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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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"It is true and I want you to lose."


FUck off with this Party of Lincoln shit, honestly

Lincoln got this party started, and Trump ended it. It's been a good run.


Wait, is this real?

Sanders' California director has left the campaign?

Or is this some PoliGAF shenanigans that started on a page I haven't caught up on yet?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If California happened on Super Tuesday this would already be over

Debbie is a Huelenical disaster


Wait, is this real?

Sanders' California director has left the campaign?

Or is this some PoliGAF shenanigans that started on a page I haven't caught up on yet?

It's 8 posts above you. The subtext seems to be that the director was not happy with how money was being spent there.

User 406

Is this a reference I'm not getting?

Isn't ElizabethForMA just Elizabeth Warren's twitter handle?

Elizabeth Formars is a shonen manga series about a terraforming attempt on Mars using genetically engineered algae and Republican law professors which goes awry when they evolve into extremely resilient and aggressive liberal Democratic Senators.
And this is said just as news comes out: Sanders' California director leaves campaign.
Why would he do that? He still has a chance!

This is so awkward:
Fuck Grayson acting like he's God's gift to women. I mean, progressives. Progressive women.

Glad Ellison wasn't having any of that. He endorsed Bernie, I saw him speak at a rally, but I think he has enough political smarts to know to be practical and pragmatic about things. Grayson is just an asshole.
The political landscape of political parties change.

Hell Teddy Roosevelt may have been the most liberal president this nation ever had.

Should read more about Teddy, don't know as much about him as I probably should but I believe it.

I always find it funny though how Republicans mention either Lincoln or skip all the way to Reagan.

like they skip 120 years of Republican presidents, like Teddy and Ike. Its just odd. But understandable because focusing too much on them would likely better highlight their nonsense and how they don't represent anything they used to.
Should read more about Teddy, don't know as much about him as I probably should but I believe it.

I always find it funny though how Republicans mention either Lincoln or skip all the way to Reagan.

like they skip 120 years of Republican presidents, like Teddy and Ike. Its just odd. But understandable because focusing too much on them would likely better highlight their nonsense and how they don't represent anything they used to.

Party of Lincoln is their black outreach program.


Should read more about Teddy, don't know as much about him as I probably should but I believe it.

I always find it funny though how Republicans mention either Lincoln or skip all the way to Reagan.

like they skip 120 years of Republican presidents, like Teddy and Ike. Its just odd. But understandable because focusing too much on them would likely better highlight their nonsense and how they don't represent anything they used to.

There are a few good documentaries on Teddy and pretty much any time Dave McCullough writes something you know it will be a great read.


People forget Teddy left the Republican party to run as an independent for a 3rd term because Taft tried to fuck him over.


There are a few good documentaries on Teddy and pretty much any time Dave McCullough writes something you know it will be a great read.


People forget Teddy left the Republican party to run as an independent for a 3rd term because Taft tried to fuck him over.

While he basically got two terms for the price of one with the McKinley assassination, I can't think of another one elected-term president who got as much done with a lasting legacy besides Polk and maybe Johnson.
Speaking of questionable Sanders supporters:

Has Tulsi Gabbard ever explained how she can be an anti-war politician yet criticize Obama for not being like Putin on ISIS?


Why is Trump purposefully picking fights with Warren? The guy has the thinnest skin. And all he does is call her names and harp on the Native American stuff.


Why? Simply because he believe he, not she, has the power to beat Trump? If you look at the numbers, as narrow and humble as the path may be, Sanders still has a chance. Sanders knows there are those that, if he doesn't win, will vote for Trump. He knows what is at stake,so he's not gonna stop.

Which means it would be foolish to stop paying attention as this is also somethi that could affect Clinton.

Tag is outdated honestly

I think the destruction of the economy and international relations is more important than ensuring civil rights for women, LGBT people and people of color.
(Today, 02:27 PM)


Tag is outdated honestly

I think the destruction of the economy and international relations is more important than ensuring civil rights for women, LGBT people and people of color.
(Today, 02:27 PM)

What's the "dump advocate" tag refer to, anyway?
I don't think anyone was close to the H.A. Goodman title so no brownie points for anyone. He bested us, Poli-Gaf. :(

On another note, Jonathon Chait has the absolute best take on Donald Trump winning the nom. Basically, it boils down to Occam's razor. Ignore the media stuff, disorganization, etc. Trump won because Republicans are idiots. Also, alludes to Idiocracy (something I argued months ago!!!).

