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I don't think it really changes the state of the game. Who is this going to sway that didn't already think Hillary was a criminal?

exactly. People already had their excuses lined up. Saying the Obama admin was going to rig this for her etc.

You'll get some soundbites out of this. But I give it like 2 weeks before people move on if they already haven't.

Also smart of Clinton to get out there with Barack today.


I was under the impression she did send some classified info through emails, including some that were made classified after the fact (and stored on the server). Looks like I might be mistaken then.

That seems to be Comey's take.

comey said:
From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent....

With respect to the thousands of e-mails we found that were not among those produced to State, agencies have concluded that three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received, one at the Secret level and two at the Confidential level. There were no additional Top Secret e-mails found. Finally, none of those we found have since been “up-classified....”

For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation....

Separately, it is important to say something about the marking of classified information. Only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. But even if information is not marked “classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.

So Hillary definitely sent some emails about classified information. (Albeit Special Access Program is a whole thing.)


Comey says stuff should have been protected even if it wasn't classified but how does that fall on Hillary if she wasn't responsible for that data being initially sent out?Probably why they couldn't indict her. Or at least part of the reason. Too much gray area

HENCEFORTH, there will be no more discussion of Bernie Sanders or anything he does, for his candidacy has been over for months. There will be no more discussion of H.A. Goodman because all chances of indictment are over, and all he ever amounted to was a delusional post-ironic nobody. There will be no more discussion of Bernie Bros, of emails, of Ambassador Ben Ghazi, or the FBI.

It is written.



HENCEFORTH, there will be no more discussion of Bernie Sanders or anything he does, for his candidacy has been over for months. There will be no more discussion of H.A. Goodman because all chances of indictment are over, and all he ever amounted to was a delusional post-ironic nobody. There will be no more discussion of Bernie Bros, of emails, of Ambassador Ben Ghazi, or the FBI.

It is written.
But what about the secret service?

He's still running for president, you know.



HENCEFORTH, there will be no more discussion of Bernie Sanders or anything he does, for his candidacy has been over for months. There will be no more discussion of H.A. Goodman because all chances of indictment are over, and all he ever amounted to was a delusional post-ironic nobody. There will be no more discussion of Bernie Bros, of emails, of Ambassador Ben Ghazi, or the FBI.

It is written.



exactly. People already had their excuses lined up. Saying the Obama admin was going to rig this for her etc.

You'll get some soundbites out of this. But I give it like 2 weeks before people move on if they already haven't.

Also smart of Clinton to get out there with Barack today.
Yeah, this is a timely gift for her. We have Trump's VP selection, the GOP show in Cleveland, Hillary's VP selection, the Dem show in Philly.. in addition to whatever silly/gruesome things Trump tweets or says along the way.


I don't think it really changes the state of the game. Who is this going to sway that didn't already think Hillary was a criminal?

Aye, nothing has really changed. GOP will move some goalposts, conspiracy theorists will say it was a sham, supporters shrug, general populous is still largely uncaring.

US politics as usual, if you were informed and had an opinion then it likely has made 0 change in that opinion. Whatever man.
Celebratory breakfast, friends. Cheers!



Whew, the email saga is finally over.

The report didn't make Careless Clinton come out like roses. But it is what it is. Imagine if Hillary really was indicted. I'd probably rush to my amateur panic bunker.
Yeah, I agree that, if the regulations say that Hillary can't talk about drone strikes on personal email, then they are stupid.

Is this sarcasm? I'm not saying that.

But another thing that comey's statement is opaque is. Somethings were marked classified when they were sent, but clinton is never mentioned there but clinton may have sent classified stuff that was not marked. These two things often get conflated in the media and make it out to be that "she lied" when she said nothing she sent was marked classified at the time

There is a huge problem on who gets to determine what is classified

I mean the CIA wants everything on the Drone program secret but people like Obama and the Justice department have been much more open about it. If clinton's state decided one thing but the CIA another who gets to decide what information can't be "improperly handled"
Whew, the email saga is finally over.

The report didn't make Careless Clinton come out like roses. But it is what it is. Imagine if Hillary really was indicted. I'd probably rush to my amateur panic bunker.

Speaker Ryan: "we need more information about how the Bureau came to this recommendation,"
He is stupid if he's trying to waste any more time on this. Just use the soundbites and be done with it.

Yep, Trump is going to go on and on about how terrible the FBI's decision was when he could gain a few points just running ads with soundbites. Then again, republicans are still losing their minds over Benghazi so this is never going away


Is this sarcasm? I'm not saying that.

But another thing that comey's statement is opaque is. Somethings were marked classified when they were sent, but clinton is never mentioned there but clinton may have sent classified stuff that was not marked. These two things often get conflated in the media and make it out to be that "she lied" when she said nothing she sent was marked classified at the time

There is a huge problem on who gets to determine what is classified

I mean the CIA wants everything on the Drone program secret but people like Obama and the Justice department have been much more open about it. If clinton's state decided one thing but the CIA another who gets to decide what information can't be "improperly handled"

No, it wasn't meant to be sarcastic. Maybe I misunderstood your response.

Comey's statement specifically says that Hillary sent emails about matters that were TS/SAP at the time the emails were sent. But, as I thought you were observing, drone strike discussion is technically SAP even though it's also front-page news. Those regulations seem pretty dumb to me. If the New York Times is reporting something it does not seem reasonable to call it confidential.

comey said:
For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters.

