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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I think it'll be really funny for the GOP to shame every female Hillary supporter for voting for her because she's a woman, and then pick a token ass female pol like Fiorina and expect women to flock to her in spite of not offering anything to women.
I went to school in VA, and hes more complicated in this state due to his reason for going with the south. (State loyalty over national.) For the other 49 though? Yeah, no reason at all to celebrate him.

This doesn't make it more complicated, all it shows is he viewed state loyalty more important than moral causes and valued loyalty to war criminals and people who cheered on one of the greatest moral crimes of human history


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
John McCormack ‏@McCormackJohn 49s50 seconds ago
News: @MichaelRWarren reports Cruz campaign is vetting Fiorina for VP

*Cruz's campaign staff*: "Let's be real--our candidate isn't likeable in the least. How can we make him look better? I know--get somebody even MORE unlikeable! In comparison, Ted Cruz will look great!"

I just wish Biden could be VP again. I want another Biden VP debate. That was amazing.



I can't
Yeah that's really funny because Bernie wouldn't win all of their blessed northern/Midwestern/western states in the GE either.

How dumb can these people be


They want to pick Fiorina before California to drum up support in the state and no other California politician wants to be associated with Cruz.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They want to pick Fiorina before California to drum up support in the state and no other California politician wants to be associated with Cruz.

Would Fiorina even help?

I mean, she's a terrible failure on all accounts.


No Scrubs
*Cruz's campaign staff*: "Let's be real--our candidate isn't likeable in the least. How can we make him look better? I know--get somebody even MORE unlikeable! In comparison, Ted Cruz will look great!"

I just wish Biden could be VP again. I want another Biden VP debate. That was amazing.

He really got shafted in 2008 since he couldn't go hard against Palin, they should let him take the next one. Shit, let him debate Trump.
I certainly wouldn't be surprised.

Me either. I just have this strange feeling that this is going to be a thing. That doctor's letter was as strange as anything else that's been produced from the Trump campaign. I think after the election, Trump's mental health is going to be a sad and strange story and basically shed a whole new light on this election season.


Oh please no. Not Fiorina. My dad is already on the Cruz "He is the most constitutionaly conservative candidate since reagan" train. My mom was big on Fiorina, basically screaming yes when she was lying about PP. This is like the nightmare ticket for me living at home during this election. Please Trump come through.


After reading this, maybe Trump really is starting to suffer from Alzheimer's.


All along there's been something odd about his behavior and speech (to put it mildly, but I mean in this context), but his obvious narcissistic personality disorder made him too much of a punchline. He does show symptoms, more so lately. Trump's father had Alzheimer's.
I sincerely doubt it. He's just an asshole who gets confused because he runs on nothing but rhetoric and is a mediocre businessman at best given his various failures. He's also really stupid. He has the intellect of a 16 year old troll on 4chan.


Cruz is hoping to pick up the shitty business support demographic that Trump has wrapped up. She was pretty awful at HP, after all.


her support... anywhere, is nil. No one in SV likes her, she is a complete failure.

She would be perfect for Cruz. I really REALLY want Cruz to get the nomination. PLEASE


I really dont know what the hell you guys are thinking, Cruz is infinitely easier to beat then TRump
her support... anywhere, is nil. No one in SV likes her, she is a complete failure.

She would be perfect for Cruz. I really REALLY want Cruz to get the nomination. PLEASE


I really dont know what the hell you guys are thinking, Cruz is infinitely easier to beat then TRump

I think Trump would be more damaging to the party as a whole, including down ticket turnout.


It says a lot about the Republican Party that when they're looking for a woman to help them against Hillary their best bet is Carly Fiorina. That's like having a choice of cars where the best available breaks down every 50 meters and the radio is tuned to shout about abortions and losing money.


No Scrubs
her support... anywhere, is nil. No one in SV likes her, she is a complete failure.

She would be perfect for Cruz. I really REALLY want Cruz to get the nomination. PLEASE


I really dont know what the hell you guys are thinking, Cruz is infinitely easier to beat then TRump

A Trump nomination means the Dems might be able to win the House back. Maybe, if he implodes on stage.
her support... anywhere, is nil. No one in SV likes her, she is a complete failure.

She would be perfect for Cruz. I really REALLY want Cruz to get the nomination. PLEASE


I really dont know what the hell you guys are thinking, Cruz is infinitely easier to beat then TRump

Best timeline is Trump having the nomination stolen from him by Ted Cruz. Either way, the GOP is doomed.
her support... anywhere, is nil. No one in SV likes her, she is a complete failure.

She would be perfect for Cruz. I really REALLY want Cruz to get the nomination. PLEASE


I really dont know what the hell you guys are thinking, Cruz is infinitely easier to beat then TRump

Both are extremely easy to beat. Trump would probably hurt more downballot and might force the Republican Party to actually confront the consequences of the Southern Strategy. I'm probably just being foolishly optimistic on that last one though.
As a climate scientist living in (I think) the largest college town in PA (Penn State University Park), I have to say I haven't seen a single Bernie poster/bumper sticker neither on nor off campus. It's rather bizarre. I was expecting things to ramp up as the primary approached.

