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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
it'd be a stretch. he's really loved in his district

but being speaker guarantees your popularity will tank. so who knows. at least his chances of him being president (or being a nominee) are boned unless he maneuvers his way through clinton's term super carefully


south Milwaukee and goddamn Waukesha

nobody likes you Waukesha


Hmm, I'm thinking Duncan Hunter can get the Freedom Caucus on board though.

Ugh, thankfully Ryan isn't going anywhere.
This is the problem with the left. The disconnect between the working class part of the party and the intellectual part.

Replace 'left' with 'right' and 'intellectual' with 'donor class' and you get the modern GOP.


I typed up my understanding of government debt, but then I got to a question which I just don't get:

Why does the government borrow money (or sell debt) instead of printing it?
Does one cause less inflation?

I should have put that question in google, here is a decent explanation:


That's actually what happens, the government spends the money first, it's not like the government waits for bond sales before buying some new f-35s. bonds are then issued to soak up excess liquidity. additionally, bonds are needed for the financial system, without the treasury selling debt the whole market would collapse.

But generally speaking, it's actually quite simple: debt = investments/savings. In order for the private or business sector to save, the government needs to run a deficit.

Also Trump now says we should get rid of minimum wage so that Ryan endorsement is on its way

"Mexico's going to pay for the wall" is one of three actual policies that Trump won't flip flop wildly on.

Oh god, Jan Brewer is as fucking crazy as ever, she's going hard for that VP slot:

“Do you think he needs to pick a woman?” Tapper wondered. “Given how bad his numbers are with women.”

“I don’t necessarily think you need to pick a woman,” Brewer insisted. “You know, this woman thing has gotten way out of control I believe.

“And I think it’s been driven by the left,” she remarked. “Because they think that it’s going to bring them over the end. But I think people, when they sit down to vote, they vote for the very best candidate. They want somebody that’s going to represent them.”

It'll be really interesting to see what happens with the youth vote in the 2024 primary. Will it split between multiple candidates in an open field or quickly coalesce around one approved candidate to the expense of all others again. Obama won 65% of 18-29 year olds in 2008, and Sanders has won 72% of young voters according to exit polling so far (and over 80% of young white voters). Previous liberal insurgents like Dean, Bradley, Tsongas etc. never wracked up those kind of numbers. It feels like social media is somewhat responsible for making young voters an increasingly homogenous voting bloc.
I'm just curious to know if the fundraising engine is still going.
More curious if the spending machine is still ticking away, and at a faster rate. Will there be anything left to help anyone else.
Eh. It's a cohort of incredibly privileged people. In all likelihood living off of their parents' wealth.

It's only about 10% black and 10% Latino.
i would like some enlightened advice from the knowledgeable poli gaf:


why is it wrong to vote green in a safe blue state?
Because she's an awful candidate with shit positions?


i would like some enlightened advice from the knowledgeable poli gaf:


why is it wrong to vote green in a safe blue state?

There is nothing wrong with voting how you want so dispel that notion. I would agree with the person you are arguing with that on a national level voting Green is a waste of a vote because of the mathematical realities of FPP voting systems. You would be much better served trying to slide democrats towards issues you want than trying to come from the outside and flip everything over in one swoop. This would mean being more involved in local politics.



Also Trump now says we should get rid of minimum wage so that Ryan endorsement is on its way

Hehe, you gave me the idea to check out old versions of Hillary's Wikipedia article:

First version (December 2001):
(b. October 26 1947) Former First Lady (wife of former president Bill Clinton), presently serving New York in the United States Senate.

Junior legal member of the Watergate prosecution (or investigation ??) team.

First First Lady from the Baby Boom generation.

September 2003:

Born Hillary Diane Rodham in Chicago, Illinois and growing up in Park Ridge, Illinois, she attended Wellesley College and later Yale law school. She became a successful lawyer, and amongst other charity work chaired the Children's Defense Fund. She was a junior legal member of the Watergate investigation team and is a former lawyer for Wal-Mart. Just as her husband was the first President from the Baby Boom generation, she was its first First Lady. She is rumoured to be a closet lesbian.

Like her husband, she has been investigated for numerous alleged scandals; in every case, the investigations subsequently led to no criminal charges. She was widely criticized for interfering with the initial investigation of the death of Vince Foster. On January 26, 1996, she testified before a grand jury concerning the Whitewater scandal.

