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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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He won;t. The dem candidate will beat him easily if he gets past the primary stage.
He'd probably be more formidable than any of the other candidates, but ultimately I believe Murphy would prevail.

Grayson? Fat fucking chance. I don't know if I'd even vote in that election. Good thing I'm from Minnesota and all our Democrats are great.
Jesus Christ. Go fuck yourself Bernie. I'm so fucking sick of this shit.
Y'know, even a week ago, I probably would have had this exact same reaction if I heard about him still doing this. But now... I just don't really care, and if anything am only just slightly sad but more or less have come around to Stump's position of this not really mattering at this point and feeling that he can just do what he wants and get it out of his system now due to that.

I mean, I definitely understand not wanting to take any chances at all when it comes to Trump, but Clinton's latest polls have proven to be very favorable already even without Sanders dropping out and endorsing her. And most Sanders supporters have proven themselves to indeed understand all that's at stake at this election and come over to support Hillary, if only begrudgingly but supporting her nonetheless, and more seem to do that by the day now that the primary's over. The few that haven't or refuse to do so will likely continue to hold that position regardless of what Sanders himself says or does, which is definitely frustrating but since they really do seem to be few at this point really doesn't matter.

Thus, all Sanders continuing to stay in the race does, if he indeed does not drop out on Thursday, is just further reduce his leverage each and every day he does as most people seem to be moving on without him anyway and the few faithful he has left were never going to vote for Clinton regardless of what he says or does. So if anything... it's kinda sad and frustrating, yes, but at the same time if he really wants to keep on fighting, that only weakens his position to make demands at the Convention further and further, making it easier and easier to ignore him and his demands if he indeed does try and take anything that far and just completely shut him out at that point because at the rate things are going he will have nothing left to fight with at the convention anyway.

If anything, to me, it really is kinda sad because he definitely did have a large movement behind him at one point, but he himself seems to have squandered that. Like, he could have tried mobilizing them for downticket races and stuff... but beyond some token gestures when the Hillary camp started calling him on his lack of downticket support, he didn't really make much actual noise about that at all and thus the few candidates that he did endorse failed their primaries because Sanders chose to just give the same stump speech wherever he went instead of actually putting in some serious effort to trying to get those people elected. And it seems to be the same situation now: he's just refused to give his supporters anything to do but listen to the same stump speech over and over and try to get him elected, and now that the primary's over and that's no longer possible and he continues to beat that same horse anyway... they just move on without him, and his "revolution" gets smaller and smaller and smaller by the day, as evidenced by both the declining population and activity of r/s4p and how many of them have jumped aboard to support Hillary already.

And really, I do have to say that is kind of sad, because he quite easily could have done so much more with that support he had and he definitely could have tried leveraging it to get some of the change he wanted accomplished, but he just let that slip away instead and thus the longer he draws this out the less leverage he has for the Convention and stuff as well. He really has no one to blame for that but himself.

And that's why, even though just a week ago I probably would have felt the same as you because I don't want to take any chances with Trump at all and don't want Sanders pulling any games that could even slightly affect November at all, at this point I just can't really bring myself to feel anything about him or what he decides or do, because I just don't see the point to. This race is clearly moving forward, with him, or without him. It's up to him what he wants to do with that information and whether he wants to jump aboard himself or keep fighting, but either way I can't see what he really decides ultimately mattering too much one way or the other because he's already dragged things on too long and thus people have moved on without him, so I just can't really bring myself to care (which is really kinda freeing, honestly and it's nice not having to worry about him or what he does anymore).
I'm watching MSNBC and Steve Kornaki doesn't seem to understand how Florida works.

He seems to think a sign that says "Do not swim in the water. Dangerous" isn't sufficient warning that there could be alligators in the water?

It's Florida, brah. Come on.
I kind of take the opposite view. Domestic violence is worse than assault, that's why it's separated. We could call it "assault on a family member," I guess.

Yeah, what I mainly object to is the use of 'domestic.' The implication is that it's between the people in the home, and that often just means cops avoid dealing with it at all. The common use term of "domestic disturbance" also tends to minimize the situation. We generally have a holdover from our "wives belong to husbands" phase that means we just don't bother in helping between those parties.
So uh Gawker just leaked the DNC's hacked Trump opposition file

I'm torn here. On one hand, it's a bit of a public service to release stuff like this. On the other hand, it would have also been a public service to NOT release it and then post it the day after the election for humor purposes. On the other other hand it's still stolen data. On a fourth hand, I'm not sure why you'd hand this out to Trump. On a mutated fifth hand I understand that it really won't make a difference but am frustrated that it was posted to be clickbait. Are campaigns not allowed to have any secrets? Would they have leaked the stuff Sanders got out of the DNC computers?

