I agree 110%.
Why would we want Warren to enter a largely ceremonial position when she could be THE driving force in the Democratic caucus in the Senate? Wall Street may be bitching about Warren as VP, but I guarantee that they'd be much more nervous about Warren in a Senate leadership position when the Dems take it back. Let her keep being an amazing surrogate (which will help her establish her clout and build her power base) and when the Dems take back the Senate, she'll be one of the most powerful Senators we have.
Also, Perez is the correct answer.
I like the idea of branding our party as the party of smart, competent women. I feel like that is a powerful message that could pay enormous dividends down the road. I have no big objection to Perez and like him a lot. The fact that he's never won a race makes me leery a bit, though.