User 463088
66 minutes. Will you watch the entire thing?
If the vodka will last me that long.
I'm drinking every time he pisses me off.
I'm 6 minutes in and I can taste colors.
66 minutes. Will you watch the entire thing?
Almost like tasting your avatarIf the vodka will last me that long.
I'm drinking every time he pisses me off.
I'm 6 minutes in and I can taste colors.
"Hmm. It looks like Hillary Clinton is having a bad news cycle. I guess I should lavish praise on Saddam Hussein!" - Donald J. Trump
"He enforced the law, Saddam did, bigly. He enforced the law. You could say he was the sheriff of the Middle East."
I'm drinking every time he pisses me off.
He has said the same stuff about Saddam for months, why is it a big deal now?
I made it like halfway through.
I can't. I'm too weak.
This is definitely a good place to start:Trump does so many awful things it's impossible to keep up. I need to make a clear case for my friends and family who don't pay attention till right before the election. Is there like a list somewhere? He does something terrible every damn day.
We have situation right now where Trump is being absolutely pummeled for, guess what, posting a tweeting that shows Hillary Clinton with a big in the midst of thousands of hundred-dollar bills a big Star of David, and the words the most corrupt candidate ever, Duke said. And Trump tweeted this: Hillary Clinton the most corrupt candidate ever. Now of course, the media immediately came out and said that this was anti-Semitic. But of course, its all true. Were not talking about something thats not true.
Duke said all the Jewish extremists were supporting Clinton.
So everything in the tweet that Donald Trump retweeted, that his campaign retweeted was absolutely correct, concluded Duke. Absolutely right.
He said it was important everyone vote for Trump, because even though he wasnt strong enough on these issues, he was the only thing they had against Hillary Clinton.
He has said the same stuff about Saddam for months, why is it a big deal now?
reading stuff like this shows IMO the leftists don't care about the poor, they care about "their poor" (which aren't that poor and instead are well-off but have missed the major gains of the last 20 years) and revenge on the elite. They'd let the third world burn if it ment the global 5% could screw over the global .01%
Sphagnumi and memeballs, I am happy we have a resident socialist to supply us with this commentary on the regular.
You're making quite a large judgment about leftists (as if there is ever, or has ever been, leftist unity or some monolithic "Left") because one guy had an editorial in support of Brexit, when Jacobin has also run multiple pieces against Brexit.
I aim to please.
Who is the "real proletariat"?I mean the Jacobin-intercept-twitter left
Though by and large I stand by the statement most of the left in the Western world is concerned with preserving and organizing the global Petite bourgeoisie at he expense of the real proletariat who they are happy to throw under the bus at least when it comes to trade and economics.
The problem with that quote isn't that he lavished praised to Hussein its that he endorced summary executing citizens of the country you're running. "They didn't read them their rights"
Apply that to "criminals" and the problems we have with police in this country.
Who is the "real proletariat"?
Seriously, of all the things to say when trying to move past the Star of David controversy, praising Saddam Hussein has to be one of the stupidest.
global poor who produce most raw goods and increasingly manufactured goods and have no capital assets besides their labor.
Not the US where people own homes, have 401ks, welfare, etc
That's what I'm getting from this.
Karl Marx, and other Marxist theorists used the term petite bourgeoisie to identify the socio-economic stratum of the bourgeoisie that comprised small-scale capitalists such as shop-keepers and workers who manage the production, distribution, and/or exchange of commodities and/or services owned by their bourgeois employers
The petite bourgeoisie is economically distinct from the proletariat and the lumpenproletariat social-class strata who rely entirely on the sale of their labor-power for survival; and also are distinct from the capitalist class haute bourgeoisie (high bourgeoisie) who own the means of production, and thus can buy the labor-power of the proletariat and lumpenproletariat to work the means of production. Though the petite bourgeoisie can buy the labor of others, they typically work alongside their employees, unlike the haute bourgeoisie.
That's what I'm getting from this.