Why did almost everybody fail to predict Donald Trump’s victory in the Republican primaries? Nate Silver blames the news media, disorganized Republican elites, and the surprising appeal of cultural grievance. Nate Cohn lists a number of factors, from the unusually large candidate field to the friendly calendar. Jim Rutenberg thinks journalism strayed too far from good old-fashioned shoe-leather reporting. Justin Wolfers zeroes in on Condorcet’s paradox. Here’s the factor I think everybody missed: The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots. Far more of them than anybody expected.

The 2006 movie Idiocracy depicts a future in which Americans have grown progressively dumber, and eventually elect as president of the United States a professional wrestler, who caters demagogically to their nationalistic impulses and ignorance of science. Only because the film took place in an imaginary world was it possible to straightforwardly equate a political choice with a lack of intelligence. In the actual world, the bounds of taste and deference to (small-d) democratic outcomes make it gauche to do so. But the dynamic imagined in Idiocracy has obviously transpired, down to the election of a figure from pro wrestling:

While it's impolite and politically counterproductive, if we want to accurately identify the analytic error that caused so many of us to dismiss Trump, we must return to the idiocy question. The particular idiocy involves both the party’s elites and its voters. The failures of the elites have been the source of analysis for months now. Republican insiders and donors failed to grasp the severity of the threat Trump posed to their party, many of them rallied behind obviously doomed legacy candidate Jeb Bush, or they used ineffectual messages when they did attack Trump. Or, most of all, they simply deluded themselves about the dangers he posed rather than face up to them. I never believed party insiders could fully dictate the outcome of the nomination, but I did expect them to be able to block a wildly unacceptable candidate, and they proved surprisingly inept even in the face of extreme peril to their collective self-interest.

Then there are the voters, whose behavior provided the largest surprise. It was simply impossible for me to believe that Republican voters would nominate an obvious buffoon. Everything about Trump is a joke. His orange makeup and ridiculous hair, his reality-television persona, his insult comedy and overt bragging — they are neon-bright signs that he is not (to use a widely employed term) “presidential.” Trump did not even seem to be an especially effective demagogue. He is not eloquent, not even in a homespun way. He stumbles on his phrases, repeats himself over and over, and his speeches consist of bragging and recitation of polling results so dull and digressive his audience often heads for the exits well before the conclusion.

In the previous election cycle, joke candidates like Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann briefly caught the fancy of Republican voters but collapsed in the face of scrutiny. Republicans did rally around Sarah Palin after her vice-presidential selection was unveiled, but eventually her lack of qualifications became so impossible to deny that she didn’t even bother running in 2012. It was natural to expect a similar collapse from Trump, who cut an even more absurd figure (and certainly carried more ideological baggage on issues like abortion, health care, past support for Democratic candidates, and many other things).

Unlike Bachmann or Cain, Trump had an even weaker grasp on intro-level Republican dogma, instead ranting like a drunk on a bar stool (“Bomb the shit out of ISIS!”). In debates, rather than use the standard tactic of mouthing pabulum that sounded vaguely like a substantive response before pivoting to his preferred message, he dispensed with the pabulum altogether, relying instead on vague, repetitive bragging and grade-school-level personal insults of his opponents. He puts down his opponents’ beauty or their height, or simply smirks at them. His appeal operates not at a low intellectual level but at a sub-intellectual level.

Trump University is a business venture that seems to have relied on a business model of fraud — exploiting an asymmetry of information between the operators of the business and its customers, allowing the former to take advantage of the latter. The Trump candidacy, though its fraud is more transparent, operates along roughly similar lines. Its premise is a customer base that lacks sophistication and can be manipulated with gut-level appeals. In their hearts, I think most anti-Trump Republicans agree with me on this.