For the record, I have seen 2 Hillary signs waaaaay off campus in the more rural parts of town. Maybe State College just isn't feeling the Bern. Or maybe it's because the community just spent 2 years of sweat and money converting their coal plant to function on natural gas, and now Bernie wants to just end fracking without any consideration to the changing infrastructure in the region. Whatever the reason, enthusiasm among the youth here seems to be non-existent.


Best timeline is Trump having the nomination stolen from him by Ted Cruz. Either way, the GOP is doomed.

that would indeed be the best case

Both are extremely easy to beat. Trump would probably hurt more downballot and might force the Republican Party to actually confront the consequences of the Southern Strategy. I'm probably just being foolishly optimistic on that last one though.

I'm not so sure anymore of Trump hurting downballot too much. I feel like once things get settled, people will vote for non hillary, or at least vote for ticket without trump
Considering how long all parts of the country romanticized the confederacy that mentality is going to take some time to correct.

Recognizing and honoring guys like Lee was a way of expediating the process of bringing the south back into the union. Imean all the way up until, I dunno, the 80s glorifying the confederacy and the "rebels" went relatively unchallenged in the mainstream media. The Dukes of Hazard I think is a good example of how "fair game" southern confederacy references were until recently. A show like that would never fly today, which is good.

We've basically got like 120+ years of damage control that was written in favor of the south to unwrite.

It's similar to the Redskins name. It's something we've been doing wrong forever, but just the fact that the mistake has been repeated for so long makes some people view it as evidence of being "okay" as they remember times when there was little push against it.

Every Civil War thread I've participated in on GAF has had a couple of people twisting themselves in knots trying to make the war about something other than slavery and make the North the aggressor. The last one I can remember had someone actually refer to it as "The War of Northern Aggression." Distorted views of the Civil War are a real problem. It really is time to stop celebrating the Confederacy.
I sincerely doubt it. He's just an asshole who gets confused because he runs on nothing but rhetoric and is a mediocre businessman at best given his various failures. He's also really stupid. He has the intellect of a 16 year old troll on 4chan.

I don't know... what about the David Duke thing? You could tell something was going on, or not going on as the case may be. He couldn't respond to an easy one because he really could not recall who David Duke was at the time of the interview. He got flustered, close to his condition being exposed, and in frustration let out that he didn't know anything about white supremacists, either. Remember, Trump spoke about David Duke- disavowed his support by name- just the day before the interview where he could not recall anything about David Duke.

"Just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," he said. "So I don't know. I don't know -- did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists."


I think he's been close to being exposed like that numerous times, and he has a few techniques to get him out of trouble.

The doctor's note- now that is a perfect example of overcompensating ("laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent").
New Arizona poll (BRC) testing general election matchups:
Clinton 42%
Trump 35%

Most of those undecideds are probably disaffected Republicans who will come home by November.

Still exciting though. If nothing else, Republicans will be playing defense in a crazy number of states while Hilldawg can focus her resources on shoring up support where needed.


Jonathan Martin ‏@jmartNYT 17m17 minutes ago
Get a load of this: of 45 people Bernie wanted on crucial Dem convention committees just THREE got tapped by DNC


The Bernie Sanders campaign has not stopped calling me. I've already told them I'm voting for Hillary. Please stop. I also haven't voted in Connecticut in 8 years.
The Bernie Sanders campaign has not stopped calling me. I've already told them I'm voting for Hillary. Please stop. I also haven't voted in Connecticut in 8 years.

I've been getting text messages a couple times a week about going on a "Bernie Journey" to Indiana to knock on doors. I live in NY...

Whatever list they're using must be out of date.
I do tend to take the idea that a bunch of Republicans won't vote for Trump more seriously than the idea that a bunch of Democrats won't vote for Clinton. Bernie or Bust sentiment is largely being fueled by disappointment at one's preferred candidate losing the primary. The ones who actually go through with it are most likely people who typically don't vote or go third party anyway.

Republicans I think are more likely to follow through on not voting for Trump because their reasons for not doing so are based more on problems with the candidate himself. They see him as harmful to the party itself (true, though they need to recognize he's a symptom of deeper problems) and also potentially destructive to the economy given his stances and unpredictability. There's a reason a bunch of party insiders are openly plotting to steal the nomination from him and why they're willing to help out Ted Cruz, a man they almost universally loathe, to do so.

At the end of the day most Republicans will fall in line behind Trump if he's the nominee, but I still think you'll see an unusually high number of them defect/vote third party/only vote downballot/stay home this election, much like happened with Goldwater in 1964 or McGovern in 1972.
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