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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I think we will see an election if Corbyn doesn't go. The Tories view him as easily beatable, the referendum has exposed massive faults in the labour base - it is the best opportunity now for any Tory leader to win a majority.

There's a really risk of the UK Tories pulling a Jim Prentice if they call an election a lot earlier than they should have.


He'll be seen as the worst Prime Minister since Eden, maybe Chamberlain. An gobsmacking failure of a political career.

A vote of no-confidence would almost certainly be preferable to the political abyss that Cameron is creating. Chamberlain and Eden ended their careers in shame, but their resignations were handled in a relatively quick and orderly manner. This is like jumping into a black hole.


There's a really risk of the UK Tories pulling a Jim Prentice if they call an election a lot earlier than they should have.

I really doubt it. Labour is fucked right now - I honestly expect it will break up as a party faster than the Tories. Labour MPs are overwhelmingly in favour of Remain - and their voting base has just overwhelmingly come out in favour of leave outside of London.


I highly doubt this will lead to a Trump election. UK leaving the EU was a stupid idea passed due to xenophobia. If the Democrats were smart (which they aren't), they'd hammer home just how awful this is for the world economy and connect it to just how awful Trump is as a business person that he'd rather tell immigrants to fuck off and not care about the world-wide consequences.

Also, I fully expect my investments to tank in the next few weeks. Which, whatever. I was told by my grandfather that that money was to go to pay for a niece and nephew's college fund. So, if it explods, whatever. I just hope this doesn't have an effect on the job I am in a running for...


Is there any chance it doesn't actually happen? The referendum wasn't actually legally binding, and it seems like people are already starting to realize what a disaster this is.

If the economy continues to tank and people realize there is no actual plan before the process is officially started, I could see the popular opinion changing significantly.


I really doubt it. Labour is fucked right now - I honestly expect it will break up as a party faster than the Tories. Labour MPs are overwhelmingly in favour of Remain - and their voting base has just overwhelmingly come out in favour of leave outside of London.

If the tories are smart they will wait until 2019 or 2020 or slightly earlier than that to call an election. Holding three elections within a year and a half is going to probably piss of the UK electorate.The tories cannot risk losing their majority right now incase the election campaign does not go in their favour like it did for the Alberta PC's.


1707-2016 "It's been a whole lot of bullshit"

Boiling it down makes it seem even stupider.

"You see, for hundreds of years the UK went around the world conquering the nations of non-British people and lording it over them. Then they fought a huge war and barely survived and decided they couldn't afford holding all those colonies anymore, so they let them go. Then some non-British people moved to the UK and the British freaked out and committed suicide."


Boiling it down makes it seem even stupider.

"You see, for hundreds of years the UK went around the world conquering the nations of non-British people and lording it over them. Then they fought a huge war and barely survived and decided they couldn't afford holding all those colonies anymore, so they let them go. Then some non-British people moved to the UK and the British freaked out and committed suicide."
It does, doesn't it. Your prosperity was made on the backs of a world you invaded at bayonet point, and somehow people get it into their heads that they can just rewind and be #1 again... this time without the empire, the armed forces that can build one, and certainly without the input of immigrants they took for granted for centuries.

Once again fucking over the will of Scotland's people is just another cherry on top. I thought you were different, England. What happened.


It does, doesn't it. Your prosperity was made on the backs of a world you invaded at bayonet point, and somehow people get it into their heads that they can just rewind and be #1 again... this time without the empire, the armed forces that can build one, and certainly without the input of immigrants they took for granted for centuries.

Once again fucking over the will of Scotland's people is just another cherry on top. I thought you were different, England. What happened.

It's not that simple. The evidence is that the immigrant communities from old empire, who arrived in the 70s and 80s, actually voted to leave the EU.


It's honestly funny how in many cases, the more an area will be damaged by leaving the EU, the more pro leave it is. The North East and Wales will be completely fucked, the EU has done a lot for them in recent years after the government all but abandoned them, but they lead the charge to leave.
It's honestly funny how in many cases, the more an area will be damaged by leaving the EU, the more pro leave it is. The North East and Wales will be completely fucked, the EU has done a lot for them in recent years after the government all but abandoned them, but they lead the charge to leave.

