comments on women and minorities soon. They want to define him permanently before he can try to run away from his positions.
Ipsos/Reuters Web National

2016 National Democratic Primary
Asked of 467 Democratic registered voters
Hillary Clinton (D) 56%
Bernie Sanders (D) 41%
what's your favorite game of all time retro
Super smash bros melee, super mario 64 ds, wind waker and pokemon silver are the four i always go to. I wouldnt be able to pick a single one out of these. The games you play when you're young and everything is new to you stick with you the most, i suppose
Well lamonster, the ds version was the one i grew up with so it would feel hypocritical to say the original. Im in my 20's btw dont get the impression that I'm a kid.
Super smash bros melee, super mario 64 ds, wind waker and pokemon silver are the four i always go to. I wouldnt be able to pick a single one out of these. The games you play when you're young and everything is new to you stick with you the most, i suppose

Nice job going with the DS version of SM64. Best version IMO, especially when played on the circle pad.
Nice job going with the DS version of SM64. Best version IMO, especially when played on the circle pad.
I love the DS version.

If they had released an updated/remastered version for 3DS with proper analog controls and maybe (but not necessary) better graphics I would have been all over that. Ubisoft did it for Rayman 2!
So how much of an effort at registering Hispanics en masse in Texas should the Dems make this cycle? I don't think there is a scenario where Clinton beats Trump in TX, but should she start laying the groundwork for 2020 and 2024 with a concerted effort or just focus on trying to flip AZ?

As much effort as possible without actually majorly campaigning there
Nice job going with the DS version of SM64. Best version IMO, especially when played on the circle pad.
My nephew has been playing my old N64 and apparently my younger brother bought a Japanese version of SM64 (probably for speed running purposes, I don't know). That game is a lot harder to control than I remember...and really fucking ugly on an HDTV lol.


Tom Perez is on CNN right now and goddamn is he crushing it. He needs to be the VP choice. Great attack dog, is hitting minimum wage flip flopping by Trump perfectly, and ending every answer with immigration which is awesome. He is ON. FUCKING. POINT. SON.


I caught his interview on Keepin' It 1600. Within a very short time, I was like, "This guy. I like this guy."

Perez is a really cool dude. He'd make an awesome VP. And he would no doubt demolish whoever ends up as Trump's VP pick when they have that debate.


It's the faux-respect they approach with, and the faux-surprise that I of all people, support "x" that gets under my skin the most.

It's a horrible style of conversation that's deeply disrespectful, but I blame Bernie quite a bit for that particular situation of yours. If he kept his stumps to bashing the GoP and Trump it'd be fine, but "my opponent has a superpac!!! blablablablalablal corruption in the system!" is just word salad

So, when Trump lent money to his primary campaign, would that loan gain interest? Like, when he pays it back, will it be a bigger amount? Can he pay it back with money he gets during his general election campaign?

What I'm asking is, did Donald Trump just destroy the Republican Party, and make them pay for the privilege?

He'll make a profit off the loan, yes. Politicians do this all the time, it's kinda funny but mostly sad.
I feel like 1. Mostly everyone here is a liberal so a lot of detailed posts sort of blend together because they're from that viewpoint and 2. The thread moves a lot faster because of the election and there are just sooo many posts to read.

IMO, this thread is infinitely more enjoyable when the elections are over and we bitch about policy and congressional gridlock.
today in social media: i call out my facebook friends for the fact that i've had to post half the shit i've posted about politics, because none of them are capable of searching google (for anything posted by the times, post, or vox, for starters) or venturing outside of their goddamn self-imposed echo chambers

Echo chambers make me mad. People lose the ability to debate, and thus lose the ability to defend their positions. Sometimes I agree with those positions! So I want people to be better at arguing for them. Like, it's why I don't boycott racist speakers at stuff. I want the opportunity to get in front of the mic and issue a scathing, well-thought rebuke. If you don't argue outside of the echo chamber, you lose the ability to issue that rebuke.

a lot because they have trump to vote against and trump supporting congressmen/women. We shouldn't not focus on registration drives because it might not matter. remember once they get registered they start getting in databases campaigns use. If they're not registered they're invisible

That's different than having clinton campaign there

And every bit of effort spent in red territory is worth double to defend (the opposite of a physical war). Republicans cannot afford the embarrassment of losing Southern states, so they've got to double down on keeping them. A good effort in Texas would prompt a LOT of resources to be spent guarding it on the GOP side.

And I really get the sense that the RNC is going to do what they can to protect their solid states instead of helping Trump move into swing states. They know he's screwed, so why waste money fighting when you can't win? Might as well spend a good bit in Texas/Mississippi/Virginia/North Carolina/Arizona to try to mitigate damage. They'll be on the back-foot for the whole year if Hillary keeps them there, and she'll definitely do that.
On the subject of policy, interesting that the AJPH just published this regarding single-payer...

In a dramatic show of physician support for deeper health reform - and for making a decisive break with the private insurance model of financing medical care - 2,231 physicians called today [Thursday, May 5] for the creation of a publicly financed, single-payer national health program that would cover all Americans for all medically necessary care.

Single-payer health reform, often called "Medicare for All," has been a hotly debated topic in the presidential primaries, thanks in part to it being a prominent plank in the platform of Sen. Bernie Sanders. The new physicians' proposal is strictly nonpartisan, however.

The proposal, which was drafted by a blue-ribbon panel of 39 leading physicians, is announced today in an editorial titled "Moving Forward from the Affordable Care Act to a Single-Payer System" published in the American Journal of Public Health. The editorial links to the full proposal titled "Beyond the Affordable Care Act: A Physicians' Proposal for Single-Payer Health Care Reform" and the names of all the signers, and it appeals for additional physicians to add their names as endorsers. The proposal currently has signers from 48 states and the District of Columbia.


Just got my ca primary booklet in the mail
Only talked about kamala and a bunch of randos running for Senate?
I didn't even know boxer is retiring lol
Looks like all those recall pelosi/boxer signs along i-5 need some updating


I don't expect any of the "Never Hillary" assholes to vote for anybody this November. The scant people I've met who love Bernie but say they'll never vote for Hillary tend to be politically illiterate STEM majors. I doubt most of them can even name their senators.
Jerry Moran and Pat Roberts thank you very much :p
The media can't normalize Trump because every Jewish writer, black writer, Latino writer, Muslim writer, and female writer in the media is going to get bombed with abuse by the Alt-Right for the next six months. Every media outlet that tries to do this is going to face a mass revolt of all of their writers other than non-disabled white men.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The media class looks extra dumb saying trump never could have won so now they will be extra cautious.
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