This is from 6 months ago, too! Clinton research! 211 pages, which is apparently 211 more pages of research than any of the GOP candidates did on Trump. So hey, we've all been right that Democrats have been sitting on a gigantic freaking pile of content to use against Trump for quite some time.

Will read the whole thing later today.
This list of "Best presidents" gets fucking nuts almost instantly.


Andrew Jackson was a white nationalist who committed genocide in the name of expanding slavery and then caused a massive recession. How is he ranked as one of the best presidents ever?

Woodrow Wilson was extremely favorable to the Klan and entered the U.S. into a pointless war that killed over 100k from war alone and brought a disease to America that killed nearly 700k!

JFK is nearly in the top ten also despite being pretty bad too.

James K. Polk is only notable for going and stealing a bunch of land....

... Is the History profession full of Alt-Right dudes or something?


He won;t. The dem candidate will beat him easily if he gets past the primary stage.

Yeah, you have far more faith in the FL electorate than I do living here.

Ultimately I think Murphy would win in a close one, but Grayson gets slaughtered if he somehow gets the nom.
Ask the gays

This has generated a lot of entertaining twitter responses.

I asked the gays.



remember me
Maggie Haberman
Maggie Haberman – Verified account ‏@maggieNYT

"Everntually, it's not going to survive, just so you understand," Trump says of the United States.


Maggie Haberman
Maggie Haberman – Verified account ‏@maggieNYT

"Everntually, it's not going to survive, just so you understand," Trump says of the United States.

Is he trying to hurt his chances of winning the election even more with a statement like that.
JFK is nearly in the top ten also despite being pretty bad too.
Wholeheartedly disgree. He was sensitive to the plight of civil rights and wasn't a racist shitlord which puts him into the top ten by itself in my eyes. He was a magnificent orator and spoke movingly for why catholicism, nor any religion should be an impediment to a presidential candidate, tearing down barriers and paving the way for future candidates opposite of the norm (black, female). He inherited a stolid economy from eisenhower and by the time of his death it was booming again. Bay of Pigs was a ticking time bomb left to him from eisenhower and pushed upon him by overzealous generals and the CIA. He handled the cuban missile crisis with tact and moderation, preventing nuclear warfare and countless deaths. He established the peace corps and inspired millions of americans to be the change the wanted to see in the world through his Iconic line asking what they could do for their country. It was on his bold intiiative that America pushed itself to greater heights and put a man on the moon. It was his death along with Johnson's congressional mastery that brought us the civil rights act of 1964.

Kennedy pretty bad? Nah son

reagan above kennedy makes me want to punch a hole through some1's chest


The Autumn Wind
Trump trying to jump on the #NoFlyNoBuy bandwagon? Lol. Welcome to the cause as queenie says, but seriously Don, you're a spineless troll no matter what and you're only doing this because you are worried about your Presidential aspirations after your latest fuck up.
More funny to me is Trump saying he's meeting with the NRA about it. Sounds like he's asking permission. So much for not being beholden to special interests.

I half expected this came from the DNC themselves.

This is a blueprint for the media to dig up stories. I don't think this is bad at all.
I skimmed through it and had the same thought. Seems like a good thing.


This list of "Best presidents" gets fucking nuts almost instantly.


Andrew Jackson was a white nationalist who committed genocide in the name of expanding slavery and then caused a massive recession. How is he ranked as one of the best presidents ever?

Woodrow Wilson was extremely favorable to the Klan and entered the U.S. into a pointless war that killed over 100k from war alone and brought a disease to America that killed nearly 700k!

JFK is nearly in the top ten also despite being pretty bad too.

James K. Polk is only notable for going and stealing a bunch of land....

... Is the History profession full of Alt-Right dudes or something?

What is Alt-Right and why do I keep seeing people say it?


FGC Waterboy
If I could only choose one gun law to pass, it would be this. I think it is the simplest, most feasible way to do the most good.

You are banned from owning guns if you have been convicted of DV or have a restraining order due to DV charges already. You could broaden the statutes to include kids and such, but basics already exist.

So uh Gawker just leaked the DNC's hacked Trump opposition file


I'm more worried about the financial stuff and the Clinton emails to be honest.


But how is his cyber?

Its amazing how often Trump says, "from what I hear" or "people are saying."

"the rumblings on Twitter say..."

There is a legitimate case that he has early onset Alzheimer's. The guy is mentally unstable.

Yeah when I suggest it I'm not joking.

He cannot have access to our nuclear codes. Jesus christ

Trump comes out in favor of the gold standard, because why not be the worst presidential candidate in U.S. history and go down as a legend?


HUELEN10 is going to be so happy!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This list of "Best presidents" gets fucking nuts almost instantly.


