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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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last post before i go to bed:

there is only one clinton county left in the entire country that hasn't yet voted in the democratic primary

it's probably gonna go for sanders, on account of it's 99% white

however, there's also a city named clinton in the west end of the state in hickman county, whose population is randomly 27% AA

(so in three days' time, let's see if clinton wins hickman county)


"Propelled," of course not. I'd just argue that there's a substantial junction with persons most involved in what they call "activism" online.
Which is just twitter/reddit/facebook/etc. shitting mainly.

No one has said these people are beyond redemption. I think.
She wasn't, she went from defending liberty and pursuing justice worrying not about the non-virtue of moderation to becoming a literal corporate fascist warmonger.

There's been zero reason we shouldn't see this growth of a decent sized "European right" equivalent in the U.S. The same general pressures are affecting all of the Western countries. Namely, the billions emerging from the poverty of the once third world.

Our primary difference is FPTP and the three branches.

Also, in a way, 9/11. Our position as the world's single power has allowed 9/11 and related world affairs to dominate our political conversation at an entirely different level from any other nation. As we've gotten further from 9/11, the ability to paper over things with it has diminished. This has hurt the GOP coalition the most. Bill Kristol and the neoconservative reaction to Trump is less about his personality as they claim (see Kristol's constant tweets about how ugly Trump supporters are) and the fact that not just the standard Paul, but also frontrunners-at-times Carson and Trump opposed their foreign policy, and as a result of that status other candidates came along far more than in 2008 when Ron Paul and Rudy had their infamous throw down where Ron Paul said America deserved 9/11 and that he hoped more Americans would die from terrorist attacks. (You got a lot of stuff like, we'll nuke everyone, but only if forced to, but I really hope we're forced to, but I won't otherwise! That's progress imo.)

I also think that America is at heart (and hopefully will show to be) a more liberal country when pushed down to brass tacks. I'm amazed at the speed of social and cultural acceptance of gays and even transgender writ large just in the last ten years. Soon enough we'll have enough Mexicans to make us want to build a wall to keep out the Guatemalans like the descendants of Northern European immigrants wanted to keep out the Southern Europeans, and then they both wanted to keep out the Eastern Europeans.

And the Irish.


Awesome is pretty much it's antonym these days. Nimrod is it's antonym entirely because of one Bugs Bunny cartoon. It happens.
Those are a wash for me, as the literal meanings have practically gone extinct.

Literal/figurative though? Daily stumbling blocks in understanding the fucking thinking processes of other human beings.


I also think that America is at heart (and hopefully will show to be) a more liberal country when pushed down to brass tacks. I'm amazed at the speed of social and cultural acceptance of gays and even transgender writ large just in the last ten years. Soon enough we'll have enough Mexicans to make us want to build a wall to keep out the Guatemalans like the descendants of Northern European immigrants wanted to keep out the Southern Europeans, and then they both wanted to keep out the Eastern Europeans.
I like this post, Benji, but you killed me with this part considering I'm from Guatemala. Too late, suckas.


I'm all for the evolution of language, but literally evolving into its antonym is just bloody confusing.

There are many words that are the antonym of themselves. "Off" for instance can mean to shut something down or to engage or activate something. We'll get used to it, though I too prefer the term "figuratively."
last post before i go to bed:

there is only one clinton county left in the entire country that hasn't yet voted in the democratic primary

it's probably gonna go for sanders, on account of it's 99% white

however, there's also a city named clinton in the west end of the state in hickman county, whose population is randomly 27% AA

(so in three days' time, let's see if clinton wins hickman county)

There's also a Sanders county left, it would be hilarious if Clinton won it just to complete the name swap.


I've posted this a number of times, but if you go on any immigration restriction article/thread (or even a near open borders site like reason making an immigration article) you'll find these same exact, word for word nearly, arguments [from the 1920s] being made today:
He argued that the “indiscriminate hospitality” to more whose homes would be “filled by others as miserable as themselves” would not make up for any “permanent injury done to our republic,” and that with the success of the American “experiment” more would be done for the [home nations] than “allowing its city slums and its vast stagnant reservoirs of degraded peasantry to be drained off upon our soil.”
if America destroyed the “work of our fathers” and became “another Europe or Asia” leaving a world that would “grow visibly darker, even to the people of foreign lands, and all that is worth living for will have been lost to us, whether we came recently or our fathers came long ago.”
He also pointed out of that many of these illegal immigrant groups are basically making the equivalent of a threat that:
“we already have admitted among us large, dangerous elements, and that we must admit more of them to keep them in a good and orderly humor.”
“many of the inhabitants of these cities appear to be tied up to foreign countries by their sympathies, customs, interests, and aspirations, and apparently but little interested in the future welfare of their adopted country.”
If you ever mention it, they always come up with some excuse like "well it's different because now we have a welfare state" or "now it's different because they're coming from third world hellholes" or "now it's different because America already has far too many people in it" or so on...