Most voters don’t follow politics and policy for a living, and it’s understandable that they would often fall for arguments based on faulty numbers or a misreading of history. But a figure like Trump is of a completely different cast than the usual political slickster. He is several orders of magnitude more clownish and uninformed than the dumbest major-party nominee I’ve ever seen before. (That would be George W. Bush.) As low as my estimation of the intelligence of the Republican electorate may be, I did not think enough of them would be dumb enough to buy his act. And, yes, I do believe that to watch Donald Trump and see a qualified and plausible president, you probably have some kind of mental shortcoming. As many fellow Republicans have pointed out, Donald Trump is a con man. What I failed to realize — and, I believe, what so many others failed to realize, though they have reasons not to say so — is just how easily so many Republicans are duped.

This line is so much real talk, I love it:

And, yes, I do believe that to watch Donald Trump and see a qualified and plausible president, you probably have some kind of mental shortcoming.


While he basically got two terms for the price of one with the McKinley assassination, I can't think of another one elected-term president who got as much done with a lasting legacy besides Polk and maybe Johnson.

People forget that the role of the presidency at the time was way more hands off. The government wasn't active in many areas that it really should be such as regulation of big banks and the protection of our environment and land.


I don't think anyone was close to the H.A. Goodman title so no brownie points for anyone. He bested us, Poli-Gaf. :(

On another note, Jonathon Chait has the absolute best take on Donald Trump winning the nom. Basically, it boils down to Occam's razor. Ignore the media stuff, disorganization, etc. Trump won because Republicans are idiots. Also, alludes to Idiocracy (something I argued months ago!!!).


This line is so much real talk, I love it:

The line should be Huelens new tag
Liberal group launches TrumpReleaseYourReturns.com


The liberal super-PAC American Bridge is launching a new site pushing Donald Trump to release his tax returns as Democrats seize on the issue heading into the general election.

TrumpReleaseYourReturns.com points to several Republican and Democratic presidential candidates who have released their returns, including Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton.

The website questions why Trump is "backing off his earlier promises to release his tax returns," citing Trump's remarks in 2012 that it was a "positive" for Romney to release his taxes.
Trump has pushed back against calls to release his taxes, telling The Associated Press this week he won't do so before the November election. "There's nothing to learn from them," he said.

He had previously said he couldn't release the returns because he was being audited.
I really do wonder if he will ever do it. If there's anything really damaging in there it would screw up his image as a businessman, I think he would be willing to lose an election than damage his business permanently.
PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
Paul Ryan now has a negative approval rating with Republicans nationally- 40/44. 30/48 with overall electorate: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/...republicans-trump-could-hurt-down-ballot.html

PublicPolicyPolling @ppppolls
In November GOP voters nationally wanted Ryan to become Speaker 69/14. Approval now 40/44. Pretty short honeymoon: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/...republicans-trump-could-hurt-down-ballot.html

His approvals have been declining since he took the speaker position, but this is pretty bad. I wonder if a 2020 presidential run is even in the cards for him.
Reposting cuz the last page went wonky:
I don't think anyone was close to the H.A. Goodman title so no brownie points for anyone. He bested us, Poli-Gaf. :(

On another note, Jonathon Chait has the absolute best take on Donald Trump winning the nom. Basically, it boils down to Occam's razor. Ignore the media stuff, disorganization, etc. Trump won because Republicans are idiots. Also, alludes to Idiocracy (something I argued months ago!!!).

Why did almost everybody fail to predict Donald Trump’s victory in the Republican primaries? Nate Silver blames the news media, disorganized Republican elites, and the surprising appeal of cultural grievance. Nate Cohn lists a number of factors, from the unusually large candidate field to the friendly calendar. Jim Rutenberg thinks journalism strayed too far from good old-fashioned shoe-leather reporting. Justin Wolfers zeroes in on Condorcet’s paradox. Here’s the factor I think everybody missed: The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots. Far more of them than anybody expected.

