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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I feel like marijuana legalization is especially important in California because of the size of its minority population. The amount of black and Latino men who've been thrown into jail over it in just the LA and Oakland areas has to be astounding.

Yes. Hillary needs to make a push for this at the Federal level, but so far she's only been a "let's reduce it a schedule" kind of candidate. That's something about her that disappoints me for now, I do hope she takes more of a legalization stance or full decriminalization at least. It would do wonders for criminal justice reform to also tackle drug reform.
Anyway, I really did enjoy the advice. Although, all it has made me do is consider not voting at all, as it appears no matter the candidate, they all are fucked up one way or another. Perhaps, it is better just to believe what I believe, and push what I believe through the methods that are available to myself, rather than trying to find one out of a bunch of flawed candidates that fit my beliefs closest. Either way, I hope Hillary wins when it comes down to her versus Trump, as she is the better choice. Participation in this broken process may not be what's best in maintaining a sound mind this time around.

Perhaps in eight years the Democrats will have a better candidate.

I will definitely still be voting on the issues though. Marijuana legalization in California is everything dahling! Thank you.


Sorry I came off so hostile earlier, by the way, because it was really uncalled for on my part.

(But yeah, hoping to god that legalization initiative passes in November because I don't trust that poll showing Yes up by 20)
Ending the bernie hunger fast at 5 days because the pain is consistent and unending.

Lo no siento que fui lo suficientemente fuerte como para que mi abuelito


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's like 11th dimensional corruption, mane. It just has to exist because...also, fraud. And then, there's the BEN GHAZI! And, I'm just asking questions, but do we know if Vince Foster ever went to White Water or....where there's smoke there's often fire trucks. So Hillary....is a fire truck.

: nods :

She's so corrupt.

Maybe it's mistaking corruption for being compromising and more reflecting of public opinion? Which kinda goes back to this belife that the United States is ultra liberal, they just don't know it. Which is true for some issues, but not for many others.

Sanders is a person, who based on all available evidence (especially that national journal article) will not compromise his core views, and will only compromise on other issues when he has no choice (like with guns). If the United States was like Vermont, he would probably have won this primary and general election by a landslide.

I typed all that up, and went to look into the views of Vermont and Socialsm, and ran into this interesting article:

Woolf said:
Vermont’s liberal policies, small size, homogenous demographics and low birth rates make it more like a small European country than a state sometimes, Woolf said.

Which ironically ended up being more interesting than what I posted, lol.

Ending the bernie hunger fast at 5 days because the pain is consistent and unending.

Lo no siento que fui lo suficientemente fuerte como para que mi abuelito

You did what?

East Lake

Interesting read for trade wars gaf.

China is doubling down on efforts to keep unprofitable factories afloat despite for years pledging to curb excess capacity, adding to a glut of basic materials flooding the global economy.

The country’s overproduction of steel, aluminum, diesel and other industrial goods has driven down prices and crippled competitors, leading to thousands of lost jobs in the U.S. and elsewhere.

China’s continuing aid for unneeded factories is triggering a sharp rise in trade disputes and protectionist sentiment, especially in the U.S., where trade has emerged as one of the pivotal issues in the U.S. presidential election.

According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Chinese public companies, Chinese government support includes billions of dollars in cash assistance, subsidized electricity and other benefits to companies. Recipients include steelmakers, coal miners, solar-panel manufacturers, and other producers of other goods including copper and chemicals.

In Europe, workers have joined protests against Chinese steel imports. Australia has investigated dumping of products including solar panels and steel and India has raised import taxes on steel after a surge of cheap Chinese goods.

The U.S. launched seven new investigations into alleged dumping or government subsidies involving Chinese goods in the first three months of this year, more than the same period of any other year dating back to at least 2003, government data show.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Commerce Department slapped preliminary import duties of 266% on imported Chinese cold-rolled steel. The decision came after U.S. Steel Corp. lost $1.5 billion last year, closed its last blast furnace in the South and laid off thousands of workers, blaming China.

