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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Obama is not the emperor of black people or city cultures. He's from Chicago, not Baltimore. I'll listen to a random Marylander before I listen to someone from almost 1000 miles away.

But the thing is, people from Baltimore say the same thing. Just google it. I used Obama as the example just because it takes a great amount of pride-swallowing to admit that level of damage your own country while you are the President, and as a president he still knows his cities well, especially as one as known as Baltimore.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Canadian here, 41 year old Canadian here.

Stephen Harper is a real Conservative and is the most Social Conservative Prime Minister Canada has ever had since WW2

The only reason why the Harper government wasn't able to push his most social conservative policies is because the Canadian people would have revolted. The country on average is very Centrist, very very Centrist.
+ Harper was also a vote panderer; he did not want to lose votes by being too "Far Right" so he played the Regional Game, pandering to regional interests.
Harper was not stupid, he knew how to play politics. He is a true Conservative at heart but never dared to pushed the envelope too far while in Government. Power was more important to him.

If Harper had his way and was a dictator, he would have scrapped lots of things put in place by past Governments.

I know you are not a Canadian and I know that you are "European" but the thing you must know about Canada is that is is an extremely Centrist countriy that sometimes it goes Centre-Left then sometimes it goes Center-Right but in rarely rarely ever accepts anything more far than that.

Harper's victories last decade where part of
a) 12 year Liberal rule fatigue,
b) the Sponsorship Scandal hurt the Liberals in Quebec for over a decade.
c) The 12 year reign of the Liberal Party left them complacent, arrogant and oblivious
d) Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff were two weak leaders, really weak.
c) Vote splitting among the Center-Left and Left among voters with the rise of Popularity of the late Jack Layton of the NPD. Jack Layton was mega charismatic and popular where Dion and Iggy were not.

Justin Trudeau played Thomass Mulcair's bluff.

Tom-ass wanted to move the NDP towards to Center and eliminate the Liberals from existing. (Tom-ass is a fake Social-Democrat, mind you)

Justin turned that table on Tom-ass and campaigned from the Center-Left moving away from the 1990s Clintonian-Chretien era of budget surplusses.

Tom-ass was campaigning on balanced budgets. Justin campaign on spending and investing on infrastructure.

Justin Trudeau's liberal called Tom-ass' bluff and flanked from the Center-Left and won a big. Bringing the Liberals back to Pearson era Liberals or St-Laurent era Liberals to the Center-Left

Harper has always struck me as a dumber Canadian Mitt Romney.
as someone who literally served as a staffer for a Hamilton NDPer a couple years back

this characterization of clinton as to the right of harper is pretty damn bunk

she's right around Trudeau in ideology (when you account for the differences between status quos) and not really any further in either direction


So that friend on FB I tried to have a debate with about that "Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight" that eventually devolved into:

  • his BF not reading any source or link I shared debunking his claims,
  • mocking my use of "bar graphs" that showed their near-identical voting similarities (when attempting to paint her as no different than the GOP, even on social progressive issues)
  • trying to shame my (very polite) rebuttals by tagging his Canadian friends and saying "this is what we deal with in America"
  • only bringing up more talking points rather than address previous issues without any added discussion
  • eventually deleting all of his comments which, led to my replies being deleted

Well, he unfriended me for some reason, despite my being polite about the whole thing even while his BF was mocking me.

I suppose regardless of how much he was #FeelingtheBern, he still couldn't handle the heat. I must be part of the establishment now. Where's my check?

So that friend on FB I tried to have a debate with about that "Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight" that eventually devolved into:

  • his BF not reading any source or link I shared debunking his claims,
  • mocking my use of "bar graphs" that showed their near-identical voting similarities (when attempting to paint her as no different than the GOP, even on social progressive issues)
  • trying to shame my (very polite) rebuttals by tagging his Canadian friends and saying "this is what we deal with in America"
  • only bringing up more talking points rather than address previous issues without any added discussion
  • eventually deleting all of his comments which, led to my replies being deleted

Well, he unfriended me for some reason, despite my being polite about the whole thing even while his BF was mocking me.

I suppose regardless of how much he was #FeelingtheBern, he still couldn't handle the heat. I must be part of the establishment now. Where's my check?