Though my actual favorite is when people propose banning immigration from California to Texas or Mississippi to Connecticut and then you find out about all the benefits of American citizen migration.


Good times, here at the end of the Republic. Good times.

Yoshi is the best.


It's still so ridiculous to me that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate for President of the United States! We just found out he used to pose as his own publicist and it hasn't even been two weeks since he's become the presumptive nominee.


Rodent Whores
I'm not sure the VP debate matters when Trump is going to get annihilated harder than Meta when he takes the stage against Clinton.

The actual presidential debate is going to be an absolute massacre.

And my posts are all signal, pigeon. I know you like semantics, but stop.

I have a feeling it'll be a little one-sided, but not in the direction you're anticipating. Trump is very good at establishing narratives and subtle character assassinations. He stapled those anchors to his Republican rivals and they sank like the Titanic. I'm not sure if I've seen evidence of Hillary's past performance that indicates her trolling jiu-jitsu is as good as Trump's. For better or worse, dank memes have sticking power now.
I have a feeling it'll be a little one-sided, but not in the direction you're anticipating. Trump is very good at establishing narratives and subtle character assassinations. He stapled those anchors to his Republican rivals and they sank like the Titanic. I'm not sure if I've seen evidence of Hillary's past performance that indicates her trolling jiu-jitsu is as good as Trump's. For better or worse, dank memes have sticking power now.
I anticipate the election to be easily handed to Clinton. However, I agree. Trump has out trolled the entire media and every politician so far. I don't think there is a ton Clinton can do that others haven't already tried in terms of Trump. Especially when a significant portion of the American population doesn't trust a word Clinton says.
It's one on one against the smartest person he's ever debated by a country mile. He's going to look like a complete buffoon. All we need is a halfway decent moderating crew.

I mean, Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, you add them all together and they're still nowhere near Clinton on policy knowledge.

And Trump never had to debate anyone one on one.


Rodent Whores
It's one on one against the smartest person he's ever debated by a country mile. He's going to look like a complete buffoon. All we need is a halfway decent moderating crew.

I mean, Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, you add them all together and they're still nowhere near Clinton on policy knowledge.

And Trump never had to debate anyone one on one.

Perhaps, but it seems to me that not that many people give a shit about policy this time. It's very emotional. I could be misreading the public mood, though, and there's still a lot of time for things to change.
I wouldn't try to extrapolate too much from how the Republican base responded to the Republican debates. Most non-Republicans were either horrified or watched it as a clown show.


you can't put a price on sparks
Do you guys think Trump will be shamed out of the party after this election or he's going to try to use the party again to run against Hillary in 4 years?


When do people ever give a shit about policy?

I think partisans greatly overvalue the press conferences because it has a "win/lose" factor to it.

At least 80% of the people watching already support one of the two candidates. I'd argue it's probably even higher.

Especially in two minutes, 90 second and one minute answers. There's no time to display actual superior policy knowledge along with why your position is superior to your opponents, compared to faking it.

In fact, you probably don't even want to turn it into a policy-expert-off because Trump can and will fake his way through that and nobody will give a shit about any lies or times he was wrong or what random figures he made up. He did this endlessly in the GOP press conferences. Even when called out during them, he shrugged it off, said no, the moderator was wrong and moved on. Regular political candidates do this as well, not just Trump types.

Remember when a lot of people were like Romney won the first press conference and some of you were probably going "no he lied about this, he was wrong on this, his tax plan actually costs this much, etc." But what anyone really cared about was that Romney was aggressive and Obama looked bored. When during the second press conference Obama came back aggressively it no longer mattered what either were saying. And so when the GOP tried to play up Candy Crowley's self-admitted lie in favor of Obama, who cared other than Romney partisans?

The key with Sanders was not to play his game of out purifying her to the left, and the key with Trump is the same, don't play his game of trying to make it about anything he can hammer on, just coast through. Every single time one of the GOPers tried to stand against Trump on something, even if they were right or had the better knowledge or whatever, they were already falling into his trap because he would just shove them over on some tiny point or bullshit and they don't ever have the time to respond properly with the right audience.

Remember when Kerry's team was talking up his prowess and how he had all these killer zingers and things that would send George W. reeling and stammering. Nobody even knows what they were now, or knew what they were then other than the weird thing about lumber companies. And the debates basically did little other than let Dick Cheney beat John Edwards to death with a chair on live TV.


Do you guys think Trump will be shamed out of the party after this election or he's going to try to use the party again to run against Hillary in 4 years?
He has said he wants to run for Governor of New York in 2018 if he doesn't win the Presidency/nomination.

I think he'd probably be better off as a Mayor of NYC candidate, but it's his free time.

He'll be 74 in 2020. But I don't think he or Hillary has a chance against Kanye.


