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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I agree 110%.

Why would we want Warren to enter a largely ceremonial position when she could be THE driving force in the Democratic caucus in the Senate? Wall Street may be bitching about Warren as VP, but I guarantee that they'd be much more nervous about Warren in a Senate leadership position when the Dems take it back. Let her keep being an amazing surrogate (which will help her establish her clout and build her power base) and when the Dems take back the Senate, she'll be one of the most powerful Senators we have.

Also, Perez is the correct answer.

I like the idea of branding our party as the party of smart, competent women. I feel like that is a powerful message that could pay enormous dividends down the road. I have no big objection to Perez and like him a lot. The fact that he's never won a race makes me leery a bit, though.


I feel like the history of choosing a VP based on excitement factor usually ends either poorly or doesn't end up mattering at all.

Pick Kaine.
I wish Britain would ditch paper and pencil ballots already. Polls have been closed for an hour and they don't expect the first results to be in for around another hour.



I'm happy with either Kaine or Warren. Kaine could be good insurance for a situation where the race unexpectedly tightens and we want a nail down in Virginia in order to gut-out a sub-300EV win. Warren could be a good swing-for-the-fences pick. Both work in their own ways.

And for presents, I've been sounding like my dad for about a decade now: if you insist on buying me clothes, get me socks and underwear.


Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit. House republicans held a vote in the middle of the night to try and overturn the rule that financial advisors have to act in their clients best interest?


I can't find anything about this.
I wish Britain would ditch paper and pencil ballots already. Polls have been closed for an hour and they don't expect the first results to be in for around another hour.


I wish the States would do pencil and paper. More trustworthy than electronic. Harder to hack.
I feel like the history of choosing a VP based on excitement factor usually ends either poorly or doesn't end up mattering at all.

Pick Kaine.

He'll have been a Governor, Senator, VP, and 64 years old in 2024. He'll be the next up nominee and likely the guy next cycle if we give him that job.

The history of Dems nominating no personality driftwood is far worse. He is a Dukakis, Kerry, Gore in the making
I'm happy with either Kaine or Warren. Kaine could be good insurance for a situation where the race unexpectedly tightens and we want a nail down in Virginia in order to gut-out a sub-300EV win. Warren could be a good swing-for-the-fences pick. Both work in their own ways.

And for presents, I've been sounding like my dad for about a decade now: if you insist on buying me clothes, get me socks and underwear.

I don't have a cite, but wasn't there a 538 article about how VP picks don't really help carry their home swing states, e.g. Paul Ryan/WI in '12?


I wish Britain would ditch paper and pencil ballots already. Polls have been closed for an hour and they don't expect the first results to be in for around another hour.


Pencil? That can be changed with a simple eraser?



I wish the States would do pencil and paper. More trustworthy than electronic. Harder to hack.

Many states (or counties within states) still do use pencil and paper - or at least pen and Scantron forms - including large swaths of North Carolina; thankfully, this includes my home county. I really like the Scantron forms: they provide electronic results with an automatic paper trail and it's using four decade old technology that's completely stable and very reliable.



I don't have a cite, but wasn't there a 538 article about how VP picks don't really help carry their home swing states, e.g. Paul Ryan/WI in '12?

If there's an effect, it's usually too small to be distinguishable from the margin of error. It'd be incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to conclusively determine the magnitude of effect.

Here was 538's take on it:

The average effect was about 2% of benefit in the VP's home state since 1920 - but averaging around 4% since 1984. Even 2% would probably guarantee Virginia, given the GOP's challenge there.


Franken would be an amazing choice, but I'd be really happy with Kaine. Obama must have some affinity for him considering he was on the very short list last time, and that counts for something that he's still relevant eight years later.

Jesus Christ, some of y'all are totally buying into the reality tv era of politics. Who gives a fuck if Kaine is more boring than Warren, the pick doesn't make any sense. You want someone in the veep spot that DOESN'T steal the limelight from the damn nominee. Anyone excited for Warren for veep probably wishes she were running instead of Hillary and that's not the perception you want from your supposed #2.

And I love Perez, especially after he guested on 1600, but he has ZERO EXPERIENCE TO BE VEEP.
That's why electronic with paper receipt, or scanned paper ballot, is best. Quick and there's a paper trail.

Yep, I like those.

Many states (or counties within states) still do use pencil and paper, or at least pen and Scantron forms, such as large swaths of North Carolina (my home county included). I really like the Scantron forms: they provide electronic results with an automatic paper trail and it's using four decade old technology that's completely stable and very reliable.