The loony minority of Sander's fans have bought into a lot of utter bunk wholesale. It's a waste of time trying to show them that it isn't true. If they were open to that idea they wouldn't have bought into it so hard.
So that friend on FB I tried to have a debate with about that "Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight" that eventually devolved into:

  • his BF not reading any source or link I shared debunking his claims,
  • mocking my use of "bar graphs" that showed their near-identical voting similarities (when attempting to paint her as no different than the GOP, even on social progressive issues)
  • trying to shame my (very polite) rebuttals by tagging his Canadian friends and saying "this is what we deal with in America"
  • only bringing up more talking points rather than address previous issues without any added discussion
  • eventually deleting all of his comments which, led to my replies being deleted

Well, he unfriended me for some reason, despite my being polite about the whole thing even while his BF was mocking me.

I suppose regardless of how much he was #FeelingtheBern, he still couldn't handle the heat. I must be part of the establishment now. Where's my check?

Bernie supporters are just getting fuuuuucking stupid. I feel there's a great deal of them who just lap up any bullshit accusation on Clinton because it fits their confirmation bias.

I posted a pic several weeks ago detailing how Bernie has flip-flopped in the past (votes for the crime bill and against gun control, for example) and a friend of mine commented with "Well obviously he voted for those bad bills because there were good elements to them too! It's not like when Hillary flip-flops by saying one thing today, and then spouting Bernie's position tomorrow and pretending it was always her idea!"

1 as if the defense that it's sometimes okay to support bad bills that contain good parts is exclusively applicable to Bernie (so the crime bill wasn't all that bad huh? Which is funny because he brought it up in an earlier discussion about how Hillary wasn't different from Trump because she supported the crime bill and was therefore infringing on his rights as a black man, the way Trump's policies would harm other minorities. Once again, he had an excuse for Bernie's support but that time it was simply "well, he's learned since then!" AND HILLARY HASN'T)

2 called him straight out on Hillary stealing Bernie's positions and claiming credit for them. This preceded ten minutes of radio silence that I can only assume was filled by frantic google searching for anything that backed up his claim, until he came back like "Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little!" And then came back the next day and linked me to that shitshow essay about how some guy who's voted Democrat in every election since 92 (except 2000 because lol!) can't support Hillary for a myriad of conspiracy theories (Benghazi was mentioned), debunked attacks (eg Hillary taking money from private prison industry, which she made a very public display of how she's NOT doing that) and at best a couple of half-truths. None of it was sourced, he simply told me it was "independently verifiable." I pointed out that every claim I made about either candidate was backed up by some news story, and that it was only fair he do the same. He just said "Fine, give me like an hour." After which a friend of mine and I separately took down every single argument, which ultimately came to - yeah she supported the Iraqi War and she has corporate connections.

He never responded.

I don't understand what it is about this woman that turns so many people into blithering morons. Say you don't trust her or that you get a bad vibe from her, yeah that's fine. That's your personal experience. But there's no critical thinking past that point - why do I not trust her? What has she done that is untrustworthy? Instead they take these baseless accusations as honest truths because they just know that she's got something to hide.

My broader point wasn't that Bernie is particularly untrustworthy as a politician, but neither is Hillary - the whole idea of being able to "trust" politicians is really weird to me because with a few exceptions I think most of them are probably basically good, rational people who try to do what's best for the country. Unfortunately that also means they're prone to screwing up from time to time, but it's amazing how many people just looove talking about how evil and corrupt Hillary is while treating Bernie like this untouchable saint.


So that friend on FB I tried to have a debate with about that "Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight" that eventually devolved into:

  • his BF not reading any source or link I shared debunking his claims,
  • mocking my use of "bar graphs" that showed their near-identical voting similarities (when attempting to paint her as no different than the GOP, even on social progressive issues)
  • trying to shame my (very polite) rebuttals by tagging his Canadian friends and saying "this is what we deal with in America"
  • only bringing up more talking points rather than address previous issues without any added discussion
  • eventually deleting all of his comments which, led to my replies being deleted

Well, he unfriended me for some reason, despite my being polite about the whole thing even while his BF was mocking me.

I suppose regardless of how much he was #FeelingtheBern, he still couldn't handle the heat. I must be part of the establishment now. Where's my check?


What's wrong with the 13 minute video? Considering it uses actual clips, don't really see anything inherently wrong about it...



winners pick winners

Clinton would be the best thing from a Canadian perspective. Someone once called other westerners as "free riders", and its true we pretty much have your best things (entertainment for example) without the baggage. Its in my best interest to want a Clinton presidency, but there are more important things at stake then my own interests, such as the needy, the downtrodden, heck, even the Palestinians and other middle-easterners if you wanted to go global. Don't average middle class Americans want someone who actually cares about them more than the 1%?