I thought rights were more important than jobs? It seems like we basically have the inverse view here that you have overseas. If you're poor in america, jobs oriented politicians don't cut it, but if you're poor overseas then it's the best thing ever even if you live under a poor who produce most raw goods and increasingly manufactured goods and have no capital assets besides their labor.
Not the US where people own homes, have 401ks, welfare, etc
global poor who produce most raw goods and increasingly manufactured goods and have no capital assets besides their labor.
Not the US where people own homes, have 401ks, welfare, etc
While overall this isn't a great news cycle for Hillary Clinton, I remain confident that any minute now the Trump campaign will make some massively stupid unforced error that will steal the news cycle away from the FBI director's harsh words.
While overall this isn't a great news cycle for Hillary Clinton, I remain confident that any minute now the Trump campaign will make some massively stupid unforced error that will steal the news cycle away from the FBI director's harsh words.
You're making quite a large judgment about leftists (as if there is ever, or has ever been, leftist unity or some monolithic "Left") because one guy had an editorial in support of Brexit, when Jacobin has also run multiple pieces against Brexit.
Lmao, are you really trying to use Maoist third worldist arguments to justify liberalism?
Poor workers in the developed world are better-off than poor workers in the developing world because the mechanics of capital look to more vulnerable economies for manual labor. Many American corporations implicitly support illegal immigration for the same reason -- they're provided with a labor pool who cannot bargain for better conditions and will make do with scraps.
Even if the working class in wealthier countries aren't actually starving, material inequality puts them at the mercy of employers and bourgeois politicians. This inequality is quite literally killing the proletariat, and prevents their concerns from being adequately addressed in the political sphere.
Sanders said:If corporate America wants us to buy their products they need to manufacture those products in this country, not in China or other low-wage countries,
I mean the Jacobin-intercept-twitter left
Though by and large I stand by the statement most of the left in the Western world is concerned with preserving and organizing the global Petite bourgeoisie at he expense of the real proletariat who they are happy to throw under the bus at least when it comes to trade and economics.
It probably has something to do with the bourgeois neoliberal oligarchy.what does this even mean
Any other election this would have been prophetic, now it's just "duh"
It probably has something to do with the bourgeois neoliberal oligarchy.
It's weird, but "leftist" != "the left"
Who knew you were a Maoist-Third Worldist!
I understand what you mean and it's something that has been debated a long time in the first world's left (because what else do we do but debate things since the 70s?). The problem is that socialist movements have always historically arisen in areas on the global periphery because the first world's workers essentially have radicalism chopped off at the knees by government programs and unions, which get them a relatively comfortable life, which most people are fine with stopping at instead of pushing for total power as the end goal. But these movements have constantly failed since they tried to leapfrog capitalism into socialism, which probably can't really be pulled off. It was a worthwhile attempt on the part of the oppressed, exploited, colonized, and so forth but doesn't really accord with Marxist logic, since socialism comes out of capitalism. That's one of the main reasons why socialist movements kept ending up turning into brutally deformed workers' states. So from that perspective - the idea that socialism has to come out of an advanced capitalist system first - I think that's part of the reason why there's a lot of focus on first world workers.
I think there's also still too much of an attachment to the old communist movements. Socialists are supposed to be critical and self-critical, but too often that turns into apologism instead of rational inquiry. I think it's undeniable that globalization has caused a great reduction in poverty across the world; I also think, however, that it is undeniable that there are massive infringements on labor rights in countries that are rapidly industrializing; and as a socialist I also obviously believe that capitalism is exploitative of workers (although obviously capitalists will disagree), and I would prefer to see a globalization that doesn't benefit the proletariat secondarily but primarily by giving them control over the means of production. I think the fact that world revolution seems further away than it's ever been has caused some Internet Communists to flip their mindsets to defending anything that could be leftist, including bourgeois and petite bourgeois social democratic policies from the pre-neoliberal age. I mean, Bernie Sanders is not a socialist, much less a communist, but he was latched on to because what the hell else is there right now.
So yeah, they're not perfect, and we've got work to do building a new socialism. But thankfully there's always a diversity of opinions on the far left.
edit: Ha, I hadn't even seen that Maoism-Third Worldism already got mentioned by the time I finished typing this.