The first results are in for DC:
Bernie Sanders - 108 votes (50%)
Hillary Clinton - 72 votes (33.3%)
Rocky De La Fuente - 36 votes (16.7%)
Everybody panic!
he's down 80-18 fyi
Of course they made a mistake. The candidates had 36, 36*2, and 36*3 votes!
Of course they made a mistake. The candidates had 36, 36*2, and 36*3 votes!
DC is in the south
That's a shame. It'd be hilarious for him to have wasted an afternoon in Texas.Irving, TX canceled a Trump rally because they were not given proper notice to ensure security.
There. Are. No. More. Primaries. Holy crap. WE MADE IT! Yet Bernie still refuses to concede. What a dick.
That's a shame. It'd be hilarious for him to have wasted an afternoon in Texas.
I just want to say that what happened at that bar is the reason I'm still in the closet. Rick Scott refusing to acknowledge that I am a target is the reason I'm still in the closet. Donald Trump not even mentioning that this was an attack on homosexuals is the reason I'm still in the closet.
Sorry Kristoffer.I just want to say that what happened at that bar is the reason I'm still in the closet. Rick Scott refusing to acknowledge that I am a target is the reason I'm still in the closet. Donald Trump not even mentioning that this was an attack on homosexuals is the reason I'm still in the closet.
I thought Trump had tried to appeal to LGBT voters in a very Trumpian way attacking Clinton for hypocrisy about saying she's an LGBT ally and yet wants to let Muslims in to oppress them (while being a hypocrite about his own intent to oppress LGBT).
Are either Clinton or Sour Sanders holding events today?
I thought Trump had tried to appeal to LGBT voters in a very Trumpian way attacking Clinton for hypocrisy about saying she's an LGBT ally and yet wants to let Muslims in to oppress them (while being a hypocrite about his own intent to oppress LGBT).
Are either Clinton or Sour Sanders holding events today?
Washington Fraud. C. All up in here
Delegates be flipping in California, ya'll.
The first results are in for DC:
Bernie Sanders - 108 votes (50%)
Hillary Clinton - 72 votes (33.3%)
Rocky De La Fuente - 36 votes (16.7%)
Everybody panic!
An amazing thing happened—again—following Hillary Clinton’s second major address in the last week targeting Donald Trump’s unfitness to serve as president. After her latest speech, an ardently progressive oration on reproductive freedoms delivered as the keynote speaker to a Planned Parenthood conference—in which she called for increased government funding for Planned Parenthood and expanded access to abortion care—all that Republicans could muster up in response was a single paragraph of boilerplate from the RNC that didn’t even mention the GOP's own nominee—and that the committee didn’t even bother to tweet out. If there was a coordinated response to push back against Clinton’s general election kickoff (which was carried live by cable news networks), it bordered on the invisible.
And yet, remarkably, that was more than Republicans managed after Clinton’s devastating declamation in San Diego a week earlier, in which she eviscerated Trump on foreign policy and reminded the media and voters alike just how perfectly suited she is prosecute the case against this clownish, gilt-plated grifter who hijacked a quiescent Republican Party and now threatens the world’s safety. After that speech, the RNC said nothing at all. The only press release it issued was sent out before Clinton even spoke. Following her talk came only dead silence from the Republicans.
What could possibly account for this? Is the RNC criminally incompetent? That diagnosis can never be ruled out. But even the most incapable party organization ought to be able to put together some kind of rapid response after its long-feared opponent bloodies its nominee so thoroughly and publicly. And this reticence goes far beyond the RNC: The entire GOP establishment seems to prefer attacking Trump to Clinton these days, and said hardly a thing about the former secretary of state’s speeches. So could there be another explanation?
PoliGAF |OT| Actually, the superdelegates don't vote until the convention
Daily Kos talks about weird it is that Clinton's speeches and assaults on Drumpf are basically going unanswered by the GOP. She gives a big speech at Planned Parenthood and we hear nothing from them. They say it's because they secretly want her to win, but to me it just seems like plain old incompetence.
Oh god, Alex Jones is doing an AMA on /r/thedonald
Hello PoliGAF:
Ive lurked the forums for literally years and finally got an account. Over the years I have learned a lot from PoliGaf: Modern Monetary Theory, reading the cross-tabs in polls, the rhetorical use of Drag Race gifs. Above all, I have come to really appreciate a forum full of thoughtful, knowledgable members where no one calls each other cuck. So I finally joined. I live in Kentucky, and got the chance to shake Hillarys hand a few weeks ago. I had a chance to ask Huma for a selfie but chickened out because she was talking on her bluetooth and it wouldve been too weird. I also worked on the Obama campaign in an east coast state in 08. My favorite political books are probably Master of the Senate and Rick Perlsteins Before the Storm.
Also I like video games. A list of lifetime sentimental favorites would include Kings Quest 1&2, Blaster Master, Punch Out, SMB3, Sid Meiers Pirates!, Master of Orion, Herzog Zwei, Ghouls N Ghosts, Revenge of Shinobi, Tie Fighter, Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye, Shadow of the Colossus; and more recently, Bloodborne, TLoU, and open-world games like Witcher 3, RDR, and GTA5.
Anyway, glad to be here. I shall do my best to enter purse-first, so heres a Vic Berger video of Trump humping the flag:
Daily Kos talks about weird it is that Clinton's speeches and assaults on Trump are basically going unanswered by the GOP. She gives a big speech at Planned Parenthood and we hear nothing from them. They say it's because they secretly want her to win, but to me it just seems like plain old incompetence. Hope Hicks is hopelessly outmatched and outgunned here.
No more votes till November =( Briggs, Sanders' spokesman, said Sanders will speak via live video "directly to grassroots supporters from Burlington (Vt.) on Thursday night about how the revolution continues."
"I expect that he will be a candidate through the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, as he has said before," Briggs said.
Hello PoliGAF:
Ive lurked the forums for literally years and finally got an account. Over the years I have learned a lot from PoliGaf: Modern Monetary Theory, reading the cross-tabs in polls, the rhetorical use of Drag Race gifs. Above all, I have come to really appreciate a forum full of thoughtful, knowledgable members where no one calls each other cuck. So I finally joined. I live in Kentucky, and got the chance to shake Hillarys hand a few weeks ago. I had a chance to ask Huma for a selfie but chickened out because she was talking on her bluetooth and it wouldve been too weird. I also worked on the Obama campaign in an east coast state in 08. My favorite political books are probably Master of the Senate and Rick Perlsteins Before the Storm.
Also I like video games. A list of lifetime sentimental favorites would include Kings Quest 1&2, Blaster Master, Punch Out, SMB3, Sid Meiers Pirates!, Master of Orion, Herzog Zwei, Ghouls N Ghosts, Revenge of Shinobi, Tie Fighter, Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye, Shadow of the Colossus; and more recently, Bloodborne, TLoU, and open-world games like Witcher 3, RDR, and GTA5.
Anyway, glad to be here. I shall do my best to enter purse-first, so heres a Vic Berger video of Trump humping the flag:
Oh for fuck's sake. If he's staying in as a candidate then why is he doing it via a live feed?
It is.DC is in the south
You're an establishment shill now. Congrats. Your checks from Correct the Record may take 7-10 days to come through. We can't email you about them because we're not allowed to use email anymore.![]()
No more votes till November =(