When her husband was elected to the presidency in 1992, she was undoubtedly the most overtly political First Lady ever, sometimes engaging in State matters over which she had no jurisdiction. President Clinton appointed her to a task force to devise reforms to America's health system which ultimately failed to pass through the Congress, even though both Houses were dominated by President's own party, the Democrats. Some would argue that strong public opposition to the proposed health care plan helped Republicans gain control of both Houses of Congress in the 1994 election.

After this failure and the succession of scandals surrounding the property dealings of the Clintons, she took a less prominent role.

During the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the last years of Clinton's presidency, Ms. Clinton publicly stuck by the President, initially claiming that the allegations of Bill's infidelities were the result of a "vast right-wing conspiracy", and even when they were confirmed, remaining by his side. The state and nature of their marriage has been the subject of much speculation, with some claiming it is a purely political arrangement and widespread stories about their regular arguments, but the fact remains that they have remained together (and whilst spending extended periods apart still holiday together, apparently) long after the political necessity for the marriage to stay together passed.


Sidhe / PikPok
Listening to the Keeping It 1600 podcast made me think of something scary.....what if Trump picks Gingrinch as his VP?

Newt could probably help craft and articulate a stronger message, but he won't help win over women and minorities at all.


I wonder if I'm crazy. I had this day dream about Paul Ryan getting so feed up with Trump that he goes on TV to once again say he can't support Trump at this moment but goes further. He goes on to say that if someone feels like they can't vote for Trump then they shouldn't and goes on about explaining what splitting the ticket means in order to save the House for republicans. When asked he doesn't say who he's voting for but at the same time talks about how it's good that the Congress and White House have checks and balances on each other. With everyone taking that to mean he'd be willing to vote Clinton.
i would like some enlightened advice from the knowledgeable poli gaf:


why is it wrong to vote green in a safe blue state?

Because Stein is insane. But you can vote however you want, nobody cares :p

More curious if the spending machine is still ticking away, and at a faster rate. Will there be anything left to help anyone else.
Eh. It's a cohort of incredibly privileged people. In all likelihood living off of their parents' wealth.

Yeah, I'm curious on this too. Anybody got any recent spending from Bernie's camp? His April donations were terrible compared to March, and he had to spend hand-over-fist in NY to compete. California is also expensive as hell, so he'll need a bunch to try to win there. I still think he's waiting until a loss so he can justify his exit.
Uh huh... Thanks for the advice.

Well, there are many negative things about a certain other candidate as well, but I'd rather not get into all the millions of lives that have been ruined right now. Thanks for the advice though.

+1 for your avatar. Team Kim Chi and Team Bob the Drag Queen all day everyday. WERK. Yassss.
I typed up my understanding of government debt, but then I got to a question which I just don't get:

Why does the government borrow money (or sell debt) instead of printing it?
Does one cause less inflation?

I should have put that question in google, here is a decent explanation:


Use the resources the Treasury offers you: https://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt.htm

What you linked to from PBS is junk. To answer your inflation question, with or w/o treasuries inflationary pressure can occur when public spending and private spending compete for real resources in a fully employed economy. Notes, bonds, and bills are just financial tools used to balance the economy/banking system. And they're still used in 2016 because they have a lengthy track record of success.
Well, I mean, you asked for a reason. Ultimately vote for whoever you want. But Stein is not sufficiently prepared, experienced or reasonable to be a POTUS. Her campaign has latched onto positions that endanger public health and/or give credence to anti-science. She would simply make a terrible President.

False equivalencies don't make her any more suitable to be President than it does Lyndon LaRouche. Or for that matter Donald Trump.
What were those kids playing on the kiosk? Definitely not SM3DW because if it were, you would have witnessed them immediately putting down the controllers and walking away to do something more worthwhile, like banging their heads against a wall or picking their noses.

I'm guessing it was Smash.
What were those kids playing on the kiosk? Definitely not SM3DW because if it were, you would have witnessed them immediately putting down the controllers and walking away to do something more worthwhile, like banging their heads against a wall or picking their noses.

I'm guessing it was Smash.

Not voting for a presidential candidate at all does as much good as voting for as big a piece of shit as Jill Stein. For that matter you might as well write in Bernie Sanders. I may have my issues with him but he is far better candidate than Stein.I would certainly not want to send the message to democratic party that being anti GMO/vaccine is a good thing.


