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My dad's opinion on Brexit is really weird. He believes Remain should have won because their economy is burning, but he also doesn't think that immigrants in England were a benefit to them and they caused crime and problems. But immigrants in the United States aren't like that, according to him, it's different.

Kind of weird opinion. But then again, he is also very much a liberal who really hates labor unions, so his beliefs are kind of weird sometimes.
Went to bed knowing leave was going to win, woke up with Cameron saying he's resigning.

Hey Cameron

go out with some honor you fuck


Haven't watched today but is Trump at least being called on the BS he's been saying this morning?
He's off the TelePrompTer, so he's too busy giving us great sound bites:

Just asked #DonaldTrump if he thinks #BorisJohnson should be the next PM following #Brexit. He told me "Who is Boris? I don't know him" @LBC


I wouldn't be worried. The demographics aren't similar at all. The UK is older and whiter. Way more immigrants/minorities in the States.

And with their toxic/tabloid paper news culture, they're the type of electorate that WOULD elect a Trump. Not nearly that bad here as seen by all the recent polling.


Honestly Sanders running around and asking for his free health care plan is so dumb. I know this is asking a lot, but read the room. He was there when Dems passed health care reform, he's seen how difficult it was, how much political capital was spent, how much they suffered and how often they've had to defend it. They're not going to do it all over again for some socialist's pie-in-the-skt fantasy plan where everyone's taxes go up in exchange for "free" health care. I don't think he realizes this because it seems he has a "my way is always right and everyone else is wrong" attitude and it's pretty annoying.

I guess he still thinks Hillary is morally opposed to single payer for some reason and not just realizing the economic impossibility of it. I don't know what's going through his head other than "wow, such fame, big rallies. birds. amaze."

My dad's opinion on Brexit is really weird. He believes Remain should have won because their economy is burning, but he also doesn't think that immigrants in England were a benefit to them and they caused crime and problems. But immigrants in the United States aren't like that, according to him, it's different.

Kind of weird opinion. But then again, he is also very much a liberal who really hates labor unions, so his beliefs are kind of weird sometimes.

That is really weird, but at least he's not voting for Trump lol


Also, the market contagion appears to be contained. The advantage to this over most crises is people had plenty of time to prepare. The governor of the Bank of England gave a speech which does seem to have helped reassure the markets, the FTSE has lost a lot of value but appears to now have stabilised somewhat.

Therefore, knock on effect on the US should hopefully be limited.
Haven't watched today but is Trump at least being called on the BS he's been saying this morning?
MSNBC roasted him over being completely unaware that Scotland voted to remain and how tone deaf some of his comments were in that context, how odd it was that there was all this major news happening and he was basically just trying to promote one of his business endeavors and how this is the exact type of behavior that is making it difficult for Trump to successfully raise money and making people so reluctant to back him (while making the caveat that Trump looking strong in terms of business is what his supporters like and why they think he would be a good choice for President, so this might go over well with them, but they were of course already aboard the Trump train so that doesn't really matter), but that's not too much of a surprise. Don't know about anywhere else since I've just been following everything on MSNBC all night and only just now turned to CNN to catch Sanders brief appearance on it.


I wouldn't be worried. The demographics aren't similar at all. The UK is older and whiter. Way more immigrants/minorities in the States.

And with their toxic/tabloid paper news culture, they're the type of electorate that WOULD elect a Trump. Not nearly that bad here as seen by all the recent polling.
Recessions... they change things. I'm talking with people in my family and their investments are taking a huge hit.

Not saying this IS a recession but it could end up being one. That's just it... we really don't know.
That is really weird, but at least he's not voting for Trump lol

My parents don't vote at all. They don't see the point since we live in a solid blue district in a solid blue state that elects pretty much solid blue democrats since forever.

I tell them to vote. They don't want to. They think it's pointless.

I was the first person of a few generations in my family to actually vote. Which is utterly bizarre given the education of my dad's family (I come from a long line of college educated people on my dad's side)


I wouldn't be worried. The demographics aren't similar at all. The UK is older and whiter. Way more immigrants/minorities in the States.

And with their toxic/tabloid paper news culture, they're the type of electorate that WOULD elect a Trump. Not nearly that bad here as seen by all the recent polling.

It's still scary to think that if American were a bit whiter we'd almost definitely elect Trump. I know this isn't exactly new news, but it's scary to see an example of it happen.

uh.... maybe he doesn't know what it is. I hope he doesn't know what it is

But then again, he's anti-trade



I just heard him on CNN. It was odd to see him turn the Brexit vote into some referendum on a global economy.

I think it looks worse as a headline but if anything this is more of a European problem than anything relating to the global economy.

I mean he tried to make a US comparison to Mexico and China taking employment away from America but I don't think that works. If anything this has more to do with British nationalism, immigration, and poor leadership in the UK.

He picked a bad week to go on a network promotional tour.


What's more annoying is this guy is a Senator. I mean, a bad one admittedly, but going around the country and having rallies and fighting for party platform doesn't create change. No one gives 2 shits about party platform. Want free healthcare? Write a bill and pass it. Want $15/hour? Write a bill and pass it. I would say do your job, but he really hasn't in the past 6 months.


Honestly Sanders running around and asking for his free health care plan is so dumb. I know this is asking a lot, but read the room. He was there when Dems passed health care reform, he's seen how difficult it was, how much political capital was spent, how much they suffered and how often they've had to defend it. They're not going to do it all over again for some socialist's pie-in-the-skt fantasy plan where everyone's taxes go up in exchange for "free" health care. I don't think he realizes this because it seems he has a "my way is always right and everyone else is wrong" attitude and it's pretty annoying.