Unless you are all 1%ers in which case, supporting Clinton is probably in your best interest.

... But even then I am sure even during Occupy Wall Street some of the 1% sided with the 99.


The loony minority of Sander's fans have bought into a lot of utter bunk wholesale. It's a waste of time trying to show them that it isn't true. If they were open to that idea they wouldn't have bought into it so hard.

The irony of it all is one of the anti-Hillary posts was accompanied with something to the affect of "She thinks I can't do my own research?"

Bernie supporters are just getting fuuuuucking stupid. I feel there's a great deal of them who just lap up any bullshit accusation on Clinton because it fits their confirmation bias.

I posted a pic several weeks ago detailing how Bernie has flip-flopped in the past (votes for the crime bill and against gun control, for example) and a friend of mine commented with "Well obviously he voted for those bad bills because there were good elements to them too! It's not like when Hillary flip-flops by saying one thing today, and then spouting Bernie's position tomorrow and pretending it was always her idea!" \

I brought up the same thing in addition to Bernie also voting to deregulate banks while Hillary didn't; that if Bernie was allowed to changed his mind on issues like deregulating Wall Street or reconsider his position on gun control, why couldn't Hillary? Like any human, you're faced with situations which force you to change your perspective on issues.

"Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little!" And then came back the next day and linked me to that shitshow essay about how some guy who's voted Democrat in every election since 92 (except 2000 because lol!) can't support Hillary for a myriad of conspiracy theories (Benghazi was mentioned),

At least you got that much. The only real "rebuttal" I received was "Well, she's currently being investigated by the FBI" (as if you to imply guilt despite the countless committees (and right-wing ones) that found no misconduct). I linked a Los Angeles Time article that also found she's unlikely to receive any criminal judgment if facts remain as are (barring any new discoveries, of course).

I don't understand what it is about this woman that turns so many people into blithering morons. Say you don't trust her or that you get a bad vibe from her, yeah that's fine. That's your personal experience. But there's no critical thinking past that point - why do I not trust her? What has she done that is untrustworthy? Instead they take these baseless accusations as honest truths because they just know that she's got something to hide.
It seems to make it all the more easier to ignore your arguments if the media is "in Hillary's pocket." Sadly, I never got to explain that if such a thing were true, she would have steamrolled over newcomer Obama.

My broader point wasn't that Bernie is particularly untrustworthy as a politician, but neither is Hillary - the whole idea of being able to "trust" politicians is really weird to me because with a few exceptions I think most of them are probably basically good, rational people who try to do what's best for the country. Unfortunately that also means they're prone to screwing up from time to time, but it's amazing how many people just looove talking about how evil and corrupt Hillary is while treating Bernie like this untouchable saint.
That was exactly my stance. I wasn't elevating Hillary to be better than Bernie at all, just to illustrate that they aren't all that different, especially under the claim that she's the same as the GOP. Then, when I brought up the GOPs likelihood of reversing any progress we've made, they argued that "Trump won't de-fund Planned Parenthood" while hand-waving everything else that comes with that package.

He also never answered my question about how he expects Bernie to pass anything through an obstructionist Congress. Drats.

I have other friends that are on the verge of this same fanaticism, so I don't know if I should just ignore it. It's like trying to explain to a friend they've jumped unwittingly into a pyramid scheme.


Why is it that people from other countries are always trying to lecture Americans on American things!

Everyone has an opinion on basically everything and most people love giving their opinion, just like Americans love giving their opinion on foreign affairs as well.

Some of that opinion giving is certainly smug-superiority lecturing from people who don't understand America's political system and values. I also think nationalism might play somewhat of a part as well, especially for Canadians. Either from ignorance of a self-created blind-spot, it probably feels nice when you can make your nation and your nation's beliefs, and yourself feel superior to another, even if that comparison is not accurate. Americans do this as well.

It is simply human nature.
Jill Stein really wants Trump or Cruz to be president:


As the neoliberal Democratic machine mobilizes to quash revolution in its ranks, I urge you to consider opening a window of historic possibility outside the Democratic Party. I would love to explore with you collaborative ways to advance that effort and ensure the revolution for people, planet and peace will prevail. Please let me know if you're interested in talking.