No Scrubs
She isn't going to win though. That really isn't the point of voting 3rd party. 3rd party votes have always been purely for the purposes of making a statement, not for the candidate. Votes for the Green Party usually are a statement that the mainstream choices are not left enough.

If I lived in a purple state, I would force myself to vote for Clinton, even though I am not a fan, because I understand that she is far better than Trump. But since I have the luxury and privilege of living in a safely blue state, I suppose I can choose the party that actually aligns closer to my beliefs.

Darling, thanks for your kind advice. *virtual hugs & kisses*

If you really want to make a statement then you need to get involved on the local level. The Dems don't care about people who vote Green, they care about their base. If their base wants to move to the left then so will the party. Getting involved at the local level will lead to far more change in the party than voting Green will.


Daniel B·;202950483 said:

Pollster				Dates		Sanders Clinton Undecided
--------				-----		-------	-------	--------- 
R.L. Repass & Partners/MetroNews 	4/22 - 5/2	   47	  43	   11
PPP (D)					4/29 - 5/1	   45	  37	   18

Whoa, what happened? Looks like Bernie lost a lot of ground there?

How about these polls?

I take it it will be switching to 70-30 for Bernie any day now? I guess it doesn't matter if Hillary wins California if Bernie picks up 1-2 delegates in West Virginia, though.
My bf played the entire first world of SM3DW without realizing that Mario could run. It was a mess. I had to explain it to him. And he was so damn happy that he could go faster. Mess. Sad. Make games great again.

He also played COD and spent 8 minutes shooting at the wall randomly. So...you know, he fits right in.

Also, I had to take my Hillary sign down because it could be seen on my webcam at work. :( I just put it in front of my desk, and now it's fine, but still. Sad!


No Scrubs
Well, that's what I'm saying. It's not enough to only get involved every four to eight years. If you want to see the change you want to see you need to get involved far more than that. Get involved for the midterms, don't just vote the general. Get involved with your local mayor's race, not just the presidency. Find someone local you support and help them get somewhere. That'll be what moves the party left.
it's not about being perfect, it's about not being anti-vax, anti-gmo, anti-nuclear, and otherwise anti-good policymaking in any capacity. there's literally nothing on the greens' platform that doesn't equate to "we're gonna do what the democrats are doing, except twice as left and ten times as fast" or "we are batshit crazy in the same vein as that one NGO that destroyed a UNESCO World Heritage Site for a shitty little protest"

like, if you're gonna protest vote, write in sanders. don't legitimize the greens' crazy horseshit.
She is completely anti-GMO which benefitted millions (probably billions) of people and is the only way we can sustainably feed the planet. Labeling is some nonsense I don't agree with but being against GMOs entirely is actively dangerous and also completely anti-science


Unconfirmed Member
it's not about being perfect, it's about not being anti-vax, anti-gmo, anti-nuclear, and otherwise anti-good policymaking in any capacity. there's literally nothing on the greens' platform that doesn't equate to "we're gonna do what the democrats are doing, except twice as left and ten times as fast"

like, if you're gonna protest vote, write in sanders. don't legitimize the greens' crazy horseshit.
If I had any interest in protest voting (I don't) I would write Obama in. Eligibility be damned!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Whoa, what happened? Looks like Bernie lost a lot of ground there?

How about these polls?

I take it it will be switching to 70-30 for Bernie any day now? I guess it doesn't matter if Hillary wins California if Bernie picks up 1-2 delegates in West Virginia, though.

Yeah, right now he needs about 67% of the remaining vote. Every state he misses that, the percentage he needs will be higher. Like after Guam 2.
My bf played the entire first world of SM3DW without realizing that Mario could run. It was a mess. I had to explain it to him. And he was so damn happy that he could go faster. Mess. Sad. Make games great again.

He also played COD and spent 8 minutes shooting at the wall randomly. So...you know, he fits right in.
Divorce. sad.
Well, some other candidates championed mass-incarceration policies that actually ruined people's lives

maybe we'd know whether stein would've actually championed those if she wasn't a shitty irrelevant crazy person from nowhereville who just showed up 4 years ago

for everything else, there's already a perfectly cromulent protest vote within the democratic party for "not left enough" purposes who will be switching back to being an independent in two years
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