I don't think this quote is unclear about what happened. Maybe I'm missing a nuance.


aka andydumi
Which should surprise fucking no one, since they have not kept up with technology.

I don't think anyone from the FBI or any oversight agency want's to open the door to the extremely smelly basement that has been unchecked for the last 15 years to see if grandma has indeed passed on or not.

Pretty much. He seemed to be pretty strong on her vs. the Department standards as a whole, but point is well made that no one wants to really look closely at everyone who has been and might still be doing this.

HENCEFORTH, there will be no more discussion of Bernie Sanders or anything he does, for his candidacy has been over for months. There will be no more discussion of H.A. Goodman because all chances of indictment are over, and all he ever amounted to was a delusional post-ironic nobody. There will be no more discussion of Bernie Bros, of emails, of Ambassador Ben Ghazi, or the FBI.

It is written.

For once, Kristoffer, I'm with you. Fuck this HA Goodman shit.


Oh great, now we're going to get the House Special Committee on the FBI Investigation Into Hillary Clinton's Emails. Should be good for 4 or 5 investigations.

edit: Dammit!


I just stood on the cliffs of Cornwall and watched as the light of the fading sun glittered like silver glass on the cold grey water for a few seconds, before the surf crashed down and it was all consumed. So goes Bernie's hopes of the presidency.

Return to Vermont and rest, knowing you gave all you could for what you believed. It is over.

Make way for a coronation 24 years in the making. Allow the once and future Queen to rise.


Yep, Trump is going to go on and on about how terrible the FBI's decision was when he could gain a few points just running ads with soundbites

like it was said earlier. Timing wise this is a great gift for Clinton. She's out there with Barack which will be played on news stations today. Then you got all the other stuff leading up to the conventions.

If Ryan wants to keep up this charade it'll be a waste of time and resources.

and Trump is Trump. He's going to say something out of turn.
Welp. It looks like Newt isn't the veep pick. Trump visited with Joni Ernst yesterday and had a "good conversation". He's also met with Bob Corker and Mike Pence, but he never met with Newt and hasn't even talked to him once.

No, it wasn't meant to be sarcastic. Maybe I misunderstood your response.

Comey's statement specifically says that Hillary sent emails about matters that were TS/SAP at the time the emails were sent. But, as I thought you were observing, drone strike discussion is technically SAP even though it's also front-page news. Those regulations seem pretty dumb to me. If the New York Times is reporting something it does not seem reasonable to call it confidential.

I mean the drones have been confirmed by the president but I do think it would be bad if you could just discuss confirm classified data by linking a news article where someone leaks it.

But the regulations seem to be woefully out of date and not really in the interests of national security but instead for departments to crush people who step out of line, go against the grain.


Oh god guys, what if a rogue meteor hits Hillary Clinton and we are stuck with Bernie as the nominee and lose EVERYTHING to Trump?!? Guys, this is super serious, WHAT IF IT HAPPENS? The polls are already tightening and Comey was literally just joking today. He'll come out and indict Hilldawg in a week as part of the master plan. GUYS THIS IS SERIOUS.

How am I doing Diablos?
Welp. It looks like Newt isn't the veep pick. Trump visited with Joni Ernst yesterday and had a "good conversation". He's also met with Bob Corker and Mike Pence, but he never met with Newt and hasn't even talked to him once.

He can have Pence. Anyone can. Just take him.


I'm not normally sadistic, but I can't wait for Hillary to win. The GOP hate her so much, you just know every second of a Hillary presidency will be torture to them.
I'm not normally sadistic, but I can't wait to Hillary to win. The GOP hate her so much, you just know every second of a Hillary presidency will be torture to them.
You're British. If you love her so much just move here already. You can bunk with Holmes.


I was in bed....but thank fuck it's over.

That's what you think! The 'House Super Secret Select Decoder Ring Committee to Investigate the FBI Investigation of Wrongdoing by Crooked Hillary Clinton and their Decision to NOT Recommend Indictment' will convene ASAP with results of the investigation to be announced just prior to election day.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Speaker Ryan: "we need more information about how the Bureau came to this recommendation,"

I really think it would be effective for the democrats to tabulate how many millions of dollars were wasted on Benghazi/email/etc investigations and run a 30-second ad tabulating all the good things that could have been done for the American people with that money.


I'm not normally sadistic, but I can't wait for Hillary to win. The GOP hate her so much, you just know every second of a Hillary presidency will be torture to them.

A Hillary win will likely break a large number of people, both emotionally and mentally. They've invested so much into demonizing her over the past quarter-century, and she's given them a fair volume of material for believing all sorts of nefarious things about her. To see the embodiment of all that is evil about the opposition win - especially if it's a comfortable victory - is going to be overwhelming.

It'll be interesting to see how much they turn their ire to Trump, or how much they distribute their anger elsewhere. It'll be a shitshow, for sure.


I just stood on the cliffs of Cornwall and watched as the light of the fading sun glittered like silver glass on the cold grey water for a few seconds, before the surf crashed down and it was all consumed. So goes Bernie's hopes of the presidency.

Return to Vermont and rest, knowing you gave all you could for what you believed. It is over.

Make way for a coronation 24 years in the making. Allow the once and future Queen to rise.

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