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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Your queen is a lie

There are plenty of alt right intellectuals out there, like Moldbug. I don't know if you can say that they laid the groundwork for Trump though, because Trump isn't really part of the alt right movement so much as he is himself and the alt right has coalesced around him.

I wouldn't really call the alt right "Trumpism", though. They've latched onto him as the best way to get their ideas pushed, the way neocons latched onto Reagan and used him to wedge themselves into positions of authority, but Trump, himself, is not like some bastion of alt right sympathies, so much as he's a leaky crucible of weird misinformation and ego. Though I guess that disqualifies me from nominating Milo, though he's on the border of that Breitbart hard right and the weird alt right.


lol Wario. He should just stick to mini games. Waluigi is clearly the superior bro.

Waluigi is the laziest god damn character ever created. An upside down L? Are you kidding me? What even is that?

I love him anyways though. Still doesn't compare the Great Wario.



I saw Megyn Kelly moderating a Fox News discussion about trans people in bathrooms on Fox News, and she seemed surprisingly defensive in favor of the White House's stance. Is she usually a moderate, or is she just trying to pimp her upcoming interview special with Laverne Cox?
When it was announced she was bumping Hannity there was a rather considerable outcry because she's clearly more socially moderate than the rest of the Fox team (same reason the same web of social conservatives hate Shepard Smith, who they believe to be a homosexualist agenda plant) at least in that old New England/York Republican style of "don't give a shit really that's your business" that got them tarred as worse than Democrats. (William Weld-ish, the persona Mitt Romney used in the 1990s, etc.)

She is a fight-picker over shit she's just using against the person though, which is why I'm sure Trump singled her out he saw one of his class and he couldn't let her do to him what he was doing to Jeb and crew.

Don't forget she was the one who kept goading Karl Rove over and over on election night 2012.

She probably does think Santa Claus is white though. We all have our failings. (Even if she walked it back because the lieberal media went after her for speaking truth to power.)

“I’m a soulless lawyer,” Kelly once told The Daily Beast. “Give me any opinion and I can argue it.”


Megyn Kelly is a hardcore racist which prevents her from being "moderate."

Megyn Kelly's coverage of the Benghazi hearing right after it was over was hilarious. She was legit tearing up talking about it. You could actually see the strings her clueless masters were pulling, none of them realizing what a god damn failure it was in the end.


Neither is what she wants on her ticket. And her policy depth is narrow, while Clinton already has breadth and depth and there are others that could be tapped to mirror it.

And they're just being chosen as trophy Veeps anyway, may as well get the one with a Democratic Governor to fill their seat.

I think they're both terrible choices, but Warren is easily the better choice. I'm on Tom Perez's dick
and I ain't even gay
, so whatevs,

Seriously though, I want to see Queen's VP pick school the fuck out of whomever Trump picks.


Though I guess that disqualifies me from nominating Milo, though he's on the border of that Breitbart hard right and the weird alt right.
Milo considers himself a libertarian but he has nothing but good things to say about the "alt-right" so he writes things like this:
An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right
Earlier, we mentioned the pressure to self-censor. But whenever such pressure arises in a society, there will always be a young, rebellious contingent who feel a mischievous urge to blaspheme, break all the rules, and say the unsayable. Why? Because it’s funny!

As Curtis Yarvin explains via email: “If you spend 75 years building a pseudo-religion around anything – an ethnic group, a plaster saint, sexual chastity or the Flying Spaghetti Monster – don’t be surprised when clever 19-year-olds discover that insulting it is now the funniest fucking thing in the world. Because it is.”

These young rebels, a subset of the alt-right, aren’t drawn to it because of an intellectual awakening, or because they’re instinctively conservative. Ironically, they’re drawn to the alt-right for the same reason that young Baby Boomers were drawn to the New Left in the 1960s: because it promises fun, transgression, and a challenge to social norms they just don’t understand.

Just as the kids of the 60s shocked their parents with promiscuity, long hair and rock’n’roll, so too do the alt-right’s young meme brigades shock older generations with outrageous caricatures, from the Jewish “Shlomo Shekelburg” to “Remove Kebab,” an internet in-joke about the Bosnian genocide. These caricatures are often spliced together with Millennial pop culture references, from old 4chan memes like pepe the frog, to anime and My Little Pony references.
If you’re a Buzzfeed writer or a Commentary editor reading this and thinking… how childish, well. You only have yourself to blame for pompously stomping on free expression and giving in to the worst and most authoritarian instincts of the progressive left. This new outburst of creativity and taboo-shattering is the result.