Andrew Jackson was a white nationalist who committed genocide in the name of expanding slavery and then caused a massive recession. How is he ranked as one of the best presidents ever?

Woodrow Wilson was extremely favorable to the Klan and entered the U.S. into a pointless war that killed over 100k from war alone and brought a disease to America that killed nearly 700k!

JFK is nearly in the top ten also despite being pretty bad too.

James K. Polk is only notable for going and stealing a bunch of land....

... Is the History profession full of Alt-Right dudes or something?

At least 2 and 3 are legit:
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt


So I see the word "cuck" used by Trump-ish twitter accounts and I finally looked up what it means. Apparently means "anti-white white person"


Why is this a thing
The purported hacker writes “it was easy, very easy” to hack and extract thousands of files from the DNC network, “the main part” of which he or she claims are in the custody of Wikileaks

This is that assange quote from yesterday


FGC Waterboy
what clinton emails. those have been released

Per the gawker report, apparently the hacker is in possession of more modern Clinton emails than when she was SoS.

Edit: reread and its secret docs, not emails necessarily. Still that worries me more.

At least 2 and 3 are legit:
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt

Heh, I think last time I checked there were more openly Marxist history professors than conservative professors. Remember that they actually take context and norms at the time into account, as well as looking at the job as a whole as opposed to comparing them to 2016 norms.
If ya'll have a chance to help make sure an older person gets to the polls this November? DO IT.

My neighbor turns 94 tomorrow. She marched with Dr. King. Her and her family escaped Alabama and the KKK in the middle of the night. Her grandmother was born a slave. She's voted in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION since she was eligible.

I had her over for lunch/dinner for her birthday. She's amazing. The stories she has are just insane. She's lived and seen more things than I could ever imagine. She's lived to see a black man as President and, Lord willing, she's going to see a woman elected too.

It's just...amazing.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Per the gawker report, apparently the hacker is in possession of more modern Clinton emails than when she was SoS.

Heh, I think last time I checked there were more openly Marxist history professors than conservative professors. Remember that they actually take context and norms at the time into account, as well as looking at the job as a whole as opposed to comparing them to 2016 norms.

I like looking at past presidents under 2 lenses.

1.) How was the country after their term versus before.
2.) Foreign Policy and actions.

From a purely #1 perspective it's hard to beat Ted (National Parks) and Frank (The New Deal).

In some ways, Theodore Roosevelt's accomplishment was the most forward thinking and unprompted. FDR had the Depression to use as leverage to push for change.

Hillary hopefully will start spending money in Pennsylvania and Arizona to help McGinty and Fitzpatrick, but no Pennsylvania or Arizona ads in the first round.


I hope they spend a larger percentage on down ticket this election, as I don't think Clinton will need much help.

If ya'll have a chance to help make sure an older person gets to the polls this November? DO IT.

My neighbor turns 94 tomorrow. She marched with Dr. King. Her and her family escaped Alabama and the KKK in the middle of the night. Her grandmother was born a slave. She's voted in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION since she was eligible.

I had her over for lunch/dinner for her birthday. She's amazing. The stories she has are just insane. She's lived and seen more things than I could ever imagine. She's lived to see a black man as President and, Lord willing, she's going to see a woman elected too.

It's just...amazing.

Yep, I gotta get in contact with the local office. Being in FL I can help like few others on the forum with getting old people voters to the polls :)
I'll also see if I can help get them absentee ballots, since it's so easy here to do so.
Hillary hopefully will start spending money in Pennsylvania and Arizona to help McGinty and Fitzpatrick, but no Pennsylvania or Arizona ads in the first round.


They're also buying in NC.


The size of the Clinton battleground state ad buy is $7M and counting. And it now includes another state -- NC


FGC Waterboy
I like looking at past presidents under 2 lenses.

1.) How was the country after their term versus before.
2.) Foreign Policy and actions.

From a purely #1 perspective it's hard to beat Ted (National Parks) and Frank (The New Deal).

In some ways, Theodore Roosevelt's accomplishment was the most forward thinking and unprompted. FDR had the Depression to use as leverage to push for change.

The 538 article actually goes into the "lots of the top 10 presidents could be seen as bad people" bit near the end too. I don't know enough about American history in its entirety to make a top 10 list tbh.
Hillary hopefully will start spending money in Pennsylvania and Arizona to help McGinty and Fitzpatrick, but no Pennsylvania or Arizona ads in the first round.

The usual suspects then.

Iirc these were considered the seven swing states in 2012 too. While I too dream of flipping AZ, GA etc. it's best to lock these down first. The fact that they're already playing in NC and don't seem to consider MI, WI, PA etc. that high of a priority is encouraging as well.
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