Late last month , U.S. Steel filed a trade complaint against China at the International Trade Commission, alleging price fixing, trans-shipment via third countries to avoid duties and cyber-espionage to loot technology off U.S. Steel computers. China’s Commerce Ministry has urged U.S. authorities to reject the complaint, and said allegations of intellectual property infringement “are completely without factual basis.”

China says it isn’t guilty of dumping—or selling a product at a loss in order to gain market share—and calls U.S. and EU measures and investigations forms of protectionism. It says it has mothballed factories and intends to cut more, with plans to lay off up to 1.8 million steel and coal workers.

One way of tracking China’s support is by looking at subsidies reported in corporate filings on the country’s two main stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen.

According to a Journal analysis of nearly 3,000 domestic-listed Chinese companies in 2015, reported government aid rose to more than 119 billion yuan, or more than $18 billion, last year compared with about 92 billion yuan in 2014.

Reported subsidies have risen roughly 50% since 2013, based on figures from Shanghai data provider Wind Information Co. Under Chinese accounting standards, such aid can be cash or other perks like subsidized power or land, but doesn’t include some other support, such as capital injections from the government as an equity shareholder.

The need for capacity cuts in China has long been apparent. More than 40% of its major steel companies were losing money in the first half of 2015, according to the China Iron and Steel Association.

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which oversees the steel industry, told the Journal in 2014 that authorities were already “in the process of implementing” capacity reductions.

Since then, Chinese crude steel production has fallen 2% year-on-year in 2015 to about 804 million metric tons. But industry experts in China, the U.S. and Europe say a further 200 million metric tons of capacity—or about 25% of China’s production—needs to be cut to restore market balance. China’s steel exports jumped around 20% last year to 112 million metric tons, according to customs data.

A 63-page “investigation initiation checklist,” filed last year by U.S. Steel Corp., Nucor Corp. and the United Steelworkers union to demand import tariffs on rolled steel, found 44 separate subsidy programs, including seven that give Chinese steelmakers cheap or free land, iron ore, coal, and power; eight that offer discount loans; 15 tax breaks; and 11 programs that give companies money directly.

Some of the programs date back years, but others were active in the past 12 months, including subsidized export loans, the document showed.

“It’s the whole range of practices that keep these zombie companies alive,” said Roger Schagrin, a lawyer for U.S. steelmakers.

Tensions over lost jobs reflect wider frustrations that China hasn’t lived up to all the promises it made when it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.

According to data collected by the WTO, China accounted for around 25% of all anti-dumping measures reported between 1995 and 2014, more than any other nation. The U.S. was the target in about 5% of measures, the data show.


Yeah, the dynamics change when the 3rd party becomes the de-facto 2nd party but I wouldn't call that a normal situation (or maybe I underestimate its prevalence?) and that doesn't apply to the GE this fall.

Yeah voting third party in the GE is a huge waste, so is running a candidate really. I know quite a bit about the left in my area but invariable some new socialist group I've never heard of, that's never been involved in any of the local politics, will ask for a signature at some rally or protest for their candidate to run for president. It's so pointless


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think China is concerned about transitioning to a service economy from a manufacturing and commodity production economy too quickly. It's going to take a lot of time and resources to bring the vast majority of the population up to an economic standard where that is supportable, and of course the country is going to be lower growth overall. That could cause serious political instability when the social safety net is so poorly developed. Still, the bell is ringing.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think China is concerned about transitioning to a service economy from a manufacturing and commodity production economy too quickly. It's going to take a lot of time and resources to bring the vast majority of the population up to an economic standard where that is supportable, and of course the country is going to be lower growth overall. That could cause serious political instability when the social safety net is so poorly developed. Still, the bell is ringing.

China is going to be real interesting in the next two generations as the after effect of losing all those girls from the one child policy really cripples them if extraordinary means aren't taken.


I don't know how many chicks are here but I wasn't sure there was a point in making this its own OT thread but it spoke really strongly to me. Maybe some of y'all will enjoy it.