Have you not followed his rethoric? He feels Obama failed with the ACA and that he negotiated from the center, instead of the left. That's it, that's his idea. Push for 15 to get 12, push for the stars bla bla.


What's more annoying is this guy is a Senator. I mean, a bad one admittedly, but going around the country and having rallies and fighting for party platform doesn't create change. No one gives 2 shits about party platform. Want free healthcare? Write a bill and pass it. Want $15/hour? Write a bill and pass it. I would say do your job, but he really hasn't in the past 6 months.

Ehh I think there is some stuff you can do with regards to trending a national conversation but bernie never had pull within the Senate or Democratic party. He was a member by means of committee and the Democrats agreed to not go after his seat for fear it would become a GOP seat. Besides didn't he always have a pretty good approval rating?

Its why he was always the first guy to be on a Maddow, Olberermann, or The Al Franken Show.
I don't know what you mean by full force, but she isn't going to say anything insulting to anyone over there when she will have to deal with them soon enough. She will by proxy denounce it by attacking Trump

I meant she fights back against all the populist rhetoric personified in Trump and defends the European project.


Ehh I think there is some stuff you can do with regards to trending a national conversation but bernie never had pull within the Senate or Democratic party. He was a member by means of committee and the Democrats agreed to not go after his seat for fear it would become a GOP seat. Besides didn't he always have a pretty good approval rating?

Its why he was always the first guy to be on a Maddow, Olberermann, or The Al Franken Show.
He's in Vermont. His seat wouldn't be GOP. To get the Vermont senate seat, Sanders himself did some traditional politicking himself and went into the Democratic primary, won, then rejected the Dem nomination so no Democrat could run against him. Good thing he couldn't do that on a national level.

Sanders was also never a member of the means committee.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Thank fucking god we have so many minorities in the US. White people can't be trusted with the most basic shit ffs. We are truly the worst.

Many minorities voted Leave, including the British Afro-Caribbean community (the largest UK black community). Minority communities worry about immigration because new immigrants tend to compete with them rather than British workers. You can't apply American tropes to British politics like that.


Many minorities voted Leave, including the British Afro-Caribbean community (the largest UK black community). Minority communities worry about immigration because new immigrants tend to compete with them rather than British workers. You can't apply American tropes to British politics like that.
So basically, apples and oranges.
I see some people scared on reddit that this might mean the US polls are way off, and Trump is leading, because they aren't taking into account the increased mobilization of the nationalists, but I don't think our polling is really comparable to UK polling.


UK polling was for once fairly accurate. All the polling results at the end was within the margin of error, and several had leave winning. People like myself were overconfident because the bookies and the City had Remain winning comfortably, and the rumors beforehand were that Remain was going to win by more than expected.

(Remember, Nigel Farage basically conceded early on in the evening before any results had come out!).
I only think they would do that once public opinion in favor of "leave" has cratered. Given that this is apparently a two-year process, with lots of high-profile negative economic consequences and the prospect of the UK being ohysicslly dismembered, I think they are going to have plenty of opportunity and plenty of cover to kill it at some point. I even wonder if that's why Cameron scheduled his resignation for October: so that he can kill it and take the hit since he's a dead man walking anyway.

Once they trigger Article 50 they can't undo it without approval of all the EU I believe.

Triggering Article 50 is what starts the withdrawal negotiaions. So once that happens it's over. That'll happen probably in October when the new, likely pro Brexit, PM gets named.


Once they trigger Article 50 they can't undo it without approval of all the EU I believe.

Triggering Article 50 is what starts the withdrawal negotiaions. So once that happens it's over. That'll happen probably in October when the new, likely pro Brexit, PM gets named.

If we are still in the process of Article 50, and the U.K. Changes its mind, there's no question that article 50 would be stopped. None at all. Reports beforehand from the EU were saying the same - no-one is going to deliberately pull the trigger if the UK backed out before it left. It would be a triumph for Europe for this to happen.

If, however, we want to rejoin after leaving? That will require every other countries consent, and we will have to sign up for the Euro, Schengen, etc etc - we wouldn't have the same arrangement at all. 27 separate governments would have to individually approve, and the U.K. Would have to sign up for things like the Euro which we know people don't want - it would take a very, very long time and probably won't happen in the next 20 years.
Once they trigger Article 50 they can't undo it without approval of all the EU I believe.

Triggering Article 50 is what starts the withdrawal negotiaions. So once that happens it's over. That'll happen probably in October when the new, likely pro Brexit, PM gets named.

Hopefully public opinion will give Cameron the breathing room to do what's necessary between now and October.


October seems way too soon to pull the trigger to me. Seems like something that could cause even more backlash by going against the "will of the people" so soon.


There was this girl on the BBC World Service on my NPR station a few minutes ago that basically proved that young people are stupid everywhere, not just in the US. Shit like this was falling out of her mouth:

"Young people's votes should count more than older people because our turnout is lower, we should count as two or more votes each"

"Campaigns didn't target us enough to get us out."

"Alot of my friends do art and stuff and don't pay attention to this kind of thing and just assumed everything would turn out ok."

Completely eye-roll enducing.
I see some people scared on reddit that this might mean the US polls are way off, and Trump is leading, because they aren't taking into account the increased mobilization of the nationalists, but I don't think our polling is really comparable to UK polling.
The UK polling was right though. It was 45-45


October seems way too soon to pull the trigger to me. Seems like something that could cause even more backlash by going against the "will of the people" so soon.
Fuck that. The 52% who voted Leave shouldn't have the the right to fuck over the entire global economy.
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