Of course, just as was the case in history, the parents and grandparents just won’t understand, man. That’s down to the age difference. Millennials aren’t old enough to remember the Second World War or the horrors of the Holocaust. They are barely old enough to remember Rwanda or 9/11. Racism, for them, is a monster under the bed, a story told by their parents to frighten them into being good little children.

As with Father Christmas, Millennials have trouble believing it’s actually real. They’ve never actually seen it for themselves — and they don’t believe that the memes they post on /pol/ are actually racist. In fact, they know they’re not — they do it because it gets a reaction. Barely a month passes without a long feature in a new media outlet about the rampant sexism, racism or homophobia of online image boards. For regular posters at these boards, that’s mission accomplished.
Milo becoming the Jewish dude that actual Neo-Nazis can point to to say "hey, I don't hate all Jews!" is frightening in that there's an actual audience for that sort of thing nowadays. The level of Antisemitism on the internet is super disturbing and it makes me wonder how much Antisemitism is there among actual young voters.


Milo becoming the Jewish dude that actual Neo-Nazis can point to to say "hey, I don't hate all Jews!" is frightening in that there's an actual audience for that sort of thing nowadays. The level of Antisemitism on the internet is super disturbing and it makes me wonder how much Antisemitism is there among actual young voters.

Is there as link to this, like a known outspoken individual in this community, or just assumption? I don't actually know, just curious.
If she's directly involved in an issue, or knows someone who is, Kelly will often take the right stance on an issue like this. After she had a kid she came out in favor of paid family leave, for example.

This. She's still the model of "Fuck you, got mine." It's just that sometimes, since she's a woman, "her and hers" ends up more to the left than her co-workers. She's not at all someone that should be mentioned as a moderate.


There is something on my mind, but it is an epiphany and it is so stupid sounding, and I reconigize the fact that it is, that I don't wanna say it (so i am not gonna post about the epiphany's details) That being said, I thought a lot of what OP said. Sometimes it isn't your year, no shame in sitting it out. If it is trump vs Clinton, Sanders is getting a write-in. Even feels good saying it really. I just thought about it long and hard and realized that it wasn't just frustration of a shitty news day, but Trump's bad truly outweighs his good.


Curtis Fuckface is the most nauseating combination of toxic chemicals that has ever been improperly mixed in a basement laboratory, ever. He is happenstance rich beyond reason, speciously sardonic but mostly just hyperaggressive, deluded by his own years of self-study in a meticulously crafted echo-chamber, reactionary (likely as a way to compensate for his many glaring character flaws), and obnoxiously convinced of his own moral, intellectual, and even technological superiority. I have had the supreme displeasure of following his writing for about 4 years, now; at this point, I think I have an ulcer. And P.S. his software ideas are wrongheaded and vaguely religious. The man belongs where he is: as the leader of a fetish cult of racist white men intent on substaining permanently on their own vitriol and introverted contrarinism.

His name is also hilariously nerdy.
Milo becoming the Jewish dude that actual Neo-Nazis can point to to say "hey, I don't hate all Jews!" is frightening in that there's an actual audience for that sort of thing nowadays. The level of Antisemitism on the internet is super disturbing and it makes me wonder how much Antisemitism is there among actual young voters.

For what it's worth, in my experience it doesn't seem any more common amongst younger voters. The walls that held back open antisemetic expression seem to be falling uniformly across age blocks, the people who always felt that way are just gradually beginning to feel more and more comfortable with it.


I really despise how "alt-right" has become a thing, Of fucking course the political press just had to turn a bunch of dipshits from /pol/ & reddit into a "movement".
I still don't know what it means.
Although there is no official ideology associated with the alt-right, various sources say it includes beliefs such as Dark Enlightenment, libertarianism, monarchism, nativism, right-wing populism, workers rights, business nationalism, identitarianism, white nationalism, antisemitism, racialism, socialism, white supremacy and American secessionism.

In a 2015 article in BuzzFeed, reporter Rosie Gray describes the alt-right as "white supremacy perfectly tailored for our times", saying that it uses "aggressive rhetoric and outright racial and anti-Semitic slurs", and notes that it has "more in common with European far-right movements than American ones."
oh, that clears it up

Professor George Hawley of the University of Alabama suggested that the alt-right may pose a greater threat to progressivism than the mainstream conservative movement.
But less of a threat than the mainstream progressive movement.


I really despise how "alt-right" has become a thing, Of fucking course the political press just had to turn a bunch of dipshits from /pol/ & reddit into a "movement".