An Open Letter To All Of My Ex-Boyfriends (And Other Male Friends) Who Are Flirting With Bernie Or Bust…

Not a chick, but this is a great piece.

"X or bust" is such a farcical stance serving only to masturbate the ego of the protesting individual. I fear that it's not something you can reason people out of, because "I'm above both parties and they're both the same" tends to be an irrational platitude anyway.


The Rock should really play Obama, he'd be perfect. Except for the muscles.


I don't know how many chicks are here but I wasn't sure there was a point in making this its own OT thread but it spoke really strongly to me. Maybe some of y'all will enjoy it.

An Open Letter To All Of My Ex-Boyfriends (And Other Male Friends) Who Are Flirting With Bernie Or Bust…
Transgirl here: this is a really powerful piece. Thank you for sharing. The repercussions a Trump presidency would have on women's rights alone would be unfathomable. Cis-male privilege clouds many of these guys' mind because it doesn't directly affect them. They don't even realize it, and may not care in some cases.:(
The Rock should really play Obama, he'd be perfect. Except for the muscles.
He does look like him a bit and his voice kind of even sounds similar too...


You mention roads, but mention shit when it comes to schools? Probably because he doesn't give a shit about education.

Well, you're right about North Carolina not giving a shit about education, or at least Pat and the current legislature. That said, NC also has a special relationship with roads, which is to say that we apparently want as many of them as possible, whether they're doing much good or not. (Exhibit A: Boy, do we love loop highways.) If you go visit the NC Dept. of Transportation, the main thing you'll notice when you walk into the lobby is a massive design in the floor that shows an outline of North Carolina with "HIGHWAYS" in huge letters in the middle. So, yeah, I can completely see McCrory being ready to throw education under the bus, but mess with the roads and suddenly folks get touchy.

(That said, at least there's one part of our state infrastructure that's getting attention. I suppose that's better than nothing.)

It's like 11th dimensional corruption, mane. It just has to exist because...also, fraud. And then, there's the BEN GHAZI! And, I'm just asking questions, but do we know if Vince Foster ever went to White Water or....where there's smoke there's often fire trucks. So Hillary....is a fire truck.

: nods :

She's so corrupt.

Damn straight!

What is quite often overlooked regarding her private email server (wholly different from government employees who inappropriately used private email accounts, for government business) is why she wanted the server in the first place.

This is obvious to anyone who's followed the Clinton's previous times in office; being a private server, it is not covered by government oversight AND crucially FOI requests, so she is free to conduct her business dealings, such as with her tax exempt Clinton Foundation, without having to someday reveal what she was up to. Previously, FOI requests at least allowed us a glimpse of some of this activity, although, they apparently still haven't complied with all requests.

Anonymous recently released a well produced summary of the Clinton's many alleged indiscretions: Anonymous - Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal.

Anyone care to guess the ratio of time and resources that the Clinton's would expend in the White House, helping themselves, their friends and political donors, as opposed to the American people, who they are solely supposed to be serving? I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out to be 99 / 1 (if you take into account where the many billions of government dollars were allocated, such as financing her hawkish positions on U.S. military action, overseas, as opposed to improving the lives of everyday Americans at home).

I bet no one in PoliGAF would argue that if Bernie were to become President, that ratio wouldn't just be reversed, he would spend virtually 100% of his efforts doing his very best to improve the lives of the vast majority of Americans, and using the office of President to feather his own families nest, or that of his friends, would be the farthest thing from his mind.

There is one thing the two Presidencies would have in common; they both would be beholden to their political donors, except in Bernie's case, that just happens to be the American people themselves, and not the special interests that make up the 0.1%...



Enjoy by Kyle and Geoff from Crystal Ball

1. A generic Republican might have been a favorite for the White House.
2. In a Clinton vs. Trump race, Clinton begins as the favorite.
3. Recent presidential elections have been relatively close in the popular vote. This one might not be.
4. The down-ballot consequences may be grim for Republicans
5. If the numbers change, the outlook needs to change.
Daniel B·;202975213 said:
except in Bernie's case, that just happens to be the American people themselves, and not the special interests that make up the 0.1%...

