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The draft of the Democratic Platform has been released (PDF).

Minimum wage section:

Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage. No one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty. We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union. We applaud the approaches taken by states like New York and California. We should raise and index the minimum wage, give all Americans the ability to join a union regardless of where they work, and create new ways for workers to have power in the economy. We also support creating one fair wage for all workers by ending the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers and people with disabilities.
Ugh, $15 an hour has got to be indexed by location.

Bernie, you better release your fucking taxes and fucking endorse Hillary or you can still fuck off as far as I'm concerned.
Human garbage, 25 pounds of batshit in a 5 pound bag, human garbage, and I don't know the last guy.

Jeff Sessions told a black lawyer that he thought the KKK was alright until he discovered that Klan members liked smoking weed.

Sessions has been the leader of the hardcore racist right for a while and has helped architect Trump's immigration plan.
I mean once again the platform really doesn't matter at all. Hilary will tune the message differently for each place she campaigns. And it will become even less relevant once the next congress actually gets to work.


The Trade section:

Democrats acknowledge that for millions of Americans, global trade has failed to live up to its promise—with too many countries breaking the rules and too many corporations outsourcing jobs at the expense of American workers and communities.

Over the past three decades, America has signed too many trade deals that have not lived up to the hype. Trade deals often boosted the profits of large corporations, while at the same time failing to protect workers’ rights, labor standards, the environment, and public health. We need to end the race to the bottom and develop trade policies that support jobs in America. That is why Democrats believe we should review agreements negotiated years ago to update them to reflect these principles. Any future trade agreements must make sure that our trading partners cannot undercut American workers by taking shortcuts on labor policy or the environment.

Democrats will fight to significantly strengthen enforcement of existing trade rules and the tools we have, including by holding countries accountable on currency manipulation and significantly expanding enforcement resources. China and other countries are using unfair trade practices to tilt the playing field against American workers and businesses. When they dump cheap products into our markets, subsidize state-owned enterprises, devalue currencies, and discriminate against American companies, our middle class pays the price. That has to stop. Democrats will use all our trade enforcement tools to hold China and other trading partners accountable—because no country should be able to manipulate their currencies to gain a competitive advantage.

While we believe that openness to the world economy is an important source of American leadership and dynamism, we will only approve new trade agreements if they support American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text. Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world.

These are the standards Democrats believe must be applied to any future trade agreements. On the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), there are a diversity of views in the party. Many Democrats are on record stating that the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform; other Democrats have expressed support for the agreement. But all Democrats believe that any trade agreement must protect workers and the environment and not undermine access to critically-needed prescription drugs.
Santorum would kill Trump in PA.

The best pick might be Pence but like, I don't think he's seriously being considered. Bachmann would be everything. Sessions would have Trump lose by double digits.
The Trade section:

Sounds like they threw sanders a bone but stopped before they threw Obama under the bus. Basically they aren't saying anything at all.

Speaking of platforms I'm far more interested in the republican platform especially how they address the albatross that is lgbt rights.


Hehe, the "For-Profit Schools" section:

Donald Trump ran a fake university—the now bankrupt Trump “University”—that scammed many out of their hard-earned savings and led to no degree and no obvious benefit to their education or economic prosperity. Democrats will not tolerate this type of fraud. We will also continue to crack down on for-profit schools that take millions in federal financial aid—often as their principal source of revenue—and then exploit students and burden them with debt rather than educating them. That is why we will strengthen the gainful employment rule to ensure that for-profit schools enable students to complete their degrees and prepare them for work. We will go after for-profits that engage in deceptive marketing, fraud, and other illegal practices. It is not right that for-profit schools with low graduation rates keep encouraging their students to take out federal loans they will have trouble paying back.
When targeted advertising goes wrong.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Santorum would kill Trump in PA.

The best pick might be Pence but like, I don't think he's seriously being considered. Bachmann would be everything. Sessions would have Trump lose by double digits.

That's Trump's problem, and why I put down Palin for VP Choice. People like Pence will not want to attach himself to a Trump campaign. Pence is in elected office, Pence probably has plans after. I can only imagine the number of people who have been asked and said in similar but more polite words "Fuck no".
Santorum would kill Trump in PA.

The best pick might be Pence but like, I don't think he's seriously being considered. Bachmann would be everything. Sessions would have Trump lose by double digits.