The 2006 movie Idiocracy depicts a future in which Americans have grown progressively dumber, and eventually elect as president of the United States a professional wrestler, who caters demagogically to their nationalistic impulses and ignorance of science. Only because the film took place in an imaginary world was it possible to straightforwardly equate a political choice with a lack of intelligence. In the actual world, the bounds of taste and deference to (small-d) democratic outcomes make it gauche to do so. But the dynamic imagined in Idiocracy has obviously transpired, down to the election of a figure from pro wrestling:

While it's impolite and politically counterproductive, if we want to accurately identify the analytic error that caused so many of us to dismiss Trump, we must return to the idiocy question. The particular idiocy involves both the party’s elites and its voters. The failures of the elites have been the source of analysis for months now. Republican insiders and donors failed to grasp the severity of the threat Trump posed to their party, many of them rallied behind obviously doomed legacy candidate Jeb Bush, or they used ineffectual messages when they did attack Trump. Or, most of all, they simply deluded themselves about the dangers he posed rather than face up to them. I never believed party insiders could fully dictate the outcome of the nomination, but I did expect them to be able to block a wildly unacceptable candidate, and they proved surprisingly inept even in the face of extreme peril to their collective self-interest.

Then there are the voters, whose behavior provided the largest surprise. It was simply impossible for me to believe that Republican voters would nominate an obvious buffoon. Everything about Trump is a joke. His orange makeup and ridiculous hair, his reality-television persona, his insult comedy and overt bragging — they are neon-bright signs that he is not (to use a widely employed term) “presidential.” Trump did not even seem to be an especially effective demagogue. He is not eloquent, not even in a homespun way. He stumbles on his phrases, repeats himself over and over, and his speeches consist of bragging and recitation of polling results so dull and digressive his audience often heads for the exits well before the conclusion.

In the previous election cycle, joke candidates like Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann briefly caught the fancy of Republican voters but collapsed in the face of scrutiny. Republicans did rally around Sarah Palin after her vice-presidential selection was unveiled, but eventually her lack of qualifications became so impossible to deny that she didn’t even bother running in 2012. It was natural to expect a similar collapse from Trump, who cut an even more absurd figure (and certainly carried more ideological baggage on issues like abortion, health care, past support for Democratic candidates, and many other things).

Unlike Bachmann or Cain, Trump had an even weaker grasp on intro-level Republican dogma, instead ranting like a drunk on a bar stool (“Bomb the shit out of ISIS!”). In debates, rather than use the standard tactic of mouthing pabulum that sounded vaguely like a substantive response before pivoting to his preferred message, he dispensed with the pabulum altogether, relying instead on vague, repetitive bragging and grade-school-level personal insults of his opponents. He puts down his opponents’ beauty or their height, or simply smirks at them. His appeal operates not at a low intellectual level but at a sub-intellectual level.

Trump University is a business venture that seems to have relied on a business model of fraud — exploiting an asymmetry of information between the operators of the business and its customers, allowing the former to take advantage of the latter. The Trump candidacy, though its fraud is more transparent, operates along roughly similar lines. Its premise is a customer base that lacks sophistication and can be manipulated with gut-level appeals. In their hearts, I think most anti-Trump Republicans agree with me on this.

Most voters don’t follow politics and policy for a living, and it’s understandable that they would often fall for arguments based on faulty numbers or a misreading of history. But a figure like Trump is of a completely different cast than the usual political slickster. He is several orders of magnitude more clownish and uninformed than the dumbest major-party nominee I’ve ever seen before. (That would be George W. Bush.) As low as my estimation of the intelligence of the Republican electorate may be, I did not think enough of them would be dumb enough to buy his act. And, yes, I do believe that to watch Donald Trump and see a qualified and plausible president, you probably have some kind of mental shortcoming. As many fellow Republicans have pointed out, Donald Trump is a con man. What I failed to realize — and, I believe, what so many others failed to realize, though they have reasons not to say so — is just how easily so many Republicans are duped.

This line is so much real talk, I love it:

And, yes, I do believe that to watch Donald Trump and see a qualified and plausible president, you probably have some kind of mental shortcoming.
His approvals have been declining since he took the speaker position, but this is pretty bad. I wonder if a 2020 presidential run is even in the cards for him.

The speakership is poison to presidential ambitions, there's no way he stays above water for another 4 years. If Ryan wanted to be President he should have waited and run for Senator when the opportunity opened up.
The speakership is poison to presidential ambitions, there's no way he stays above water for another 4 years. If Ryan wanted to be President he should have waited and run for Senator when the opportunity opened up.

So they pretty much took the one guy who maybe could have won the presidency eventually, and threw it away.

Nice going!
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