Rodent Whores
I wouldn't try to extrapolate too much from how the Republican base responded to the Republican debates. Most non-Republicans were either horrified or watched it as a clown show.

Yes, but I might be inclined to think that more strongly if so many non-base people weren't also factoring into his support.


you can't put a price on sparks
He has said he wants to run for Governor of New York in 2018 if he doesn't win the Presidency/nomination.

I think he'd probably be better off as a Mayor of NYC candidate, but it's his free time.

He'll be 74 in 2020. But I don't think he or Hillary has a chance against Kanye.

Oh right, Kanye...


I believe you mean legal and intelligence experts and the FBI and the CIA and the State Department. Who all agree, no crime was possibly committed as Colin Powell has a private e-mail account.

Well, okay, there was a crime committed. It's called people outside the government using FOIA.


Never FOIArget:


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I wonder how Eric Cantor's investment banking gig is going. I assume he never has to calculate diluted EPS or do a DCF analysis. Probably just pitches deals.

Obviously. Why would a Managing Director brought in for his connections in Washington and relationship/experience with regulators be doing work that 21 year olds fresh out of college do?

This is like asking if the CEO of Walmart is even a greeter or if he just doesn't greet people all day.


I actually couldn't even guess at the name of him so I looked him up. The new CEO of Walmart seems like a pretty cool guy actually:
In February 2015, McMillon announced Walmart would invest an additional US$2.7 billion in higher associate wages, benefits and training, including raising its lowest wage to US$9 an hour in 2015 and US$10 an hour for 2016.[21][22] The action affected 40 percent of the company's 1.4 million U.S. workers.[23] In January 2016, McMillon announced raises for the majority of its workers, free basic short-term disability for full-time workers and a revised paid time off program.[19]
At the Davos World Economic Forum in January 2016, McMillon said Walmart would press three of its main goals: supply the company with renewable energy, eliminate waste and promote sustainably packaged goods.[28]

As CEO, McMillon sought to make a "positive difference" in other issues.[26] On March 31, 2015, McMillon issued a statement urging Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson to veto the state's "religious freedom" bill.[29] McMillon said the bill "threatens to undermine the spirit of inclusion present throughout the state of Arkansas and does not reflect the values we proudly uphold".[29] In June 2015, McMillon said the company would stop selling Confederate flag merchandise[22] following the shooting of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina.[30] McMillon also altered Walmart's gun sales. He told CNNMoney in an interview that Walmart's selection of firearms should be geared towards hunters and sports shooters.[31] In August 2015, the company ceased sales of military-style semiautomatic weapons.[31]
He's only the fifth CEO in company history. And has spent his entire career there:
When he was a teenager, McMillon began his first job with Walmart as a summer associate. He worked during the summer[4] unloading trucks in a distribution center.[6] After high school, McMillon attended University of Arkansas, where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in 1989.[7] The next year, as McMillon studied for a master of business administration (MBA) from University of Tulsa, he called Walmart and told an executive he was interested in training to become a buyer when he completed his studies.[4] Soon thereafter, McMillon rejoined Walmart as an assistant manager at a Tulsa, Oklahoma, store.[4] After completing his MBA in 1991,[7] McMillon moved to Walmart's Bentonville headquarters to join the buyer-training program.[8][9] Originally in charge of buying fishing tackle,[4] he later took on various roles as a buyer and a merchandiser, dealing in food, clothes, crafts and furnishings.[10] He later worked as a general merchandise manager for Walmart's wholesale store division Sam's Club before taking an executive role at Walmart, overseeing toys, electronics and sporting goods, among other areas.[10]

Bernie voters are not with her: These exit polls should rattle the Clinton campaign

One of the most striking—and disturbing—takeaways from Tuesday’s West Virginia Democratic primary were exit polls that found large numbers of Bernie Sanders supporters saying if not Bernie, they would actually vote for Donald Trump next fall.

CBS News reported 44 percent said they’d vote for Trump, 23 percent for Hillary Clinton, and 32 percent for neither. These findings—especially Sanders’ supporters shifting to Trump—seem like a stretch, but maybe they’re not.


I fucking hate these news/blog sites.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Is politico serious about this shit

PATERSON, N.J. — Bill Clinton’s name was splashed across the front page of the New York Post Friday morning. “Blonde Bombshell,” the sneering headline read, detailing how the former president steered $2 million of Clinton Global Initiative funds to a company of a very attractive “friend.”
He was more than an hour late to a rally at Passaic County Community College in Paterson, New Jersey, because he got stuck behind a truck accident on the Tappan Zee Bridge.
And when he finally arrived at the organizing event where he dutifully touted his wife’s record and the significance of winning the June 7 New Jersey primary, he was heckled by a Bernie Sanders supporter for his passage of the 1994 crime bill.
“Why did you put more people in prison?" the heckler yelled out from the crowd.


what a bad day

The Post posted trash
He was late to something for something that had nothing to do with him
And OMG someone heckled him :(
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