Definition: Neoliberal
Thing far left people don't like.


Everyone has an opinion on basically everything and most people love giving their opinion, just like Americans love giving their opinion on foreign affairs as well.

Some of that opinion giving is certainly smug-superiority lecturing from people who don't understand America's political system and values. I also think nationalism might play somewhat of a part as well, especially for Canadians. Either from ignorance of a self-created blind-spot, it probably feels nice when you can make your nation and your nation's beliefs, and yourself feel superior to another, even if that comparison is not accurate. Americans do this as well.

It is simply human nature.

American actions impact the whole world, believe it or not. Your president is basically the leader of the free world (maybe we should get a say in American politics? Wouldn't that be glorious, the right to vote...)


The election has been pretty damn slow since Trump canceled the last debate. I'm barely even following and it looks like I'm not missing much since Trump clocked out, too. Political analysis is all some derivative of "Will Trump narrowly meet the delegate threshold or will Paul Ryan be the nominee?" My new hobby is going to the gym.



Jill Stein really wants Trump or Cruz to be president:


Definition: Neoliberal
Thing far left people don't like.

At this point, if it comes down to Trump or Clinton, I would be okay with either one. With Clinton you get 8 more years of the status quo.... or you get one month of Trump before he gets impeached or assassinated. Then, you will have Vice President Chris Christie who will barely leave Donald's term with his skin intact.

I am kind of seduced by the anarchy option, but then reality hits me and I realize what a mess it would be.


Clinton would be the best thing from a Canadian perspective. Someone once called other westerners as "free riders", and its true we pretty much have your best things (entertainment for example) without the baggage. Its in my best interest to want a Clinton presidency, but there are more important things at stake then my own interests, such as the needy, the downtrodden, heck, even the Palestinians and other middle-easterners if you wanted to go global. Don't average middle class Americans want someone who actually cares about them more than the 1%?

Unless you are all 1%ers in which case, supporting Clinton is probably in your best interest.

... But even then I am sure even during Occupy Wall Street some of the 1% sided with the 99.

Bernie can't get any of that done so whats the point? Clinton will be better able to help me because I have a lot more faith that she will actually get stuff done. Bernie? He would be a completely ineffectual president who will only give the same stump speech every week in office. I have absolutely no faith that he would compromise and barter to get positive legislation past because I don't think he likes going into policy wonk details and I don't think any of the legislation that would be remotely in the realm of possibility are things that he would accept.

He is a protester. He isn't a leader of a government.


American actions impact the whole world, believe it or not. Your president is basically the leader of the free world (maybe we should get a say in American politics? Wouldn't that be glorious, the right to vote...)

Canada certainly impacts America. It might be a whole lot less, but it certainly an impact. Should Americans get a say in Canada's elections?
so the next salvo of voting is this Tuesday? What's expected to happen?

bernie is going to lose in most of those states by double digit margins, media narrative will make a significant shift to 'bernie has lost' or 'mathematically eliminated', focus rolls to the republican race and/or general election which will be Trump vs. Clinton.


Well if that RI poll is remotely accurate looks like Sanders is set to go 0/5 this week.

Not that it really matters if he loses Maryland and Penn by huge margins, the delegate math would be brutal even if he got small wins in RI and CT.
Well if that RI poll is remotely accurate looks like Sanders is set to go 0/5 this week.

Not that it really matters if he loses Maryland and Penn by huge margins, the delegate math would be brutal even if he got small wins in RI and CT.
That isn't a poll. It's a benchmark based on demographics and other factors including polls and primary rules. Think of it as a very rough projection. They've been consistently good though.


Have a feeling Sanders pulls out Rhode Island and ruins the sweep. Not that winning one out of five does any good for him.

If he wins more than that, though... zzzzz. Back on the "momentum!" machine.
Bernie's rally in Baltimore.... a city who's population is 63% black


Bernie may be doing poorly with AA voters, but posts like these have been teetering on the line of racism for a while now.

There is nothing wrong with a bunch of white people showing up to a rally in a predominantly black city. Rally attendees aren't all that local anyway.


Bernie may be doing poorly with AA voters, but posts like these have been teetering on the line of racism for a while now.

There is nothing wrong with a bunch of white people showing up to a rally in a predominantly black city. Rally attendees aren't all that local anyway.

It's not racist to point out that in a diverse city that mostly white people are attending Bernie rallies.
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