Yeah, its like people forget that Santorum holds the record for largest defeat by an incumbent in modern political history.
Greg Sargent talked to the Sanders campaign, and sounds like there's more victories they've gotten from the platform than has been reported. Some really good stuff here


According to Sanders adviser Warren Gunnels, they are mostly satisfied and believe they are off to "an excellent start"

Not bad. I would prefer if Post Offices became ISPs though; it would over-rule many horrible local ISP monopoly laws.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Donald Trump certainly could open factories in America and have his clothing line manufactured here. And Hillary Clinton certainly could send additional money to the IRS above and beyond what she owes. Why is one an example of hypocrisy and the other a false comparison? Because Trump uses incendiary language like "rape" and Hillary is more measured in her comments about how the extremely wealthy aren't taxed enough? They're either both hypocritical in some sense or neither is. I don't find either particularly compelling as an angle of attack, mind you; I think that someone can take advantage of policy and still argue that policy should be changed (the famous example of Warren Buffett paying a lower effective tax rate than his secretary, for example). The policy is what's important, not whether someone voluntarily does something they're not legally required to under the current set of rules.
What? The difference is that Clinton does not say that people who are currently paying the current tax rate are immoral for not paying more. Trump says people who ship jobs overseas are
I have no idea who the Indiana GOP would slot in at that point. The Lt. Governor is new and was a political staffer before March.

Probably some of the congressional folks would want it, but the current crop would be weak statewide. Todd Young's already running for Senate. Generic GOP candidate would do quite a bit better than Pence though.

IIRC, Pence's campaign $$$ would go with him to Trump's campaign, so whoever took that would be behind the eight-ball in terms of funding.

When you look at it, if Trump's only other options are Christie & Newt, Pence makes sense in some ways. He's basically a less-toxic, dumber Newt who would be more comfortable as Trump's lapdog.
My Man Mitch could fill in for Pence lol.


So Hillary meets with the FBI tomorrow? How reliable is the Daily Caller?
Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to meet Saturday with the FBI, a source close to the investigation into her private email server tells The Daily Caller.

The source went on to suggest the interview may take place at her Washington, D.C. home.

The bureau’s interview with the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is believed to be the final step in its investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information on Clinton’s private email server.


I see. On my phone, the tiny, horribly compressed image looked like a gun.


I recall hearing from more than one source that the interview would be the last step, but damn if I can recall what those sources were.


More VP rumors, from ABC:

On the Democratic side, Warren is the only person to have been confirmed as being part of the vetting at this point.

But Virginia Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, along with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro and Labor Secretary Tom Perez, are the other top-tier VP candidates, based on ABC News reporting and analysis.

The next grouping of possible but less likely candidates is larger for Clinton than Trump, with eight people grouped in.

California Rep. Xavier Becerra, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and current Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack are all potential candidates as well.


The Hill: Veep auditions in overdrive

Riding a Senate elevator with Kaine one recent day, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) joked to a reporter that the next vice president could be standing right in front of them. The affable Virginia Democrat replied that it felt just like 2008, when he was a finalist to be Barack Obama’s running mate but was ultimately passed over.



It looks really promising. Sanders should be pleased with the concessions that he's gotten, and the vast majority of his supporters are going to vote (D) in November for president.

I agree and hope that he doesn't hold out for 100%. He has already gotten much more in the platform than I expected, including $15 minimum wage and abolishing the death penalty. Which is fine, the platform provides a statement of values but is ultimately symbolic. The Republican platform contains some ridiculous stuff that they never expect to implement. But Democrats aren't going to move on TPP, IMO. It would be a rebuke of a popular sitting president.

So Hillary meets with the FBI tomorrow? How reliable is the Daily Caller?

Who knows, but Hillary was expected to meet with the FBI over the summer, so this would be a sign the investigation may wrap up soon.
Ever since Mark Warner almost lost that close race, people have kind of written him off for VP. But if you don't believe that the VP does much to carry his/her state to begin with, doesn't he start to look like a decent pick again? What makes Kaine so much better, besides speaking Spanish?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This is going to be just like in 08, where Obama wanted Biden for most of the last two months before the convention, but went through all of the motions to vet everyone possible.

It's going to be Warren. She's just crossing her Ts and dotting her Is. Also, Warren would be a great cell mate.


Ken Ham built Noah's Ark. Showing just how implausible it is for such a structure to exist before modern engineering. And the fact that a family couldn't build it alone.
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