Come on, don't lump /pol/ together with Reddit. There is a difference. One is far worse.
I still don't know what it means.

oh, that clears it up

But less of a threat than the mainstream progressive movement.

The short version is that it's a bunch of hate groups that are really good at rationalizing. That's why there's so many seemingly outright contradictory groups that manage to somehow operate in the same way and towards the same goals. Monarchists and Libertarians.


Matt Bevin can get fucked, as well as the other GOP governors.

In response to President Obama's proposed bathroom rules for public schools...

It is difficult to imagine a more absurd federal overreach into a local issue.
Under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the federal government has no authority to interfere in local school districts' bathroom policies.

The President is not promoting unity. In fact, he is doing quite the opposite. He is intentionally dividing America by threatening to sue or withhold funding from our cash-strapped public schools if they do not agree with his personal opinion on policies that remain squarely in their jurisdiction. They should not feel compelled to bow to such intimidation.

My administration is researching the options available for ensuring that this local issue is decided by Kentuckians, not by bureaucrats in Washington.

I wonder why fucking schools are cash strapped? Because they are the first fucking thing to be cut next to health care in GOP states.

Mother fuckers.
I still don't know what it means.

oh, that clears it up


What the fuck did I just read?
There is something on my mind, but it is an epiphany and it is so stupid sounding, and I reconigize the fact that it is, that I don't wanna say it (so i am not gonna post about the epiphany's details) That being said, I thought a lot of what OP said. Sometimes it isn't your year, no shame in sitting it out. If it is trump vs Clinton, Sanders is getting a write-in. Even feels good saying it really. I just thought about it long and hard and realized that it wasn't just frustration of a shitty news day, but Trump's bad truly outweighs his good.
Write in John Miller


What the fuck did I just read?

Basically /pol/ users and Dark Enlightenment bloggers who form the intellectual wing of the "movement". There's no unified ideology for the alt right, it's just...alternate right wing (alternate to the ideologies espoused by the GOP).

So it's a big grab bag of insane reactionary ideas that are only "unified" by the fact that they self-identify as not-GOP. Which lets them be far more open about their racism, misogyny, etc.
Had lunch with a friend of mine who works at the DNC; we used to do oppo research in Chicago back in the day. General impression I got: this isn't a normal general election, the typical rules don't apply. They're going scorched earth on Trump and will essentially cast him as a rich bigot/racist/misogynist who doesn't deserve the type of mutual respect most presidential candidates receive.

"We're going to make a lot of white people embarrassed about this mother fucker." Welp. Fun.

Sometimes I wonder if there will be too much stuff and Democrats cannot focus on any one thing. Kinda like what Thorgy Thor did in that political challenge on the current season of Drag Race.
Game theory is TRASH that panders to pseudointellectual 12 year old boys, and the voice of the guy that does the videos is a smarmy turd.
Is Pacman RELATED to the ghosts? Is Pacman a CANNIBAL?
The aliens will deservedly genocide us when they find out about this channel
Basically /pol/ users and Dark Enlightenment bloggers who form the intellectual wing of the "movement". There's no unified ideology for the alt right, it's just...alternate right wing (alternate to the ideologies espoused by the GOP).

So it's a big grab bag of insane reactionary ideas that are only "unified" by the fact that they self-identify as not-GOP. Which lets them be far more open about their racism, misogyny, etc.

This clarifies the murky waters a tad.
Basically /pol/ users and Dark Enlightenment bloggers who form the intellectual wing of the "movement". There's no unified ideology for the alt right, it's just...alternate right wing (alternate to the ideologies espoused by the GOP).

So it's a big grab bag of insane reactionary ideas that are only "unified" by the fact that they self-identify as not-GOP. Which lets them be far more open about their racism, misogyny, etc.

Deadspin's teardown of Rand Paul comes to mind. I don't think I agree with it entirely (and it's for comedy, so I don't think agreement is 100% expected), but it captures it well enough. The Alt-Right (and a lot of Libertarians) are really just contrarians.


It's for comedy? Reads like Trey, Matt, Rand and Ron ran a train on his mother or something when he was a kid.

edit: according to the comments, it's not actually about Rand or Ron Paul, but South Park's hypocrisy? And since South Park invented libertarianism and is hypocritical and Donald Trump is now the king of libertarianism, then libertarians don't really exist, also they're hypocritical. Which is why Rand Paul is the worst human being to have ever lived. Even though he's only pretending to be a libertarian to gather the large South Park worshiper constituency.
There is something on my mind, but it is an epiphany and it is so stupid sounding, and I reconigize the fact that it is, that I don't wanna say it (so i am not gonna post about the epiphany's details) That being said, I thought a lot of what OP said. Sometimes it isn't your year, no shame in sitting it out. If it is trump vs Clinton, Sanders is getting a write-in. Even feels good saying it really. I just thought about it long and hard and realized that it wasn't just frustration of a shitty news day, but Trump's bad truly outweighs his good.

