Captain Pants
Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I don't know how to phrase this question that I've been trying to ask all morning... Does voter turnout get depressed when a candidate emerges as the most likely victor? As a guy who knew Bernie was going to destroy Hillary in Idaho, I didn't bother showing up. Are those of you in states that have yet to vote still fired up for Hillary of Bernie like you were at the beginning of all of this, or are you at a point where it feels like your vote doesn't matter too much this late in the game?
I guess I'm curious about the states that vote today. If you're a Bernie supporter who sees the writing on the wall, do you stay home, or do you still go out and vote? Are there any articles on this? I have this gut instinct that Hillary will overperform due to decreased enthusiasm from Bernie people, but I don't know if that has any grounding in reality.
I guess I'm curious about the states that vote today. If you're a Bernie supporter who sees the writing on the wall, do you stay home, or do you still go out and vote? Are there any articles on this? I have this gut instinct that Hillary will overperform due to decreased enthusiasm from Bernie people, but I don't know if that has any grounding in reality.