Some how, people are best at selecting the very thing that is the worst for them. You okay bae?


Some how, people are best at selecting the very thing that is the worst for them. You okay bae?

Yeah, just a bit hacked off :p

CCS should be okay, he has transferable skills. I'm a civil servant, I'm just utterly fucked... ;-)

I'm going to be a public servant too as of September, but in one of the bits which are going to have a lot more work rather than less as a result of this :p


Where I work was dependent on several very large scale companies investing and building - and those companies had already told us off the record that if Brexit happens there's no way on heaven, hell or earth they were investing in London.

People now get to see what all those "experts" were talking about. Plus all those people who hate London get to see what happens when London is no longer able to fund the rest of England.
The thing that's getting me is all these people the BBC is interviewing who voted for leave but didn't think it would actually happen. Come on people!


Fuck this shit. So much for cooler heads prevailing. Honestly worrying, not just for the direct effects (which will be detrimental enough) but also what it says about the electorate -- which unfortunately holds true for many more countries in the EU. I fear they're ripe for the picking by populists in the Boris Johnson mold (if not the Donald Trump mold).

Commiserations to UK PoliGaffers.
Fuck this shit. So much for cooler heads prevailing. Honestly worrying, not just for the direct effects (which will be detrimental enough) but also what it says about the electorate -- which unfortunately holds true for many more countries in the EU. I fear they're ripe for the picking by populists in the Boris Johnson mold (if not the Donald Trump mold).

Commiserations to UK PoliGaffers.

I'm just glad demographics make it unlikely to happen here in the US with the real deal, though I think it would be honestly upsetting to see my Rust Belt play the same role that Northern England played in this referendum for something as reactionary as a Trump ticket, even though it's more unlikely even here.


I agree that it's a good thing America has so many people of color to guard against the excesses of democracy by voting correctly #hottake


I agree that it's a good thing America has so many people of color to guard against the excesses of democracy by voting correctly #hottake

You're not kidding. If we had the same number of minorities as America I think we'd have been okay. Just too many racist white people.


You're not kidding. If we had the same number of minorities as America I think we'd have been okay. Just too many racist white people.

Immigrant communities from the 70s and 80s voted in favour of Brexit. Was a real issue in my borough - the usually rock solid labour afro-carribean community was overwhelmingly in favour of Brexit.

You can't really compare the two unfortunately other than "right wing insanity".


Immigrant communities from the 70s and 80s voted in favour of Brexit. Was a real issue in my borough - the usually rock solid labour afro-carribean community was overwhelmingly in favour of Brexit.

You can't really compare the two unfortunately other than "right wing insanity".


Oh well, maybe in a few years I might see if I can move to the States.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Britain causing a global recession (I don't think it will) will be the last time Britain was relevant on the world stage!
The London Economic

The UK is no longer the world's 5th largest economy. The £ has fallen so far that France has overtaken us. #EUref

Edit: Sometimes, Twitter made me laugh. There's a Tweet about people voting leave being surprised leave actually won. Some woman posted that she voted leave and she was happy. Someone responded with: you also look like someone who'd be center stage on jeremy kyle

And I am dead right now.

They're about to learn a valuable lesson in how the judiciary treats frivolous lawsuits. Sad!

How dare you say that. Their feelings were hurt. They didn't get what they wanted. They have every right to sue and/or hold their breath until someone gives into them. FRAUD


Will Frankfurt become way more relevant now or is London simply too important? (I know jack shit about the financial world)


David Cameron is so fucking stupid. This is his fault.

Thanks for hurting the global economy you asshole. I'm terrified that this is going to cause a lot of economic uncertainty in the months ahead which will help people like Donald Trump get elected.


Also, this demonstrates why Sanders would be so disastrous. Corbyn should resign for his utterly incompetent campaigning, completely incapable of connecting with anyone other than his core support.
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