I'm glad you came to that opinion because Trump is literally a fascist. If you live in an actual swing state I still think you should vote for Hillary since Trump's victory would imperil our nation's finances, probably lead to race riots, and utterly destroy our global stature. However, no one can force you to vote for a candidate you dislike and a non-vote for Trump is certainly better than a vote for him. If you live in a solid red or blue state (like I do) of course you can do whatever the fuck you want and it will make no difference.
I really despise how "alt-right" has become a thing, Of fucking course the political press just had to turn a bunch of dipshits from /pol/ & reddit into a "movement".
It's probably better this way. Having to explain "MRAs from the grey web that frequent sites that specialize in doxxing and child pornography" 1) takes too long, and 2) is soul-shatteringly depressing.
This much overgeneralization usually annoys the hell out of me, but these people don't exactly help their cause with their own memes of choice. It's like if Gamergate was running for President. Still, this is too much exaggeration.

Legitimate point to ponder-- Of that real demographic, what's the breakdown of Trump vs Sanders (and vs Clinton, if not statistically insignificant)? Before the "alt-right" thing was mostly normalized this year I was leaning heavily on Sanders but the evidence I see usually says otherwise. There's no "wrong" here; They both have supporters that feel marginalized in society for any number of reasons, and plenty (not all!) of them completely justifiable. In the end many are after the same things even if they haven't realized it yet.
Misogyny is a core tenet.
This is one of the few absolute constants, practically without exception.

Edit: To expand on the racism thing. I'm uncertain how much of it is deliberate racism with malice in mind and how much of it is "ignorant White people who never learned better not understanding institutional racism because hearing stuff about minorities confuses them." That's the root of the ___splainer problem.


That assumes it's an actual demographic that you can measure to a level of significance. Trump is campaigning on the oldest message that exists and little else, it's absurd to assume his campaign strength is being propelled by the lulz, MRA's or Gamergate proponents.

The site that birthed the name, Alternative Right came from the former editor of Taki's Magazine.

Pat Buchanan, John Derbyshire, Gavin McInnes, Michelle Malkin, Steve Sailer and Theodore Dalrymple have all written/write for Taki's Mag.

They also wrote/write for VDARE.

VDARE was founded by the author of this book, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster

It's paleoconservatism that accepts that gays exist and/or is more socially libertarian on pornography, TV, video games, etc.

The internet just lets people notice things they thought didn't exist, but it's been here for years. Milo's Generation Trump was once the Buchanan Brigade.


Here's an exclusive photo of someone from the equivalent of Generation Trump and the "alt-right" 50 years ago:

a Goldwater girl, right down to my cowgirl outfit and straw cowboy hat emblazoned with the slogan "AuH2O."

My ninth-grade history teacher, Paul Carlon, was, and still is, a dedicated educator and very conservative Republican. Mr. Carlson encouraged me to read Senator Barry Goldwater's recently published book, The Conscience of a Conservative. That inspired me to write my term paper on the American conservative movement ... I liked Senator Goldwater because he was a rugged individualist who swam against the political tide.


Mirriam-Webster literally sold out to Big Literally:
adverb lit·er·al·ly \ˈli-tə-rə-lē, ˈli-trə-lē, ˈli-tər-lē\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Definition of literally
: in a literal sense or manner : actually <took the remark literally> <was literally insane>
: in effect : virtually <will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice &#8212; Norman Cousins>
That assumes it's an actual demographic that you can measure to a level of significance. Trump is campaigning on the oldest message that exists and little else, it's absurd to assume his campaign strength is being propelled by the lulz, MRA's or Gamergate proponents.
"Propelled," of course not. I'd just argue that there's a substantial junction with persons most involved in what they call "activism" online. A majority persons or majority force? Heavens no. Some of the loudest voices? That's more tangible.
Here's an exclusive photo of someone from the equivalent of Generation Trump and the "alt-right" 50 years ago:
No one has said these people are beyond redemption. I think.
Mirriam-Webster literally sold out to Big Literally:
Wait, what? Virtually isn't literally. Literally is literally and virtually is virtually! It's important to have differences here! If we treated them equally then virtually everything would literally have to be literal, and that's a risk I don't think most of us are willing to virtually take.
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