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Revolutionaries don't come from the poor. They come from the upper-middle+ class, because they have the time/money to actually waste their time on that shit.

He was always ahead after the conventions if you ignored Karl Rove math polls.

And when have these revolutionaries they admire ever actually radically increased the global poors lot?

Global capitalism has done a hell of a lot more. They poo-poo the people who actually have, those who support welfare capitalism
I think Bernie sanders's twitter is a bot. Seriously

@BernieSanders 6m6 minutes ago
We need to end the international scandal in which large corporations avoid paying trillions in taxes to their national governments.

Its not morred to anything but the same 5 talking points


"Most politicized justice department ever" lol.

Dude didn't fire US Attorneys for political reasons and let the FBI literally just shit all over clinton this morning.

I'm always amazed how the GOP got away with the Bush era Justice department not being a bigger stain on his legacy

Yeah. This shit won't be over until clinton leaves office. She won't be able to fart without the GOP calling an investigation on whether she releases and illegal amount of methane into the environment.


It's over, and she is the nominee. He gets if Bernie supporters want to try and keep fighting, but they have to realize it's over and that the two choices are Hilary and Trump. He says there are other options to vote, but the two major parties candidates are decided. She's the democratic nominee, but the revolution lives on.

Edit: Guy looks absolutely crushed.

Cenk did say about a month ago that he'd be voting for Hillary. I'm sure he's disappointed today but, like most Sanders supporters, he realized a while ago that she'd be the nominee. It's only been a few rabid holdouts.
@JHWeissmann 1m1 minute ago Brooklyn, NY
2. What we got today was the FBI's view of its evidence. We have no idea how the case would look once a defense attorney was done with it.

Good point. We got a prosecute to slam a potential defendant without her being able to refute anything


just tuned in

what the fuck is he doing

you have been given a golden fucking ticket and you're talking about random shit

He's a smart idiot. I'm sure Obama pissed him off. Obama went at him. And we know how Trump acts when that happens.

He's absolutely stupid to go after Obama.


Trump openly talking about how easy phone interviews are. Jesus, dude. The King of Trolls.

Maybe this will wake the last ones up and stop doing them.
h o l y s h i t

I am fucking shocked, I am dumb struck.

The dude has such a huge fucking ego that he literally can't stay on topic and slam Clinton on the the easiest shit, he has to talk about himself and his TV shows or how brave he is.


h o l y s h i t

I am fucking shocked, I am dumb struck.

The dude has such a huge fucking ego that he literally can't stay on topic and slam Clinton on the the easiest shit, he has to talk about himself and his TV shows or how brave he is.

He can't help himself and it's damn near why I feel this Clinton stuff today isn't going to go further than next week.

She was smart to stump with Obama today. Now Trump is all out of wack. He could have literally made some headway had he stayed on this Clinton/email/FBI thing. But he can't help but to make it all about himself.


just tuned in

what the fuck is he doing

you have been given a golden fucking ticket and you're talking about random shit

Trump turns gold into shit. He did it with Orlando and he's doing it today. The man is utterly incapable of being a smart politician and he's going to lose bad this year. He was literally gifted a terrorist attack and the email thing in a month, and managed to do nothing.
I bet the Clinton campaign is having massive sex orgies due to the pure excitement and shock at what they are seeing

8 hours after Clinton was slammed and he's talking about Iraq, his hair, his TV show, his chopper


Honestly, Trump looks more pissed than usual today. I think Obama really pisses him off.

It makes sense given the reason he got into politics in the first place, but it seems most of us thought Hillary/Warren would piss him off more. Watch him find some way to drop an n-bomb.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Trump doesn't really have to attack her...the party mechanics will. Comey did. I mean Rubio was pretty effective and no one even cares what he thinks. But yeah trump is weird.


I bet the Clinton campaign is having massive sex orgies due to the pure excitement and shock at what they are seeing

8 hours after Clinton was slammed and he's talking about Iraq, his hair, his TV show, his chopper

Live images from right now.


reading stuff like this shows IMO the leftists don't care about the poor, they care about "their poor" (which aren't that poor and instead are well-off but have missed the major gains of the last 20 years) and revenge on the elite. They'd let the third world burn if it ment the global 5% could screw over the global .01%

Aren't many leftist mostly uninterested in events that aren't their country? I figure many are anti-globalism and in American's case prefer for the nation to basically stay out of everything that has nothing to do with inside the country. I don't see many wanting the country to take on humanitarian approach. I think many sides of the spectrum are more or less isolationist for different reasons.


Clinton expands lead over Trump to 13 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton widened her lead over likely Republican nominee Donald Trump to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.

The July 1-5 poll included responses gathered mostly over the holiday weekend, before the Federal Bureau of Investigation recommended on Tuesday that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton over her use of private email servers and what it called her "extremely careless" handling of classified information while she was U.S. secretary of state.

The presumptive Democratic nominee led Trump, a New York businessman, by 9 percentage points in a previous Reuters/Ipsos poll that ran from June 27 to July 1.

Tuesday's poll showed that 46 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, while 33 percent backed Trump. Twenty-two percent said they would not support either candidate for the Nov. 8 election.


This is where we're at in this election style. Lying to praise Hussein...

Maggie HabermanVerified account
Trump praising Saddam Hussein, claiming he killed terrorists. In fact, Hussein was considered a terrorist sponsor, one who killed Israelis
Holy shit i just realized that entire tangent happened because he said the FBI statement today showed the system was rigged, remembered the primaries, then went off on a tangent about how great he is at overcoming tough odds. Hes literally just saying whatever comes to mind and has no plan


This guy is legit incredible. How does this person exist? How are we getting to experience this?

Natural progression of the tea party and the burgeoning confidence of racists and xenophobic individuals who finally found their king to say what they feel.
Trump has a total open door to wreck Clinton for the extremely nasty stuff out of the FBI investigation today, and instead of that he's going on about the entirely invented bullshit that we have no evidence actually happened. And that's before the conspiracy bullshit. Christ.

Fuck, just take a win where you can, man. You could, gasp, be REASONABLY screaming about her fucking up so badly. But no. Still the insane shit.


Just dropped in to say I'm unfortunately watching this fiasco of a speech by Trump. Good God man. You were handed talking points on a silver platter and you spend all this time rambling about nonsense. I'm flabbergasted at this absolute stupidity.
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