Yes, the same.

Are any areas still using touchscreen without receipt? That shit makes me sick, as 25+ year systems engineer type.


Time Kaine is the Ann Veal of the VP short-list.

Franken would be an amazing choice, but I'd be really happy with Kaine. Obama must have some affinity for him considering he was on the very short list last time, and that counts for something that he's still relevant eight years later.

Jesus Christ, some of y'all are totally buying into the reality tv era of politics. Who gives a fuck if Kaine is more boring than Warren, the pick doesn't make any sense. You want someone in the veep spot that DOESN'T steal the limelight from the damn nominee. Anyone excited for Warren for veep probably wishes she were running instead of Hillary and that's not the perception you want from your supposed #2.

And I love Perez, especially after he guested on 1600, but he has ZERO EXPERIENCE TO BE VEEP.

I don't want a reality TV star as VP, but I don't want a dead fish either. Kaine has no charisma, is dull on the stump, and gets nobody excited.


Tim Kaine: Sometimes Oatmeal Is Enough
Is he Coco-Wheats or Quaker Oats?
Lol I'd say Quaker Oats, safe and reliable.
Can he at least be the oatmeal with the little Dinosaur eggs.

That's my favorite.
Mine too, I love it.
Tim Kaine is steel-cut.
Goddamn it. I dunno why but this is funny too.

To be clear I'm still an Elizabeth Warren and Perez fan but as I've heavily implied, Kaine would be good enough too. Not my favorite choice but I could live with him as VP.


My only issue with Kaine is his abortion stance... and I don't see why Clinton would want give young people (young women especially) any additional reasons to feel uncomfortable putting their full support behind her.

With that said, I think Trump gives her a lot more leeway to pick whoever she prefers. She could make an actual bowl of oatmeal her Vice President and still win in November.
Did the UK be dumb?
I know what Warren's stances are on these subjects. She has been fighting hard on the front lines where as Kaine is sitting in back of the classroom.

I will be pissed if he is selected, and basically made the "Next up" candidate for next cycle. He doesn't fucking deserve it because he doesn't give a crap.
Warren's been a Senator for like two minutes. Not sure how she managed to wrangle this mantle for herself as the ONLY ONE WHO CARES!!!!

Kaine is fine. As said before, he's just the bridesmaid.


Unconfirmed Member
Not a good look if after wall street donors threatened donation money over a Warren VP pick, Hillary doesn't just drop Warren, but ends up picking the name those donors explicitly stated as their prefered alternative.

This Democrat, along with several Wall Street donors mentioned Kaine as the ideal vice-presidential pick. The Virginia Democrat comes from a key swing state, is fluent in Spanish, sits on the Armed Services Committee and is generally palatable to both progressives and more business-friendly Democrats.

“He checks every box,” the moderate Washington Democrat with close ties to the banking industry said. “You could see him step in as president, he is credible with the base of the party, and he’s also comfortable spending time with the rich people you need to raise money from.”



What are his downsides? I've heard Kaine, Warren, Castro, Perez, Brown, Booker, and Franken all described as horrible picks one time or another here but nothing bad about Becerra.
There's a really bad looking donation that feeds right into Clinton's issues, especially Bill's end of term pardons.


Warren's been a Senator for like two minutes. Not sure how she managed to wrangle this mantle for herself as the ONLY ONE WHO CARES!!!!

She's smart and she's not afraid to get loud/get in people's faces and she's clearly not allergic to the soapbox and her social media game is strong.

She makes an impression immediately and she's proved damn good at holding people's attention. Even people who are, for lack of a better term, politics casuals (like, say, me for the most part) know her name as a result.

Makes sense to me.


Current Brexit results:

Remain a member of the European Union
Leave the European Union

0.5% reporting according to Google
I'm on the Beccera train personally. Ticks every box.

I think it's important to put a Hispanic person on the ticket, not just for this election but for 2020. Black voters came out in even greater numbers in 2012 than 2008 to make sure the first black president wasn't a flop. We could see the same thing happen in 2020 with Hispanics.
No idea why CNN gave Lewandowski a contact, he won't even answer a question. He's like Neo in the Matrix when being asked if he signed an NDA


Why won't the dank memes die?

I love it. Especially because C-SPAN was broadcasting in the Sanders image and the cameras weren't even on for the sit-in. Oh, and the fact that he came by the sit-in basically to get a little cred before ducking out shortly afterward. Keep fuckin' that chicken, Bernie stans.
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