Well, aside from Bernie bowing down to Big Sugar to oppose soda taxes that every major liberal policy thinker supports in one form or another.
Daniel B·;202975213 said:
Anyone care to guess the ratio of time and resources that the Clinton's would expend in the White House, helping themselves, their friends and political donors, as opposed to the American people, who they are solely supposed to be serving? I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out to be 99 / 1 (if you take into account where the many billions of government dollars were allocated, such as financing her hawkish positions on U.S. military action, overseas, as opposed to improving the lives of everyday Americans at home).
Secretary of Homeland Security: President Clinton, you're wanted in the Situation Room.
President Clinton: Not now, I'm playing Words with Friends with some donors.
Secretary of Defense: ... Are you serious?
President Clinton: Of course not. They're not really my friends. They should call this Words with People.


I don't know how many chicks are here but I wasn't sure there was a point in making this its own OT thread but it spoke really strongly to me. Maybe some of y'all will enjoy it.

An Open Letter To All Of My Ex-Boyfriends (And Other Male Friends) Who Are Flirting With Bernie Or Bust…

Even as a gay guy I run into this. I had to convince my boyfriend and his brother not to vote for Trump. It's kind of scary how little weight people put on women's health issues when they are not in their immediate purview.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
75% of Likely Voter Women, just wow.
Put newt on the ticket, you may as well just give up on getting them to vote for you.


But I mean, Trump doesn't need to unite the Republican party to win. Probably because it doesn't matter whether he unites them or not, he won't win.
Trump is a fucking insane person.

"The statements she made were totally unacceptable and Trump gave it back to her," campaign manager Paul Manafort told Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace Sunday morning when asked about Sen. Elizabeth Warren's recent twitter tirade against Trump. "He's not going to allow Hillary Clinton or Elizabbeth Warren to hide behind their sex," he said. "He gave it back to her. If she can't take it, that is her problem."

This is Day 5 of the campaign!

Day 5!


The NYTimes wrote a story about the GOP breaking apart over Trump and used "racism" and "bigotry" zero times.

Just a rant and not a response to any person in particular, but it's becoming increasingly frustrating having to explain to people why "I don't like Hillary, because she'll change her mind at a moment's notice; I don't like Trump, but I know he'll change his mind and do smart thing when the time comes" has sexist connotations, even if that's not their intention.
Well, aside from Bernie bowing down to Big Sugar to oppose soda taxes that every major liberal policy thinker supports in one form or another.

Wat? Banning giant sodas is one thing, and on health grounds is completely justified, given what we now know about the dangers of too much daily sugar (AHA recommended daily limits: men: 9 tsp, women: 6 tsp), but slapping a small tax on soda would do little reduce consumption, and would just take money out of the pockets of the people who can least afford it.

Bernie was also not wrong to totally dismiss a ban on cigarettes, as unlike alcohol (marijuana?), there is no safe limit, and if you smoke just one a day, you are still increasing your chances of seccumbing to a potentially fatal disease, such as lung cancer.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Trump is a fucking insane person.

This is Day 5 of the campaign!

Day 5!


The NYTimes wrote a story about the GOP breaking apart over Trump and used "racism" and "bigotry" zero times.


Very few people in the media want to talk about the Xenophobia and Racism that is perhaps the primary reason the GOP is in this mess.

Just a rant and not a response to any person in particular, but it's becoming increasingly frustrating having to explain to people why "I don't like Hillary, because she'll change her mind at a moment's notice; I don't like Trump, but I know he'll change his mind and do smart thing when the time comes" has sexist connotations, even if that's not their intention.

Yeah, that's a FRUSTRATING double standard being applied. It's amazing they can't see it.


Daniel B·;202965439 said:
I have a berning feeling that California would love to be the ones to deliver a surprise bumper win for Bernie, that gifts him the Democratic nomination :).

A feeling with no basis in reality. Sad!
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